Image:  Bed , 2016

Image: Bed, 2016


Erin Dickson & Jeffrey Sarmiento

workshop: print mash-up

Date: 19–22 February, 2019
Venue: Kathryn Wightman Studio (Kai Iwi), Whanganui
Group size: 6 minimum, 10 maximum
Price: NZ$ 980 (inc GST)

3D printing meets printed images, meets moulds. In this workshop students learn how to modify open source files, how to prepare them for 3D printing as well as how to print them using a 3D printer. Participants can expect to leave with at least one small 3D printed form and a number of files ready for printing at a later date. Alongside this students will learn how to create printed images on and with glass and consider the possibilities of embedding the printed images in a cast form. Moulds will be developed from the 3D printed forms in preparation for casting. Students need to come with their own laptop computer.