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LGBTQI+ Multidisciplinary Research Conference

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3rd annual LGBTQI+ Multidisciplinary Research Conference

Bringing together scholars, researchers, and activists to present and discuss their work related to the LGBTQI+ community.

The event aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration, and create a platform for sharing innovative research ideas and findings. The theme for this year's conference is "Queer Joy," which seeks to explore the ways in which joy, pleasure, and positivity are experienced, expressed, and resisted within the LGBTQI+ community. The theme encourages participants to critically engage with the dominant narratives of suffering, trauma, and victimisation, and instead, highlight the resilience, creativity, and pleasure of queer experiences. The event provides an excellent opportunity for participants to learn from experts in the field, exchange ideas and perspectives, and build networks with other scholars and activists.

The Third Annual LGBTQI+ Multidisciplinary Research Conference will not only be a significant event for advancing scholarship on LGBTQI+ issues and promoting social justice for the community, but it will also undoubtedly be a celebration of the diverse and vibrant experiences of queer individuals.