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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Africano, Beatriz Elena (2013) Decision-Usefulness of Accounting Information to Equity Investors of Firms Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange: an Empirical Investigation. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Ahmed, Tanveer, Kabir, Sarkar, Aziz, Aqsa and Alhassan, Yahaya (2023) Prospects for Islamic Home Finance in the UK: An Assessment with Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling. Sustainability, 15 (5). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2071-1050

Alhassan, Yahaya (2024) Microfinance, Financial Innovation, and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Economics. IGI Global. ISBN 9798369366226 (In Press)

Alhassan, Yahaya and Hua, Jin (2022) Reducing Poverty through Microfinance in Developing Economies: Critical Perspectives from Literature. In: Transforming Economies Through Microfinance in Developing Nations. IGI Global. (Submitted)

Alhassan, Yahaya, Kuagbela, Francis, Nurokina, Caesar and Appiah, Bernard (2021) The Role of Microfinance in Africa: A Review of Outcomes from Ghana and Nigeria. In: Microfinance and Sustainable Development in Africa. IGI Global Publishing. ISBN 9781799874997 (In Press)

Alhassan, Yahaya and Nwagbara, Uzoechi (2021) Microfinance and Sustainable Development in Africa. IGI Global Publishing. ISBN 9781799874997

Alhassan, Yahaya and Nwagbara, Uzoechi (2022) Transforming Economies Through Microfinance in Developing Nations. IGI Global. ISBN 9781668456477 (In Press)

Alhassan, Yahaya, Nwagbara, Uzoechi and Salia, Samuel (2021) Analysis of Factors that affect the use of Microfinance for Microbusiness Development in Ghana. In: Microfinance and Sustainable Development in Africa. IGI Global Publishing. ISBN 9781799874997

Alhassan, Yahaya, Paul, Geoff, Salia, Samuel and Nwagbara, Uzoechi (2022) Transforming local economies through microfinance in rural Ghana. Evidence from a review of existing literature. In: Transforming Economies Through Microfinance in Developing Nations. IGI Global. (Submitted)

Alhassan, Yahaya, Salia, Samuel and Uzoechi, Nwagbara (2022) Microfinance impact on microbusiness development in Africa: evidence from a control group experiment in Ghana. In: Microfinance and Sustainable Development in Africa. IGI Global Publishing. ISBN 9781799874997

Alhassan, Yahaya and Uzoechi, Nwagbara (2023) Empowering Women Through Microfinance in Developing Countries. IGI Global Publishing, Pennsylvania. ISBN 9781668489796


Ben-Hamed, Usama, Seddighi, Hamid and Thomas, Keith (2011) Economic returns of using brewery's spent grain in animal feed. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (74). pp. 701-705. ISSN 2010-376x


Hannam, Kevin (2009) Ayurvedic health tourism in Kerala, India. Elsevier, USA. ISBN 0750683430

Hannam, Kevin (2010) Backpacker Tourism: An overview and introduction. In: Keynote presentation to the Backpacker Research Group Conference, Hermanus, South Africa.

Hannam, Kevin (2010) Backpacker Tourists, Mobilities and Cultural Tourism. In: Paper presented to the Research Seminar Series, Universite de Bruxulles, Belgium.

Hannam, Kevin (2008) Beyond Harry Potter: Evaluating Knowledge Transfer at Alnwick Garden. In: Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Association of Tourism in Higher Education, Canterbury, UK.

Hannam, Kevin (2009) The End of Tourism? Nomadology and the Mobilities Pardigm. Channel View Publications, Clevedon. ISBN 1845410963

Hannam, Kevin (2010) Environmental Security and Tourism: Geopolitics and the BP Gulf Coast Oil Disaster. In: Paper presented to the Dealing with Disasters International Conference.

Hannam, Kevin (2010) A Post-Disciplinary Approach to Researching Sport: The emerging Mobilities paradigm. In: Paper presented to the World Leisure Congress, Chuncheon, South Korea.

Hannam, Kevin (2009) Publishing Tourism Geography Research. In: Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, USA.

Hannam, Kevin (2009) Tourism geographies, Tourist Studies and the turn towards Mobilities. Geography Compass, 2 (1). pp. 127-139.

Hannam, Kevin and Al-Saleh, Sameera (2009) Heritage, shopping and domestic tourism in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In: Paper presented at the Tourism and Transformations Conference, Amman, Jordan.

Hannam, Kevin and Al-Saleh, Sameera (2010) Tourism Shopping in Jeddah: Female Domestic Tourist's Experiences. Pending Details, TBA, pp. 253-264. ISBN 9781849509206

Hannam, Kevin and Ateljevic, Irena (2008) Backpacker Tourism: Concepts and Profiles. Channel View Publications, Clevedon. ISBN 9781845410780

Hannam, Kevin and Diekmann, Anya (2010) Beyond Backpacker Tourism: Mobilities and experiences. Channel View Publications, Clevedon. ISBN 9781845411305

Hannam, Kevin and Diekmann, Anya (2010) Consuming Abjection: Experiencing Slum Tours in Mumbai. In: Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Washington DC, USA.

Hannam, Kevin and Diekmann, Anya (2011) Tourism and India. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415557290

Hannam, Kevin and Johnson, James (2009) Embodying Backpacker Train Travel Experiences in Eastern Europe. In: Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, USA.

Hannam, Kevin and Knox, Dan (2010) Understanding Tourism: A critical introduction. Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781412922784


Maxwell, Andrew, Eichhorn, Michael, Seddighi, Hamid and Smith, Peter (2012) 360 degree Internal Auditing: A complimentary approach to strengthen the effectiveness of Internal Audit functions? Audit and Risk. ISSN 2048-8408

Mitsche, Nicole, Cooper, Ian, Lombardi, Patrizia, Ciaffi, Daniela and Vogt, Franziska (2009) Intangibles - Enhancing Access to Cities' Cultural Heritage through Interpretation. In: Sharing Cultures 2009 - International Conference on Intangible Heritage, 29 May - 1 Jun 2009, Pico Island, Portugal.

Mitsche, Nicole, Vogt, Franziska, Knox, Dan, Paskaleva, Krassimira, Lombardi, Patrizia and Ciaffi, Daniela (2009) Interpretative Strategies for the Cities of Amsterdam, Leipzig and Genoa. Pending Details, TBA.

Mitsche, Nicole, Vogt, Franziska, Knox, Dan, Paskaleva, Krassimira, Lombardi, Patrizia and Ciaffi, Daniela (2008) Interpretative Strategies for the Cities of Amsterdam, Leipzig and Genoa. Project Report. ISAAC Project.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2020) Banking Union, Fiscal Union and Political Union as Pathways to Complete and Sustainable Monetary Integration of Africa. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2019) Does money matter in the WAMZ? ARDL bounds tests for money neutrality and superneutrality towards monetary integration. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Management Innovation and Development, 3 (2). pp. 114-140. ISSN 2516-3051

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017) Empirical Assessment of Exchange Market Pressure within the West African Monetary Zone. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017) Evaluation of Macroeconomic Indicators and Dynamics for Monetary Integration of West Africa: The Case of the WAMZ. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2015) Fiscal Cyclicality in the Anglophone West Africa and Guinea: Panel Data Assessments of Contemporaneous and Lagged Fiscal Rules. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2010) Fisher Effect and the Relationship between Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation: The Case of Nigeria. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2019) Inflation Deviations Assessments of OCA Properties in the WAMZ. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2018) International Parity Validity Tests for Monetary Integration of ‘Ecozone’: Implications for Monetary Models of Exchange Rate Determination. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Management Innovation and Development, 3 (1). pp. 97-131. ISSN 2516-3051

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2023) Long Run Money Superneutrality Evaluation of the Relevance of Money in Africa: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017) Monetary Integration Tests for the OCA’s Business Cycles Synchronicity Criteria in the WAMZ. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2018) Monetary Models Evaluation of Exchange Rate Determination in the Non-WAEMU Anglophone West Africa and Guinea. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017) Monetary Reactions in the West African Monetary Zone: Evaluation of Homogeneity and Expected Loss of Monetary Independence. In: 2017 Conference of the Centre for Studies of African Economies, University of Oxford, Oxford, 19-21 March 2017, University of Oxford, Oxford, United kingdom.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017) Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions and Tests for Monetary Dominance in the West African Monetary Zone. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2023) Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions in Africa: Fiscal Dominance or Monetary Dominance? Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2015) Policy Rule-based Stress Tests of Monetary Integration and Single Monetary Policy in the West African Monetary Zone. In: 2016 Conference of the Centre for Studies of African Economies, University of Oxford, Oxford., 20-22 March 2016, University of Oxford, Oxford, United kingdom.

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2018) Probit Modelling and Evaluation of Banking Sector Fragility within the West African Monetary Zone. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2015) Review of Architectural Flaws of the EMU: What Eurozone Crisis Lessons for the Proposed ‘Afrozone’? Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde (2017) Tests for Fiscal Dominance in the Anglophone West Africa and Guinea: A Quantile Regression Approach. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Mogaji, Peter Kehinde and Olasehinde, Olabisi David (2022) Incorporation of Banking Union, Fiscal Union and Political Union into African Monetary Integration: A Necessity for Completeness and Sustainability. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Management Innovation and Development, 6 (1). pp. 41-62. ISSN 2516-3051

Mogaji, Peter Kehnde (2018) Some Stylised Facts for the Economies of Anglophone West Africa and Guinea. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Molyneux, Philip, Goddard, John and Zhou, Tim (2011) Bank mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets: evidence from Asia and Latin America. The European Journal of Finance. ISSN 1351-847X

Molyneux, Philip, Schaeck, Klaus and Zhou, Tim Too Systemically Important To Fail in Banking. Journal of Money Credit Banking. (Submitted)

maruthuvellu, Sree Gayithri, Salamzadeh, Yashar and Richardson, Christopher (2022) Digital Leadership Competencies in the Malaysian Context: A Study in Manager Levels. In: Handbook of Research on Developing Circular, Digital, and Green Economies in Asia. IGI Global, pp. 13-41.


Nwagbara, Uzoechi, Alhassan, Yahaya, Ibeawuchi, Ngozi and Stewart, Jacyntha (2024) CSR Disclosure, Motivation for Disclosure and Who Matters to the Firm: Prospecting for Normative Oraganisational Practice. In: Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Developing and Emerging Economies: Institutional, Governance and Regulatory Issues. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer Cham, Switzerland, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-031-61975-5 (In Press)

Nwagbara, Uzoechi, Alhassan, Yahaya, Ibeawuchi, Ngozi and Stewart, Jacyntha (2024) Corrupt Regulatory Institutions and Microfinance Development in Developing Economies: Contextualising Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. In: Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Developing and Emerging Economies: Institutional, Governance and Regulatory Issues. Springer, Switzerland. (In Press)


Odularu, Gbadebo Olusegun Abidemi (2013) An economic development strategy for West Africa: lessons and policy directions. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.


Perlegkas, Paraskevas, Sofianopoulou, Stella and Psychoyios, Dimitris (2014) Financial and environmental efficiency evaluation of the Greek banking sector. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 4 (4). pp. 424-436. ISSN 1460-6739


Salia, Samuel, Hussain, Javed G., Alhassan, Yahaya and Ibrahim, Masud (2021) The impact of entrepreneurship framework and behaviour on Diaspora remittance: an African perspective. In: The Palgrave Handbook of African Entrepreneurship. Springer International Publishing. (In Press)

Salia, Samuel, Tingbani, Ishmael, Hartwell, Christopher and Alhassan, Yahaya (2024) Looking in the rear-view mirror: Evidence from artificial intelligence investment, labour market conditions and firm growth. International Journal of Finance and Economics. ISSN 1076-9307

Seddighi, Hamid and Tran, Van (2021) Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange Market: Operation and efficiency. Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 8 (1). pp. 22-38. ISSN 2409-2622

Seddighi, Hamid and Yoon, II-Hyun (2019) Demand for imports and components of final expenditure: An empirical study with special reference to the Korean import demand function. Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 6 (1). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2409-2622

Seddighi, Hamid and Yoon, II-Hyun (2018) Stock Market Efficiency and Price Limits: Evidence from Korea’s Recent Expansion of Price Limits. Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research, 5 (2). pp. 191-200. ISSN 2409-2622


Thrower, Graham S (2018) An institutional and spatial consideration of markets for financialised infrastructure. Doctoral thesis, Newcastle University.

Tingbani, Ishmael, Salia, Samuel, Hussain, Javed G. and Alhassan, Yahaya (2021) Environmental Tax, SME Financing Constraint and Innovation. Evidence from OECD Countries. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. ISSN 0018-9391 (In Press)

Turton, A and Okike, Elewechi (2009) The Effect of Corporate Goverance Reform within the UK Banking Industry and its Effect on Firm Performance. Corporate Ownership and Control, 7 (1). pp. 456-470. ISSN 1727-9232

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