Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Barkess, Donna (2015) and per se &. November 2015, Design Centre Gallery. University of Sunderland.
Blackwood, Ashleigh (2024) Anatomy, Invasion and Imagination: Reading Gender, Medicine and the Body in the Mid-Century Novel. In: The Edinburgh Companion to the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 67-88. ISBN 9781399506632
Blackwood, Ashleigh (2015) ‘I wish the child, I call my own’: [Pro]Creative Experience in the Poetry of Jane Cave Winscom. In: Voice and Context in Eighteenth-Century Verse. Palgrave, Houndmills, pp. 155-172. ISBN 978-1-137-48762-9
Blackwood, Ashleigh, Cowton, Jeff, Lawlor, Clark, McKinley-Smith, Harriet and Sullivan, Laurence (2022) Susanna Blamire, Medicine, and Romantic Women's Poetry. In: Susanna Blamire, Medicine, and Romantic Women's Poetry, 28 Apr 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Blackwood, Ashleigh, Lawlor, Clark, Faubert, Michelle, Meek, Heather, Barker, Roberta, Cunynghame, Daisy, Brigham, Beth and Jones Square, Bryn (2020) Reading and Writing Romantic Health. In: Reading and Writing Romantic Health international Workshop, 23 Jun 2021, Online. (Unpublished)
Blakcwood, Ashleigh (2015) Sterne’s “Little Gentleman”: Tristram Shandy and the Male Participant in Childbirth. In: Sterne, Tristram, Yorick: Tercentenary Essays on Laurence Sterne. University of Delaware Press, Delaware. ISBN 978-1611495706
Broeg, Ralf (2016) 3 Modellräume. Permanent public installation, opening 2016, Underground Station, Heinrich-Heine-Allee, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Broeg, Ralf (2018) 5 temporary soundworks for 3ModelRooms, Underground-Station Heinrich-Heine-Allee, Düsseldorf. Underground-Station Heinrich-Heine-Allee, 02 Dec 2018-06 Jan 2019, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Broeg, Ralf (2016) Continuum and Cut – The Dusseldorf Wehrhahn Line – A Synthesis of the Arts (catalogue). Kerber Culture . Kerber Verlag, Berlin/Bielefeld, Germany. ISBN 9783735602497
Bruce, Keith (2015) The Society of Scottish Artists 118th Annual Exhibition. Society of Scottish Artists 118th Annual Exhibition, 20th December 2016- 18th January 2016, RSA.
Clayton, Ewan (2016) Impressions from Ditchling. Via Pulchritudinis: Fine Handpress Printing in the Dominican Tradition. pp. 29-39. ISSN 978-0-9979982-0-7
Collier, Mike (2015) 'Ghosts of the Restless Shore: Space, Place and Memory'. 22 Aug - 15 Nov 2016, The Atkinson, Lord Street, Southport, PR8 1DB.
Collier, Mike (2014) Wordsworth and Bashō: Walking Poets. 24 May - 2 Nov 2014, Dove Cottage, The Wordsworth Trust Museum Grasmere.
Collier, Mike (2016) Wordsworth and Bashō: Walking Poets. 17 Sep - 3 Nov 2016, Kakimori Bunko, Itami, Japan.
Cunningham, Liz (2012) Developing a Cambodian psychology. In: Community Psychology and the Socio-economics of Mental Distress. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 124-140. ISBN 9780230275416
Davis, Paul (2022) Philosophical Theories of Sport Fan and Spectator Behaviour. In: Routledge Resources Online - Sport Studies. Routledge Resources Online . Routledge, London.
Davis, Paul (2018) The Purist/Partisan Spectator Discourse: Some Examination and Discrimination. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 13. ISSN 1751-1321
Djumrianti, Desloehal and Osseo-Asare, Augustus E. (2021) Strategies for Developing a Remote Destination: The Sharing Economy in Local Communities. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 12 (1). pp. 154-166. ISSN 2068-7729
Dobbs, Sarah (2016) Burning the Ants [Short fiction]. In: The End: Fifteen Endings to Fifteen Paintings. Unthank Books. ISBN 9781910061275
Doucet, Delphine (2018) Religion at the dinner table, a sixteenth century dialogue. In: Sunderland Literature Festival, 12 October 2018, Sunderland Museum, Pottery Gallery. (Unpublished)
Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2020) Borges, Solomon and Saturn: Un diálogo anglosajón del siglo XI (1961). The Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, 25 (1). pp. 37-60. ISSN 1132-631X
Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2019) ‘Elegías Anglosajonas’: A translation of the Old English Elegies into Spanish. La Oficina de Arte y Ediciones. ISBN 9788494971440
Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2012) From lofgeornost to the most eager for sex: 30 years of Beowulfian monsters on screen (1981-2011)in Weaving New perspectives together. Some reflections on literary studies. Edited by María Alonso Alonso, Jeannette Bello Mota, Alba de Béjar Muíños and Laura Torrado Mariñas. In: Weaving New perspectives together. Some reflections on literary studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 36-57. ISBN 978-1-4438-3911-2
Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2020) “A Triangular Affair”: Oddities, Readability and Excitement in the Translation of the Old English Elegies into Spanish. In: Literature, Science & Religion Textual Transmission and Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Problemata Literaria (88). Edition Reichenberger, 235 -256. ISBN 9783967280036
Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2016) ‘A review of Tolkien’s The Story of Kullervo.’ The Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, Autumn 2016, vol. 21. The Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, 21. pp. 207-210. ISSN 1132-631X
Graham, Beryl (2019) An Aesthetics of Interaction and Participation? New Media Art, and Histories of Exhibitions. In: The Age of Art. Aesthetics and grammar of contemporary artistic languages, 16 Nov 2019, Italy, Florence, University of Florence.
Graham, Beryl (2019) CRUMB Radio Hour. In: Unfinished List radio streams, a project by ShuLea Chang for Ars Electronica, 8 September 2019, Online, hosted from Austria.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Chair’s Introduction - Equal Collaborations? In: Thinking Digital in the Arts: Unusual Collaborations, 10 May 2016, Gateshead, Sage.
Graham, Beryl (2017) Collection-ish. In: Beyond GRAMMATRON: 20 Years into the Future, 15 Sep 2017, London, UK (British Computer Society).
Graham, Beryl (2020) Curating Art after New Media - Professional Development Course. In: Curating Art after New Media – Professional Development Course, Feb 2014 to Feb 2020 and ongoing, London, UK.
Graham, Beryl (2017) Curating New Media Art Between Institutional and Commercial Pressures. In: Contemporary Art // An Unknown. Series of events curated by Ebru Yetiskin, 13 Dec 2019, Turkey, Istanbul, Akbank Cultural Centre.
Graham, Beryl (2019) Curating and Collecting Interaction. In: Sentient Circuitries: Digital Media Art Symposium, 16 Nov 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Digital Dark Ages Artists’ Panel. In: AND Festival, 10 May 2016, Castleton.
Graham, Beryl (2017) Exhibiting New Media and Digital Art: Educating Curators. In: EAST–International Conference on Education, Art, Science and Technology, 23–24 November 2017, China, Beijing: China Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and Beijing Visual Art Innovation Institute (BVAII).
Graham, Beryl (2019) Histories of Interactive New Media Art Exhibitions. In: Art Y Nuevos Medios: Reflectiones, Practicas, Desafios, Conference of Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte, 26 April 2019, Spain, Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Graham, Beryl (2017) IRL to URL: Image Objects. Bloomberg New Contemporaries. 2-day Symposium. In: IRL to URL: Image Objects. Bloomberg New Contemporaries, 24 Nov 2017, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead.
Graham, Beryl (2018) New Materialities and New Collecting: Future Exhibiting and Audiences After New Media Art (conference presentation). In: International Symposium: What do Museums Collect?, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2018, Seoul, Korea, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA).
Graham, Beryl (2017) Peking Seminar: New Media Art. In: Peking University seminar series: Prof. Laozhu, staff and PhD researchers of Media Lab (National Committee of Experimental Art), Annual of Contemporary Art of China, 26 November 2017, Beijing.
Graham, Beryl (2019) Promises and Realities of Digital Technologies. In: Credit — a discussion about monetisation and value in the art world, 30 November 2019, London, UK (Central St. Martins).
Graham, Beryl (2021) Startup meets Artist programme, UNSPECIFIED.
Graham, Beryl (2017) Technostalgia Panel Conversation. In: Anthologies Launch Event, 23 March 2017, London, UK (Carroll Fletcher Gallery).
Graham, Beryl (2021) What is the shape of a PhD research process? In: Research Student Training Seminars, 28 January 2021, Glasgow, Graduate School of the College of Arts, University of Glasgow.
Hall, Lynne (2018) Academic engagement with SMEs: Challenges for Fusion. In: Creative Fuse Conference, 10-11 July 2018, Newcastle.
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Defining and Operationalising Research: 'Case Study as Methodology and Method'. In: Graduate Research School (Research Methodologies Series), Wednesday 21st October 2020, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) 'Focus Groups as Methods of Inquiry'. In: 'Graduate Research School - Research Design and Methodology Seminar Series - Focus Groups as Methods of Inquiry', Tuesday May 10th 2022, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland, City Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Integration of Dialogic Assessment in a Multi-disciplinary Professional Doctorate; Transformative Learning in Practice. In: Higher Education Advance Assessment Torchbearer, 04 Jul 2021, Higher Education Advance Global Torchbearer Event 2021.
Hayes, Catherine (2021) The PhD/MPhil Viva voce Examination. In: Graduate Research School - PhD Survival Skills, 14 Jun 2021, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Questionnaires as an Instrument of Data Collection in the Research of Emergency Obstetrics Education and Training. In: Graduate Research School - 'Research Design and Methodology Seminar Series - Questionnaires', 24 May 2022, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland, City Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2022) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education and Strategic Management in Crises: Harnessing Agency with Praxis. In: International Transformative Learning Conference Platform - Round Table. UNSPECIFIED, Michigan, USA.
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Petrie, Kevin (2019) Beyond Disciplinarity: Insights into the Development of Teaching Ontology, Epistemology and Philosophy on an Interdisciplinary Professional Doctorate Pathway. In: Advance HE’s Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2019,Teaching in the spotlight: Innovation for teaching excellence, 2nd - 4th July 2019, Northumbria University.
Hellawell, Sarah (2019) Building a 'New International Order': International Women's Organizations and the UIA. In: International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350055629
Inge, Panneels (2017) Mapping in Art. In: The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 516-527. ISBN 1138831026
Janfeshar Nobari, Juila, Davison, John and Watson, Derek (2023) The “McKie MasteryTM Change Management Model”: a lifeline or a cumbersome weight in aiding UK schools improving standards? Question(s) de management, 3 (44). pp. 167-182. ISSN 2262 - 7030
Johnson, Neil and Lyddon, Paul (2015) Teaching grammatical voice to computer science majors: The case of less proficient English learners. English for Specific Purposes, 41 (1). ISSN 0889-4906
Larke-Walsh, George S. (2022) "Don't Let Netflix Tell You What To Think!": Debates on Getting to Know the Accused/Convicted in 'Making a Murderer' and other Injustice Narratives. In: Critiquing Violent Crime in the Media. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 53-76. ISBN 978-3-030-83758-7
Leeson, Miles, Petrie, Kevin, Richardson, Matthew and Sommer, Carol (2023) Iris Murdoch and Artistic Inspiration Iris Murdoch Society Podcast. [Audio]
Lockwood, Alex (2012) Cruel Optimism (Review). Culture Machine. ISSN 1465-4121
Lockwood, Alex (2014) Depression: A Public Feeling (Review). Culture Machine, 2014 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1465-4121
Mitchell, Caroline, Winter, Trish and Richardson, Andrew (2017) Putting Southwick on the Map. [Artefact]
Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Distance and Proximity. In: Work. National Gallery of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 24-33. ISBN 9789833497188
Moschovi, Alexandra (2022) A Gust of Photo-Philia: Photography in the Art Museum. In: Faculty of Recorded Media Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, the Indonesia Photography Society and the Indonesian Photography Study Program Association, Indonesia, 21 Jan 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) HerPhotographies: Towards an Expanded Photographic Field. In: Herstories: Photographic Practices in Greece. MOMus Thessaloniki Museum of Photography, Thessaloniki, pp. 116-151. ISBN 9786185426460
Nash, Geoffrey (2017) Arab Voices in Western Writing: The Politics of the Arab Novel in English and the Anglophone Arab Novel. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 39 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 0395-6989
Nash, Geoffrey (2014) Aryan and Semite in Ernest Renan and Matthew Arnold’s Quest for the Religion of Modernity. Religion and Literature, 46 (1). pp. 25-50. ISSN 0888-3769
Nash, Geoffrey (2015) The Impact of Fear and Authority on Islamic and Baha'i Modernisms in the Late Modern Age: A Liberal Perspective. Religions, 6 (3). pp. 1125-1136. ISSN 2077-1444
Nyarugwe, Shingai P, Linnemann, Anita R, Ren, Yingxue, Bakker, Evert-Jan, Kussaga, Jamal B, Watson, Derek, Fogliano, Vincenzo and Luning, Pieternel A (2020) An intercontinental analysis of food safety culture in view of food safety governance and national values. Food Control, 111. ISSN 0956-7135
O'Hara, Suzy (2021) Apr Kelas Seni Rupa - Curating Art After New Media Professional Short Course. Jakarta, Indonesia. In: Apr Kelas Seni Rupa - Curating Art After New Media Professional Short Course., 21 & 22 April 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia (online).
O'Hara, Suzy (2025) Art hacking and Big Science Public engagement. In: BLOOMSBURY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF VISUAL CULTURE. Bloomsbury. (In Press)
O'Hara, Suzy (2019) Little Inventors - Thinking Like a Child - Professional Development Workshop. In: Little Inventors - Thinking Like a Child, 15 November 2019, Gala Theatre, Durham.
O'Hara, Suzy and Bradbury, Victoria (2020) Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session I: Where do we work? In: Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session I: Where do we work?, 13 May 2020, Future Everything - online.
O'Hara, Suzy and Coniffy, Helen (2016) Sunderland 10 x 10. [Artefact]
O'Hara, Suzy and Smith, Dominic (2018) Recoding the Wall 2018. In: ReCoding the Wall, 18 March 2018, Hope Street Xchange, University of Sunderland.
O'Hara, Suzy and Smith, Rob (2024) Sound mirror with Rob Smith. Various, Various, Sunderland, Seaham, Hartlepool.
Panneels, Inge (2015) Blue Marble: Glass Reflections. In: Glass Reflections: Glass in the Year of Light, 7-9th September 2015, Cambridge University, Murray Edwards College. (Submitted)
Panneels, Inge (2015) Bring the Happy Mapping workshop. n/a, Create Your Own Glass Map with Inge Paneels 9 May / 10.00 – 16.00 / £15 6 June / 10.00 - 16.00 / £15 Using glass engraving and etching techniques, learn how to create your own glass map with layers of glass. These workshops are part of the Bring the Ha. (Submitted)
Panneels, Inge (2019) Glass: A Material Practice in the Anthropocene. Arts, 8 (1).
Panneels, Inge (2015) Map-i: Blue Marble. 28 Mar - 5 Jul 2015, Long Gallery, National Glass Centre.
Panneels, Inge Map-i: Mercator Revisited,. .
Panneels, Inge (2018) Map-i: Mercator Revisited: from mapping modernity to postmodern creative geographies. In: Mapping and Politics in a Digital Age. Global Cooperation Series . Routledge. ISBN 9780815357421
Panneels, Inge (2018) Map-i: Mercator revisited: from mapping modernity to postmodern creative cartographies. In: Mapping and Politics in a Digital Age. Routledge Global Cooperation Series . Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 978-0815357407
Panneels, Inge (2018) Mapping the Borders: charting change. MapLines, Spring.
Panneels, Inge Mercator 'Magic Earth'. Magic Earth, 10 April / 14.00, 1 May / 14.00, 4 June / 14.00, National Glass Centre.
Panneels, Inge Trace: an exhibition exploring the language of mapping. Trace, 9-15th September 2015, 1, Tower Street, Selkirk.
Panneels, Inge and Collier, Mike (2018) Mapping the Borders Exhibition. [Film/Video]
Panneels, Inge and Jordan, Tom (2018) Reflections II: Roker Pier. In: Roker Pier Symposium + Glass Heap Challenge, 25 - 26 May 2018, National Glass Centre.
Pappas, Nikolaos and Farmaki, Anna (2022) Attributes Attitudes and Chaordic Travel Intentions during COVID-19. Current Issues in Tourism. (In Press)
Paracha, Samiullah, Hall, Lynne, Hagan- Green, Gillian and Watson, Derek (2025) Cyber Eyes Wide Open: Innovation, Art, and Collaborative Practice. In: Exploring Practice-Led Research for Professional Development. IGI Global,, pp. 101-134. ISBN 9798369363768
Petrie, Kevin (2023) Other Journeys: Reflections on reading Iris Murdoch and Making Art. In: The Iris Murdoch Review. Iris Murdoch Research Centre, University of Chichester, pp. 74-80. ISBN 978-1-907852-74-9
Petrie, Kevin (2024) Reading Iris Murdoch and making art – aspirations and inspirations. In: Eleventh International Iris Murdoch Conference, 30th August – 1st September 2024, University of Chichester.
Quaid, Sheila (2022) Critical and Visual Sociological Pedagogies. In: BSA Annual Conference 2022: Building Equality and Justice Now, 20 Apr 2022, Online.
Quaid, Sheila (2021) Negotiating Identities and Kinship in Lesbian Parental Couples. In: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century: Exploring Diversity , Social Change and Inequalities. Routledge. ISBN 9780367483401 (In Press)
Quaid, Sheila, Hugman, Catriona and Wilcock, Angela (2021) Introduction: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century. In: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century: Exploring Diversity , Social Change and Inequalities. Routledge. ISBN 9780367483401 (In Press)
Quaid, Sheila, Hugman, Catriona and Wilcock, Angela (2021) Looking Ahead: What does this mean for the sociology of families and personal lives in the future? In: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century: Exploring Diversity, Social Change and Inequalities. Routledge. ISBN 9780367483401 (In Press)
Smith, Angela (2015) Argument as sociability: banter, irony and teasing. In: Orebro University Seminar Series, Nov 2015, Orebro, Sweden.
Smith, Angela (2016) ‘Cooking to be happy: Simply Nigella and the rise of mindful cooking’. In: FoodKom Research Seminar, 16-18 Jun2016, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Smith, Angela (2014) EverydaySexism, backlash feminism and the Twittersphere’. In: CADAAD, 1-3 Sep 2014, ELTE (Loránd Eötvös University), Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)
Smith, Angela (2016) ‘Sincerity, authenticity and broadcast sociability: the case of First Dates’. In: Ross Priory Broadcast Talk Seminar, 8-9 Sep 2016, Hellenic Army Academy, Athens, Greece.
Smith, Angela (2015) The creation of community in public participation broadcasting. In: Ross Priory Broadcast Talk seminar, 6-9 Jul 2015, Ross Priory, Scotland. (Unpublished)
Smith, Angela and Pearce, Michael (2024) To leaflet or nor to leaflet? The question of election leafleting in Sunderland Central. Election Analysis UK 2024. ISSN 978-1-910042-37-3
Smith, Clarissa (2010) Extreme Concern: Regulating ‘Dangerous Pictures’ in the United Kingdom. Journal of Law and Society Special Issue: Special Issue: Regulating Sex/Work: From Crime Control to Neo-liberalism?, 37. pp. 171-188.
Smith, Clarissa (2017) ‘A Mother’s Love Cannot Be Denied: Ma Mere’. In: Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversities. I B Tauris, London, pp. 159-176. ISBN 9781780761954
Smith, Clarissa (2009) Pleasure and distance: Exploring sexual cultures in the classroom. Sexualities, 12 (5). pp. 568-585. ISSN 1363-4607
Smith, Clarissa (2018) Policy, politics and porn. Sexualities, 21 (8). ISSN 1363-4607
Smith, Clarissa (2016) Pornography. In: The Oxford Handbook of Sex Offences and Sex Offenders. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780190213633
Smith, Clarissa (2007) Pornography for Women, or What They Don't Show you in Cosmo! Journalism Studies, 8 (4). pp. 529-538. ISSN 1461-670X
Smith, Clarissa (2016) Sleazy Strip-Joints and Perverse Porn Circuses: The Remediation of Grindhouse Aesthetics in the porn productions of Jack the Zipper. In: Grindhouse: Transcultural Exchange on 42nd Street and Beyond. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 217-235. ISBN 9781628927450
Smith, Clarissa and Attwood, Feona (2013) Emotional Truths and Thrilling Slide Shows: The Resurgence of Antiporn Feminism. In: The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure. The Feminist Press New York, New York, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9781558618183
Smith, Clarissa, Attwood, Feona and Barker, Martin (2018) ‘I’m just curious and still exploring myself’: Young people and pornography. New Media and Society, 20 (10). pp. 3738-3759. ISSN 1461-4448
Smith, Helen and Gill, Wendy (2023) Tyne & Wear Music/Youth Collectivism from the 1980s and beyond…. Public discussion event Youth / Music Collectives: Exploring the legacy, Saturday 25th November, Newcastle Contemporary Art.
Smith, Peter (2014) The PhD Viva How to Prepare for your Oral Examination. Palgrave Research Skills . Palgrave, London. ISBN 9781137395764
Sulaiman, Naji, Zocchi, Dauro M. and Borrello, Maria Teresa (2023) Traditional Knowledge Evolution over Half of a Century: Local Herbal Resources and Their Changes in the Upper Susa Valley of Northwest Italy. Plants, 13 (1). ISSN 2223-7747
Suzy, O'Hara and Di, Mainstone (2018) Wonderlooper, by Di Mainstone: Reinventing Sunderland through innovative art making. New Wear Crossing Bridge, 16 Sep 2018, Sunderland, UK.
Tyrrell, John and Gaff, Jackie (1999) 70s & 80s The High-Tech Age of Design. 20th Century Design, 5 (6). Heinemann Library, David West Children's Books London. ISBN 978-0836827095
Victoria, Bradbury and Suzy, O'Hara (2016) Evaluating Art Hacking Events Through Practice. In: ISEA 2016 (International Symposium for Electronic Art), 16 - 22 May 2016, Hong Kong.
Watkinson, Cate (2024) Restoration and repair of stained glass artworks in Monkseaton Metro station. Nexus, UK.
Watson, Derek (2023) The Art of innovation. In: University of Technology Mara, Faculty of Business Symposium, Centre for Innovation Delivery Education & Learning Sarawak, Malaysia., April 18th, University of Technology Mara, Faculty of Business, Centre for Innovation Delivery Education & Learning Sarawak, Malaysia..
Watson, Derek (2023) Building a Quality Culture That Works. In: NKT HVC Ltd UK Quality Week, 25 Oct 2023. (Unpublished)
Watson, Derek (2021) Covid-19 and Its Cultural Impact on Home Working. Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology, 5 (2). pp. 426-427. ISSN 2576-9200
Watson, Derek (2023) Trials and Tribulations in the Pursuit of a Food Safety Culture. A Case Study of the Enlighten Model. In: International Conference Promoting Sustainable Enterprises in Developing and Emerging Economies, December 14th & 15th 2023, Ghana. (Unpublished)
Watson, Derek (2024) The fightback in Botswana in the Pursuit of a Food Safety Culture Sustainability. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Watson, Derek, Yuan, Zhai and Jessica, Lichy (2022) Perfect Storm, Brexit, COVID-19 and Increased Cases of Food Contamination. A Case Study of How British Food Manufactures Foster A Food Safe Culture. In: Cyprus Centre for Business Research, September 17th 2022, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Watson, Derek and Zhai, Yuan (2024) Digital Manipulation by Enterprise Leaders: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China and the UK. In: 7th ANNUAL CMI ACADEMIC CONFERENCE: Achieving transformation for the greater good: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Sustainability, Cyprus Business School, Nicosia Cyprus, 14 Sep 2024, Cyprus Business School, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished)
Watson, Derek, Zhai, Yuan and Zhu, Xiaoxian (2023) China-EU trade relations: The impact of European anti-dumping investigations on Chinese Enterprises. In: 6th Annual Academic Conference: Towards Disruptive Sustainability: New Business Opportunities and Challenges, 16 Sep 2023, Cyprus Business School, Cyprus Centre for Business Research, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished)
Wilcock, Angela (2023) The transitional experiences of Thai Women following migratory marriage to England. CASS: University of Sunderland, Online.
Winter, Robert (2014) Double Double Vision. 1 Mar 2104, National Glass Centre.
Zhai, Yuan and Watson, Derek (2021) Covid-19 a Gateway to Enhance China’s Food Safety Culture. ACTA SCIENTIFIC MICROBIOLOGY, 4 (2). pp. 19-28. ISSN 2581-3226
Zhai, Yuan and Watson, Derek (2021) Internationalisation of Food Manufacturing Industry of Chinese Emerging Food Markets, A case study of Dairy Producers. The Market: International Journal of Business. ISSN 2547-9202
Zhai, Yuan, Watson, Derek and Zhu, Xiaoxian (2024) China-EU trade relations: The impact of European anti-dumping investigations on Chinese Enterprises. The Market: International Journal of Business, 5. pp. 84-101. ISSN 2547-9202