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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items: 77.

Malin, Nigel (2015) 'Editorial: Austerity And Some Contemporary Challenges For Professionalism'. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 18 (1). pp. 3-14. ISSN 0953-5225

Malin, Nigel (2015) Refocusing on Root Causes Of Social Disadvantage by Promoting Family Intervention Projects - from Sure Start To Troubled Families. In: Master Class Seminar, 2015, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel, Tunmore, Jane and Wilcock, Angela (2014) How far does a whole family approach make a difference: Designing an evaluation framework to enable partners to assess and measure progress. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 17 (2). pp. 63-92. ISSN 1746-6105

Malin, Nigel (2014) Creating Themed-Based Research Papers: Flexible Thinking is the Key for Translating Policy to Practice. In: Learning Disabilities Association in Anaheim: 51st Annual International Conference, 19-22 Feb 2014, Anaheim, Ca, USA. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel and Tunmore, Jane (2014) How Far does A Whole Family Approach Make a Difference: Designing An Evaluation Framework to Enable Partners to Assess and Measure Progress. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 17 (2). pp. 63-92. ISSN 1746-6105

Malin, Nigel (2013) Evaluation of a Whole Family Approach to Service Delivery in Sunderland: Final Report. Project Report. Centre for Children, Young People & Families, University of Sunderland, Sunderland.

Malin, Nigel and Tunmore, Jane (2013) Assessing the Impact and Implications for Social Workers of an Innovative Children's Services Programme aimed to Support Workforce Reform and Integrated Working. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 16 (3). pp. 81-99. ISSN 0953-5225

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2013) Evaluating Surestart. Whiting & Birch. ISBN 978-1-861770-54-7

Malin, Nigel and Race, David G (2011) The impact of social policy on changes in professional practice within learning disability services: different standards for children and adults? A two-part examination: Part 2. professional services under the coalition: the trends continue apace. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. ISSN 1744-6295

Malin, Nigel and Morris, Kevin (2011) Centre for Children Young People and Families Childrens Services Evaluation, Final Report. Evaluating the impact of the Children's services programme, as part of the North East improvement and efficiency partnership/institute of local governance. University of Sunderland, Sunderland.

Malin, Nigel and Tunstill, Jane (2011) Enhancing the Delivery of Safeguarding Services: a role for volunteers? Journal of Social Work. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1468-0173

Malin, Nigel and Race, David G (2010) The impact of social policy on changes in professional practice within learning disability services: different standards for children and adults? A two-part examination: Part 1. The policy foundations: from welfare markets to Valuing People, personalization and Baby P. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 14 (4). pp. 315-328. ISSN 1744-6295

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2009) Evaluating the Role of the Sure Start Plus Adviser in Providing Integrated Support for Pregnant Teenagers and Young Parents. Health and Social Care in the Community, 17 (5). pp. 495-503. ISSN 0966-0410

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, G (2009) Evaluating Sure Start: Interprofessionalism and parental involvement in local programmes. Children & Society, 23 (4). pp. 312-313. ISSN 0951-0605

Malin, Nigel (2009) Evaluating Sure Start: Inter-professionalism and parental involvement in local programmes. Journal of Management and Marketing in Healthcare, 2 (2). pp. 161-173. ISSN 1753-3031

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2009) Evaluating Sure Start: Interprofessionalism and parental involvement in local programmes. Whiting and Birch Ltd, London. ISBN 9781861770547

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2009) Evaluation of Sure Start Plus Tyne & Wear. University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-955697401

Malin, Nigel (2009) Parental Involvement and user Satisfaction Survey Report. University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-955697425

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2009) The Progress Towards Sure Start Children's Centre Targets and Objectives and the Contribution of Inter-Professional Working. University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-9556974018

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2007) Models for interprofessional working within a Sure Start. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21 (4). pp. 445-457. ISSN 13561820

Morrow, Gillian and Malin, Nigel (2007) Evaluation Of Request For Services Citywide: Phases 1 and 2. Evaluation Research Group Series 2004-07 . School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-955697449

Morrow, Gillian and Malin, Nigel (2007) The Role of Domestic Violence Outreach Workers And Outcomes Of The Service. Evaluation Research Group Series 2004-07 . School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-955697432

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2006) Health Visiting: Towards A Collaborative, Integrated And Inclusive Approach. School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-955697470

Malin, Nigel and Morrow, Gillian (2005) The Role Of The Employment Counselor and The Outcomes Of The Service. Evaluation Research Group Series 2004-07 . School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0- 955697487

Malin, Nigel, Morrow, Gillian and Jennings, Trudie (2005) Interprofessional teamworking for child and family referral in a Sure Start local programme. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 19 (2). pp. 93-101. ISSN 13561820

Malin, Nigel, Payton, Valerie and Thomas, Lynsey (2005) Perspectives On Dispersal And The Pyscho-Social Well-Being Of Asylum Seekers In Sunderland. School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-955697494

Malin, Nigel, Morrow, Gillian and Jennings, Trudie (2004) Parents and professionals working together: turning the rhetoric into reality. Early years, 24 (2). pp. 163-177. ISSN 09575146

Morrow, Gillian and Malin, Nigel (2004) Sure Start Thorney Close Local Evaluation. Final Report. Vols 1 and 2. Evaluation Research Group Series 2004-07 . School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0-95569744963

Malin, Nigel, Manthorpe, Jill and Stubbs, M H (2004) Older people's views on rural life: a study of three villages. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 13 (6b). pp. 97-104. ISSN 09621067

Malin, Nigel and Simpson, F (2004) Evaluation Of Sunderland Healthy Living Centres: Partnership Working. Evaluation Research Group Series 2004-07 . School of Health, Natural and Social Sciences, University of Sunderland. ISBN 978-0- 95569744956

Malin, Nigel, Manthorpe, Jill and Wilmot, S (2002) Key Concepts and debates in Health & Social Policy. Open University Press. ISBN 978-0335199051

Malin, Nigel and Stubbs, H (2002) Social needs of Older People in Rural Communities. Other. Derbyshire Rural Community Council.

Malin, Nigel (2001) Professionalism, Boundaries and The Workplace. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-19262-0

Malin, Nigel (2000) The Use of an Ethical Advisory Group in a Learning Disability Service. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 4 (2). pp. 105-114.

Malin, Nigel (2000) Evaluating Clinical Supervision in Community Homes and Teams Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3). pp. 548-557. ISSN 1365-2648

Malin, Nigel, Manthorpe, Jill, Race, David and Wilmot, Stephen (1999) Community Care for Nurses and the Caring Professions. Open University Press. ISBN 9780335196715

Malin, Nigel (1999) Community Care Policy: Quality of Life Issues In Housing Provision For People With Learning Disabilities. In: Housing And Social Exclusion. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 88-114. ISBN 1 85302 6387

Malin, Nigel (1998) Evaluating Clinical Supervision in Community Homes and Teams Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities: Issues for Policy and Professional Practice. In: The 2nd European Region Conference of the Commonwealth Nurses Federation, 27-29 Mar 1998, St Julians, Malta. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel (1998) Evaluating Clinical Supervision In Community Homes and Teams Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities, Community Health Services NHS Trust Southern Derbyshire, Babington Hospital. Babington Hospital, NHS TRust Southern Derbyshire.

Malin, Nigel (1998) Evaluating Clinical Supervision in Community Homes and Teams Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities. Other. NHS Trust Southern Derbyshire.

Malin, Nigel (1997) Policy to Practice: A Discussion of Tension, Dilemna and Paradox in Community Care. Journal of Learning Disabilities For Nursing, Health & Social Care, 1 (3). pp. 131-140. ISSN 1744-6295

Malin, Nigel (1995) 'Introduction: A Policy Overview'. In: Services for People with Learning Difficulties. Routledge, London. ISBN 0 415 09937 4

Malin, Nigel (1995) Services For People with Learning Disabilities. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-09937-0

Malin, Nigel (1994) Implementing Community Care. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 978-0335157389

Malin, Nigel (1994) 'The Policy Context: Development of Community Care'. In: Implementing Community Care. Open University Press, Buckingham. ISBN 0335157386

Malin, Nigel (1993) Community Care for People with Learning Disabilities. CCETSW Northern Region (Leeds) in Collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University.

Malin, Nigel (1993) Community Care for People with Learning Disabilities. Project Report. CCETSW Northern Region (Leeds) in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel (1993) Staff Training and Community Care. Working Paper. Sheffield Hallam University in collaboration with Department of Health Social Services Inspectorate. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel (1993) Successful Community Care Requires Well-Trained Staff. Community Living, 6 (4). pp. 20-23.

Malin, Nigel (1993) Successful community care requires well trained staff. Community Living, 6 (4). pp. 20-22. ISSN 0951 9815

Malin, Nigel and Teasdale, K (1991) Caring Versus Empowerment: Considerations For Nursing Practice. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 16 (6). pp. 657-662. ISSN 1365-2648

Malin, Nigel (1991) Community Care and Professional Directions. In: Standards and Mental Handicap: Keys to Competence. London: Balliere-Tindall, pp. 444-460. ISBN 978-0702015663

Malin, Nigel (1991) Famiglia e politiche di 'normalizzazione': un ripensamento dei servizi scoiali personali nelle comunita locali. In: Quale Politica per quale famiglia in Europa. Angeli, Milano, pp. 248-262. ISBN 9788820468729

Malin, Nigel and Beasley, K (1990) An Evaluation of Bourne Social Education Centre: a joint project managed by South Lincolnshire Health Authority and Lincoln Social Services Department. Project Report. Sheffield City Polytechnic, Sheffield.

Malin, Nigel (1990) Family and Normalisation Policies: a Reassessment of Personal Social Services at the Community Level. In: European Conference: 'Family Policies in Europe: Restarting from the Local Level', 20-23 Jan 1990, Institute Regionale Di Studi Politici, University of Bologna, Italy. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel (1989) Joint Staff Training in Mental Handicap - An Evaluation of the Certificate in Mental Health Studies. Working Paper. Sheffield City Polytechnic.

Malin, Nigel (1989) Mental Handicap: Continuing Professional Development for Therapists - External Evaluation Project Reports 1 and 2. Project Report. Northern Regional Health Authority, Newcastle and National Health Service Training Authority (NHSTA).

Malin, Nigel (1987) 'Community Care: Principles, Policy and Practice'. In: Reassessing Community Care. Croom Helm, London. ISBN 0709955235

Malin, Nigel and Cubbon, J (1986) Registers for People with Mental Handicap: A National Survey and Evaluation. Research, Policy and Planning (Journal of the Social Services Research Group), 11. pp. 31-37. ISSN 0264-519X

Malin, Nigel and Campion, M (1985) Education in human relationships : the case for people with mental handicap. Health Education Journal, 44 (3). pp. 116-120. ISSN 0017-8969

Malin, Nigel and Cubbon, J (1985) A National Survey and Evaluation of Registers for Mentally Handicapped People: Final Report to the Economic and Social Research Council. Project Report. Sheffield City Polytechnic.

Malin, Nigel (1984) Keeping Tabs on Mental Handicap. Health and Social Services Journal. ISSN 0300-8347

Malin, Nigel (1984) Sheffield Needs a Solution. Health and Social Service Journal. pp. 496-498. ISSN 0300-8347

Malin, Nigel, King, M, Haigh, J and Robertson, J (1984) Collaboration in Community Care: A Study of Interactions Between Health Visitors and Social Workers. Working Paper. Trent Regional Health Authority, Research Reports Series, Fulwood House, Sheffield.

Malin, Nigel (1983) Group Homes for Mentally Handicapped People - An Examination of the Effects of Group Interactions. The British Journal of Social Work, 13. pp. 521-538. ISSN 0045-3102

Malin, Nigel (1983) Group Homes for Mentally Handicapped People in Britain. HMSO Department of Health and Social Security, London. ISBN 0113208413

Malin, Nigel (1982) Short Term Care for Mentally Handicapped People. Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap, 10 (3). pp. 77-93. ISSN 1468-3156

Malin, Nigel (1982) Group Homes for Mentally Handicapped Adults: Residents' Views on Contacts and Support. British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 54 (1). pp. 29-34. ISSN 2047-3869

Malin, Nigel (1982) Group Homes and Supported Living Alternatives. In: 6th International Congress on Mental Retardation, 24 Aug 1982, International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)

Malin, Nigel (1982) Rampton Moves to the Community: Developments in Staff Education. Nursing Times, 70 (16). pp. 14-16. ISSN 0954-7762

Malin, Nigel and Todd, Isobel (1981) Short Term Care for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults: A Study of Availability and Use. British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 27 (53). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2047-3869

Malin, Nigel (1981) Services for the Mentally Handicapped in Denmark. Child: Care, Health and Development, 7 (1). pp. 31-39. ISSN 1365-2214

Malin, Nigel, Race, D and Jones, G (1980) Services for Mentally Handicapped People in Britain. Croom Helm, London. ISBN 0856648698

Malin, Nigel (1978) Staff Attitudes in Mental Handicap. Other. Scottish Society for the Mentally Handicapped.

Malin, Nigel (1977) Poems by Malin. Wilfion Books, Paisley, Renfrewshire. ISBN 0905075013

Malin, Nigel (1976) Mental Handicap - The Role of the Auxiliary. Nursing Mirror. pp. 61-63. ISSN 0954-7762

Malin, Nigel (1976) Forewarned is Forearmed. Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap, 4 (1). pp. 6-7. ISSN 1468-3156

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