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Number of items: 151.


Storey, John (2020) The Happy Place That Exists Nowhere. Critical Survey, 32 (3). pp. 33-44. ISSN 1752-2293

Storey, John and McDonald, Katy (2014) 'Love's Best Habits: The Uses of Media in Romantic Relationships'. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 17 (2). pp. 113-125. ISSN 1367-8779

Storey, John (2011) `Remembering Ourselves: the 'roots' and 'routes' of identity. Ural Historical Journal.

Storey, John (2007) The Future of Cultural Studies. Kritische Berichte, 35 (2). ISSN 2197-7410

Storey, John (2006) Inventing Opera as Art in Nineteenth-Century Manchester. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 9 (4). pp. 435-456. ISSN 13678779

Storey, John (2006) Inventing opera as art in nineteenth-century Manchester. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 9 (4). pp. 435-456. ISSN 1367-8779

Storey, John (2003) The Social Life of Opera. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 6 (1). pp. 5-35. ISSN 1367-5494

Storey, John (2000) Visual Culture in Britain: an Introduction and a Debate. Visual Culture in Britain, 1 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1471-4787

Storey, John (1997) '"There's No Success Like Failure": Cultural Studies: Political Romance or Discipline?'. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 21 (2). pp. 98-109. ISSN 0196-8599

Storey, John (1996) Social struggles played out on field of culture. Scotland on Sunday.

Storey, John (1994) Mapping the Popular: The Study of Popular Culture in British Cultural Studies. The European English Messenger, 3 (2). pp. 47-59. ISSN 0960 4545

Storey, John (1992) Texts, Readers, Reading Formations: My Poll and My Partner Joe in Manchester in 1841. Literature and History, 1. ISSN 0306-1973

Storey, John (1985) Matthew Arnold: The Politics of an Organic Intellectual. Literature and History. ISSN 0306-1973

Book Section

Storey, John (2016) Class and the invention of Tradition: the cases of Christmas, Football, and Folksong. In: The Making of English Popular Culture. Routledge, London, pp. 197-212. ISBN 9781138854918

Storey, John (2015) 'Culture in British Cultural Studies'. In: Culture and Its Discontents. Innsbruck University Press. ISBN 978-3-86754-318-7

Storey, John (2015) 'What, When, And Where Are The Sixties'. In: The Sixties: A Worldwide Happening. Lecturis. ISBN 9789462261501

Storey, John and McDonald, Katy (2014) 'Media Love: intimacy in mediatized worlds'. In: Mediatized Worlds: Culture and Society in a Media Age. Palgrave, pp. 221-232. ISBN 978-1-137-30034-8

Storey, John (2013) The Roots and Routes of British Identity. In: Culture and Power. Peter Lang, pp. 267-280. ISBN 978-3-0343-1053-6

Storey, John (2011) 'Culture in Cultural Studies'. In: Being Cultural. Pearson Education, London. ISBN 9781442547698

Storey, John (2010) 'Postmodernism and Popular Culture'. In: The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism 3rd Edition. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-58330-5

Storey, John (2010) 'Being British'. In: The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521683463

Storey, John (2010) Becoming British. In: The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521683463

Storey, John (2009) Discourses of the Popular. In: High Culture and/versus Popular Culture. Universitarsverlag Winter, Heidelberg.

Storey, John (2009) 'The Spoiled Adopted Child of Great Britain and Even of the Empire: A Symptomatic Reading of Heart of Darkness'. In: Stories of Empire. Studies in English Literary and Cultural History, 33 . Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Trier. ISBN 9783868210743

Storey, John (2009) Raymond Williams, Culture and Cultural Studies. In: About Raymond Williams: Critical Perpectives. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-54579-2

Storey, John (2009) The spoiled adopted child of Great Britain and even of the Empire. In: Stories of Empire: Narrative Strategies for the Legitimation of an Imperial World Order. Studies in English Literary and Cultural History (33). Wissenschaftlicher Verlag. ISBN 978-3-86821-074-3

Storey, John (2008) 'Discourses of the Popular' (revised version). In: High Culture and / versus Popular Culture. Universitaetsverlag, Heidelberg. ISBN 9783825356941

Storey, John (2008) The Invention of the English Christmas' in Popular Culture, Popular Music and Ideology. In: Christmas, Ideology and Popular Culture. Edinburgh University Press,, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748628087

Storey, John (2008) 'The Invention of the English Christmas'. In: Christmas, Ideology and Popular Culture. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9780748628094

Storey, John (2007) Culture, Power, Difference. In: Marginality and Difference in Education and Beyond. Trentham Books. ISBN 978-1858564128

Storey, John (2005) The Popular and Postmodernism. In: New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society. Blackwell. ISBN 978-0631225690

Storey, John (2005) Cultural Studies. In: The Routledge Dictionary of Postmodernism, Second Edition. Routledge.

Storey, John (2004) Cultural Studies: United Kingdom. In: The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Storey, John (2004) Culture and Power. In: Reconciling Anglistik. University of Trier Press.

Storey, John (2004) Postmodernism and Popular Culture. In: The Routledge Dictionary of Postmodernism, second edition. Routledge.

Storey, John (2003) 10,000 Miles in the Mouth of a Graveyard: Remembering Vietnam and the War in the Persian Gulf. In: Culture and Power: Music, Media and Visual Arts. Madrid: University of Alcala Press. ISBN 978-8481385687

Storey, John (2003) The Articulation of Memory and Desire: From Vietnam to the War in the Persian Gulf. In: Memory and Popular Film. Manchester University Press, pp. 99-119. ISBN 0719063752

Storey, John (2002) Expecting Rain: Opera as Popular Culture. In: High-Pop. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-22210-1

Storey, John (2001) The Sixties in the Nineties: Pastiche or Hyperconsciousness?'. In: Smooth Operators and Foxy Chicks. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-22620-2

Storey, John (2000) Cultural Studies: The Politics of an Academic Practice; An Academic Practice as Politics. In: The Future of Cultural Studies: Essays in Honour of Joris Vlasselaers. Leuven University Press. ISBN 9789058670298

Storey, John (1998) Postmodernism and Popular Culture. In: he Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. Icon Press.

Storey, John (1997) Rockin' Hegemony: West Coast Rock and Amerika's War in Vietnam. In: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader (second edition). Harvester Wheatsheaf and University of Georgia Press. ISBN 978-0137761210

Storey, John (1997) The Study of Popular Culture and Cultural Studies. In: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader (second edition). Harvester Wheatsheaf and University of Georgia Press. ISBN 978-0820322766

Storey, John (1996) Cultural Studies: An Introduction. In: What is Cultural Studies: A Reader. Edward Arnold. ISBN 9780340652404

Storey, John (1996) Popular Culture and British Cultural Studies. In: Writing Places and Mapping Words: Readings in British Cultural Studies. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego, Katowice, Poland. ISBN 978-8322606681

Storey, John and Johnson, Deborah (1995) The Politics of Pop and the War in the Gulf. In: The Gulf War did not Happen: Politics, Culture and Warfare Post-Vietnam. Arena Press. ISBN 978-1857422863

Storey, John (1994) The Study of Popular Culture within Cultural Studies. In: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0745015514

Storey, John (1994) Side Saddle on the Golden Calf: Moments of Utopia in American Pop Music and Pop Music Culture. In: An American Half Century: Post-war Culture and Politics in the USA. Pluto Press. ISBN 978-0745305004

Storey, John (1990) Bringing it all Back Home: American Popular Song and the War in Vietnam. In: The Vietnam Era. Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745303130

Storey, John (1988) Rockin' Hegemony: West Coast Rock and Amerika's War in Vietnam. In: Tell Me Lies About Vietnam. Open University Press. ISBN 978-0335155934

Conference or Workshop Item

Storey, John (2013) I'm a Man": Masculinities and Popular Cultures. In: Masculinities and British Popular Music, 28 - 29 Jun 2013, Bielefeld University, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2013) Mediatized Spaces of Intimacy. In: The 16th International Culture and Power Conference ‘Spaces’, 2-4 Oct 2013, University of Murcia, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2012) Love's Best Habit: The Uses of Media in Romantic Relationships. In: The Fourth Annual International Conference on Popular Romance Studies: The Pleasures of Romance, 27-29 Sep 2012, York University. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2012) After Popular Culture. In: 3rd Graduate Conference in Culture Studies: "Report from the Pop Line: On the Life and Afterlife of Popular", 3-4 Dec 2012, The Research Centre for Communication and Culture, Faculty of Human Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2012) Culture Studies and Globalisation. In: New Directions in Global Studies in the 21st Century, 2012, University of Shantou, Guangdong, China. (Submitted)

Storey, John (2011) Culture in Intercultural Communication. In: Culture in Intercultural Communication, 14 Dec 2011, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2011) Culture in Intercultural Communication: A Cultural Studies Critique. In: The Sixth International Conference on Intercultural Communication, Dec 2011, Wuhan University, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2011) Thinking Critically About Popular Culture. In: The 16th International Conference, Popular Cultures, Nov 2011, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2011) 'Media Love, Mediatization and the Education of Desire'. In: Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture A Day Symposium, 6 Jul 2011, Tavistock Centre, London.

Storey, John (2011) The Game of Love. In: Pursuing the Trivial - Investigations into Popular Culture, 1-2 Jun 2012, University of Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2011) 'A Forgotten History of Opera'. In: Invited seminar paper, Northumbria University, 2010, Northumbria University.

Storey, John (2011) Culture and Power in Cultural Studies. In: Workshop: Cultural studies in a modern languages context, Nov 2011, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2011) Media Love. In: Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture: A Day Symposium, 26 Feb 2011, Tavistock Centre, London. (Submitted)

Storey, John (2011) Music and the American Counterculture. In: American Studies Seminar, Invited Paper, 2011, University of Paderborn, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2011) Problems with the Popular. In: Exploring Culture, 2011, Vilnius University, Lithuania. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2010) 'Raymond Williams and Articulations of British Identity'. In: Invited paper, University of Vienna, 1 Jun 2010, University of Vienna.

Storey, John (2010) 'Media Love, Mediatization and the Education of Desire'. In: 8th Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 17 – 21 June 2010, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

Storey, John (2010) "The Uses of British Identity'. In: 14th International 'Culture and Power' Conference: Identity and Identification, 22 - 24 Apr 2010, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain.

Storey, John (2010) Media Love. In: Invited Lecture, 2010, University of Freiburg, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2010) Uses of British Identity. In: 4th International 'Culture and Power' Conference: Identity and Identification, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Read, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2009) "The Culture Industries: A Critical History of a Concept". In: The 7th Forum on International Cultural Industries, China, 9 -10 Jan 2010, Guangzhou, China.

Storey, John (2009) "British Cultural Studies and its Transnational Influences". In: The Transnational Study of Culture: Lost or Found in Translation?, 29 - 30 Oct 2009, Justus-Liebig Universitaet Giessen, Germany.

Storey, John (2009) '"The Woodstock Generation?" - Forty Years After the Counterculture'. In: '"The Woodstock Generation?" - Forty Years After the Counterculture', 30 Mar 2009, David Puttnam Media Centre, University of Sunderland.

Storey, John (2009) 'Opera and the "Masses"'. In: 'Opera and the "Masses"' Invited seminar, 18 Feb 2009, Newcastle University.

Storey, John (2009) Culture as a Realized Signifying System. In: Literary Theory in China in the Past 60 Years conference, 2009, Guizhou University, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2009) Hegemony and Signification. In: Invited Lecture, 2009, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2009) 'The Ordinary is Political': Everyday Life as a Realised Signifying System. In: "Reading the Everyday: Literary and Cultural Perspectives", 3-4 Jul 2009, University of Paderborn, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2008) 'The Counterculture: Dylan, Drugs and Amerika's War in Vietnam'. In: Invited research seminar paper, Universities of Paderborn and Dortmund, 2008, Universities of Paderborn and Dortmund, Germany.

Storey, John (2008) 'The Ideology of Romance'. In: Invited research seminar paper, December 2008, University of Passau.

Storey, John (2008) 'The Culture of Globalisation'. In: Invited research seminar paper, 2008, University of Vermont, USA.

Storey, John (2008) The Counterculture: Dylan, Drugs and America's War in Vietnam. In: Research Seminar, 2008, University of Dortmund, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2008) Culture and Power in British Cultural Studies. In: Critical Theory Group, 2008, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)

Storey, John (2008) The 'Culture' of Globalisation. In: Research Seminar, 23 Sep 2008, Middlebury College, USA. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2008) Discourses of the Popular. In: University of Freiburg, 2008, University of Freiburg, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2007) The Ideology of Romance. In: University of Passau, Germany, 26 Nov 2007, University of Passau, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2007) Discourses of the Popular. In: 18th British Cultural Studies Conference: High Culture and/versus Popular Culture, 22-24 Nov 2007, University of Salzburg, Austria. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2007) Heart of Darkness: A Symptomatic Reading. In: STORIES OF EMPIRE: Narratological Directions in Postcolonial Theory and Practice, 13-15 Sep 2007, University of Vienna. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2007) Asian Flu - 'The Biggest Risk'. In: International Conference on Public Crisis and Intercultural Communications, 2007, University of Wuhan, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2007) Culture and Power. In: University of Peking, China, University of Peking, China. (Submitted)

Storey, John (2006) "All Forms of Signification: Raymond Williams and Cultural Studies". In: About Raymond Williams: A Conference, 19-20 May 2006, University of Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2006) Interdisciplinarity and Cultural Studies. In: "Integrating Knowledge: The Challenge of Interdisciplinary Studies", 24-25 Jan 2014, University of Delhi, India. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2006) "All Forms of Signification": Raymond Williams and Cultural Studies. In: Invited Paper University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2006) "All Forms of Signification": Raymond Williams and Cultural Studies. In: Visual Art Beyond Postmodernism, 2006, University of Primorska, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2006) The Invention of Opera as Art. In: Invited Paper, University of Nottingham. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2005) The Beat Goes On: Recycling and Appropriation in the Making of Culture. In: Invited Keynote Paper, 2005, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2005) Culture and Power in Cultural Studies in Britain. In: Invited Keynote Paper, 2005, Chemnitz Technical University, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2005) The Politics of Signification. In: Invited Keynote Paper, 2005, University of Wuhan, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) The Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Studies. In: "Perspectives on Culture", 18 Nov 2004, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz , Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Globalisation as Cultural Americanisation. In: Culture and Society in the Age of Globalization 10th International Culture and Power Conference, Iberian Association for Cultural Studies, 7-9 Oct 2004, University of Burgos, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Culture and Power. In: The European Society for the Study of English Annual Conference 7, Sep 2004, University of Zaragoza, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Culture and Power in British Cultural Studies: some problems on seeing globalisation as cultural Americanisation. In: Intercultural Communication, 2004, Wuhan University, China. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Culture and Power in Cultural Studies. In: Seminario de Lengua Extranjera, Sociedad y Cultura, 2004, University of Murcia, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Popular Culture. In: Invited Paper, 2004, University of Freiburg, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Remembering Ourselves: Cultural Memory and Identity Formation. In: Seminario de Lengua Extranjera, Sociedad y Cultura, 2004, University of Murcia, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2004) Returning Culture to Cultural Studies. In: Invited Paper, 2004, University of Vienna. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2003) The Future of Cultural Studies. In: International conference on "Reconciling 'Anglistik': Didactic strategies for an interdisciplinary approach to literature, linguistics, and cultural studies", 2-4 Oct 2003, University of Trier, Germany. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2003) Towards the Door We Never Opened: Memory and Identity. In: Research Seminar, Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, 24 Feb 2003, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2003) Globalisation as Cultural Americanisation. In: Invited Paper Cultural Studies Conference, 2003, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2003) A Utopian Moment in the Struggle for Hegemony: The Invention of the English Christmas. In: Ninth International Conference on Culture and Power, 2003, University of Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2002) Memory and Desire: The Roots and Routes of Cultural Identity. In: Cultural Studies Conference, 2002, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2002) Memory and Identity. In: Eighth International Conference on Culture and Power, 2002, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2002) "The Social Life of Opera". Inaugural Professorial Lecture. In: Inaugural Professorial Lecture, 2002, Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2001) Mixing Memory and Desire: Hegemony, Representation and America's War in Vietnam. In: Seventh International Conference on Culture and Power, 2001, University of Alcala, Madrid. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2001) Opera: Culture or Popular Culture? In: Cultural Studies Research Seminar, 2001, Queen Margaret's University College, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2001) Opera: Culture or Popular Culture? In: Cultural Studies Conference, 2001, University of Sheffield. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2001) Policing Cultural Studies; Or, Why Isn't Cultural Studies More Like Political Economy? In: Second Annual Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association Conference, 2001, Stanford Hall, Loughborough. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2000) Locating Value: Class, Value and Evaluation in Cultural Studies. In: the Fourth International English Culture Conference, 2000, Universidade de Lisboa. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2000) Popular Music and America 's War in Vietnam. In: Marxist University, University of Sunderland, 2000, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (2000) Production and Consumption in Cultural Studies. In: Cultural Studies Conference, 2000, Wirral Metropolitan College. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1999) Wishin' and Hopin': Dusty Springfield and the Articulation of Masculine Desires. In: Paper presented to the Media and Cultural Studies Research Seminar, 1999, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1998) Another Tale to Tell: Popular Culture and the Politics of Cultural Studies. In: Populära Fiktioner Conference, 1998, Umeå Universitet, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1998) Consumption and Hegemony in Cultural Studies. In: Cultural Studies Conference, 1998, Peterborough Regional College. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1997) Culture or cultures. In: Invited Paper, 1997, Universite Nancy 2, France. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1997) Rituals of Truth. In: Invited Paper, 1997, Universite Nancy 2, France. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1997) What is Popular Culture? In: Invited Paper, 1997, Universite Nancy 2, France. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1995) Cultural Studies, Popular Culture and the Politics of Value. In: Cultural Studies Conference, 1995, Gateshead College. (Submitted)

Storey, John (1994) The Inescapable Terrain: Questions of Value in Cultural Analysis. In: 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians, 8-10 Apr 1994, University of Central England. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1994) Mapping the Popular: The Study of Popular Culture in British Cultural Studies. In: 15th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies, 17-19 Mar 2015, Universidade de Evora, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1993) Masculine Discourse in Hollywood 's Vietnam. In: British Association of American Studies Conference, 1993, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1993) Taking Drugs Seriously. In: Raman Selden Centre Research Seminar, 1993, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Storey, John, Thornham, Sue and Morris, Paul (1992) Teaching Popular Culture. In: Cultural Studies Conference, 1992, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1991) George Bush and Hollywood's Vietnam. In: Humanities Research Seminar, 1991, Sunderland Polytechnic. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1991) Hollywood's discourse on Vietnam. In: The Association of Cultural Studies Conference, 1991, Staffordshire Polytechnic. (Unpublished)

Storey, John (1988) Tarzan: an imperial narrative. In: Primitivism Conference, 1988, Cornerhouse Arts Centre, Manchester. (Submitted)

Storey, John (1985) Almost cut my hair. In: The Effects of Vietnam on American Culture Seminar, 1985, Manchester Polytechnic. (Unpublished)


Storey, John (2019) Radical Utopianism and Cultural Studies. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138706866

Storey, John (2017) Theories of Consumption. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781138677999

Storey, John (2014) From Popular Culture to Everyday Life. Routledge. ISBN 9780415657389

Smith, Clarissa, Higgins, Michael and Storey, John (2010) Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521683463

Storey, John (2010) Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture, 3rd edition. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 978-0748640386

Storey, John (2010) Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture: Theories and Methods, third edition. Edinburgh University Press and University of Georgia Press. ISBN 9780748640515

Storey, John (2010) Culture and Power in Cultural Studies: The Politics of Signification. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 978-0748640157

Storey, John (2008) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader, fourth edition. Routledge. ISBN 978-1405874212

Storey, John (2008) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader, 4th edition. Pearson Education, London. ISBN 978-1405874212

Storey, John (2008) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, 5th edition. Pearson Education, London. ISBN 978-1405874090

Storey, John (2008) Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, fifth edition. Pearson Education. ISBN 978-1405874090

Storey, John (2008) The Articulation of Memory and Desire. Guangxi University Press.

Storey, John (2003) Inventing Popular Culture. Blackwell. ISBN 978-0-631-23460-9

Storey, John (2003) Inventing Popular Culture: From Folklore to Globalization. Blackwell Publishers. ISBN 0631234608

Storey, John (1999) Cultural Consumption and Everyday Life. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780340720363

Storey, John (1996) What is Cultural Studies? A Reader. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9780340652404

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