Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Chatzifotiou, Athanasia (2000) Similarities and differences between Greek and English teachers' perceptions of environmental education. Proceedings, Environmental education in the context of education for the 21st century prospect and possibilities, Larisa (greece). pp. 253-258.
Malin, Nigel (2000) Evaluating Clinical Supervision in Community Homes and Teams Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 31 (3). pp. 548-557. ISSN 1365-2648
Malin, Nigel (2000) The Use of an Ethical Advisory Group in a Learning Disability Service. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 4 (2). pp. 105-114.
Kearney, Jeremy, Mansson, Sven-Axel, Plantin, Lars and Quaid, Sheila (2000) Fatherhood and Masculinities A comparative study of the ideals and realities of fatherhood and masculinity in Britain and Sweden. Project Report. University of Sunderland Press, Centre for research and Practice University of Sunderland.
Hammer, Jalna, Itzin, Catherine, Quaid, Sheila and Wigglesworth, Debra (2000) Home Truths about Domestic Violence : Feminist Influences on Policy and practice - A Reader. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415241564
Morgan, Gwenda and Rushton, Peter (2000) The Justicing Notebook (1750-64) of Edmund Tew, Rector of Boldon. Surtees Society. ISBN 0854440445