Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Ewins, Neil (1992) Staffordshire Ceramic Trade with the United States: the role of the Merchants, Goddard, Burgess and Dale. Journal of Northern Ceramic Society, 9. pp. 153-163.
Graham, Yitka, Plouviez, Arabella, Clelland, Alison, Fox, Ann, Fowler, Ger, Sargeant, John and Hayes, Catherine (2022) ‘Applied Social Prescribing Practice: A Focused Arts Based Participatory Action Research Study of Military Veteran Transition Back to Civilian Life’. Journal of Participatory Methods. (In Press)
Kevin, Petrie (2019) On Glass, in Glass, of Glass: Some Developments in the Combination of Glass and Printmaking. MDPI Arts, 8 (1). ISSN 2076-0752
Livingstone, Andrew (2011) Parallax View: Interpreting Ceramics – Museum Collections and Artist Intervention. Ceramics Ireland (27). pp. 22-27. ISSN 1393-9513
Wadsworth, Fabian, Llewellin, Edward, Rennie, Colin, Watkinson, Cate, Mitchell, Joanna, Vasseur, Jeremie, Mackie, Fleur, Carr, Alexandra, Schmiedel, Tobias, Witcher, Taylor, Soldati, Arianna, Jackson, Lucy E, Foster, Annabelle, Hess, Kai-Uwe, Dingwell, Donald B and Hand, Russell J (2022) Using obsidian in glass art practice. Volcanica Journal, 5 (1). pp. 183-207. ISSN 2610-3540
Ewins, Neil (2013) Author’s comment. In: Ceramic Identification in Historical Archaeology: the View from California, 1822-1940. Society for Historical Archaeology, Rockville, MD, USA. ISBN 978-1-939531-07-0
Ewins, Neil (2013) 'The Formation of American Ceramic Preferences'. In: Ceramic Identification in Historical Archaeology: the View from California, 1822-1940. Society for Historical Archaeology, Rockville, MD, USA. ISBN 978-1-939531-07-0
Ewins, Neil (2013) The Formation of American Ceramic Preferences. In: Ceramic Identification in Historical Archaeology: the View from California, 1822-1940. Society for Historical Archaeology, USA, pp. 370-388.
Ewins, Neil (2015) Globalization and the UK Ceramic Industry (c1990-2010). In: Topographies of the Obsolete: Exploring the Site Specific and Associated Histories of Post-Industry. Bucks New University and Bergen Academy of Art & Design. ISBN 9780992693114
Ewins, Neil (1998) A Picture of Midwest American Ceramic 'Taste': Staffrodshire Cermics for the St Louis Market. In: Wedgwood: Production for Elegance, Fashion and Taste. Wedgwood International Seminars (WIS), Toronto, Canada. ISBN 0-9680898-2-8
Ewins, Neil (1996) Staffordshire Commercial Links with the United States and the Development of Customer Distribution c1800-1880. In: Josiah Wedgwood & the Potter's Arts. Diane Publishing Co.. ISBN 978-0756769154
Ewins, Neil (1997) Supplying the Present Wants of Our Yankee Cousins. In: "Supplying the present wants of our Yankee cousins-": Staffordshire ceramics and the American market, 1775-1880. City Museum and Art Gallery of Stoke On Trent. ISBN 978-1874414193
Ewins, Neil (2017) The UK marketing strategy in response to globalization c1990-2010. In: The Ceramic Reader. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472584427
Livingstone, Andrew (2009) ‘Decentred meaning: ceramic materiality – relocating process and technique’. In: Proceedings of the Crafticulation & Education Conference. Nordfo, Helsinki University Press, Helsinki, pp. 101-112. ISBN 978-952-10-5578-2.
Livingstone, Andrew (2017) Extending Vocabularies: Distorting the Ceramic Familiar - Clay and the Performative 'Other'. In: The Ceramics Reader. Bloomsbury Academic Press, London, pp. 323-334. ISBN 978-1-4725-8443-4
Livingstone, Andrew (2011) Mit Feuer und Flamme Red Hot - Ceramics in Contemporary Art. In: Mit Feuer und Flamme. Biberacher Verlagsdruckerei, pp. 60-65. ISBN 9783933614964
Livingstone, Andrew (2022) Perfection of Understanding. In: Perfection of Understanding. Independent Publishing Network, UK, pp. 123-127. ISBN 9781800685666
Livingstone, Andrew (2017) U(nu)sed and Abused: Social and Political Potentiality - Material, manufacture and Abandoned Sites, in The Post-Industrial Landscape as Site for Creative Practice - Material Memory. In: The Post-Industrial Landscape as Site for Creative Practice - Material Memory. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, pp. 63-67. ISBN 9781443899376
Livingstone, Andrew and Fulton, John (2020) Perspectives in Faith, Art and Science. In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138090934
Livingstone, Andrew and Kim, Jeoung-Ah (2011) Ceramic Arts and Design for a Sustainable Society. In: Ceramic Arts and Design for a Sustainable Society. Frolunda Culture centre, Gothenberg, pp. 36-53. ISBN 9789163381843
Petrie, Kevin (2013) Printmaking for Ceramics and Glass Intersections & Counterpoints. In: Intersections and Counterpoints Proceedings of Impact 7, an International Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking Conference. IMPACT PRESS. ISBN 9781921867569
Watkinson, Cate (2015) Fellow of Higher Education Academy Claim. Documentation. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Ewins, Neil (2019) Association For Art History. In: Annual Conference 2019, 4-6 April 2019, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)
Ewins, Neil (2014) Design and manufacturing futures: The UK Ceramic industry in a period of globalization (c1995-2010). In: Design Culture: Object, Discipline and Practice Conference, 18-19 Sep 2014, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding. (Submitted)
Ewins, Neil (2014) Globalization and the UK Ceramic Industry - in Typographies of the Obsolete. In: Typographies of the Obsolete, 15th June-21st June, Spode Factory, Stoke on trent. (Submitted)
Ewins, Neil (2020) Marketing behaviour and social change. In: Conference on Historical Analysis & Research in Marketing, 4-6 Jun 2021, Duke University, Durham NC, USA. (Submitted)
Ewins, Neil (2018) “Supplying the Present Wants of Our Yankee Cousins…”: Staffordshire Ceramics and the American Market 1775-1880. In: Transfer Collectors Club 2018 Annual Meeting, 18-21 Oct 2018, Rhode IslandProvidence,. (Submitted)
Ewins, Neil (2013) UK Ceramic Manufacturing strategies, marketing and design in response to globalization c1990-2010. In: Design and Mobility: The Twenty-Second Annual Parsons/Cooper-Hewitt Graduate Student Symposium on the Decorative Arts and Design, 22 -23 Apr 2013, Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor, New York. (Submitted)
Ewins, Neil (2013) The UK Ceramic Marketing Strategy in response to globalization. In: 2013 Conference of Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM), 30 May - 2 Jun 2013, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Ewins, Neil (2018) Variations in American marketing practices of early nineteenth-century ceramic importers and dealers, reflecting culture and identity. In: Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing, 16-19 May 2019, Ottawa, Canada..
Graham, Yitka (2022) Research and knowledge exchange: capturing evidence of the impact of arts and creative-practice based social prescribing on wellbeing. In: Arts and Healtn, April 29th 2022, National Glass Centre, Sunderland.
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Rennie, Colin and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Heads or Tails? A Situational Analysis of Two Signature Pedagogies;an Epistemological Stance for Student Engagement. In: RAISE 2017 Annual Conference – 'Perspectives on student engagement; looking forward…thinking back', 6-8 Sep 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Mind the Gap…What Gap? Co Constructing Knowledge in Somaesthetics and Kinesiology to Transcend Boundaries between Creative Arts and Science. In: JISC 5th Annual Change Agents’ Network Conference, 20-21 Apr 2017, Exeter University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Transdisciplinarity in Knowledge Building – Welcome to the University of Sunderland’s Faculties of Arts and Creative Industries and Health Sciences and Wellbeing. In: SU Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire Richenda, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2018) Beyond Disciplinarity in Knowledge Construction for Creative Arts and Allied Health Signature Pedagogies. In: Student Success Stories Conference, Friday March 9th, 2018, Hope Street Exchange, City Campus, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Livingstone, Andrew (2009) Ceramic Practice and the Digital Interface: Video and ceramic - a discipline activated reading, International Conference, Sydney. In: Australian Ceramics Triennale, International Conference, Sydney, National Art School, Sydney, Australia.
Livingstone, Andrew (2011) ‘The Ceramic Regurgitant: Suitability and the Readymade’. In: Making or Unmaking? The Contexts of Contemporary Ceramics, 27-29 October 2011, Bergen, Norway. (Unpublished)
Livingstone, Andrew (2011) The Ceramic Regurgitant: Sustainability and the Readymade. In: Ceramic Arts and Design for a Sustainable Society; International Ceramics Symposium 2011, 7 - 11 Mar 2011, Frölunda Culture Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Livingstone, Andrew (2012) The Ceramics PhD: Re-thinking Creative Pedagogy. In: National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) 46th Annual Conference: On the Edge, 27-31 Mar 2012, Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, USA.
Livingstone, Andrew (2017) The Ceramics Reader: exploring ceramics and writing. In: Clay Matters: Thinking and Exhibiting Matter in Recent Art, 17-18 November 2017, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt, Belgium.
Livingstone, Andrew (2010) Parallax View: interpreting ceramics - museum collections and artist intervention. In: 3rd International Ceramic Magazine Editors Association (ICMEA) Conference, 7-11 Nov 2010, Fuping, Shaanxi, China.
Livingstone, Andrew (2014) “Parallax View”: Extending Vocabularies – re-reading a museum porcelain collection and the contemporary performative ‘other’. In: Ceramics in the Expanded Field Behind the Scenes at the Museum, 17 - 19 Jul 2014, University of Westminster. (Unpublished)
Livingstone, Andrew (2018) Thinking Critically: writing about clay in Restating Clay conference 2018, Centre of Ceramic Art, York Art Gallery. In: Restating Clay, 19/20 March 2018, COCA - Centre of Ceramic Art, York..
Livingstone, Andrew (2014) U(nu)sed and Abused: Social and Political Potentiality - Material, Manufacture and Abandoned Sites. In: Material Memory The Post Industrial Landscape as Site for Creative Practice, 14 Nov 2014, School of Arts and Cultures, Newcastle University. (Submitted)
Tyrrell, John (2000) Built form in Koshirakura, an Activity Centre and Speed Reading Urban Design in Yokohama. In: AA Files 41, 1999, Japan, East and West..
Winter, Robert (2012) Developing World Pottery (Vietnam) 2012. In: Deveoping World Pottery (Vietnam), August 2012, Vietnam. (Unpublished)
Winter, Robert (2008) Developing World Pottery(India). In: Developing World Pottery, 2 Nov – 6 Dec 2008, Pondicherry, India.
Winter, Robert (2011) Lima and Chullucanas. In: Developing World Pottery (Peru), 9 - 20 Apr 2011, Peru. (Unpublished)
Livingstone, Andrew (2015) Extending Vocabularies: Distorting the Ceramic Familiar - Clay and the Performative 'Other'. GICB Internation Ceramics Colloquium . Korean Ceramic Foundation, Korea.
Livingstone, Andrew (2011) Parallax View. Art Editions North. ISBN 9781906832056
Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) The Ceramics Reader. Bloomsbury Academic Crafts & Making . Bloomsbury Academic, London and New York. ISBN 9781472584427
Petrie, Kevin (2011) Ceramic Transfer Printing. The New Ceramics . A&C Black Publishers Limited, London. ISBN 978-1-408-11328-8
Bagi, Dena (2025) An Exploratory Study of the Transferal of Ceramic Making Methods into the Context of Addiction Recovery via Pedagogical Design: Reported Impacts from Praxis. Doctoral thesis, The University of Sunderland.
Cushway, David (2015) A Model for the Interpretation of the Ceramic Object Located in the Museum Developed through Post-Disciplinary, Post-Studio Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Gee, Sarah (2016) An Exploration of Impermanence in Contemporary Ceramic Art Practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Jungwon, Park (2015) Hybrid Expression: Expressing Space through the Integration of East and West by Creating Ceramic Artwork. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Kelly, Jessamy (2009) The combination of Glass and Ceramics as a means of artistic expression in studio practice. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Kim, Hyo-Sun (2014) The Possibility of Risk: an Exploration of Failure as Success through the Creation of Contemporary Ceramic Artwork based upon the Korean Moon Jar. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Metcalfe, Carol (2008) New Ash Glazes from Arable Crop Waste: Exploring the use of straw from Pisum sativum (Combining Pea) and Vicia faba (Field Bean). Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Moroney, Kathleen (2017) STILLNESS IN MOTION An Interdisciplinary Study of Movement in Time and Space Through Ceramics and Dance. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Livingstone, Andrew (2014) 'Booze Britain' and 'English Scene' exhibited in Subversive Design 2014. [Artefact]
Livingstone, Andrew (2024) CICEMA Festival Internacional de Cine Ceramico de Manises - Performing Jeju Scoria. [Artefact]
Livingstone, Andrew (2013) Causality - seen in AWARD - An extraordinary breadth of ceramic creativity. [Artefact]
Livingstone, Andrew (2022) Intangible - Perfection of Understanding. [Artefact]
O'Hara, Suzy and Coniffy, Helen (2016) Sunderland 10 x 10. [Artefact]
Winter, Robert (2012) Clay Diaries. [Artefact]
Collier, Mike (2016) Wordsworth and Bashō: Walking Poets. 17 Sep - 3 Nov 2016, Kakimori Bunko, Itami, Japan.
Graham, Yitka (2020) Time for Tea. National Glass Centre, Feb 29-Jul 5 2020, Sunderland, UK.
Livingstone, Andrew 3x2 Exhibition of Contemporary Clay. 3 - 19 Nov 11, The Shed, Middle Pier, Galway Harbour, Ireland.
Livingstone, Andrew (2013) Art Shanghai. Art Shanghai 2013, 18 - 22 Apr 2013, New Glass & Ceramic Art Pavilion, New Town Central Park, 2238 West Yan'an Rd, Shanghai, China.
Livingstone, Andrew (2021) Beautés Équivoques/Equivocal Beauties. Bernadaud Foundation, 18 Jun 2021-2 Apr 2022, Limoges, France.
Livingstone, Andrew Ceramic Arts and Design for a Sustainable Society. 7 - 27 Mar 2011, Frolunda Kulture Centre, Gothenberg, Sweden.
Livingstone, Andrew (2023) Confluence Ceramics><Glass. Confluence Ceramics >< Glass, 25 March 2023 - 10 September 2023, National Glass Centre.
Livingstone, Andrew (2016) The Deconstruction of Trade in Imaging the Blue and White - The Impact of the New. Imaging the Blue and White - The Impact of the New, 19 Nov 2015 - 27 Mar 2016, Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Livingstone, Andrew (2015) Hands That Build - Hands That Destroy in 9th Cheongju Interantation Craft Biennial, Korea. The 9th Cheongju International Craft Biennale, 16/09/2015 - 25/10/2015, Cheongju, Korea.
Livingstone, Andrew (2013) International Glass & Clay 2013. International Glass and Clay 2013, 1 - 23 Mar 2013, Pepco Edison Place Gallery, Washington DC, USA.
Livingstone, Andrew (2011) Mit Feuer und Flamme Red Hot - Ceramics in Contemporary Art Museum Villa-Rot, Bergieden, Germany. Mit Feuer und Flamme, 2 Oct 2011 - 5 Feb 2012, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden, Germany.
Livingstone, Andrew (2010) Parallax View. Parallax View: Solo Exhibition, 6 Mar - 9 May 2010, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, Carlisle, UK.
Livingstone, Andrew (2012) Shifting Paradigms in Contemporary Ceramics: The Garth Clark and Mark Del Vecchio Collection. Shifting Paradigms in Contemporary Ceramics, 04 Mar-03 Jun 3 2012, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas.
Livingstone, Andrew (2012) Taiwan Ceramics Biennale 2012. June 2012 - November 2012, Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
Petrie, Kevin (2023) Other Journeys - Paintings & Drawings by Kevin Petrie. 28/4/23 - 8/7/23, Gateshead Library Gallery.
Rennie, Colin (2018) Light Embodied. Science Imagination and Wonder Conference, 3 Apr-6 Apr 2018, Oxford Pembroke College, UK.
Smith, HELEN (2023) Nowhere Like This Place. Feminist Practices: What Do We Know About How Sally Made Work, 21/02/2023, Newcastle Contemporary Art.
Watkinson, Cate and Cahill, Clinton (2012) Textile I & II, Curve with Steels. Three glass and steel sculptures. Pairings, 2010 - 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sedbergh, Sleaford, Chichester, Kendal, Cardiff, Swansea.
Winter, Robert (2013) 2013 International Glass & Ceramic Art Exhibition Shanghai April 18th, 2013~ April 22th, 2013. 2013 International Glass & Ceramic Art Exhibition, 18 - 22 Apr 2013, Shanghai.
Winter, Robert (2014) Double Double Vision. 1 Mar 2104, National Glass Centre.
Winter, Robert Glass and Clay 2013, Washington DC USA. Glass and Clay 2013, 1 Mar – 22 Mar 2013, Pepco Edison Place Gallery, Washington DC USA.
Winter, Robert Personal Ceramic Practice informed by indigenous pottery production. Clay Diaries, 2012 and 2013, The Gallery Square Circle, Auroville, South India.