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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items at this level: 92.


Ball, Vicky and Bell, Melanie (2013) Working women, women's work: Production, History, Gender. Journal of British Cinema and Television. ISSN 1743-4521

Cannon, Steve (1996) 'Not a mere question of form': The Hybrid Realism of Godard's Vivre sa vie. French Cultural Studies, 7 (21). pp. 283-294. ISSN 0957-1558

Cannon, Steve (2017) Pepín Martín Vázquez from 'Currito' to 'El Torero': la encarnación física de una virtud nacional? (Pepín Martín Vázquez from Currito de la Cruz to El Torero" The physical embodiment of a national virtue). Revista de Estudios Taurinos, 41. pp. 165-185. ISSN 1134-4970

Caramella, Silvia and Cannon, Steve (2016) Películas como documentos históricos: el archivo filmico familiar de juan belmonte y sus contribuciones a la investigación académica internacional (Movies as Historical Documents: Juan Belmonte's Family Film Archive and His Contributions to International Academic Research). Revista de Estudios Taurinos, 38. pp. 201-235. ISSN 1134-4970

Drainville, Elaine and Saeed, Amir (2011) Filming Palestinian “Banality”. Nebula: A Journal of Multidisciplinary Scholarship, 8 (1). pp. 106-115. ISSN 1449-7751

Drainville, Elaine and Saeed, Amir (2013) A right to exist. A Palestinian speaks. Feminist Media Studies, 13 (5). ISSN 1471-5902

Gledhill, Christine (2007) Reframing Women in 1920s British Cinema: The Case of Violet Hopson and Dinah Shurey. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 4 (1). pp. 1-17. ISSN 17434521

Gregson, Daniel (2020) Drawn to Story. Education Sciences, 10 (71). ISSN 2227-7102

Hulsmeier, Adelle (2020) Working beyond end-point assessments to deliver employability experiences: The University of Sunderland’s Crime Awareness student film projects in collaboration with Northumbria Police and its Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). Enhancing Graduate Employability: a case study compendium. pp. 11-15.

Knight, Julia (2015) Feminism and Film Distribution: An Analysis of Cinenova's Management Committee Meeting Minutes, 1991–97. Film Studies, 13 (1). pp. 40-57. ISSN 1469-0314

Knight, Julia (2012) From analogue to digital distribution: A shifting landscape. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 1 (2). pp. 215-218. ISSN 2045-6298

Knight, Julia and Thomas, Peter (2008) Distribution and the Question of Diversity: A Case Study of Cinenova. Screen, 49 (3). pp. 354-365. ISSN 0036-9543

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2017) Compassion in Kim Longinotto's Documentary Practice. Feminist Media Studies, 19 (1). pp. 147-160. ISSN 1468-0777

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2022) The Ethics of Bearing Witness: subject empowerment versus true crime intrigue in Kim Longinotto’s Shooting the Mafia (2019). Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 19 (3/4). pp. 21-27. ISSN 1742-0105

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2012) The Family Curse: Mafia Identity as Inheritance in Abel Ferrara's The Funeral. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 40 (2). pp. 75-82. ISSN 0195-6051

Larke-Walsh, George S. and Leeder, Murray (2021) Introduction to Teaching Dossier: Online Teaching. Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (Summer). ISSN 0009-7101

Larke-Walsh, George S. and Oliver, Stephanie (2019) A Woman's Place in This Thing of Ours: Why there are no women bosses in American gangster films. Senses of Cinema, 91. ISSN 1443-4059

Shingler, Martin (2014) Aishwarya Rai Bachchan: from Miss World to world star. Transnational Cinemas, 5 (2). pp. 98-110. ISSN 2040 3526

Shingler, Martin (2017) The star system in Europe. Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema, 10. pp. 9-16. ISSN 2014-8933

Smith, Clarissa and Attwood, Feona (2014) Anti/pro/critical porn studies. Porn Studies, 1 (1-2). pp. 7-23. ISSN 2326-8743

Smith, Susan (1998) 'Hitchcock's Cameo in Lifeboat'. The MacGuffin. ISSN 1527-2346

Smith, Susan (2007) 'Singing Outside the Frame: The Female Voice-off in Gigi'. CineAction (72). ISSN 0826-9866

Smith, Susan (1999) 'The Spatial World of Hitchcock's Films: The Point-of-View Shot, the Camera and Intrarealism'. CineAction (50). ISSN 0826-9866

Smith, Susan 'There's More Than One George Bailey!: the sharing of character between child actor and adult star in It's a Wonderful Life'. Screen, 53 (4). pp. 440-446. ISSN 0036-9543

Smith, Susan and Lawrence, Michael (2012) 'Child Performance Dossier: Introduction'. Screen, 53 (4). pp. 436-439. ISSN 0036-9543

Smith, Susan and Summers, Sam (2017) Enter Bugs Bunny: Matador and Star in Bully for Bugs [LA ALTERNATIVA DE BUGS BUNNY, MATADOR Y ESTRELLA EN “BULLY FOR BUGS” (CHUCK JONES, 1953)]. Revista de Estudios Taurinos, 41. pp. 251-278. ISSN 1134-4970

Stubbs, Gary (2024) Education Partnership BAFTA Albert Spotlight: Lead Me Here Showcases the Sustainable Learnings of albert Grads from Sunderland University. Education Partnership Spotlight: Lead Me Here Showcases the Sustainable Learnings of albert Grads from Sunderland University.

Book Section

Gledhill, Christine (2007) Genre and Nation. In: Genre and Cinema: Ireland and Transnationalism. Routledge, pp. 11-25. ISBN 0415770890

Gledhill, Christine (2007) The Screen Actress from Silence to Sound. In: The Cambridge Companion to the Actress. Cambridge University Press, pp. 193-214. ISBN 0521846064

Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2012) From lofgeornost to the most eager for sex: 30 years of Beowulfian monsters on screen (1981-2011)in Weaving New perspectives together. Some reflections on literary studies. Edited by María Alonso Alonso, Jeannette Bello Mota, Alba de Béjar Muíños and Laura Torrado Mariñas. In: Weaving New perspectives together. Some reflections on literary studies. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 36-57. ISBN 978-1-4438-3911-2

Knight, Julia (2015) Cinema of Women: The Work of a Feminist Distribution Company. In: Doing Women's Film History: Reframing Cinemas, Past and Present. University of Illinois Press, Illinois. ISBN 9780252039683

Knight, Julia (2016) Distributing British Cinema. In: The Routledge Companion to British Cinema History. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 387-396. ISBN 978-0-415-70619-3 (hbk); 978-1-315-39218-9 (ebk)

Knight, Julia (2013) Getting to See Women's Cinema. In: Watching Films: New Perspectives on Movie-Going, Exhibition and Reception. Intellect, Bristol/Chicago, pp. 295-314. ISBN 978-1-84150-511-4

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2018) “The Godfather Legacy”: Homage and Allusion in Transnational Cinema”. In: A Companion to the Gangster Film. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA, USA, pp. 446-462. ISBN 9781119041740

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2018) Introduction. In: A Companion to the Gangster Film. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA, USA, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781119041757

Shingler, Martin (2015) Bette Davis: Acting and Not Acting her Age. In: Women, Celebrity and Cultures of Ageing: Freeze Frame. Palgrave, London, pp. 43-58. ISBN 9781137495129

Shingler, Martin (2018) Modernising Melodrama: The Petrified Forest on American Stage and Screen (1935-1936). In: Melodrama Unbound: Across History, Media, and National Cultures. Columbia University Press, New York, USA, pp. 135-150. ISBN 9780231180665

Smith, Clarissa (2014) ‘It’s Important You Don’t Smell a Suit On This Stuff’: Aesthetics and Politics in Alt Porn. In: Porn After Porn. Mimesis, Udine Italy, pp. 57-81. ISBN 9788857523590

Smith, Clarissa (2017) ‘A Mother’s Love Cannot Be Denied: Ma Mere’. In: Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversities. I B Tauris, London, pp. 159-176. ISBN 9781780761954

Smith, Clarissa (2016) Sleazy Strip-Joints and Perverse Porn Circuses: The Remediation of Grindhouse Aesthetics in the porn productions of Jack the Zipper. In: Grindhouse: Transcultural Exchange on 42nd Street and Beyond. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 217-235. ISBN 9781628927450

Smith, Clarissa and Attwood, Feona (2013) Emotional Truths and Thrilling Slide Shows: The Resurgence of Antiporn Feminism. In: The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure. The Feminist Press New York, New York, pp. 41-57. ISBN 9781558618183

Smith, Clarissa, Attwood, Feona and Barker, Martin (2017) Porn Audiences Online. In: Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 235-244. ISBN 978-1-4331-3956-7

Smith, Clarissa and Kennedy, Julia (2013) ‘His Soul Shatters at About 0:23: Self-Scaring and Hyberbolic Shock in YouTube Reaction Videos’. In: Controversial Images. Palgrave MacMillan, London, pp. 239-253. ISBN 978-0-230-28405-0

Smith, Clarissa and Taylor Harman, Sarah (2017) ”I want James Deen to Deen Me with his Deen”: The multi-layered stardom of James Deen. In: Revisiting Star Studies. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 261-278. ISBN 9781474404310

Smith, Susan (1999) 'Disruption, Destruction, Denial: Hitchcock as Saboteur'. In: Alfred Hitchcock: Centenary Essays. British Film Institute, London. ISBN 0851707351

Smith, Susan (2005) 'Disruption, Destruction, Denial: Hitchcock as Saboteur'. In: Terrorism, Media, Liberation. Rutgers University Press, New Jersey and London. ISBN 978-0-8135-3607-1

Smith, Susan (2013) "Get off your asses for these old broads!": Elizabeth Taylor, ageing and the television comeback movie. In: Female Celebrity and Ageing: Back in the Spotlight. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415832366

Smith, Susan (2015) 'Taylor, Dame Elizabeth Rosemond (1932-2011)'. In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Smith, Susan (2018) Toy Stories Through Song: Pixar, Randy Newman and the Sublimated Film Musical. In: Toy Story: How Pixar Reinvented the Animated Feature. Bloomsbury, pp. 105-126. ISBN 9781501324918

Smith, Susan (2012) '"The shock of each moment, of still being alive": Vocal Sensations in Boom!'. In: Electrified Voices: Medial, Socio-Historical and Cultural Aspects of Voice Transfer. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gottingen, Germany. ISBN 9783847100249

Smith, Susan, Brown, Noel and Summers, Sam (2018) Introduction. In: Toy Story: How Pixar Reinvented the Animated Feature. Bloomsbury, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9781501324918

Ward, Daniel (2011) “’I sized you up the moment I saw you’: Masculinity and Male Body Objectification in Casino Royale”. In: The Cultures of James Bond. WVT, Trier. ISBN 9783868213263

Ward, Daniel (2021) Making a Killing: Science Fiction Through the Lens of Nordic Noir in 'Crocodile' and 'Hated in the Nation'. In: Reading Black Mirror: Insights Into Technology & The Post-Media Condition. Transcript, Bielefeld, Germany, pp. 201-218. ISBN 9783837652321

Ward, Daniel (2020) “Your Body Belongs to the State”: The Mobilization of the Action Heroine in Service of the State in Red Sparrow and Atomic Blonde. In: Cold War II: Hollywood's Renewed Obsession With Russia. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, pp. 112-128. ISBN 9781496831149

Conference or Workshop Item

Knight, Julia (2013) The Impact of Feminism on the Running of Women's Moving Image Organisations in the UK during the 1980s and 1990s. In: Gender in Focus: (New) Trends in Media, 20-21 Jun 2013, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Knight, Julia (2012) Three Issues for Experimental Moving Image in the Era of Digital Distribution. In: World Cinema On-Demand: Film Distribution and Education in the Streaming Media Era, 15-16 Jun 2012, Belfast. (Unpublished)

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2017) The Armchair Juror: audience engagement in true crime injustice narratives. In: Film Philosophy Annual Conference, July 4-6 2017, University of Lancaster, UK.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2016) The Cultural Value of Transnational Remakes: a discussion of Sarkar (2005, Ram Gopal Varma). In: London Film and Media Conference, July 7-9, London, UK.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2015) Ethics in the Essay Film. In: University Film and Video Association Annual Conference, Aug 4-8, 2015, American University, Washington DC, USA.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2019) Injustice Narratives in a Post-Truth Society. In: Visible Evidence Annual Conference, July 24-28 2019, Los Angeles, USA.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2016) The King’s Shilling: Post WWI Masculinity in Peaky Blinders. In: Film and History Annual Conference, Oct 26-30, Milkwaukee, WI, USA.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2018) “The Part of Me that Dreams is Gypsy”: Rural Space, Place and Performance in Peaky Blinders (BBC, 2013-Present). In: Literature Film Association Annual Conference, Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2020) The Rise of the satellite character: Boardwalk Empire’s Nelson Van Alden. In: SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) Annual Conference, March 17-21 2021, Online.

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2019) Transnational adaptation of a classic: The Godfather Trilogy. In: Literature Film Association Annual Conference, September 12-14, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Smith, Susan (2012) '"The Child in Hitchcock", Hitchcock and Film Authorship: Cinema, Culture, Collaboration'. In: SCMS (Society for Cinema and Media Studies) Annual Conference, 21-25 Mar 2012, Boston, MA, USA. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2014) '"Come on, Baggy, get with the beat!" Exploring song and dance in Disney musicals'. In: Discussing Disney, 3-4 Sep 2014, University of Hull. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2016) ‘Dancing raindrops and a singing teapot: Disney’s love affair with the musical’, “CG symphonies: the modern animated film soundtrack through the lens of three key studios”. In: Music for Audio-Visual Media II Conference, 20-22 Jun 2016, University of Leeds. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2015) 'Disney, Broadway and the Contemporary Animated Film Musical'. In: 27th Society for Animation Studies annual conference: Beyond the Frame, 13-16 Jul 2015, Canterbury Christ Church University. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2015) 'The Musical Landscape of Frozen'. In: Symfrozium, 12 May 2015, University of East Anglia. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2013) 'Palettes of emotion: texture and range in Elizabeth Taylor's performances'. In: Research Seminar, Invited Speaker, 24 Apr 2013, University of Salford, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2014) ‘When You Wish Upon a Star‘. An Analysis of the Singing Voice in Disney’s Films of the Classical Era. In: Voice and Singing in Popular Music in the U.S.A. (1900–1960), 6-7 June 2014, Liszt School of Music, Weimar, Germany. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan (2013) 'Writing Elizabeth Taylor', "Developing the BFI Film Stars Series panel. In: Revisiting Star Studies: International Conference, 12-13 Jun 2013, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)

Smith, Susan and Shingler, Martin (2013) Co-chair (with Martin Shingler) of a panel on the BFI Film Stars series. In: Revisiting Star Studies: International Conference, 12-13 Jun 2013, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)

Stubbs, Gary (2024) ScreenSkills Select/RTS Scotland/AD Guild Assistant Directing Webinar. In: ScreenSkills Select/RTS Scotland/AD Guild Industry Insight Assistant Directing Webinar, 12 Nov 2024, Online. (Unpublished)


Ambrosini, M, Maina, Giovanna and Marcheschi, E (2009) I film in tasca. Videofonio, cinema e televisione. Felici, Pisa. ISBN 978-88-6019-313-1

Knight, Julia (1992) Women and the New German Cinema. Questions for Feminism . Verso, London. ISBN 978-0860915683

Knight, Julia and Gledhill, Christine (2015) Doing Women's Film History: Reframing Cinemas, Past and Present. University of Illinois Press, Illinois. ISBN 0252081188

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2018) A Companion to the Gangster Film. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. ISBN 9781119041665

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2010) Screening the Mafia: Masculinity, Ethnicity and Mobsters from The Godfather to The Sopranos. McFarland, Jefferson, NC, USA. ISBN 9780786443116

Larke-Walsh, George S. (2023) True Crime in American Media. Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies . Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032123479

Smith, Clarissa, Werndly, Angela and Richardson, Niall (2013) Studying Sexualities: Theories, Representations, Cultures. Palgrave MacMillan, London. ISBN 9780230220423

Smith, Susan (2000) Hitchcock: Suspense, Humour and Tone. British Film Institute/ Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 0851707807



Collins, Jacqueline A. (2011) From Lavender Menace to Lesbian Heroic: Representations of Lesbian Identities in Contemporary Spanish Fiction and Film. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2015) ‘Confronting Evil and the monstrous “other” in Beowulf and its filmic adaptations: Understanding heroic action and the limits of knowledge.’. Post-Doctoral thesis, University of Vigo.

McKenna, Mark (2017) RETHINKING THE ‘VIDEO NASTIES’: ECONOMICS, MARKETING, AND DISTRIBUTION. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.


Drainville, Elaine (2008) Kite. 2008, Star and Shadow Cinema, Newcastle.


Drainville, Elaine (2011) 'I am Nasrine (Formerly Ali in Wonderland)'. [Film/Video]


Drainville, Elaine (2010) Mouth of the Tyne. Side TV.

Drainville, Elaine (2009) WIKI: Ali in Wonderland. Bridge and Tunnel Productions.

Knight, Julia and Thomas, Peter (2011) Film & Video Distribution Database (FVDD). University of Sunderland.

Larke-Walsh, George S. and Leeder, Murray (2021) Journal of Cinema and Media Studies. Special Editor to an edition of the Teaching Dossier focused on online teaching. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 05:38:36 2025 BST.