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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items at this level: 144.


Attwood, Feona and Smith, Clarissa (2014) Porn Studies: an introduction. Porn Studies, 1 (1-2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2326-8743

Brewis, Georgina, Hellawell, Sarah and Laqua, Daniel (2020) Rebuilding the Universities after the Great War: Ex-Service Students, Scholarships and the Reconstruction of Student Life in England. History, 105 (364). pp. 82-106. ISSN 1468-229X

Calver, Jasmine (2022) “Warphans” and “Quiet” Heroines: Depictions of Chinese Women and Children in the Comité mondial des femmes contre la guerre et le fascisme's Campaigns during the Second Sino-Japanese War. International Review of Social History, 67 (S30). pp. 23-47. ISSN 1469-512X

Doucet, Delphine (2013) Questioning Authorities: Scepticism and Anti-Christian Arguments in the Colloquium Heptaplomeres. History of European Ideas, 39 (6). pp. 755-775. ISSN 0191-6599

Hackett, Sarah (2009) The Asian of the North: Immigrant Experiences and the Importance of Regional Identity in Newcastle upon Tyne during the 1980s. Northern History, 46 (2). pp. 293-311. ISSN 0078-172X

Hayes, John and Hayes, Peter (2014) Adoption in England:The end of placements dictated by race, culture, religion and language. Family Law, 44. pp. 1288-1298. ISSN 0014-7281

Hayes, Peter (2014) Changing attitudes to transracial adoption in the United Kingdom: two important books. Adoption Quarterly, 17 (2). pp. 158-161. ISSN 1092-6755

Hayes, Peter (2017) Commentary: Cognitive, Emotional and Psychosocial Functioning of Girls Treated with Pharmacological Puberty Blockage for Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology for Clinical Settings, 8 (44). ISSN 1664-1078

Hayes, Peter (2016) Early puberty, medicalisation and the ideology of normality. Women's Studies International Forum, 56. pp. 9-18. ISSN 0277 5395

Hayes, Peter (2009) The Ideology of Relativity: The Case of the Clock Paradox. Social Epistemology, 23. pp. 57-78.

Hayes, Peter (2013) International Adoption, "Early" Puberty, and Underrecorded Age. Pediatrics, 131 (6). pp. 1029-1031. ISSN 0031-4005

Hayes, Peter (2011) The Legality and Ethics of Independent Intercountry Adoption Under the Hague Convention. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 25 (3). pp. 288-317. ISSN 1360-9939

Hayes, Peter (2008) Pirates, Privateers and the Contract Theories of Hobbes and Locke. History of Political Thought, 29 (3). pp. 461-84. ISSN 0143-781X

Hayes, Peter (2010) Popper's response to Dingle on special relativity and the problem of the observer. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 41. pp. 354-361.

Hayes, Peter (2008) Special Adoption in Japan: Its Problems and Prospects. Adoption Quarterly, 11. pp. 81-100.

Hayes, Peter and Kim, Hyang-Eun (2008) Openness in Korean Adoptions: From Family Line to Family Life. Adoption Quarterly, 10. pp. 53-78.

Hayes, Peter and Tan, Tony X. (2016) Timing of Menarche in Girls Adopted from China: a Cohort Study. Child: care, health and development, 42 (6). pp. 859-862. ISSN 1365-2214

Hellawell, Sarah (2017) Antimilitarism, Citizenship and Motherhood: the formation and early years of the Women’s International League (WIL), 1915 – 1919. Women's History Review, 27 (4). pp. 551-564. ISSN 0961-2025

Hellawell, Sarah (2015) Book Review, Cathy Hunt, National Federation of Women Workers, 1906–1921 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) in Economic History Review, vol. 68, no. 2 (2015), 739–740. Economic History Review, 68 (2). pp. 739-740.

Hellawell, Sarah (2021) ‘A Strong International Spirit’: The Influence of Internationalism on the Women’s Co-operative Guild. Twentieth Century British History, 32 (1). pp. 93-118. ISSN 1477-4674

Howard, William (2008) Cities in decline?: a comparative history of Malmö and Newcastle after 1945 – By Natasha Vall (Review). The Economic History Review, 61 (1). pp. 249-251. ISSN 1468 0289

Howard, William (2008) Forty Years On, Or So! The Origins of The NELHS. North East History, 39. pp. 137-143. ISSN 1474 3248

Howard, William (2008) Pitmatic: The Talk of the North East Coalfield. By Bill Griffiths (Review). Labour History Review, 73 (3). pp. 352-353. ISSN 0961-5652

Howard, William (2006) Trade Unionism in Nineteenth Century Sunderland. Victoria County History.

Keil, Andre (2018) Book Review: 'Searching for Lord Haw-Haw: The Political Lives of William Joyce' by Colin Holmes. Immigrants and Minorities. ISSN 1744-0521

Keil, Andre (2017) Media Discourse after the War. 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War.

Keil, Andre (2016) The Preußenrenaissance Revisited: German–German Entanglements, the Media and the Politics of History in the late German Democratic Republic. German History, 34 (2). pp. 258-278. ISSN 0266-3554

Keil, Andre (2014) 'Zwischen Kooperation und Opposition: Die britische Arbeiterbewegung und das "War Emergency Workers' National Committee" während des Ersten Weltkriegs'. Jahrbuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, 13 (3). pp. 7-26. ISSN 1610-093X

Keil, André (2019) The National Council for Civil Liberties and the British State during the First World War, 1916–1919*. The English Historical Review. ISSN 0013-8266

Morgan, Gwenda and Rushton, Peter (2011) Fraud and Freedom: Gender, Identity and Narratives of Deception among Female Convicts in Colonial America. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 34 (3). pp. 335-355. ISSN 1754-0194

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2020) Contesting colonial (hi)stories: (Post)colonial imaginings of South East Asia. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 51 (3). ISSN 0022-4634

O'Brien, Laura (2011) Cette nouvelle transformation du gamin de Paris: the figure of the Mobile Guard and vivandieres in popular culture in 1848. French History, 25 (3). pp. 337-361. ISSN 0269-1191

O'Brien, Laura (2009) Ecrire, calculer, classer. Comment une revolution de papier a transforme les societes contemporaines (1800-1940). French History, 23 (1). pp. 130-132. ISSN 0269-1191

O'Brien, Laura (2014) Susan K. Foley and Charles Sowerwine, A Political Romance: Léon Gambetta, Léonie Léon and the Making of the French Republic, 1872–1882. European History Quarterly, 44 (2). pp. 324-325.

Rushton, Peter (2015) Caribbean: “Barbadose'd” - The Transportation of Convicts. Convict Voyages.

Rushton, Peter (2015) The Rise and Fall of Seditious Words, 1650 to 1750. Northern History, 52 (1). pp. 68-84. ISSN 0078-172X

Rushton, Peter and Morgan, Gwenda (2015) Arson, Treason and Plot: Britain, America and the Law, 1770-1777. History, 100 (341). pp. 374-391. ISSN 1468-229X

Smith, Clarissa (2010) Extreme Concern: Regulating ‘Dangerous Pictures’ in the United Kingdom. Journal of Law and Society Special Issue: Special Issue: Regulating Sex/Work: From Crime Control to Neo-liberalism?, 37. pp. 171-188.

Vinnakota, Divya, Hakkim, Saira, Pellissery, Maneesha Varghese, Sivasubramanian, Madhini, islam khan, mohammad tariqul, Hoque, Afroza, Mohammad Mashrur, Abu Rushd, Parsa, Ali Davod and Kabir, Russell (2022) Reverse Smoking and its Effects among Indian Reverse Smokers: A Scoping Review. Journal of Primary Care Dentistry and Oral Health, 3 (3). pp. 67-74. ISSN 2772-3534

Yuill, Kevin (2015) Book Review: David Scott FitzGerald and David Cook-Martín . Culling the Masses: The Democratic Origins of Racist Immigration Policy in the Americas. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014. American Historical Review.

Yuill, Kevin (2014) In the Shadow of the 1924 Immigration Act: FDR, Immigration, and Race. Immigrants and Minorities, 32 (3). pp. 183-205. ISSN 0261-9288

Yuill, Kevin (2015) The Unfreedom of Assisted Suicide: How the right to die undermines autonomy. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 2015 (1). pp. 494-502. ISSN 2352-5525

Yuill, Kevin (2015) The spectre of Japan: the influence of foreign relations on race relations theory, 1905–24. Patterns of Prejudice, 49 (4). pp. 317-342. ISSN 0031-322X

Yuill, Kevin and Boer, Theo (2021) Een liberate, humanistische kritiek op een 'voltooid leven'-wet (A liberal, humanist critique of a 'completed life' law). Filosofie & Praktijk, 42 (4). pp. 7-16. ISSN 0167-2444

Book Section

Doucet, Delphine (2024) Afterlife of a Clandestine Manuscript: The Case of the Colloquium Heptaplomeres (17th/18th c). In: Radical Ideas and the Crisis of Christianity in England, 1640–1740. The politics of Religion. Studies in Early Modern Cultural Political and Social History (51). Boydell and Brewer, Woodbridge, pp. 161-181. ISBN 9781837651825

Doucet, Delphine (2014) Du Colloquium Heptaplomeres de Bodin au Commentaire Philosophique de Bayle: diversite, verite, sincerite et conversion. In: Pierre Bayle et le politique. Honore Champion, Paris, pp. 49-66. ISBN 9782745327109

Hackett, Sarah (2012) Integration im kommunalen Raum: Bremen und Newcastle-upon-Tyne im Vergleich. In: Das "Gastarbeiter"-System. Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (104). Oldenbourg Verlag, für Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich, pp. 247-259. ISBN 978-3-486-70946-9

Hackett, Sarah (2011) A Learning Curve: The Education of Immigrants in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Bremen from the 1960s to the 1980s. In: International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education: Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning. Springer, pp. 349-364. ISBN 978-94-007-1465-6

Hackett, Sarah (2011) Peering around the "Velvet Curtain of Culture": The Employment and Housing of Newcastle-upon-Tyne's Muslim Immigrants, 1960s-1990s. In: Britain and the Muslim World: Historical Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 222-237. ISBN 9781443825900

Hayes, Peter (2013) Locke, John. In: Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought. CQ Press. ISBN 9781452234168

Hayes, Peter (2013) Preface. In: Teori & Praksis Sejarah Gagasan. Penerbit Kanisius, Indonesia, pp. 5-6. ISBN 978-979-21-3631-9

Hayes, Peter (2015) Riots in Thatcher's Britain. In: Crowd Actions in Britain and France from the Middle Ages to the Modern World. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 256-269. ISBN 9780230203983

Hellawell, Sarah (2019) Building a 'New International Order': International Women's Organizations and the UIA. In: International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350055629

Hellawell, Sarah (2021) Women as Peacemakers: The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in Zurich, 1919. In: The Global Challenge of Peace: 1919 as a Contested Threshold to a New World Order. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 111-126. ISBN 9781800857193

Howard, Stuart and Hannam, Kevin (2010) The making of two mining museums: Bowes and Beamish, North East England. In: Mining Heritage and Tourism: A Global Synthesis. Routledge Advances in Tourism (19). Routledge, London, pp. 13-22. ISBN 9780415560900

Howard, William (2008) 'Interacting with the Archive'. In: Arkhive City. Interface and Locus+ Archive, Newcastle and Belfast. ISBN 978-1-899377-30-5

Keil, Andre (2016) Der Erste Weltkrieg in der britischen Erinnerungskultur. Mediendiskurse, Museen und Literatur zum Centenary. In: Auf dem Weg zur transnationalen Erinnerungskultur? Konvergenzen, Interferenzen und Differenzen an den Ersten Weltkrieg in Jubiläumsjahr 2014. Forum Historisches Lernen . Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach im Taunus, pp. 97-118. ISBN 9783734404016

Keil, Andre (2017) Zwischen Klassenkampf und Systemimmanenz: Die britische Gewerkschaftsbewegung und der Staat. In: Gewerkschaftliche Staatsverständnisse vom Industrialismus bis zum Informationszeitalter. Staatsverständnisse . Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, pp. 215-244. ISBN 9783848730551

Mitchell, Caroline (2014) Breaking the sound barrier, histories and practices of women's radio. In: Routledge Companion to British Media History. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 345-355. ISBN 9780415537186

Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) "Apo tin Anaparastasi tis Politikis stin Politiki tis Anaparastasis: Zitimata Ethnikis Tautotitas ke Oumanistika Ideodi stin Elliniki Fotografia apo ton Mesopolemo mexri Simera" (From the Politics of Representation to the Representation of Politics: Issues of National Identity and Humanist Ideals in Greek Photography from the Interwar Years to the Present). In: I Elleniki Fotografia ke i Fotografia stin Ellada: An Anthology of Texts (Hellenic Photography and Photography in Greece: An Anthology of Texts). Nefeli Publishing / Museum of Photography Thessaloniki, Athens/Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2011) “The Authentic Snap? D.I.Y. Reporting in the Age of ‘We Media’”. In: Visual Conflicts: On the Formation of Political Memory in the History of Art and Visual Cultures. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 187-204. ISBN 978-1-4438-3172-7

Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Distance and Proximity. In: Work. National Gallery of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 24-33. ISBN 9789833497188

Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Από το στούντιο στον δρόμο: επαναξιολογώντας τη σειρά της Νέλλης Easter Parade (From the Studio to the Street: Re-interpreting Nelly’s Series Easter Parade). In: Nelly's: Αναγνώσεις του έργου της (Nelly's: Readings of her Work). Benaki Museum, Athens, pp. 402-439. ISBN 978-960-476-315-3

Moschovi, Alexandra (2015) Greece as photograph: histories, photographies, theories. In: Camera Graeca: Photographs, Narratives, Materialities. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781472424761

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) "I Apli ke Anotheftos Fotografia" (The pure and unadulterated photography". In: Fotografikon Praktorion "D.A. Harissiadis" (Photographic Agency D.A. Harissiadis). Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, pp. 23-34. ISBN 978-960-476-023-7

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) “Re-Imag(in)ing Arcadia: British Intervention in the Post-War Reconstruction of Greece, c. 1945-1946”. In: Greece and Britain since 1945. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 61-97. ISBN 978-144-381-962-6

Nash, Geoffrey (2016) Orientalism. In: Encyclopedia of Empire. John Wiley. ISBN 9781118455074

Nash, Geoffrey (2016) Postmodernism. In: Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World. Gale. ISBN 0028662725

O'Brien, Colm (2011) Yeavering and Bernician Kingship: a review of debate on the hybrid culture thesis. In: Early Medieval Northumbria: kingdoms and communities AD 450-1100. Studies in the Early Middle Ages (24). Brepols, Turnhout, pp. 207-220. ISBN 9782503528229

O'Brien, Laura (2015) Entre acteurs politiques et historiens: les auteurs des premieres histoires de la révolution de 1848. In: L'insurrection entre histoire et littérature (1789-1914). Publications de la Sorbonne, Paris, pp. 71-80. ISBN 9782859449049

O'Brien, Laura (2015) La moralité des mouchards: Chenu, de la Hodde et la guerre des pamphlets. In: Morales en révolution au XIXe siècle. Presses de la Sorbonne, pp. 99-109. ISBN 978-2-7535-3646-3

Quaid, Sheila (2021) Negotiating Identities and Kinship in Lesbian Parental Couples. In: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century: Exploring Diversity , Social Change and Inequalities. Routledge. ISBN 9780367483401 (In Press)

Quaid, Sheila (2017) Reflections on Reading Spare Rib: Personal and Political. In: Re-reading Spare Rib. Palgrave macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-49309-1

Quaid, Sheila, Hugman, Catriona and Wilcock, Angela (2021) Introduction: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century. In: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century: Exploring Diversity , Social Change and Inequalities. Routledge. ISBN 9780367483401 (In Press)

Quaid, Sheila, Hugman, Catriona and Wilcock, Angela (2021) Looking Ahead: What does this mean for the sociology of families and personal lives in the future? In: Negotiating Families and Personal Lives in the 21st Century: Exploring Diversity, Social Change and Inequalities. Routledge. ISBN 9780367483401 (In Press)

Rushton, Peter (2018) ‘Austerity: a Critical History of the Present’. In: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 21-43. ISBN 978-3-319-79120-3

Rushton, Peter ‘Austerity: a Critical History of the Present’. In: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. eds P. Rushton and C. Donovan. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, pp. 21-43. ISBN 978-3-319-79119-7

Rushton, Peter (2013) Exile and Suffering in the Construction of Identity: Narratives of Banishment, Exile and Return in 17th and 18th Century Britain and Ireland. In: Border Crossings: Narration, Nation and Imagination in Scots and Itish Literature and Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 29-54. ISBN 978-1-4438-5229-6

Rushton, Peter (2009) Gateshead 1550-1700: Independence against all the Odds? In: Newcastle and Gateshead before 1700. Phillimore & Co Ltd, Chichester, pp. 295-322. ISBN 9781860775796

Rushton, Peter (2019) Local Laws, Local Principles: The Paradoxes of Local Legal processes in Early Modern England. In: Law, Lawyers and Litigants in Early Modern English Society: Essays in memory of Christopher W. Brooks. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 185-206. ISBN 9781108491723

Rushton, Peter (2013) Risk, Identities and Recognition: A History of Dangerous Categories and Categories of Danger. In: Constructing Risky Identities in Policy and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Basingstoke, pp. 21-37. ISBN 9781137276087

Rushton, Peter and Donovan, Catherine (2018) Introduction. In: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9783319791197

Rushton, Peter and Donovan, Catherine (2018) Introduction: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. In: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9783319791203

Rushton, Peter and Morgan, Gwenda (2018) Parish, River, Region and Nation: Networks of Power in 18th-century Wearside. In: Beyond Coal and Class – Economy and Culture in North-East England, 1500-1800. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, Suffolk. ISBN 9781783271832

Smith, Clarissa (2013) More Sex! Better Sex! Sex is F*cking Brilliant! Sex, Sex, Sex, SEX. In: The Routledge International Handbook of Leisure Studies. Routledge, London, pp. 325-336. ISBN 0415697174

Ward, Daniel (2020) “Your Body Belongs to the State”: The Mobilization of the Action Heroine in Service of the State in Red Sparrow and Atomic Blonde. In: Cold War II: Hollywood's Renewed Obsession With Russia. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, Mississippi, pp. 112-128. ISBN 9781496831149

Younger, Colin (2013) 'Authenticity and the Border Ballads'. In: Border Crossings: Narration, Nation and Imagination in Scots and Irish Literature and Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 978-1-4438-5229-6

Yuill, Kevin (2013) Better die fighting against injustice than to die like a dog: African-Americans and guns 1866-1941. In: A Cultural History of Firearms in an Age of Empire. Ashgate Press, pp. 211-230. ISBN 978-1-4094-4752-8

Yuill, Kevin (2017) From Virtuous Armed Citizen to "Cramped Little Risk-Fearing Man": The Meaning of Firearms in an Insecure Era. In: The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear, and the American Constitution. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxfordshire. ISBN 9780367887476

Reports, briefing/ working papers

Durey, Matthew, J. (2023) The Quest for Economic and Social Inclusion: a response from culture and aesthetics. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Rushton, Peter (2017) The Myth and Reality of Brexit City: Sunderland and the 2016 Referendum. Working Paper. University of Sunderland.

Conference or Workshop Item

Blackwood, Ashleigh and Crozier, Susanne (2021) Dr Ashleigh Blackwood & Suzanne Crozier - Personalised Care: An Interdisciplinary Approach. In: Midlands Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2021, 20 Apr 2021, Online.

Doucet, Delphine (2018) Religion at the dinner table, a sixteenth century dialogue. In: Sunderland Literature Festival, 12 October 2018, Sunderland Museum, Pottery Gallery. (Unpublished)

Durey, Matthew, J. (2024) The Uncomfortable View from the Ivory Tower. In: The Uncomfortable Ideas Group Launch Event, 13 Jun 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Krauthaker, Marion (2013) Analyse génétique du Journal d’un voyageur de George Sand. In: Journée d'Etude: "Sexualités, genre, résistances", 1 June 2013, CNRS, Rue d'Ulm, Paris. (Unpublished)

Krauthaker, Marion (2013) Dynamiques Queers in : fluidité textuelle et sexuelle chez Colette. In: 27ème Congrès International du CIEF, 9 - 16 Jun 2013, Grand Baie, Mauritius. (Unpublished)

Krauthaker, Marion (2013) Le Journal de Mary Martin: quotidian et épreuves d'une mere irlandaise pendant la guerre de 1914-1918. In: Ulysses Seminar, 17 October 2013, Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway. (Unpublished)

Krauthaker, Marion (2013) Transgressions corporelles et textuelles dans les « Souvenirs » d’Herculine Barbin. In: XV Annual ADEFFI Conference, 18 - 20 October 2013, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra (2010) “The Authentic Snap? D.I.Y. Reporting in the Age of We Media”. In: Supplementary Conflicts: Domesticities and Life Histories in Wartime session, 36th AAH Annual Conference 2010, 15 - 17 April 2010, University of Glasgow, Scotland.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2011) Greece as Photograph: Histories, Photographies, Theories. In: Greek (Hi)stories through the Lens: Photographs, Photographers and their Testimonies,, 8-11 June 2011, Safra Lecture Theatre, King's College, London.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) “No Control: Reporting the Greek Riots in the Age of Social Networking Media”. In: Photography and International Conflict, 25 - 26 Jun 2009, UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Moschovi, Alexandra, Fox, Anna and Kapajeva, Maria (2024) Closing Remarks. In: Hidden (Hi)stories: New Perspectives of Women’s Photographies, 17-19 May 2024, MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art- Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2015) Re-Visiting the Colonial Archive in the Era of Web 2.0. In: The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage, Europeanna, 29-30 January 2015, CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography, Leuven Belgium.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2015) Shifting Powers: Digitality, Modularity and (Im)materiality in the 21st Century Post-Colonial Archive. In: Photography in the 21st Century: Art, Philosophy Technique, 5-6 June 2015, Central St. Martins, London.

Nash, Geoffrey (2014) The Legacy of Sayyid Ahmad in the Postcolonial Age. In: Sir Syed Memorial Lecture, Oct 19 2014, 41 Fitzroy Sq. London.

O'Brien, Laura (2013) Entre acteurs politiques et historiens: les auteurs des premiers histories de la revolution de 1848. In: Writing the insurgency / insurgency in writing in the 19th century, 10 May 2013, IHMC, ENS - 45 rue d'Ulm Paris, France. (Submitted)

O'Brien, Laura (2014) The weight of the past: exile, French radical socialists, and the problematic memory of 1848 and the Second French Republic. In: Arraches et deplaces: refugies politiques, prisonniers de guerre, deportes en Eurpoe ei l'espace colonial 1789-1918, 30 Nov 2011, Université Blaise Pascal. Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Clermont-Ferrand, France. (Unpublished)

Quaid, Sheila (2021) The Future, Reproductive Autonomy, Choice and Care: Narratives on life and future from women who are not mothers. In: British Sociology Association Annual Conference 2021, 13 April 2021, Online. (Unpublished)


Austin, Naomi (2018) The Call of the Sea. UK Book Publishing Limited, Newcastle upon Tyne. ISBN 978-1-912183-49-4

Hackett, Sarah (2013) Foreigners, Minorities, Integration: The Muslim Immigrant Experience in Britain & Germany. Manchester University Press.

Hayes, Peter and Habu, Toshie (2011) Nihon no yōshi engumi : shakaiteki yōgo shisaku no ichizuke to tenbō. Akashi Library (143). Akashi Shoten, Tokyo. ISBN 9784750333502

Hayes, Peter, Habu, Toshie and Yoshida, Katutugu (2009) Taiwan's Long Road to Democracy: Bitter Taste of Freedom. Edward Elgar, England, xxii + 241. ISBN 9781848440784

Henig, Simon (2008) A new constitutional settlement for Britain. Pending Details, TBA, pp. 14-22. ISBN 978-0-9560346-0-1

Kippin, John (2011) Local. n/a . Arts Editions North, Sunderland. ISBN 978-0 9557478-7-8

Morgan, Gwenda and Rushton, Peter (2013) Banishment in the Early Atlantic World: Convicts, Rebels and Slaves. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781441106544

Morgan, Gwenda and Rushton, Peter (2019) The British and French in the Atlantic, 1650-1800: Comparisons and Contrasts. Seminar Studies . Routledge. ISBN 9781138657588

Morgan, Gwenda and Rushton, Peter (2003) Eighteenth-Century Criminal Transportation: the Formation of the Criminal Atlantic. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9780333793381

Moschovi, Alexandra, Tsirgialou, Aliki and Asdrahas, Spyros (2007) I Ellada mesa apo ti Fotografia: 160 Chronia Optikes Martyries (Greece through Photographs: 160 Years of Visual Testimony). Melissa Publishing, Athens Greece. ISBN 978960204816

O'Brien, Laura (2015) The republican line: Caricature and French republican identity, 1830-52. Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0719089350

Rushton, Peter and Morgan, Gwenda (2020) Treason and Rebellion in the British Atlantic, 1685-1800: Legal Responses to Threatening the State. Bloomsbury Academic . Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350005327

Younger, Alison (2011) Ireland at War and Peace. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4438-2633-4

Younger, Alison and Maley, Willy (2013) Celtic Connections: Irish-Scottish Relations and the Politics of Culture. Reimagining Ireland, 38 . Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien. ISBN 978-3-0343-0214-2

Yuill, Kevin (2013) Assisted Suicide: the Liberal, Humanist Case Against Legalization. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9781137286307

Yuill, Kevin and Street, Joe (2017) The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear, and the American Constitution. Controversies in American Constitutional Law . Routledge, Abingdon, OX. ISBN 9781138706286


Beachill, Mark James (2016) How a Black Man Won the Presidency in 2008: the Shifting Meaning of Race in the Political Culture of the USA. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Smith, Angela (2007) ‘Pitied but distrusted’: Discourses surrounding British widows of the First World War. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Temple, John (2022) Slaying Squalor: An assessment of Labour’s housing record, 1945 – 1951. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Thompson, Mark S. (2009) The Rise of the Scientific Soldier as Seen Through the Performance of the Corps of Royal Engineers During the Early 19th Century. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.


Mitchell, Caroline, Peter, Lewis, Golo, Föllmer, Per, Jauert, Jacob, Kreutzfeldt, Alexander, Badenoch and Sonja, de Leeuw (2016) [Artefact]


Barkess, Donna (2015) and per se &. November 2015, Design Centre Gallery. University of Sunderland.


Jenkins, Hayley (2015) Gwyneth. [Composition] (Unpublished)

Jenkins, Hayley (2023) Raasay Duets for Clarinets (Eb and/or Bb). [Composition]


Yuill, Kevin (2015) Views on the News - GUN CONTROLS. [Film/Video]


Hayes, Peter (2013) A Q&A with Peter Hayes on international adoption. Oxford University Press.

Yuill, Kevin (2015) Assisted suicide: behold the wisdom of the Commons [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

Yuill, Kevin (2015) Beware the assisted suicide bomber: Right-to-die campaigners are now using death to promote their cause. [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

Yuill, Kevin (2015) Controlling guns, controlling blacks: Those demanding gun control post-Charleston need a history lesson. [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

Yuill, Kevin (2016) From his warm, tear-stained hands...Obama’s plan to Do Something about guns threatens ordinary Americans. [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

Yuill, Kevin (2015) No one should need permission to die: The right to refuse treatment is not the same as the right to demand death. [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

Yuill, Kevin (2015) Virginia: the culture of complaint turns lethal [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

Yuill, Kevin (2015) We cannot have "zero suicides" if we allow euthanasia [Press article]. Telegraph Media Group Limited.

Yuill, Kevin (2015) The case of Tom Mortier shows how euthanasia advocates will never stop at the terminally ill [Press article]. The Daily Telegraph.

Yuill, Kevin (2015) The death penalty is wrong – even for terrorists [Online article]. spiked Ltd,

Yuill, Kevin (2015) The narcissism of assisted suicide: A shocking case shows that assisted suicide is about more than alleviating suffering. [Online article]. Brendan O'Neill,

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 22:05:31 2025 BST.