Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Richardson, Mark, Chesterton, Paul, Taylor, Abigale and Evans, Will (2024) The Effect of Surface on Knee Landing Mechanics and Muscle Activity during a single-leg landing task in Recreationally Active Females. Physical Therapy in Sport. ISSN 1873-1600 (In Press)
McLaren, S.J., Evans, Will, Galna, B., Portas, M.D., Weston, M. and Spears, I.R. (2022) Fast reconstruction of centre of mass and foot kinematics during a single-legged horizontal jump: A point-cloud processing approach. Journal of Biomechanics, 135. p. 111015. ISSN 0021-9290
Chesterton, Paul, Evans, Will, Wright, Matthew, Richardson, Mark, Loli, Lorenzo and Atkinson, Greg (2021) Influence of Lumbar Mobilizations During the Nordic Hamstring Exercise on Hamstring Measures of Knee Flexor Strength, Failure Point, and Muscle Activity: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. ISSN 0161-4754
Richardson, Mark, Chesterton, Paul, Wilkinson, Andrew and Evans, Will (2020) Effect of sand on landing knee valgus during single leg land and drop jump tasks: Possible implications for ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation. Journal of sport rehabilitation. ISSN 1056-6716
Bradley, Eddie, Board, Lisa, Evans, Will and Archer, David (2019) Rugby-specific static activities: Are they actually high-intensity? [Conference Abstract]. Journal of Sports Sciences, 37 (Supp 1). ISSN 0264-0414
Evans, Will, Alan, Nevill, Shaun, McLaren and Massimiliano, Ditroilo (2019) The effect of intermittent running on biomarkers of bone turnover. European Journal of Sport Science. ISSN 1746-1391
Montgomery, Gallin, Abt, Grant, Dobson, Catherine, Smith, Tina, Evans, Will and Ditroilo, Massimiliano (2018) The mechanical loading and muscle activation of four common exercises used in osteoporosis prevention for early postmenopausal women. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 44. pp. 124-131. ISSN 1050-6411
Chesterton, Paul, Evans, Will, Nick, Livadas and McLaren, Shaun (2018) Time-course changes associated with PA lumbar mobilizations on lumbar and hamstring range of motion: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy. ISSN 1066-9817
Khushhal, Alaa, Nichols, Simon, Evans, Will, Gleadall-Siddall, Damien, Page, Richard, O'Doherty, Alasdair, Carroll, Sean, Ingle, Lee and Abt, Grant (2017) Validity and Reliability of the Apple Watch for Measuring Heart Rate During Exercise. Sports Medicine International Open, 1 (6). E206-E211. ISSN 2367-1890