Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Admiss, Danielle-Maria (2018) A World Beyond: How can World-Building Inform Curatorial Practice? Doctoral thesis, The University of Sunderland.
Bainbridge, Eric and Thurlow, Miles (2009) King Fisher's Tales. King Fisher's Tales; in association with Workplace Gallery, Gateshead, 19th Mar - 3rd May 2008, Union Gallery.
Bainbridge, Eric and Thurlow, Miles (2008) Postwurstendung. 11 October - 8 November 2008, Workplace Gallery, Gateshead.
Bradbury, Victoria and O'Hara, Suzy (2019) Reframing Innovation: Art, the Maker Movement and Critique. Media-N| The Journal of the New Media Caucus, 15 (2). pp. 5-19. ISSN 2159-6891
Broeg, Ralf (2021) 3 ModelRooms [Website]. Ralf Broeg Studios.
Broeg, Ralf (2018) 5 temporary soundworks for 3ModelRooms, Underground-Station Heinrich-Heine-Allee, Düsseldorf. Underground-Station Heinrich-Heine-Allee, 02 Dec 2018-06 Jan 2019, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Broeg, Ralf (2016) Continuum & Cut - The Wehrhahn-Line - A Synthesis of the Arts. 30.04.2016 - 09.06.2016, Aedes Architectural Forum, Berlin, Germany.
Broeg, Ralf (2016) Continuum and Cut – The Dusseldorf Wehrhahn Line – A Synthesis of the Arts (catalogue). Kerber Culture . Kerber Verlag, Berlin/Bielefeld, Germany. ISBN 9783735602497
Broeg, Ralf (2012) An den Rändern der Kunst group show at Markus Ambach Projekte, Düsseldorf. Am Rande der Kunst, 3 Mar - 5 May 2012, MAP, Bachstr. 139-143, 40217 Düsseldorf, Germany.
Collier, Mike (2019) Ghosts of the Restless Shore: A Personal Pilgrimage. In: Walking, Landscape and Environment. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781315209753
Collier, Mike (2015) 'Ghosts of the Restless Shore: Space, Place and Memory'. 22 Aug - 15 Nov 2016, The Atkinson, Lord Street, Southport, PR8 1DB.
Collier, Mike Meanders as Mobile Practice: Street Flowers – Urban Survivors of the Privileged Land. In: Tourism and Leisure Mobilities Politics, work, and play. Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility . Routledge, London, pp. 15-26. ISBN 9781138921054
Collier, Mike (2016) Meanders as Mobile Practices. In: Tourism and Leisure Mobilities: Politics, Work and Play. ContemporaryGeographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobilities (62). Routledge, London and New York, pp. 15-26. ISBN 978-1-138-92105-4
Collier, Mike (2017) Singing the World. 26 Aug - 3 Sep 2017, Cheeseburn.
Collier, Mike (2016) Wordsworth and Bashō: Walking Poets. 17 Sep - 3 Nov 2016, Kakimori Bunko, Itami, Japan.
Collier, Mike (2015) drawing? .
Collier, Mike and Bowey, Keith (2012) In Temperley's Tread-the Birdlife of Durham's Moor and Vale. In Temperley's Tread, July 2012, Durham.
Collier, Mike, Morrison-Bell, Cynthia and Robinson, Alistair (2013) WALK ON - From Richard Long to Janet Cardiff - 40 years of Art Walking. WALK ON, Various, Various.
Collier, Mike, Morrison-Bell, Cynthia and Ross, Janet (2013) Walk On at Highgreen. Summer 2013, VARC-Highgreen, Tarset, Northumberland..
Collier, Mike and Shatwell, Rebecca (2012) Street Flowers: Urban Survivors of the Privileged Land AV FESTIVAL 12: WALKS. AV Festival 12: WALKS, 15 Mar - 21 Mar 2012, Middlesbrough, Sunderland, Newcastle, Teeside and Upper Teesdale.
Collier, Mike and Thompson, Brian (2012) Their Colours and Their Forms. Their Colours and their Forms: Artists' Response to Wordsworth, 2 February 2013 - 10 March 2013, Dove Cottage: The Wordsworth Museum.
Germain, Julian and Ritson, Amanda (2023) Postscript. Project Report. NEPN (North East Photography Network), Sunderland, UK.
Ghidini, Marialaura (2015) Curating Web-Based Art Exhibitions: Mapping Online and Offline Formats of Display. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Gill, Wendy and Smith, Helen (2023) Autonomous Youth. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gill, Wendy and Smith, Helen (2023) Youth Music Collective. Exploring the Legacy. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gill, Wendy and Smith, Helen (2023) Youth Music Collectives. Exploring the Legacy. [Image] (Unpublished)
Gill, Wendy and Smith, Helen (2023) Youth Music Collectives. Exploring the Legacy. In: Youth Music Collectives. Exploring the Legacy, 25 November 2023, Newcastle Centre of Contemporary Art. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2019) An Aesthetics of Interaction and Participation? New Media Art, and Histories of Exhibitions. In: The Age of Art. Aesthetics and grammar of contemporary artistic languages, 16 Nov 2019, Italy, Florence, University of Florence.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Art Institutions of the 21st Century. Project Report. Montabonel Foundation, London.
Graham, Beryl (2014) Art, Media, and Museums: The Word Art. In: Cultural Value and the Digital, 7 July, Tate Modern, London.
Graham, Beryl (2019) CRUMB Radio Hour. In: Unfinished List radio streams, a project by ShuLea Chang for Ars Electronica, 8 September 2019, Online, hosted from Austria.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Chair’s Introduction - Equal Collaborations? In: Thinking Digital in the Arts: Unusual Collaborations, 10 May 2016, Gateshead, Sage.
Graham, Beryl (2015) Collecting After New Media panel. In: ISEA 2015 Symposium, 16-19 August, Vancouver.
Graham, Beryl (2015) Collecting New Media Art. In: CI Dialogues, Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, November 2015, Istanbul.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Collecting New Media Art. In: 14 July Media in the Expanded Field: Curators and museum professionals’ Think Tank, July 12-18, Casa Wabi, Puerto Escondido, Mexico.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Collecting New Media Art: The importance of audiences and exhibiting. In: Post-Screen: Intermittence + Interference. Edicoes Universitarias Lusofonas, Lisbon, pp. 20-27. ISBN 9789898771568
Graham, Beryl (2017) Collection-ish. In: Beyond GRAMMATRON: 20 Years into the Future, 15 Sep 2017, London, UK (British Computer Society).
Graham, Beryl (2023) Critical Digital and the PostDoc Condition: Have fun and change things. At British Academy Midlands Multidisciplinary Meet-up: Culture and Heritage in the Digital Age. In: British Academy Midlands Multidisciplinary Meet-up: Culture and Heritage in the Digital Age, 27-29 Mar 2023, Birmingham. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2020) Curating Art after New Media - Professional Development Course. In: Curating Art after New Media – Professional Development Course, Feb 2014 to Feb 2020 and ongoing, London, UK.
Graham, Beryl (2023) Curating Behaviours; New Media Art. In: Curating and Art History course, Curatorial Practice Now module invited speaker., 27 Oct 2023, York: University of York.. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2017) Curating New Media Art Between Institutional and Commercial Pressures. In: Contemporary Art // An Unknown. Series of events curated by Ebru Yetiskin, 13 Dec 2019, Turkey, Istanbul, Akbank Cultural Centre.
Graham, Beryl (2010) Curating New Media Art and Participation. In: 3rd Conference on Innovation and Cultural Dissemination, 29 October 2010, CCCB - Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2012) Curating Participation. In: Vrije Universitieit Brussel/ IBBT Masterclass, 1 Mar 2012, Vrije Universitieit Brussel/ IBB, Brussels. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2011) Curating Participatory Art. In: Curating Masters, HGDK University Zurich, May 2011, HGDK University Zurich. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2019) Curating and Collecting Interaction. In: Sentient Circuitries: Digital Media Art Symposium, 16 Nov 2019, Vancouver, Canada.
Graham, Beryl (2011) Current: Collecting Digital Art. In: 2011 May Collecting Digital Art,, May 2011, UCLAN, The Harris Museum & Art Gallery and folly, Preston. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2016) Digital Dark Ages Artists’ Panel. In: AND Festival, 10 May 2016, Castleton.
Graham, Beryl (2022) Digital Media as Contemporary Art and its Impact on Museum Practice. In: TechLab: Experiments in media art 1999-2019. Surrey Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 204-219. ISBN 978-1-926573-63-2
Graham, Beryl (2003) Directions in art: Digital media. Directions in Art . Heinemann, Oxford. ISBN 978-0431176567
Graham, Beryl (2010) Distributing Ourselves: New Media, Curating, Networks, and Collaborations. In: College Art Association (CAA) Conference., 7-10 Feb 2010, Chicago. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2015) Equal Partnerships. In: Policy Priorities for the Creative Industries - A Manifesto for the New Government, 9 July, London.
Graham, Beryl (2017) Exhibiting New Media and Digital Art: Educating Curators. In: EAST–International Conference on Education, Art, Science and Technology, 23–24 November 2017, China, Beijing: China Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) and Beijing Visual Art Innovation Institute (BVAII).
Graham, Beryl (2012) Exhibiting new media and digital art. In: Dongguk University, Arts Administration course, 23 Oct 2012, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea.
Graham, Beryl (2013) Exhibiting new media and digital art: Interactive audiences and arts administrators/curators. In: Giving up the archive? Reflections on the creation, examination and dissemination of arts organisations’ archives, 1 Jul 2013, London, White Cube Gallery.
Graham, Beryl (2016) Exhibition Histories and Futures: The Importance of Participation and Audiences. In: A Companion to Digital Art. Blackwell Companions to Art History . Wiley-Blackwell, New York, pp. 575-596. ISBN 9781118475201
Graham, Beryl (2013) Exhibition Histories and New Media Behaviours. Graham, Beryl (2013) “Exhibition Histories and New Media Behaviours.” Journal of Curatorial Studies, 2 (2 (summer)). ., 2 (2). pp. 242-262. ISSN 2045-5836
Graham, Beryl (2019) Foreword: Rethinking Art Hacks for the Future. In: Art Hack Practice: Sites for Artistic Co-Production. Routledge, New York, xviii-xix. ISBN 9780815374916
Graham, Beryl (2014) Histories of Interaction and Participation: Critical Systems from New Media Art. In: Performativity in the Gallery: Staging Interactive Encounters. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 65-83. ISBN 978-3-0343-0966-0
Graham, Beryl (2019) Histories of Interactive New Media Art Exhibitions. In: Art Y Nuevos Medios: Reflectiones, Practicas, Desafios, Conference of Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte, 26 April 2019, Spain, Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Graham, Beryl (2012) Histories of Participation and New Media Art. In: Association of Art Historians Conference 2012, 29 - 31 March 2012, Milton Keynes.
Graham, Beryl (2017) IRL to URL: Image Objects. Bloomberg New Contemporaries. 2-day Symposium. In: IRL to URL: Image Objects. Bloomberg New Contemporaries, 24 Nov 2017, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead.
Graham, Beryl (2017) In conversation: Gary Zhexi Zhang 'Erotics of the Interface'. In: Iniva Research Network Event. London: Iniva, 28 June, Iniva, London.
Graham, Beryl (2013) Interview with Beryl Graham by Crystal Sanchez and James Smith. Report on the Status and Need for Technical Standards in the Care of Time-Based Media and Digital Art..
Graham, Beryl (2016) Ken Goldberg. In: Grove Dictionary of Art Online. Oxford University Press, New York. ISBN 9780195170689
Graham, Beryl (2019) New Materialities and New Collecting: Future Exhibiting and Audiences After New Media Art. In: What do Museums Collect? National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Seoul, Korea, pp. 191-206. ISBN 9788963032252
Graham, Beryl (2018) New Materialities and New Collecting: Future Exhibiting and Audiences After New Media Art (conference presentation). In: International Symposium: What do Museums Collect?, 29 Nov-1 Dec 2018, Seoul, Korea, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA).
Graham, Beryl (2010) New Media Art. In: Museums Association Conference. Manchester, October 2010, Manchester. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2012) New Media and Digital Art: Interactive Audiences. In: CAFA Art Museum, Guest Lecture, 12 June 2012., CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, China..
Graham, Beryl (2021) New Objects: Collecting New Media Art, Audiences and Exhibiting. In: Media Curating and Collection Research Seminar, Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid., 21 Apr 2023, Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.. (Unpublished)
Graham, Beryl (2015) Open and closed systems: new media art in museums and galleries. In: Museum Media. The International Handbooks of Museum Studies, 4 Volume Set, V3 . Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken and Oxford, pp. 499-472. ISBN 9781118829059
Graham, Beryl (2017) Peking Seminar: New Media Art. In: Peking University seminar series: Prof. Laozhu, staff and PhD researchers of Media Lab (National Committee of Experimental Art), Annual of Contemporary Art of China, 26 November 2017, Beijing.
Graham, Beryl (2019) Promises and Realities of Digital Technologies. In: Credit — a discussion about monetisation and value in the art world, 30 November 2019, London, UK (Central St. Martins).
Graham, Beryl (2012) Self-Institutionalisation: Who, in what kind of system? On-Curating. Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique? Part II (13). pp. 8-10. ISSN 0803-0391
Graham, Beryl (2021) Sentient Systems: Exhibiting Interaction, Participation or Collaboration? In: Surrey Art Gallery: TechLab 20th Anniversary [TBC]. Surrey Art Gallery, Surrey, Vancouver, Canada. (Submitted)
Graham, Beryl (2021) Startup meets Artist programme, UNSPECIFIED.
Graham, Beryl (2017) Technostalgia Panel Conversation. In: Anthologies Launch Event, 23 March 2017, London, UK (Carroll Fletcher Gallery).
Graham, Beryl (2021) What is the shape of a PhD research process? In: Research Student Training Seminars, 28 January 2021, Glasgow, Graduate School of the College of Arts, University of Glasgow.
Graham, Beryl and Cook, Sarah (2010) Rethinking Curating, Art After New Media. Leonardo . MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.. ISBN 9780262013888
Graham, Beryl and Cook, Sarah (2016) Rethinking Curating: Art After New Media [Chinese edition, in Chinese]. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing. ISBN 9780262013888
Graham, Beryl and Gfader, Verina (2008) Curator as editor, translator or god? Edited CRUMB discussion list theme. Vagueterrain (11).
Graham, Beryl and O'Hara, Suzy (2022) To Fit the New Art: 7 years of the Curating Art After New Media Curators’ Updating Course. University of Sunderland, Sunderland. ISBN 978-1-906832-48-3
Hutchinson, James (2017) 3d Glitch catalogue. 3d glitch, JANUARY 19 2017 - FEBRUARY 10 2017, Filodrammatica Gallery Korzo 28/1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.
Hutchinson, James, Glover, Mike and Glover, Anna (2023) Imaging. imaging, 06 Oct - 06 November 2023, Mestský Dom Kultúry, M. R. Štefánika 875/200, 093 01 Vranov nad Topľou.
Hutchinson, James, Goetz, Lothar, Mitchinson, Graham and loebbecke, renate (2013) Moving Artbox. movingartbox, 26 Apr 2013, new kunstverein wuppertal.
Inge, Panneels and Mike, Collier (2017) Being Human. Mapping the Borders, 18-25 Nov 2017, Selkirk (exhibition) and Galashiels (walk).
Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) The Ceramics Reader. Bloomsbury Academic Crafts & Making . Bloomsbury Academic, London and New York. ISBN 9781472584427
McGhie, Helen (2021) Dark Matter. SelfScapes 2021, 12 April - 2 July, Dalby Forest.
Mike, Collier (2014) on-ko chi-shin. In: Wordsworth and Basho: Walking Poets. Kakimori Bunko, Itami, Japan, pp. 165-169. ISBN 9781906832209
Mitchell, Caroline (2022) Sonic Archaeology: Acoustic mapping with coastal communities. In: Sonic Cartography: Soundscape, Simulation and Re-enactment, 28 - 30 October 2022, University of Kent. (Submitted)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2019) Another Picture: Inclusivity, Difference and Gender Politics at the San Francisco Museum of (Modern) Art. In: Fast Forward: How Women Work, 30 November- 2 December 2019, Tate Modern, London.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) Changing Places: The Rebranding of Photography as Contemporary Art. In: Contestations: 33rd Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians,, 12 - 14 Apr 2007, University of Ulster, Belfast. (Unpublished)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2007) The Colour of Politics or the Politics of Colour? The Reinvention of British Documentary Photography in the 1980s. In: Colour Photography: From Autochrome to Cibachrome, 10 Nov 2007, London, UK (Courtauld Institute of Art).
Moschovi, Alexandra (2021) The Democratic Picture: Grace McCann Morley and Photography in the San Francisco Museum of Art. The Classic.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Discursive Encounters: Embracing Photography in the Art Museum. In: Engendering Photography, 19 Aug 2024, National Gallery Singapore.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) From Photo-phobia to Photo-Philia: Institutionalising Photography in Post-war Britain. In: Photography and the Museum: Processes of and Chances for Institutionalizing the Medium, 01 Dec 2023, Photography Network Online. (Unpublished)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2022) A Gust of Photo-Philia: Photography in the Art Museum. In: Faculty of Recorded Media Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, the Indonesia Photography Society and the Indonesian Photography Study Program Association, Indonesia, 21 Jan 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Institutional Dilemmas: Complications, Challenges, and Opportunities. In: Photography and the Museum: Re-evaluating the Past, Capturing the Present, Anticipating the Future, 22-24 Nov 2024, Media Cinema, University of Sunderland.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) Intermedia Pictures. In: Not a Photography Collection. Zeppos and Yannopoulos, Athens, pp. 12-15.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2021) Intersections and Disjunctions: The Institutional Profiles of ‘American’ Photography. In: Making American Photographies: Writing Histories of Photography and the United States, 16 Nov - 18 Nov 2021, Online (Rijkmuseum, the Netherlands).
Moschovi, Alexandra (2021) Introduction. In: SHIFTS: Photography in the 21st Century Museum, 7 July 2021, online, NEPN. (Unpublished)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) Memes and Memeification. In: Encyclopedia of Visual Culture, Digitisations, Transformations, and Futures. Bloomsbury Academic, Visual Arts, London. (Submitted)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Museum Dialogues: An Introduction. In: Museum Dialigues: Problems and Definitions, 22 Mar 2024, Northern Centre of Photography, Online.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2006) The Museumification of Documentary Photography. In: Shifts: Archives in Dialogue and New Indentities in Documentarism. University of Sunderland and the Centre for Creative Photography Finland, Jyvaskyla, pp. 98-100. ISBN 1873757166
Moschovi, Alexandra (2023) Photography and the Art Museum. In: Encyclopedia of Visual Culture, Digitisations, Transformations, and Futures. Bloomsbury Academic, Visual Arts, London. (Submitted)
Moschovi, Alexandra (2024) Photography in the Art Museum: Historical Shifts and Contemporary Challenges, introduction to round table discussion Collecting Photography in Southeast Asian Museums. In: ICAS 13, Crossways of Knowledge, The 13th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Conference and Festival, 28 Jul-1 Aug 2024, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2013) “Pragmatikotites kai Pithanotites: To Authentiko Plasto? Anaparastaseis tou Pragmatikou se Fotografikes Istories” (Realities and Plausibilities: The Authentic fake? Representations of the Real in Photographic Histories). In: I Elleniki Fotografia ke i Fotografia stin Ellada: An Anthology of Texts (Hellenic Photography and Photography in Greece: An Anthology of Texts). Nefeli Publishing / Museum of Photography Thessaloniki.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2018) Rebranding Photography: The Cultural Value of Photographs in the Art Museum. In: Visual Culture, Visual Research, 31 July 2018, Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia.
Moschovi, Alexandra (2016) 'So sachich, dass sie fast funktional zu nennen ist'. Die Neukonstituierung der dokumentarischen Fotografie als Kunst im Museum of Modern Art ('So factual that it may almost be called functional': The Refashioning of the Photographic Document as Art at the Museum of Modern Art). In: Ortsbestimmungen: Das Dokumentarische zwischen Kino und Kunst (Texte zum Dokumentarfilm). Texts on Documentary Film . Verlag Vorwerk 8, Berlin, pp. 70-93. ISBN 9783940384805
Moschovi, Alexandra (2012) The Ubiquitous Image: The Novel Cult Value of Public-generated Snaps in the ecosystem of Web 2.0. In: Beyond Representation: Photography, Humans & Computers, 24 - 25 May 2012, Centre for Media & Culture Research, London South Bank University in association with the journal Philosophy of Photography. (Unpublished)
Moschovi, Alexandra, Fox, Anna and Kapajeva, Maria (2024) Closing Remarks. In: Hidden (Hi)stories: New Perspectives of Women’s Photographies, 17-19 May 2024, MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art- Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Moschovi, Alexandra and Galani, Areti (2013) Other People’s Stories: Bringing Public-Generated Photography into the Contemporary Art Museum. Museum and Society, 11 (2). pp. 172-184. ISSN 1479-8360
Moschovi, Alexandra, Katsaridou, Iro, Leopoulou, Areti and Petsini, Penelope (2024) HerStories. Photographic Practices, 1974-2024. 07 May - 15 Sep 2024, MOMus Thessaloniki Museum of Photography and the Experimental Center for the Arts of MOMus.
Moschovi, Alexandra and Kechagioglou, Maria Poetics, Materialities, Performances: Greek Photographic Books 2000-2023. 19 Oct - 19 Nov 2023, MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections.
Moschovi, Alexandra and Skoufias, Manolis (2017) Redefining photography in the exhibition Portrayals of History. In: Kythera Photographic Encounters Annual Conference, 27 Sep–1 Oct 2017, Kythera, Greece.
Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2024) Die Umdeutung kolonialer Fotografie. suedostasien, 2024 (3).
O'Hara, Suzy (2021) Apr Kelas Seni Rupa - Curating Art After New Media Professional Short Course. Jakarta, Indonesia. In: Apr Kelas Seni Rupa - Curating Art After New Media Professional Short Course., 21 & 22 April 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia (online).
O'Hara, Suzy (2020) Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement Vorspiel 2020. In: Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement Panel Discussion and Book Launch Vorspiel Festival, 2020, 17 January 2020, ACUD Macht Neu, Veteranenstr 21, 10119 Berlin.
O'Hara, Suzy (2025) Art hacking and Big Science Public engagement. In: BLOOMSBURY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF VISUAL CULTURE. Bloomsbury. (In Press)
O'Hara, Suzy (2023) Blue Futures The Word, South Shields, UK 19 July - 29 November 2023. .
O'Hara, Suzy (2019) Little Inventors: From Artistic Method to Global Brand. In: Art Hack Practice Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement. Routledge, New York, pp. 108-120. ISBN 9780815374916
O'Hara, Suzy (2023) SeaScapes CoLab, a creative engagement programme, part of SeaScapes: Tyne to Tees shores and seas (2021 - 2024). Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.
O'Hara, Suzy and Bradbury, Victoria (2019) Art Hack Practice: Critical Intersections of Art, Innovation and the Maker Movement. CRC Press, UK. ISBN 9780815374916
O'Hara, Suzy and Bradbury, Victoria (2020) Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session I: Where do we work? In: Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session I: Where do we work?, 13 May 2020, Future Everything - online.
O'Hara, Suzy and Bradbury, Victoria (2020) Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session II: At Home in the Network. In: Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session II: At Home in the Network, 3 June 2020, Online.
O'Hara, Suzy and Bradbury, Victoria (2020) Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session III: Then and then. In: Future Focus: Art Hack Practice Session III: Then and then, 24 June 2020, Future Everything - online.
O'Hara, Suzy and Coniffy, Helen (2016) Sunderland 10 x 10. [Artefact]
O'Hara, Suzy and Graham, Beryl (2023) To Fit the New Art: 7 years of the Curating Art After New Media Curators’ Updating Course. University of Sunderland, Sunderland. ISBN 978-1-906832-48-3
O'Hara, Suzy and Smith, Dominic (2018) Recoding the Wall 2018. In: ReCoding the Wall, 18 March 2018, Hope Street Xchange, University of Sunderland.
O'Hara, Suzy and Smith, Rob (2024) Sound mirror with Rob Smith. Various, Various, Sunderland, Seaham, Hartlepool.
Ritson, Amanda (2020) Observe Experiment Archive. 15 Nov 2019 - 05 Jan 2020, Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens.
Ritson, Amanda (2024) Reimag(in)ing WORK: Photographs from the IPRN Changing Faces Collection. 22 Nov 2024 - 27 Apr 2025, Sunderland Creatives Gallery, National Glass Centre, Sunderland.
Ritson, Amanda (2013) The Social: Encountering Photography. The Social Encountering Photography Festival, 16 Oct - 15 Nov 2013, Various venues in Sunderland and the wider North East.
Ritson, Amanda and McKay, Carol (2024) Sunderland ‘73: The People’s Visual History. A Model for Activating and Initiating Vernacular Collections. In: Museum Dialogues International Conference: Photography and the Museum: Re-evaluating the Past, Capturing the Present, Anticipating the Future, 22-24 Nov 2024, David Puttnam Media Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Ryley, Marjolaine (2013) 'Growing up in the New Age' - Artists Monograph. Daylight Imprint, New York USA. ISBN 9780983231684
Smith, HELEN (2023) Nowhere Like This Place. Feminist Practices: What Do We Know About How Sally Made Work, 21/02/2023, Newcastle Contemporary Art.
Smith, Helen and Gill, Wendy (2023) Tyne & Wear Music/Youth Collectivism from the 1980s and beyond…. Public discussion event Youth / Music Collectives: Exploring the legacy, Saturday 25th November, Newcastle Contemporary Art.
Smithson, Georgia (2024) New Collecting Models for Time-Based Media Art: Developing a Collections Management Tool. Doctoral thesis, The University of Sunderland.
Suzy, O'Hara (2023) Blue Futures. 20 Jul 2023 - 03 Dec 2023, National Centre for the Written Word.
Suzy, O'Hara (2019) Co/Lab Sunderland Pilot 2018/19). .
Suzy, O'Hara (2022) One Cell At A Time, public engagement project for Human Cell Atlas, led by Wellcome Sanger Institute. Funded by Wellcome Trust. One Cell At A Time: public engagement with the Human Cell Atla, Jul 2020 - Dec 2021.
Suzy, O'Hara and Di, Mainstone (2018) Wonderlooper, by Di Mainstone: Reinventing Sunderland through innovative art making. New Wear Crossing Bridge, 16 Sep 2018, Sunderland, UK.
Suzy, O'Hara and Lottie, Steele (2024) SeaScapes Co/Lab Podcasts. [Audio]
Thurlow, Miles (2008) "All my favourite singers couldn't sing...". 30 Aug - 27 Sep 2008, Workplace Gallery, Gateshead.
Thurlow, Miles (2009) Feedbacker - Peter J Evans. FEEDBACKER, 2009, Spacex - Exeter, Seventeen - London, and Workplace Gallery - Gateshead.
Thurlow, Miles (2009) Hubba Hubba - Mike Pratt. Hubba Hubba, Mar 2009, Satellite project space.
Thurlow, Miles (2009) The Plover's Wing - Marcus Coates. The Plover's Wing, 31 Jan - 28 Feb 2009, Workplace Gallery, Gateshead.
Thurlow, Miles (2009) "To The Demon King's Castle, of course...". 21 Mar - 18 Apr 2009, Workplace Gallery, Gateshead.
Thurlow, Miles (2009) Tomorrow The Future. 4 - 22 Nov 2008, Fishmarket Gallery, Northampton.
Victoria, Bradbury and Suzy, O'Hara (2016) Evaluating Art Hacking Events Through Practice. In: ISEA 2016 (International Symposium for Electronic Art), 16 - 22 May 2016, Hong Kong.
Wheeler, Shirley (2009) Adbusters exhibition. Design Event North East, 16 - 25 October 2009.
Wheeler, Shirley (2010) Have you ever seen a Molecule? In: Have You Ever Seen a Molecule? Art, Science and Visual Communication, 25 - 26 Mar 2010, Centre for Research in Arts, Social Science and Humanities (CRASSH), Cambridge. (Unpublished)
Wheeler, Shirley (2010) Have you ever seen a Molecule? Exhibition. Have you ever seen a Molecule?, 25 - 26 Mar 2010, CRASSH Cambridge University.
Wheeler, Shirley (2009) Nomadic 0910 University of Porto. Portugal. Nomadic Macrovisoes, Sep 2009, University of Porto, Portugal.
Wheeler, Shirley (2011) Virus Bad News wrapped in Protein, exhibition, catalogue and curator. Virus Bad New Wrapped in Protein, 9 Sep - 9 Oct 2011, St John's College, Oxford..