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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items: 60.

Irons, Alastair and Elkington, Sam (2022) Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback (2nd Edition). Routledge. ISBN 9781138610552

Hayes, Catherine (2021) Integration of a Dialogic Feedback Loop in a Work Based Professional Doctorate Programme: A research case study from pedagogic practice (2nd Edition). In: Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback: Key Guides for Effective Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781138610552

Crick, Tom, Davenport, James H., Hayes, Alan, Irons, Alastair and Prickett, Tom (2021) Developing a Computer Science Education Community of Practice for Early-Career Academics in the UK. In: ITiCSE '21: Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V.

Renaud, Karen, Bongiovanni, Ivano, Wilford, Sara and Irons, Alastair (2021) PRECEPT-4-Justice: A Bias-Neutralising Framework for Digital Forensics Investigations. Science and Justice. ISSN 1355-0306

Irons, Alastair, Crick, Tom, Davenport, James H. and Prickett, Tom (2021) Increasing the Value of Professional Body Computer Science Degree Accreditation. In: SIGCSE '21: Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Mar 2021, Virtual, USA.

Crick, Tom, Davenport, James H., Hayes, Alan, Irons, Alastair and Prickett, Tom (2021) Supporting Early-Career Academics in the UK Computer Science Community. In: CEP '21: Computing Education Practice 2021. ACM, pp. 33-36. ISBN 9781450389594

Crick, Tom, Davenport, James H., Hanna, Paul, Irons, Alastair and Prickett, Tom (2020) Overcoming the Challenges of Teaching Cybersecurity in UK Computer Science Degree Programmes. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2377-634X

Mcdonald, Sharon, Cockton, Gilbert and Irons, Alastair (2020) The impact of Thinking-Aloud on usability inspection. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4 (88). pp. 1-21. ISSN 2573-0142

Crick, Tom, Prickett, Tom, Davenport, James H. and Irons, Alastair (2020) Assessing the Value of Professional Body Accreditation of Computer Science Degree Programmes [Poster]. In: ITiCSE '20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. ACM.

Ferguson, R.I., Renaud, Karen, Wilford, Sara and Irons, Alastair (2020) PRECEPT: a framework for ethical digital forensics investigations. Journal of Intellectual Capital, ahead- (ahead-). ISSN 1469-1930

Davenport, James, Crick, Thomas, Irons, Alastair and Prickett, Tom (2020) A UK Case Study on Cybersecurity Education and Accreditation. IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2019. p. 1. ISSN 2377-634X

Prickett, Tom, Pearce, Sally, Irons, Alastair, Hanna, Paul, Davenport, James H and Crick, Tom (2020) Repositioning BCS Degree Accreditation. ITNOW, 62 (1). pp. 50-51. ISSN 1746-5702

Crick, Tom, Davenport, James H., Hanna, Paul, Irons, Alastair and Prickett, Tom (2020) Computer Science Degree Accreditation in the UK. In: CEP 2020: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Computing Education Practice 2020. ACM. ISBN 9781450377294

Irons, Alastair (2019) Delivering Cybersecurity Education Effectively. In: Cybersecurity Education for Awareness and Compliance. IGI Global, pp. 135-157. ISBN 9781522578475

Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Irons, Alastair and Capper, Stephen (2017) 'Partnership in Professional Doctoral Reflexivity - Action Research as a Driver in the Co-Construction of Knowledge'. In: Change Agent Network Conference, 2018, 19 - 20 Apr 2018, University of Winchester, UK. (Submitted)

Peacock, Donna and Irons, Alastair (2017) Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity: Exploring the Gender Gap in Opportunities and Progression. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 9 (1). ISSN 2040-0748

Peacock, Donna and Irons, Alastair (2017) Mind The Gap! : Explaining Gender Inequality in Cybersecurity. In: CASS Public Lecture, 1st March 2017, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair (2017) ‘Reflection on Higher Degree Apprenticeship Development’. Higher Education, Skills and Work Based Learning, 7 (1). pp. 112-122. ISSN 2042-3896

Irons, Alastair and Ophoff, Jacques (2016) Aspects of Digital Forensics in South Africa. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 11. pp. 273-283. ISSN 1555-1229

Drange, T., Irons, Alastair, Sutherland, I. and Nor, G. (2016) Blogs vs WIKI as a reflection tool in Moodle: A Case Study. In: WEI International Academic Conference on Education and Humanities, 30-31 May 2016, Prague.

Peacock, Donna and Irons, Alastair (2016) Women in Cybersecurity: Closed Doors, Sticky Floors and Glass Ceilings. In: North East Crime Research Network (NECRN) Conference 2016, 16th April 2016, Northumbria University. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair and Thomas, Paula (2016) Problem based learning in digital forensics. Higher Education Pedagogies, 1 (1). pp. 95-105. ISSN 2375-2696

Irons, Alastair, Savage, N., Maple, C. and Davies, A. (2016) Embedding Cybersecurity in the Computer Science Curriculum. IT Now, 2016 (1). pp. 56-57.

Irons, Alastair (2016) Impact of Edward Snowden on National Security Policy. In: University of Cape Town Research Seminar Series, May 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair (2016) Ways in which Universities can work with UTCs to ensure smooth student transition. In: Digital Leaders North East Salon, May 2016, Newcastle. (Unpublished)

Peacock, Donna and Irons, Alastair (2015) Gender and Cybersecurity: Encouragement, Opportunities, Progression. In: 11th Annual Teaching Computer Forensics Conference, 19th November 2015, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair and Peacock, Donna (2015) Impact of Gender in Computer Security. In: 11th Annual Teaching Computer Forensics Conference, 19 Nov 2015, University of Sunderland, UK..

Smith, Peter, Fulton, John, Irons, Alastair and Sanders, Gail (2015) The Role of the Professional Doctorate in Developing Professional Practice in STEM Subjects. In: Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for STEM Education. IGI Global, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9781466694712

Peacock, Donna and Irons, Alastair (2015) Gender and Computer Security. In: Dynamo North East 15th Annual Conference, 18th June 2015, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair and Peacock, Donna (2015) The Impact of Gender in Computer Security. In: The 8th International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and Training, 3-4 September 2015, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury. (Submitted)

Irons, Alastair and Lallie, Harjinder Singh (2014) From Digital Forensics to Intelligent Forensics. Future Internet, 6 (3). pp. 584-596. ISSN 1999-5903

Irons, Alastair and Thomas, Paula (2014) Problem Based Learning in Digital Forensics. Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences. ISSN 1473-7507

Irons, Alastair (2013) "Mit Dansk er darligt": Consideration of Self and Peer Feedback. In: Workshop: TEACH unit, 19 Nov 2013, University of Copenhagen.

Irons, Alastair (2013) Keynote speech: Challenges in Assessment and Feedback. In: Assessment, Feedback and Learning Conference, 18 Nov 2013, University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Irons, Alastair (2013) Search and Seizure – Making it Real(istic). In: HEA STEM (Computing): Teaching Computer Forensics, 14 Nov 2013, University of Sunderland.

Dunn, D, Irons, Alastair, Smith, Peter and MacIntyre, John (2013) Sunderland Software City: The Impact of a Collaborative Project to Develop the Software Industry within the North East of England. GSTF International Journal on Computing, 3 (2). pp. 98-102. ISSN 2251-3043

Irons, Alastair (2013) Digital Natives - Impact on Education. In: Academic 2013, 28 Jun 2013, University of Sunderland.

Irons, Alastair (2012) Measurement issues with geo-positional forensics. Measurement and Control, 45 (10). pp. 311-314. ISSN 0020-2940

Irons, Alastair and Devlin, Siobhan (2012) Inspiring teaching in higher education. In: 17th Annual SEDA Conference - Excellence in Teaching: recognising, enhancing, evaluating and achieving impact, 15 - 16 Nov 2012, Aston Business School, Birmingham.

Irons, Alastair and Devlin, Siobhan (2012) The Inspiring Teacher in Computing. In: STEM Annual Conference 2012 - Aiming for excellence in STEM learning and teaching, 12 Apr 2012 - 13 Apr 2012, Imperial College and The Royal Geographical Society London , England, SW7 2AZ.

Irons, Alastair, Devlin, Siobhan, Fielding, S and Robson, S (2012) Inspiring Teaching. In: 3 Rivers Conference, 29 March 2012., Teesside University, Middlesbrough.

Irons, Alastair and Stephens, P (2011) Employability from Computer Forensics Programmes. In: 7th HE Academy ICS Workshop on Teaching Computer Forensics, 10 Nov 2011, University of Sunderland, England.

Irons, Alastair and Stephens, P (2011) Challenges in Teaching Live Forensics. In: he 5th International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education & Training, 1 - 2 Sep 2011, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, United Kingdom.

Irons, Alastair (2011) Impact of digital investigations on society in England and Wales: the north east of England as a case study. In: Police Practices and their Impact on Society. Social justice, equality and empowerment . Nova Publishers. ISBN 978-1-61209-724-4

Irons, Alastair (2010) Digital forensics and measurement science. Measurement and Control, 43 (8). pp. 238-242. ISSN 0020-2940

Hall, Lynne, Irons, Alastair, MacIntyre, John, Sellers, Charles and Smith, Peter (2010) Sunderland Software City: An Innovative Approach to Knowledge Exchange in the North East of England. Journal of Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 15 (3). pp. 317-327. ISSN 1359-6748

Irons, Alastair (2010) Strategic case for pedagogic research in computer science. In: ACM-BCS Visions of computer science 2010; International Academic Research Conference, 13-16 Apr 2010, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair (2010) Work in progress - how formative feedback enhances the student learning experience. In: 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, 27-30 Oct 2010, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

Irons, Alastair (2010) The relationship between digital investigations and reduction in cybercrime. In: 4th International conference on cybercrime forensics education and training; CFET 2010, 2-3 Sep 2010, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair, Stephens, P and Ferguson, R I (2009) Digital investigation as a distinct discipline: a pedagogic perspective. Digital Investigation, 6 (1-2). pp. 82-90. ISSN 1742-2876

Irons, Alastair (2009) Psychology of Cybercrime. In: 3rd International Conference on Cybercrime forensics education and training; CFET 2009, 1-2 Sep 2009, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury UK. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair (2009) Relating research and teaching: learning from experiences and beliefs. In: ITiCSE 2009: 14th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, 3-8 Jul 2009, Paris, France.

Irons, Alastair (2009) Technology Transfer - Sunderland Software City as a Case Study. In: International technology transfer conference, 3-4 Sep 2009, Nanjing, China. (Unpublished)

Irons, Alastair (2008) Enhancing learning through formative assessment and feedback. Key Guides for Effective Teaching in Higher Education . Routledge, London. ISBN 0415397804

Irons, Alastair and White, Su (2007) Informatics in the UK: current perspectives. Innovation in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences, 6 (3). pp. 12-26. ISSN 1473-7507

Irons, Alastair and Konstadopoulou, A (2007) A professionalism in digital forensics. Digital Evidence Journal, 4 (2). pp. 65-71. ISSN 1756-4611

Irons, Alastair and Hilton, Kev (2006) A 'criminal personas' approach to countering criminal creativity. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 8 (4). pp. 248-259. ISSN 1460-3780

Irons, Alastair (2006) Computer forensics and records management - compatible disciplines. Records Management Journal, 16 (2). pp. 102-112. ISSN 0956-5698

Irons, Alastair (2004) Effective learning and teaching in computing. Effective learning and teaching in Higher Education . Routledge Falmer, London. ISBN 978-0415335010

Fulton, John and Irons, Alastair Translational Research in the Professional Doctorate. In: 6th International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 'Professional Doctorates in a Changing Landscape'., 22-23 Mar 2018, Friends House, London. (Submitted)

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