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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items: 82.


Clayton, Ewan (2009) Hans-Joachim Burgert. The Scribe (87). pp. 24-28.

Graham, Beryl and Cook, Sarah (2009) New Media and Digital Art Overview. China-UK: Connections Through Culture. Arts Overview. British Council.

Jewitt, Robert (2009) Book Review of Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 15. pp. 251-252.

Jewitt, Robert (2009) The trouble with twittering: integrating social media into mainstream news. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 5 (3). pp. 231-238.

Moores, Shaun (2009) 'Espaco Migracao, Comunicacao'. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics.

Moores, Shaun (2009) Knowing How to Get Around: Place, Migration and Communication. The Communication Review, 12 (4). pp. 313-326. ISSN 1071-4421

Pearce, Michael (2009) A Perceptual Dialect Map of North East England. Journal of English Linguistics, 37 (2). pp. 162-192. ISSN 0075-4242

Price, John (2009) Beyond the Eurosceptic/Europhile Divide: Towards a New Classification of EU News Coverage in the UK Press. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 5 (3). pp. 356-370. ISSN 1815-347X

Smith, Clarissa (2009) Pleasure and distance: Exploring sexual cultures in the classroom. Sexualities, 12 (5). pp. 568-585. ISSN 1363-4607

Smith, Clarissa (2009) Pleasure and distance: exploring sexual cultures in the classroom. Sexualities, 12 (5). pp. 568-585. ISSN 1363-4607

Smith, Clarissa (2009) Review of Earle and Sharp, Sex in Cyberspace: Men Who Pay for Sex. Feminist Media Studies. ISSN 1468-0777

Yuill, Kevin (2009) Another Take on the Nixon Presidency: Richard Nixon, Drugs, Affirmative Action and the Silent Majority,. Journal of Policy History (Spring 2009).

Book Section

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) ‘Decentred meaning: ceramic materiality – relocating process and technique’. In: Proceedings of the Crafticulation & Education Conference. Nordfo, Helsinki University Press, Helsinki, pp. 101-112. ISBN 978-952-10-5578-2.

Lockwood, Alex (2009) Preparations for a Post-Kyoto Media Coverage of UK Climate Policy. In: Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media (Vol 5). Peter Lang, New York, pp. 186-199. ISBN 978-1-4331-0460-2

Moores, Shaun (2009) '"The Box on the Dresser": Memories of Early Radio and Everyday Life'. In: Radio. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies . Routledge, London, pp. 13-30. ISBN 978-0-415-44864-2

Moores, Shaun and Atkinson, Karen (2009) '"We All Have Bad Bad Days": Attending to Face in Broadcast Troubles-Talk'. In: Radio - Vol 1: Radio Theory and Genres. Routledge, London, pp. 81-102. ISBN 978-0-415-44864-2

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) "I Apli ke Anotheftos Fotografia" (The pure and unadulterated photography". In: Fotografikon Praktorion "D.A. Harissiadis" (Photographic Agency D.A. Harissiadis). Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, pp. 23-34. ISBN 978-960-476-023-7

Nash, Geoffrey (2009) From Harem to Harvard: Cross-Cultural Memoir in Leila Ahmed's A Border Passage. In: Arab Voices in Diaspora: Critical Perspectives on Anglophone Arab Literature. Rodopi, Amsterdam, pp. 351-370. ISBN 978-90-420-2718-3

Smith, Angela (2009) Tabloid television. In: Encyclopedia of journalism. SAGE Publications, London, pp. 1365-1368.

Smith, Clarissa (2009) Pleasing Intensities: Masochism and Affective Pleasures in Porn Short Fictions. In: Mainstreaming Sex: The Sexualisation of Western Culture. I.B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781845118273

Starkey, Guy and Crisell, Andrew (2009) Hear today and on tomorrow: The future of news and “news talk” in an era of digital radio. In: Companion to News and Journalism. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-46529-8

Younger, Alison (2009) "Dressing Up in Ascendancy Robes: The Big House in Brian Friel's Aristocrats". In: No Country for Old Men: New Perspectives on Irish Literature. Reimagining Ireland (4). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, pp. 247-264. ISBN 978-3-03911-841-0

Younger, Alison and Herron, Tom (2009) "Roots and Routes: Home and Away in Friel and Heaney". In: Cultural Perspectives on Globalisation and Ireland. Reimagining Ireland (5). Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, pp. 149-176. ISBN 978-3-03911-851-9

Conference or Workshop Item

Ewins, Neil (2009) The Impact of Far Eastern Manufacturing on UK ceramic design: its industry and ceramic consumption (c1990-2010). In: Parallels and Connections: A Ceramics and Glass Research Student Conference, National Glass Centre, Sunderland.

Green, John Paul (2009) The Regeneration Game: The Changing Faces of Heroism in Doctor Who. In: Whoniversal Appeal: An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference on Doctor Who and All its Spin-Offs, 14-16 Nov 2008, Cardiff University. (Unpublished)

Green, John Paul (2009) The "Relative" Dimensions: Representing the Family Within and Without Doctor Who. In: Postgraduate research conference, 27 Mar 2009, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)

Green, John-Paul (2009) Payroll - Revisiting a British Classic. In: Tyneside Cinema Public Screening of Payroll (1961), 12 Mar 2009, Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle.

Jewitt, Robert (2009) Panic in the streets of Mumbai: Twitter, mobile phones and participatory action. In: Research Event.

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) Ceramic Practice and the Digital Interface: Video and ceramic - a discipline activated reading, International Conference, Sydney. In: Australian Ceramics Triennale, International Conference, Sydney, National Art School, Sydney, Australia.

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) Distorting the ceramic familiar: materiality and non-ceramic intervention, Conference, Keramik Museum, Germany. In: Ceramic Conference, Keramik Museum Westerwald, Germany.

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) 'Future-Forward' British Ceramics Biennial - Conference. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Lockwood, Alex (2009) Preparations for a post-Kyoto press coverage of climate change policy. In: Presented to MeCCSA annual conference, 16th January 2009, University of Bradford..

Lockwood, Alex (2009) The Shore is not a Beach. In: Presented to the Land and Identity Symposium, Derby University, 16th May 2009.

Moores, Shaun (2009) 'Place, Migration, Communication'. In: 'Place, Migration, Communication'.

Moores, Shaun (2009) 'That Familiarity with the World Born of Habit'. In: Transforming Audiences 2, 3 – 4 September 2009, University of Westminster.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Galani, Areti (2009) “A Democracy of Images? The Accommodation/Assimilation of Amateur Imagery in the Museum”. In: Private Eyes - Amateur Photography and Collective History, 12-13 November 2009, University of Copenhagen. (Unpublished)

Sarmiento, Jeffrey (2009) Thick with Images. In: BeCon 2009, Jun 2009, Portland State University campus, Bullseye Glass Factory, Bullseye Gallery, Bullseye Resource Center, and various local kiln-glass studios.

Smith, Angela (2009) Big Sister tv? Bullying, banter and humiliation in makeover tv. In: Ross Priory Broadcast Talk seminar: Belligerence in Broadcast Talk, 13-16 Sep 2009, Ross Priory, Strathclyde University, Scotland. (Unpublished)

Smith, Angela (2009) ‘When the knives are out’: Gordon Ramsay as a case study of belligerent broadcasting. In: English research seminar, March 2009, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland. (Unpublished)

Smith, Angela and Higgins, Michael (2009) Belligerent Broadcasting and Business on Television. In: 59th International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference, 21-25 May 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA. (Unpublished)

Smith, Clarissa (2009) Do Porn Stars Act? In: Talking Dirty: Sex and the Cinema, 13 - 14 Nov 2009, University of Leeds.

Smith, Clarissa (2009) Five Dominatrices and a Thrashing: the Classifications of Sadomasochism. In: Good Sex Bad Sex; sex law crime and ethics conference, 4 - 6 May 2009, Budapest, Hungary.

Winter, T and Keegan-Phipps, S (2009) English Folk Music as World Music. In: International Association for the Study of Popular Music Conference, 13-17 Jul 2009, University of Liverpool.


Clayton, Ewan (2009) Art and Memory: new perspectives on memorial art. The Memorial Arts Charity, Snape, Suffolk. ISBN 978-0-9515711-5-6

Crisell, Andrew (2009) Radio. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies . Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-44864-2

Nash, Geoffrey (2009) Comte de Gobineau and Orientalism: Selected Eastern Writings. Culture and Civilization in the Middle East . Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-44019-6

Nash, Geoffrey (2009) Travellers to the Middle East from Burckhardt to Thesiger: An Anthology. Anthem, London. ISBN 13 978 1 84331 792 0

Smith, Clarissa (2009) British Sexual Cultures. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Broeg, Ralf (2009) Fuzzy Logics. [Artefact]

Broeg, Ralf (2009) Records REF. [Artefact]

Goetz, Lothar (2009) Canon. [Artefact]

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) Creamer Divided. [Artefact]

Watkinson, Cate (2009) Lady Chapel Windows, St Mary’s Parish Church, Whickham, Gateshead. [Artefact]

Watkinson, Cate and Cutler, Vanessa (2009) Public Seating, Baltic Butterfly Business Quarter Gateshead. [Artefact]


Ames, Craig (2009) Demobbed 2009. .

Ames, Craig (2009) Inkubator II: Bunker. INKUBATOR 2: An exhibition of Artists Books, Prints and Multiples, 12 Sept-18 Oct 2009, DLI Museum and Art Gallery, Durham.

Ames, Craig (2009) Research 09. Research: 09, 2009, Reg Vardy Gallery, University of Sunderland.

Broeg, Ralf (2009) 43rd Art Cologne. 22-26 Apr 2009, Cologne, Germany.

Broeg, Ralf (2009) Editions/Artists' Book Fair (EAB). Editions/Artists' Book Fair, 6-8 Nov 2009, New York, USA.

Broeg, Ralf (2009) The London Art Book Fair, Whitechapel Gallery, London 2009. The London Art Book Fair, 25-27 Sept 2009, Whitechapel Gallery, London.

Goetz, Lothar (2009) Driven by Emotion. 2009, Petra Rinck Gallery, Duesseldorf (D).

Goetz, Lothar (2009) L.G.S.N.H.C.M.E.S.M.K.T. Group Exhibition. Jann 22nd-March 20th 2009, rahncontemporary, Zurich (CH).

Goetz, Lothar and O'neil, Paul (2009) Coalesce: Happenstance. Coalesce:Happenstance, 10th Jan-22nd Feb 2009, SMART Project Space, Arie Biemondstraat 105-113, Amsterdam.

Hutchinson, James (2009) Gun. 101 Ouseburn Newcastle, , Jane and Steve Miller. 101 Ouseburn.

Hutchinson, James (2009) Intersculpt 2009 From the Earth to the stars: the Darwinautes' travels. Gare de Metz (salons d'honneur), Metz, Lorraine, 2009, ars mathmatica. paris.

Hutchinson, James (2009) Open source Embroidery. BildMuseet, Umeå University, Sweden, , bildMuseet. umeå University.

Hutchinson, James (2009) Shaggy modernism. Open Source Embroidery, 6 Jun–20 Sept 2009, Bildmuseet, Umea University, Sweden.

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) 12th Westerwaldpreis Keramik Museum, Germany. Westerwald Keramik Museum, Westerwald, Germany, , Pending Details. TBA.

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) 5th World Ceramic Biennale, Korea. 5th World Ceramic Biennale,, , Korea.

Livingstone, Andrew (2009) Disruption Rose Tinted II. Disruption, 10th July-8th August 2009, The Fraser Gallery Washington DC, USA.

Moschovi, Alexandra (2009) Realities and Plausibilities: Re-enacting Realism in Contemporary Photographic Art, curator Alexandra Moschovi. Realities and Plausibilities: Re-enacting Realism in Contemporary Photographic Art, 15 October-20 December 2009, Galerie Xippas, Athens, Greece.

Ryley, Marjolaine (2009) Photo 50 - 2009. , London Art Fair, Islington.

Ryley, Marjolaine (2009) Residence Astral. Apr 2009, Victoria & Albert Museum - Photography gallery, room 38a.

Sarmiento, Jeffrey (2009) Ossify (Sunderland Museum Commission). Collected Fragments Exhibition, 24 Oct 2009 - 3 Jan 2010, Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery. Sunderland.

Watkinson, Cate (2009) Artomatic Washington DC. Artomatic 2009, May 29 –July 5 2009., Capitol Riverfront Washington DC.

Wolland, Peter (2009) Energy was in the Air. , University Gallery & Baring Wing, Northumbria University, Newcastle.


Hutchinson, James (2009) Platform 00000009. [Performance]

Hutchinson, James (2009) ghost trace stellar. [Performance]


Green, John-Paul (2009) Contributor to BBC Inside Out - Payroll (1961) feature film. British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC One.

Hutchinson, James (2009) media exchange commission. Pending Details, TBA.

Ling, Manny and Clayton, Ewan (2009) "Lines of Continuity" Writing 2009 International Calligraphy Symposium. The University of Sunderland, The University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Woodhouse, Joe (2009) Crystal Cathedrals. Pending Details, TBA.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 13:59:58 2025 BST.