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Number of items: 102.


Bainbridge, Eric (2017) Eric Bainbridge - Solo Exhibition. eric bainbridge, 27 Apr - 17 Jun 2017, monitor, Palazzo Sforza Cesarini via Sforza Cesarini 43a 00186, Roma, Italy.

Berry, Richard (2017) The relationship between podcasting and radio. In: ECREA Radio Research Conference, September 12-14th 2017, Lublin, Poland.

Bialek, Goshka (2017) Inner space in sculpture: the use of metal inclusions in glass. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Bodman, Virginia (2017) Kind of Blue. 2017, Whitestone Gallery, York.

Bodman, Virginia (2017) Studio Stories. 3 Feb - 2 Apr 2017, The Customs House Gallery.

Broeg, Ralf (2017) Zero RPM Records-FuzzyLogics-XF Formats-Isolationen-Melancholien. 19 May - 30 Jul 2017, Kunstverein Aalen.


Cannon, Steve (2017) Pepín Martín Vázquez from 'Currito' to 'El Torero': la encarnación física de una virtud nacional? (Pepín Martín Vázquez from Currito de la Cruz to El Torero" The physical embodiment of a national virtue). Revista de Estudios Taurinos, 41. pp. 165-185. ISSN 1134-4970

Clayton, Ewan (2017) John Baskerville the Writing Master: Calligraphy and Type in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. In: John Baskerville: Art and Industry in the Enlightenment. Eighteenth-Century Worlds (7). University of Liverpool Press, Liverpool, pp. 113-133. ISBN 9781786940643

Collier, Mike (2017) Singing the World. In: Making Beyond Words – Intersections Between Text, Image, Display: Celebrating 50 Years of Concrete Poetry, 16-17 Jun 2017, Corsham Court: bath Spa University. (Unpublished)

Collier, Mike (2017) Singing the World. 26 Aug - 3 Sep 2017, Cheeseburn.


Denton, Julie Anne (2017) ‘Inner Space’ The development of repeatable techniques to integrate flameworked inclusions into and onto the sandcast glass form for artists. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Dobbs, Sarah (2017) My Mother Told Me. Reflex Fiction, Reflex Fiction Quarterly international flash fiction competition..

Dracup, Liza (2017) Photographic strategies for visualising the landscape and natural history of Northern England: the ordinary and the extraordinary. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.


Ewins, Neil (2017) Ceramics and Globalization: Staffordshire Ceramics, Made in China. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781474289917

Ewins, Neil (2017) The UK marketing strategy in response to globalization c1990-2010. In: The Ceramic Reader. Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781472584427


Goetz, Lothar (2017) Drama Queens - Tango to Heaven. Drama Queens, Die inszenierte Sammlung, 18 Sep 2016 - 15 Jan 2017, Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen.

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Drawing Biennial 2017. 2 Mar - 26 Apr 217, Drawing Room London.

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Enter Stage Left , The craft of the`true in art. Enter Stage Left, 14 Apr - 9 Jul 2017, Lewis Glucksman Gallery, University College Cork.

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Enter Stage Left - The craft of theatre in art. The Glucksman, The Glucksman, University College Cork. ISBN 978-1-906642-92-1

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Lothar Götz Staircases. domobaal editions in association with Leeds Art Gallery, London. ISBN 9781905957583

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Salsa. [Artefact]

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Salsa 2. [Artefact]

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Seurat to Riley: The Art of Perception. 8 July - 1 October 2017, Compton Verney.

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Seurat to Riley: The Art of Perception - Exhibition Catalogue. In: Seurat to Riley, The Art of Perception. Compton Verney Art Gallery and Park, Compton Verney Art Gallery and Park, pp. 50-55. ISBN 9780955271991

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Solo Presentation with David Risley Gallery at Market Art Fair Stockholm. Market Art Fair, 24-26 Mar 2017, Färgfabriken Stockholm.

Goetz, Lothar (2017) Themes from the collection: Contemporary. In: A Guide to Pallant House Gallery. Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, UK, pp. 34-35. ISBN 9781869827847

Goetz, Lothar (2017) We're Back leeds Art Gallery / Xanadu. New Commission Lothar Götz Xanadu, 16. October 2017 until open ended, Leeds Art Gallery.

Graham, Beryl (2017) IRL to URL: Image Objects. Bloomberg New Contemporaries. 2-day Symposium. In: IRL to URL: Image Objects. Bloomberg New Contemporaries, 24 Nov 2017, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead.

Graham, Beryl (2017) In conversation: Gary Zhexi Zhang 'Erotics of the Interface'. In: Iniva Research Network Event. London: Iniva, 28 June, Iniva, London.


Hall, Lee (2017) The Future of Local News. In: National Union of Journalists: Local News Matters conference, 24 Mar 2017, City of Sunderland Council Chambers. (Unpublished)

Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Petrie, Kevin, Todd, Claire Richenda, Livingstone, Andrew, Capper, Stephen, Bussey, Sonia and Rennie, Colin (2017) The Artistry of becoming a Scientist in Podiatric Medicine; Transcending and re-connecting Disciplinary Boundaries in Art and Science. In: : Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Annual Conference, 16-18 Nov 2017, ACC Liverpool. (Submitted)

Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Rennie, Colin and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Heads or Tails? A Situational Analysis of Two Signature Pedagogies;an Epistemological Stance for Student Engagement. In: RAISE 2017 Annual Conference – 'Perspectives on student engagement; looking forward…thinking back', 6-8 Sep 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK. (Unpublished)

Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Mind the Gap…What Gap? Co Constructing Knowledge in Somaesthetics and Kinesiology to Transcend Boundaries between Creative Arts and Science. In: JISC 5th Annual Change Agents’ Network Conference, 20-21 Apr 2017, Exeter University. (Unpublished)

Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Transdisciplinarity in Knowledge Building – Welcome to the University of Sunderland’s Faculties of Arts and Creative Industries and Health Sciences and Wellbeing. In: SU Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Hayes, Peter (2017) Commentary: Cognitive, Emotional and Psychosocial Functioning of Girls Treated with Pharmacological Puberty Blockage for Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty. Frontiers in Psychology: Psychology for Clinical Settings, 8 (44). ISSN 1664-1078

Hutchinson, James (2017) 3d Glitch catalogue. 3d glitch, JANUARY 19 2017 - FEBRUARY 10 2017, Filodrammatica Gallery Korzo 28/1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia.

Hutchinson, James (2017) Clay Cage. Mesh, 11 Mar - 3 Jun 2017, Gallery Oldham.

Hutchinson, James (2017) ‘Clay cage Blocky’. [Artefact]

Hutchinson, James (2017) Mercury Remixed installed at mesh Gallery Oldham. [Artefact]

Hutchinson, James (2017) Texan blob and plastic bag scan installation shot mesh exhibition gallery oldham. [Artefact]


Inge, Panneels (2017) Mapping in Art. In: The Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 516-527. ISBN 1138831026

Inge, Panneels and Mike, Collier (2017) Being Human. Mapping the Borders, 18-25 Nov 2017, Selkirk (exhibition) and Galashiels (walk).

Inge, Panneels and Mike, Collier (2017) Mapping the Borders: Pushing New Boundaries. [Film/Video]


Jenkins, Hayley (2017) Fragments for Soprano & Piano. [Composition]


Keegan-Phipps, Simon and Winter, Trish (2017) The Englishness of Bishi. In: Mad Dogs and Englishness. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781501311277

Kefala-Kerr, John (2017) Blood Choir. 2016, Participatory Arts Project.

Kefala-Kerr, John (2017) Blood Choir: Making Music from Glucose Readings. Sounding Board, 16 (3/1). pp. 14-16. ISSN 1464-6730


Larke-Walsh, George S. (2017) Compassion in Kim Longinotto's Documentary Practice. Feminist Media Studies, 19 (1). pp. 147-160. ISSN 1468-0777

Livingstone, Andrew (2017) The Ceramics Reader: exploring ceramics and writing. In: Clay Matters: Thinking and Exhibiting Matter in Recent Art, 17-18 November 2017, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt, Belgium.

Livingstone, Andrew (2017) Extending Vocabularies: Distorting the Ceramic Familiar - Clay and the Performative 'Other'. In: The Ceramics Reader. Bloomsbury Academic Press, London, pp. 323-334. ISBN 978-1-4725-8443-4

Livingstone, Andrew (2017) U(nu)sed and Abused: Social and Political Potentiality - Material, manufacture and Abandoned Sites, in The Post-Industrial Landscape as Site for Creative Practice - Material Memory. In: The Post-Industrial Landscape as Site for Creative Practice - Material Memory. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, pp. 63-67. ISBN 9781443899376

Lockwood, Alex (2017) The Collaborative Craft of Creatural Writing. In: Beyond the Human-Animal Divide Creaturely Lives in Literature and Culture. Palsgrave McMillan, London. ISBN 9781137603098

Lockwood, Alex (2017) The Save Movement, Empathy and Activism. Animal Studies Journal, 7 (1). pp. 104-126. ISSN 2201-3008

Lockwood, Alex (2017) “With a hope to change things”: an exploration of the craft of writing about animals with the founders of Zoomorphic magazine. In: Writing for Animals: New perspectives for writers and instructors to educate and inspire. Ashland Creek Press, Ashland Creek. ISBN 9781618220585

Lothar, Goetz (2017) Seurat to Riley: The Art of Perception. October 20, 2017 - January 21, 2018, The Holborn Museum Bath.


Marcia Ley, M.Ley (2017) George Washing school Banner. [Artefact]

Marcia ley, M.G.P.Ley and Mark Todman, M.J. Todman (2017) Scenes Ancient and Modern Exhibition of painting and prints. Private view, 1 Feb 2017, Design Centre.

Martin, Shingler (2017) John Barrymore's Introspective Performance in Beau Brummel. In: Hamlet Lives in Hollywood: John Barrymore and the Acting Tradition Onscreen. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 47-58. ISBN 9781474411394

Maskrey, James (2017) British Glass Biennale 2017. 25 Aug - 9 Sep 2017, Ruskin Glass Centre, Stourbridge.

Maskrey, James (2017) 'The British Glass Biennale'. 'The British Glass Biennale', August 2017, Stourbridge.

Maskrey, James (2017) Craft and Design Magazine. Craft and Design Magazine, 249. p. 15.

Maskrey, James (2017) 'Glass Glamour',. 'Glass Glamour'., June 2017, Quennington Old Hall, Quennington.

Maskrey, James (2017) Jewellery/ Wearable Glass NGC publication 2017. Jewellery: Wearable Glass, 25 Mar - 01 Oct 2017, National Glass Centre Sunderland, UK.

Maskrey, James (2017) "Jewellery: Wearable Glass". "Jewellery: Wearable Glas".Touring Exhibition, 25 November 2017 – 27 January 2018, The Gallery, The Centre For The Applied Arts, Ruthin Craft Centre. Ruthin.

Maskrey, James (2017) "Marshwood Arts Award". Finalists Exhibition. "Marshwood Arts Award"., November - December 2017, Bridport Arts Centre. Bridport..

Maskrey, James (2017) 'Material Focus-Glass'COLLECT. In: Materials Focus - Glass, COLLECT, 5 Feb 2017, Saatchi Gallery, London. (Unpublished)

Maskrey, James (2017) 'Vessel'. July 2017, The Vessel Gallery.London.

Maskrey, James (2017) "Wearable Glass". March 2017, National Glass Centre. Sunderland.

McCullock, Jo (2017) Alcopops. [Performance]

McKenna, Mark (2017) RETHINKING THE ‘VIDEO NASTIES’: ECONOMICS, MARKETING, AND DISTRIBUTION. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Mitchell, Caroline, Winter, Trish and Richardson, Andrew (2017) Putting Southwick on the Map. [Artefact]

Moroney, Kathleen (2017) STILLNESS IN MOTION An Interdisciplinary Study of Movement in Time and Space Through Ceramics and Dance. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Skoufias, Manolis (2017) Portrayals of History, Voula Papaioannou – Dimitris Harissiadis 1940-1960, Works from the Benaki Museum Photographic Archives, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography. Portrayals of History, Voula Papaioannou – Dimitris Harissiadis 1940-1960, Works from the Benaki Museum Photographic Archives, 6 Apr - 10 Sep 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Moschovi, Alexandra and Supartono, Alexander (2017) The (Post)colonial Archive: Re-imag(in)ing Southeast Asia. In: ASEASUK Conference 2016. The (Post)colonial Archive: Re-imag(in)ing Southeast Asia, academic panel in ASEASUK Conference 2016, 16-18 Sep 2016, SOAS, University of London. (Unpublished)


Nash, Geoffrey (2017) Abdullah Quilliam, Marmaduke Pickthall, and the Politics of Christendom and the Ottoman Empire. In: Victorian Muslim: Abdullah Quilliam and Islam in the West. Hurst, London, pp. 79-95. ISBN 9781849047043

Nash, Geoffrey (2017) Arab Voices in Western Writing: The Politics of the Arab Novel in English and the Anglophone Arab Novel. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 39 (2). pp. 27-37. ISSN 0395-6989

Nash, Geoffrey (2017) Britain. In: Oxford Handbook of Arabic Novelistic Traditions. Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 557-573. ISBN 9780199349791

Nash, Geoffrey (2017) Marmaduke Pickthall, Islam and the Modern World. BRILL, VII-254. ISBN 978-90-04-32759-7


Pearce, Michael (2017) The Linguistic Landscape of North East England. In: Perspectives on Northern Englishes. Topics in English Linguistics, 96 . De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, pp. 61-81. ISBN 9783110448658

Plouviez, Arabella (2017) Photographing Alzheimer's. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)

Price, John (2017) Can The Ferret be a watchdog? Understanding the launch, growth and prospects of a digital, investigative journalism start-up. Digital Journalism, 5 (10). pp. 1336-1350. ISSN 2167-0811

Price, John (2017) Sport and Discrimination. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138194571

Price, John and Kilvington, Daniel (2017) Tackling Social Media Abuse? Critically Assessing English Football’s Response to Online Racism. Communication and Sport, 7 (1). pp. 64-79. ISSN 2167-4795


Rennie, Colin (2017) Concurentes. [Artefact]

Rennie, Colin and Watkinson, Cate (2017) ‘Illuminating Colour’ exhibition with Colin Rennie at the main gallery of the National Glass Centre, Sunderland. Illuminating Colour, 21 Oct 2017 - 11 Mar 2018, National Glass Centre Sunderland.

Roberts, Peter (2017) D.L Burdon Accidental Aesop. [Audio]


Sarmiento, Jeffrey (2017) Tension, Technology, Tradition, Transcendence: Perspectives on Young Glass. In: Young Glass. Glasmuseet Ebeltoft, pp. 30-35. ISBN 978-87-91179-29-7

Sarmiento, Jeffrey and Marshall, J (2017) ‘Crafting Conductive Circuits and Capacitive Surfaces in Glass’. Making Futures Vol. 5., Plymouth: Plymouth College of Art. ISSN 2042-1664. In: Making Futures international research conference, 21-22 Sep 2017, Mount Edgcumbe House, Plymouth, UK.

Shingler, Martin (2017) The star system in Europe. Cinema Comparat/ive Cinema, 10. pp. 9-16. ISSN 2014-8933

Smith, Angela (2017) Bulging biceps and tender kisses: the sexualisation of fatherhood. Social Semiotics. ISSN 1035-0330

Smith, Angela (2017) How the Hell did this get on TV? Naked dating shows as the final taboo on mainstream tv. In: Ross Priory Broadcast Talk Seminar: Ross Priory, 3-6 Jul 17, Ross Priory, Balloch, Scotland. (Unpublished)

Smith, Angela (2017) Re-Reading Spare Rib. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 978-3-319-49310-7

Smith, Clarissa (2017) ‘A Mother’s Love Cannot Be Denied: Ma Mere’. In: Tainted Love: Screening Sexual Perversities. I B Tauris, London, pp. 159-176. ISBN 9781780761954

Smith, Clarissa, Attwood, Feona and Barker, Martin (2017) Porn Audiences Online. In: Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication. Peter Lang, New York, pp. 235-244. ISBN 978-1-4331-3956-7

Smith, Clarissa and Taylor Harman, Sarah (2017) ”I want James Deen to Deen Me with his Deen”: The multi-layered stardom of James Deen. In: Revisiting Star Studies. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 261-278. ISBN 9781474404310

Smith, Susan and Summers, Sam (2017) Enter Bugs Bunny: Matador and Star in Bully for Bugs [LA ALTERNATIVA DE BUGS BUNNY, MATADOR Y ESTRELLA EN “BULLY FOR BUGS” (CHUCK JONES, 1953)]. Revista de Estudios Taurinos, 41. pp. 251-278. ISSN 1134-4970

Storey, John (2017) Theories of Consumption. Routledge, Oxon. ISBN 9781138677999


Watkinson, Cate (2017) Invited to chair session and speak as one of a panel of stained glass experts at the conference. In: ‘In glass thy story’: a symposium addressing over 70 years of innovation and iconography in the glass art of British and European churches and cathedrals., 8 Sep 2017 - 9 Sep 2018, Robinson College Cambridge. (Unpublished)

Wolland, Peter (2017) Ottava. Spectrum Cultural Hub Gallery, , Seaham.

Woodhouse, Joe (2017) Foundations of a Creative Curriculum. In: Foundations of a Creative Curriculum, 20 May 2017, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art. (Unpublished)


Yuill, Kevin (2017) From Virtuous Armed Citizen to "Cramped Little Risk-Fearing Man": The Meaning of Firearms in an Insecure Era. In: The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear, and the American Constitution. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxfordshire. ISBN 9780367887476

Yuill, Kevin and Street, Joe (2017) The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear, and the American Constitution. Controversies in American Constitutional Law . Routledge, Abingdon, OX. ISBN 9781138706286

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