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Number of items: 64.


Atkinson, Stephanie (2019) Technology Teacher Education in England. In: Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9789811311796

Atkinson, Stephanie (2019) A comparative study of the content of two documents: The Design & Technology National Curriculum in England and New Zealand's Technology Curriculum. In: PATT37:Developing a knowledge economy through technology and engineering education. University of Malta, Msida, Malta, pp. 13-24. ISBN 9789995714796


Bell, D, McLain, M and Wooff, David (2019) Re-designing Design and Technology Education [Blog Post]. UNSPECIFIED.

Bell, D, Wooff, David and McLain, M (2019) Re-imagining the Future of Design and Technology Education: Undoing a decade of decline. In: 2019 SOLSTICE eLearning and CLT Conference, 5th - 6th June 2019, Edge Hill University.

Benstead, Helen (2019) Exploring the relationship between social inclusion and special educational needs: mainstream primary perspectives. Support for Learning, 34 (1). pp. 34-53. ISSN 0268-2141

Buchroth, Ilona and Connolly, Dan (2019) Dichotomous Voluntary Futures. In: Youth Work - Global Futures. Sense.


Chatzifotiou, Athanasia (2019) Beneficial or detrimental? The relationship between sustainability, Eco-schools and Ofsted reports. Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. ISSN 0300-4279


Deacon, Lesley, Macdonald, Stephen J and Nixon, Jacqui (2019) The Loss: Conceptualising Biographical Experiences of Disability, Social Isolation and Emotional Loneliness in North-East England. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 20 (3). pp. 68-87. ISSN 1746-6105

Dresser, Paul (2019) PREVENT Policing in Practice — The Need for Evidenced-Based Research. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 49. pp. 1-11. ISSN 1752-4512

Dresser, Paul (2019) 'Trust Your Instincts – Act!' PREVENT Police Officers’ Perspectives of Counter-Radicalisation Reporting Thresholds. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 173. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1753-9153

Dresser, Paul (2019) “Trust your instincts – act!” PREVENT police officers’ perspectives of counter-radicalisation reporting thresholds. In: Violent (and not-so-violent) Extremism and Hate: Causes, Cases, Consternations?, 11/07/19, Armstrong Building, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne. (Unpublished)

Dresser, Paul (2019) What about Hope? A Critical Analysis of Pre-empting Childhood Radicalisation. In: Boundary Breaking - Faculty of Education and Society First Annual Staff Research Conference, 4th June, 2019, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Durey, Matthew (2019) Against Inclusivity: Boundaries, Bad Concepts, and why we should resist Universalization. In: Boundary Breaking - Faculty of Education and Society First Annual Staff Research Conference, 4th June, 2019, University of Sunderland, UK.


Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2019) ‘Elegías Anglosajonas’: A translation of the Old English Elegies into Spanish. La Oficina de Arte y Ediciones. ISBN 9788494971440

Gregson, Daniel, Gregson, Margaret and Spedding, Patricia (2019) Top-down and Inside Out: breaking boundaries between research, theory and practice. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 20 (3). pp. 36-52. ISSN 1913-8067

Gregson, Margaret and Todd, Brian (2019) Realizing Standards of Practice in VET. In: Handbook of Vocational Education and Training for the Changing World of Work. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 1471-1493. ISBN 9783319945316


Hellawell, Sarah (2019) Building a 'New International Order': International Women's Organizations and the UIA. In: International Organizations and Global Civil Society: Histories of the Union of International Associations. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350055629

Hepworth, Michael (2019) Argumentation, Citizenship and the Adult ESOL classroom. In: Brokering Britain, Educating Citizens. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, UK, pp. 103-119. ISBN 978-1-78892-461-0

Hidson, Elizabeth (2019) Practical advice for schools considering implementing video-enhanced observation. Advancing Education, 2019 (Autumn).

Hidson, Elizabeth (2019) Video-enhanced observation: a case study of lesson feedback in a PGCE school placement. Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching.

Hidson, Elizabeth (2019) The value of internet video calling and desktop sharing (VCDS) as a research method. In: BERA 2019, 10-12 September 2019, Manchester, UK.

Hidson, Elizabeth and Elliott, Ian (2019) Spanning the grade boundaries: The impact of formative feedback on summative outcomes in a distance learning PGCE course. In: First Annual Faculty of Education and Society Research Institute Staff Research Conference, 04 June 2019, Sunderland, UK.


Irving-Bell, D, McLain, M and Wooff, David (2019) Design Fiction a decade of reflection; The impact of teacher training on classroom practice. In: TENZ 2019, 1st - 3rd October 2019, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand.

Irving-Bell, D and Wooff, David (2019) Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of Pedagogical Approaches to STEM Education; Design and Technology. In: PATT37: Developing a Knowledge Economy Through Technology and Engineering Education., 3rd - 6th June 2019, L'Universita ta Malta, Msida Campus, MALTA.

Irving-Bell, D, Wooff, David and McLain, M (2019) Re-designing Design and Technology Education: A living literature review of stakeholder perspectives. In: PATT37: Developing a Knowledge Economy Through Technology and Engineering Education., 3rd - 6th June 2019, L'Universita ta Malta, Msida Campus, MALTA.

Irving-Bell, D, Wooff, David and McLain, M (2019) Re-designing Design and Technology Education: A living literature review of stakeholder perspectives. PATT37 Conference Proceedings . L-Università ta' Malta, Msida., Malta. ISBN 978-9-9957-1479-6

Irving-Bell, Dawne, Wright, Sarah, Wooff, David and Moscrop, Clare (2019) Using Twitter to develop our profiles as academics, to create genuine communities of practice and meaningful connections with the wider world. In: Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2018, 9th January 2019, Nottingham Trent Univeristy.


Keil, André (2019) The National Council for Civil Liberties and the British State during the First World War, 1916–1919*. The English Historical Review. ISSN 0013-8266


Macdonald, Stephen J (2019) From ‘Disordered’ To ‘Diverse’: Defining Six Sociological Frameworks Employed in the Study of Dyslexia in the UK. Insights on Learning Disabilities, 16 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN 1949-1212

Macdonald, Stephen J and Cosgrove, Faye (2019) Dyslexia and Policing: Understanding the Impact that Dyslexia has in the Police Service in England and Wales. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38 (6). pp. 634-651. ISSN 2040-7149

Macdonald, Stephen J and Cosgrove, Faye (2019) Removing Disabling Barriers in Policing: Dyslexia and Literacy Difficulties in the Police Service. THE POLICE JOURNAL: THEORY, PRACTICE AND PRINCIPLES, 92. ISSN 0032-258X

Macdonald, Stephen J and Deacon, Lesley (2019) Disability theory and social work practice. In: The Routledge Handbook of Social Work Theory. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415793438

Macdonald, Stephen J and Deacon, Lesley (2019) Twice Upon a Time: Examining the Effect Socio-Economic Status has on the Experiences of Dyslexia. Dyslexia: An International Journal of Research and Practice, 25 (1). pp. 3-19. ISSN 1099-0909

McLain, M, Bell, D, Wooff, David and Morrison-Love, D (2019) How technology makes us human: Cultural historical roots for design and technology education [BERA Blog Post]. BERA Blog.

McLain, M, Irving-Bell, D, Wooff, David and Morrison-Love, D (2019) How technology makes us human: cultural historical roots for design and technology education. Curriculum Journal. ISSN 0958-5176

McLain, M, Irving-Bell, D, Wooff, David and Morrison-Love, D (2019) Humanising the Design and Technology Curriculum: why technology education makes us human. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 24 (2). pp. 8-19. ISSN 1360-1431

Middleton, Ben, Antonopoulos, Georgios A and Papanicolaou, Georgios (2019) The Financial Investigation of Human Trafficking in the UK: Legal and Practical Perspectives. The Journal of Criminal Law, 83 (4). pp. 284-293. ISSN 0022-0183

Morgan, Gwenda and Rushton, Peter (2019) The British and French in the Atlantic, 1650-1800: Comparisons and Contrasts. Seminar Studies . Routledge. ISBN 9781138657588


Peacock, Donna and Cosgrove, Faye (2019) Disempowerment, governmentality and dispositifs of control in the police station. In: 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology: ConverGENT Convergent roads, bridges and new pathways in criminology, 18th-21st September 2019, Ghent. (Unpublished)

Peacock, Donna and Cosgrove, Faye (2019) Identifying ‘vulnerability’ in police custody: The impact of the 2018 revisions to PACE code C for police officer decision making. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2019, 3rd- 5th April 2019, Leeds university. (Unpublished)

Pike, Andy, O'Brien, Peter, Strickland, Tom, Thrower, Graham S and Tomaney, Jon (2019) Financialising City Statecraft and Infrastructure. Elgar, United Kingdom. ISBN 978-1-80037-384-6


Quaid, Sheila (2019) Equality, Identity and Kinship in Lesbian Led Donor Conceived Families. Paper presented at British Sociological Association Annual Conference Glasgow Caledonian University 25/4/19 #britsoc2019. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference Glasgow Caledonian University 25/4/19 #britsoc2019, 23- 26th April 2019, Glascow Caledonian University.

Quaid, Sheila (2019) Interdisciplinarity and The Power of the Visual in Research Practice and in Sociological Pedagogy. In: British Sociological Association Annual Conference Glasgow Caledonian University 26/4/19 #britsoc2019, 26/4/19, Glasgow Caledonian University. (Unpublished)

Quaid, Sheila (2019) International focus on Equality, Identity and Kinship in Lesbian Led Donor Conceived Families. In: XI AFIN International Conference: Towards Reproductive (IN)Justice?: Mobilities, Technologies, Labourings & Decisions, 2nd to 6th September 2019, University of Granada Spain.

Quaid, Sheila (2019) M/Otherhood: We are all invested in the Future: Narratives from Women who are not Mothers. In: Parenting: Nature Nurture Future 3, 9 November 2019, Thought Foundation Community Arts Birtley Gateshead.


Ramshaw, Pauline and Cosgrove, Faye (2019) Changing Motivations of the Special Constable: A Qualitative Analysis of the Role of Organisational Experience in Retaining Satisfaction and Commitment. Policing and Society. ISSN 1477-2728

Reveley, Samantha (2019) Becoming Mum: Identity and the Transition into Motherhood. In: Nature, Nurture, Future, 23/03/2019, Thought Foundation @ Clarity House. (Unpublished)

Reveley, Samantha (2019) Deconstructing Myths of Motherhood: Young Women and the Making of Positive Future Selves. In: UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Nicola (2019) Gender, Sexual Danger and the Everyday Management of Risks: The social control of young females. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 3 (1). pp. 29-44. ISSN 2398-6808

Roberts, Nicola, Donovan, Catherine and Durey, Matthew (2019) Agency, Resistance and the Non-'Ideal' Victim: How women deal with sexual violence. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 3 (3). pp. 323-338. ISSN 2398-6808

Roberts, Nicola, Donovan, Catherine and Durey, Matthew (2019) Challenging Boundaries: How students construct and navigate boundaries of safety based on their gendered and/or racialised subjectivities. In: First Annual FES Research Conference: Boundary Breaking, 4 June 2019, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Nicola, Donovan, Catherine and Durey, Matthew (2019) Landscapes of Safety: The construction and navigation of the urban landscape by students based on their gendered and/or racialised subjectivities. In: Cass Seminar Series, 22 May 2019, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Nicola and Marsh, Heaven (2019) Evaluation of the Bystander Project: A statistical analysis. In: CASS Seminar Series, 27 Nov 2019, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Roberts, Nicola and Price, Demi (2019) Gendered Perceptions of Domestic Violence: how young females are more likely than young males to know controlling domestic violence behaviours. Working Paper. CASS, University of Sunderland, Sunderland.

Rushton, Peter (2019) Local Laws, Local Principles: The Paradoxes of Local Legal processes in Early Modern England. In: Law, Lawyers and Litigants in Early Modern English Society: Essays in memory of Christopher W. Brooks. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 185-206. ISBN 9781108491723


Shukla, Priyank, McCLean, Stephen and Hidson, Elizabeth (2019) An intervention through teaching and learning practice for addressing stress and anxiety in students caused due to the challenge of studying a cross-disciplinary subject. Project Report. AdvanceHE.

Shukla, Priyank, McClean, Stephen and Hidson, Elizabeth (2019) Enhancing teaching practice in a cross-disciplinary subject using Positive Pedagogy approaches. In: SRHE Newer and Early Career Researchers Conference, 10 December 2019, Newport, Wales.

Southall, C., Lonbay, Sarah and Brandon, T. (2019) Social workers’ negotiation of the liminal space between personalisation policy and practice. European Journal of Social Work, ahead. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1369-1457


Taras, Maddalena (2019) Book Review: “Teacher Learning with Classroom Assessment: Perspectives from Asia Pacific”. London Review of Education, 17 (1). ISSN 1474-8460

Taras, Maddalena (2019) How can old and new learning and assessment theories be reconciled to support independence and interdependence in students and tutors. In: Asian Conference on Education & International Development, 25th - 27th March 2019, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo.

Taras, Maddalena (2019) How can our understanding of Assessment Theories and Processes enable us to support Learning to Make a Social Difference? In: International Conference on Learning, 24th - 26th July 2019, Belfast.

Taras, Maddalena (2019) Innovative, inclusive, student-centred assessment practice supported by theory and empirical research. In: World Congress on Education, 16th - 18th July, Dublin.

Taras, Maddalena (2019) Using Metaphors and Dichotomy to Understand Theory in Assessment of and for Learning. In: 16th IFRD ICESS, 9th - 10th March 2019, Meiji University, Tokyo.


Wooff, David (2019) Looking Beyond Exam Results. University of Sunderland.

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