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Virus – bad news wrapped in protein: Exhibition at St Johns College, Oxford 9 September 2010 - 9 October 2011

Collier, Mike Virus – bad news wrapped in protein: Exhibition at St Johns College, Oxford 9 September 2010 - 9 October 2011. Virus: bad news wrapped in protein, 9 Sept 2010 - 9 Oct 2011, St Johns College, Oxford.

Item Type: Show/Exhibition


In 2011, I was invited by Dr. Shirley Wheeler to make new work for a multi-media exhibition at St. John's College, Oxford University, based around the theme Virus. The brief for this project was broad and flexible. The exhibition aimed to engage the public with the science of viruses through a variety of creative approaches - approaches informed by some aspect, understanding or inspiration gained from the scientific knowledge pertaining to viruses. The exhibition provided insights, challenges and perspectives that help to lead people to a new or different comprehension of this field of science. It took a fresh look at this area of science through the eyes of contemporary artists and designers and was deliberately multidisciplinary with two, three dimensional and interactive work.

For my work, I decided to take the theme of the decline of the bumblebee - a decline caused by the spread of viruses - a spread which can, to some extent, be contained if the bee population is healthy - and this will only occur if there is a plentiful supply of pollen. My work for this show, then, focused on the plants that supply bees with pollen. For more information, click on the more information box below.

The meaning of the words is as follows:

QUILLET- White Clover; CHAW - Hawthorn; OKERDU - Bugle; SQUARRIB - Figwort; DRISAG - Bramble; HISKHEAD - Selfheal; TASSEL - Knapweed ; FITCHES - Common Vetch; SWINNIES - Thistle; CLAVER - Bird's-foot-trefoild; GRIGGLES - Bluebell; PAIGLE - Cowslip; TWADDGERS - Bush Vetch; HAWS - Dog Rose; COCKENO - Poppy; SNOXUM - Foxglove

And: HONEYSTALKS - Red Clover; LIGHTNINGS; Poppy; WITCHES' THIMBLE - Bluebell; HOKY-POKY - Nettel; BUMBLE-KITES - Foxglove; TOUCH-AND-HEAL - St. John's-wort; LOVE ENTANGLED - Bird's-foot-trefoil; BEE-BREAD - White Clover; DEVIL'S PLAYTHING - Betony; TUZZY-MUZZY - Burdock; WEASEL-SNOUT - Toadflax; DEADMENS' BELLOWS - Bugle; DRUMMER BOYS - Knapweed; PRINCE'S FEATHER - Selfheal; CHURCH BELLS - Comfrey

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Item ID: 1497
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Catalogue record

Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2012 16:38
Last Modified: 18 Dec 2019 15:32


Author: Mike Collier
Curator of an exhibition: Shirley Wheeler

University Divisions

Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries > School of Art and Design


Fine Art > Painting

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