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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items: 45.

Anwar, Muhammad Naveed and Oakes, Michael (2011) Data mining of audiology patient records: factors influencing the choice of hearing aid type. In: DTMBIO '11: Proceedings of the ACM fifth international workshop on Data and text mining in biomedical informatics. Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 11-18. ISBN 9781450309608

Anwar, Muhammad Naveed, Oakes, Michael and McGarry, Kenneth (2011) Chi-squared, Yule's Q and Likelihood Ratios in Tabular Audiology Data. In: Electrical Engineering and Applied Computing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (90). Springer, Netherlands, pp. 365-376. ISBN 9789400711921

Azoti, Wiyao, Koutsawa, Y., Bonfoh, N., Lipinski, P. and Belouettar, S. (2011) On the capability of micromechanics models to capture the auxetic behavior of fibers/particles reinforced composite materials. Composite Structures, 94 (1). 156 - 165. ISSN 0263-8223

Azoti, Wiyao and Koutsawa, Yao (2011) Design space of auxetic composite materials from non-auxetic phases: Case of kinematic integral equation as formal solution of the heterogeneous material problem. In: 4th Conference in the Design, Modeling and Experiments for Advanced Structures and Systems (DeMEASS IV), 27-30 Mar 2011, Urspelt, Luxembourg. (Unpublished)

Azoti, Wiyao, Koutsawa, Yao, Belouettar, Salim, Bonfoh, Napo and Lipinski, Paul (2011) Sur la prédiction micromécanique du comportement auxétique des matériaux composites. In: 20ème congrès français de mécanique (cfm2011)., 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2011, Besancon, France.

Bello, Nusirat, Winit -Watjana, Win, Baqir, Wasim and McGarry, Kenneth (2011) Perceived side-effects and potential interactions of complementary and alternative medicine used by hospital in-patients in the North East of England. In: Prescribing and Research in Medicines Management (PRIMM), Mid-year Meeting 2011, 24th June 2011, Friends House, London. (Unpublished)

Elkady, Mustafa, Elmarakbi, Ahmed and Crolla, Dave (2011) Development of a Novel Vehicle Dynamics/Crash Mathematical Model for Vehicle Crash Mitigation. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 59 (1). pp. 61-81. ISSN 0143-3369

Elkady, Mustafa, Elmarakbi, Ahmed and Crolla, Dave (2011) A study on vehicle dynamic control systems and their influence on vehicle collisions improvement. In: 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 11), 5-7 Oct 2011, Washington D.C., USA.

Elmarakbi, Ahmed (2011) Finite element analysis of delamination growth in composite materials using LS-DYNA: Formulation and implementation of new cohesive elements. In: Advances in composite materials-ecodesign and analysis. InTech, pp. 409-428. ISBN 978-953-307-468-9

Elmarakbi, Ahmed, Elkady, Mustafa and Crolla, Dave (2011) A numerical study for optimizing vehicle dynamics control systems in offset impacts. In: SAE 2011 World Congress, 12-14 Apr 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Elmarakbi, Ahmed, Fielding, Niki and Hadavinia, Homayoun (2011) Finite element simulation of axial crush of thin-walled tubes with different cross-sections: vehicle/Pole impact applications. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 3 (3). pp. 154-160. ISSN 0975-3060

Elmarakbi, Ahmed, Fielding, Niki and Homayoun, Hadavinia (2011) Finite element simulation of the axial crush of thin-walled tubes with different cross-sections: vehicle impact application. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems. ISSN 0975-3060

Elmarakbi, Ahmed, Karznrik, Vid, Sennah, Khaled, Altenhof, William and Chapman, Michael (2011) Dynamic Analysis of Hybrid III 3-Year-Old Child Dummy in frontal collisions. International Journal of Vehicle Safety (IJVS), 5 (3). pp. 232-270. ISSN 1479-3105

Elmarakbi, Ahmed, Karznrik, Vid, Sennah, Khaled, Altenhof, William and Chapman, Michael (2011) Enhancement of vehicle/roadside hardware crash: dynamic response of child occupant involved in vehicle/pole impact. In: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition; Crashworthiness in Transportation Systems, 11-17 Nov 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Elmarakbi, Ahmed and Tann, J (2011) Development of new energy absorber members for vehicle crash analysis and safety evaluations using LS-DYNA. In: 2011 JSAE Annual Congress, 18-20 May 2011, Yokohama, Japan.

Elmarakbi, Ahmed and Tann, J (2011) Dynamic Impact Analysis and Crash Behaviour of New Cone-Shape Longitudinal tubes. International Journal of Automotive Engineering. ISSN 2185-0984

Gilligan, John and Smith, Peter (2011) Adapting Linking Rules to the WHO International Classification of Functioning as a Method for Representing Assistive Technology Knowledge. In: 11th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, AAATE 2011, 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2011, Maastricht, Netherlands.. (Unpublished)

Gilligan, John and Smith, Peter (2011) Representing Interaction Knowledge and Capability Demands in Models of Assistive Technology Systems. In: 11th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, AAATE 2011, 31 Aug - 2 Sep 2011, Maastricht, Netherlands.. (Unpublished)

Hadavinia, Homayoun, Dogan, F, Elmarakbi, Ahmed and Khalili, S (2011) Modelling of Low Velocity Impact on Laminated Composite Substructures. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 3 (2). pp. 96-106. ISSN 0975-3060

Hagan, David (2011) Utilising Multiview as Framework: Enabling a Reflection on Software Development Practice. In: 10th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management, 20-21 Jun 2011, Normandy Business School, Caen, France.

Hagan, David and Roberts, D (2011) Reaching A Point Of Mutual Understanding: A Practitioners Approach To Systems Development. In: UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2011.

Hamdan, Khaled, Smith, Peter and Plekhanova, Valentina (2011) A Formal Approach to the Measurement of Leadership and Cultural Capabilities. In: International Conference on Engineering and Information Management (ICEIM 2011), 15-17 Apr 2011, Chengdu, China.

Hussain, S, Erwin, Harry and Dunne, Peter (2011) Threat modelling using formal methods: A new approach to develop secure web applications. In: 7th International conference on emerging technologies IEEE, 5 - 6 Sep 2011, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Hussain, Shafiq, Erwin, Harry and Dunne, Peter (2011) Threat modeling using Formal Methods: A New Approach to Develop Secure Web Applications. In: ICET 2011: 7th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 5-6 Sep 2011, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Irons, Alastair (2011) Impact of digital investigations on society in England and Wales: the north east of England as a case study. In: Police Practices and their Impact on Society. Social justice, equality and empowerment . Nova Publishers. ISBN 978-1-61209-724-4

Irons, Alastair and Stephens, P (2011) Challenges in Teaching Live Forensics. In: he 5th International Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education & Training, 1 - 2 Sep 2011, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, United Kingdom.

Irons, Alastair and Stephens, P (2011) Employability from Computer Forensics Programmes. In: 7th HE Academy ICS Workshop on Teaching Computer Forensics, 10 Nov 2011, University of Sunderland, England.

Jobson, Jill, Carter, Noel, McGarry, Kenneth, Treumann, Achim and Anderson, Rosaleen (2011) Proteomic investigation of cystinotic cells and the effects of cysteamine treatment. In: Cystinosis Research Network 2011 Family Conference, 14 July 2011, Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, CA. (Unpublished)

Jobson, Jill, Carter, Noel, McGarry, Kenneth, Treumann, Achim and Anderson, Rosaleen (2011) Proteomic investigation of cystinotic cells and the effects of cysteamine treatment. In: Cystinosis Foundation UK Conference, 24 Sept 2011, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK.. (Unpublished)

Jones, Susan, Hall, Lynne, Kerridge, Sue and Woods, Sarah (2011) VISUALISING THE CYBERBULLY ANALYSING TEENAGERS? EXPRESSIVE DRAWINGS. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Society. International Association for Development of the Information Society. ISBN 978-972-8939-46-5

Kendal, Simon (2011) Object Oriented Programming Using C#. Ventus. ISBN 978-87-7681-814-2

Liu, Jindong, Erwin, Harry and Yang, Guang-Zhong (2011) Attention Driven Computational Model of the Auditory Midbrain for Sound Localization in Reverberant Environments. In: International Joint Conference in Neural Networks, 2011 (IJCNN 2011), 31 Jul - 5 Aug 2011, San Jose, California, USA..

Murray, John and Erwin, Harry (2011) A Neural Network Classifier for Notch Filter Classification of Sound-Source Elevation in a Mobile Robot. In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2011 (IJCNN 2011), 31 Jul - 5 Aug 2011, San Jose, California.

Mödersheim, Sebastian and Modesti, Paolo (2011) Verifying SeVeCom using set-based abstraction. In: 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2011, 4-8 Jul 2011, Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Nelson, David, Monger, Alasdair and Boisvert, C (2011) Assessment in database modules; panel discussion. In: TLAD 11: HE Academy Workshop on Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases, 11 Jul 2011, Manchester, UK.. (Unpublished)

Omar, Galal, Shamssain, Mohammad and McGarry, Kenneth (2011) Association between nuclear organizer regions lung function and respiratory symptoms in COPD patients. Respirology, Special Issue: 16th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, November 3-6, 2011, Shanghai International Convention Center, Shanghai, China, 16. p. 98. ISSN 1440-1843

Sanders, Gail, Kuit, Judith, Smith, Peter, Fulton, John and Curtis, Helen (2011) Identity, reflection and developmental networks as processes in professional doctorate development. Work Based Learning e-Journal, 2 (1). ISSN 2044-7868

Sapouna, M, Wolke, D, Vannini, N, Watson, S, Woods, Sarah, Schneider, W, Enz, S and Aylett, R (2011) Individual and social network predictors of the short-term stability of bullying victimization in the United Kingdom and Germany. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 82 (2). pp. 225-240. ISSN 0007-0998

Smith, Peter, Curtis, Helen, Sanders, Gail, Kuit, Judith and Fulton, John (2011) Student Perceptions of the Professional Doctorate. In: UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) 2nd International Conference on Professional Doctorates UKCGE, 20-21 Apr 2011, John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)

Smith, Peter, Curtis, Helen, Sanders, Gail, Kuit, Judith and Fulton, John (2011) Student perceptions of the professional doctorate. Work Based Learning, 2 (1). ISSN 2044-7868

Tripathi, Nandita, Oakes, Michael and Wermter, Stefan (2011) Hybrid Parallel Classifiers for Semantic Subspace Learning. In: International Conference on Artifical Neural Networks (ICANN 2011), 14-17 June 2011, Espoo, Finland.. (Unpublished)

Tripathi, Nandita, Oakes, Michael and Wermter, Stefan (2011) Semantic subspace learning for text classification using hybrid intelligent techniques. International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 8 (2). pp. 99-114. ISSN 1448-5869

Wang, Yi, Kerridge, Simon, Smith, Peter, Foster, Simon, Coppin, Steve and Trowell, Stephen (2011) Integration of CERIF, ESB and Cloud in the Development of a National Global Research and Administrative Management System. In: Metadata and Semantic Research; Proceedings of 5th International Conference, MTSR 2011, Izmir, Turkey, October 12-14, 2011. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 240 (pt 2). Springer, pp. 245-255. ISBN 978-3-642-24730-9

Woolrych, Alan, Hornbaek, Kasper, Frokjaer, Erik and Cockton, Gilbert (2011) Ingredients and meals rather than recipes: a proposal for research that does not treat usability evaluation methods as indivisible wholes. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 27 (10). pp. 940-970. ISSN 1044-7318

Xu, Yan and Oakes, Michael (2011) Using search logs to recommend images to new users. In: 7th International workshop on adaptive multimedia retrieval (AMR), 24-25 Sep 2009, Madrid, Spain.

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