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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

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Number of items: 48.


Atkinson, Stephanie (2015) How secure are Design and Technology trainee teachers in thier understanding of designing as portrayed in the latest National Curriculum documentation? In: PATT29: Pluality & Complementarity of approaches in Design and Technology Education, Marseille University.


Bell, D, Wooff, David and Insenga, M (2015) STEM: what should be taught in school? In: Gender Summit 7 Europe, 6-7 Nov 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Bell, D, Wooff, David, McLain, M and Martin, M (2015) Monster Invasion! D&T Practice: The Design and Technology Publication for the Profession, 2015 (3). pp. 42-43. ISSN 1745-5448


Gomes Gargamala, Miguel (2015) ‘Confronting Evil and the monstrous “other” in Beowulf and its filmic adaptations: Understanding heroic action and the limits of knowledge.’. Post-Doctoral thesis, University of Vigo.

Gregson, Margaret, Hillier, Yvonne, Biesta, Gert, Duncan, Sam, Nixon, Lawrence, Spedding, Patricia and Wakeling, Paul (2015) Reflective Teaching in Further Adult and Vocational Education (4th Edition). Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781780937922

Gregson, Margaret and Nixon, Lawrence (2015) 12.2 Unlocking the potential for improvement in Skills for Life teaching and learning at the local level. In: Readings for reflective teaching in further, adult and vocational education. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 200-205. ISBN 9781472586506

Gregson, Margaret and Nixon, Lawrence (2015) 14.1 Ways of seeing impact. In: Readings for reflective teaching in further, adult and vocational education. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 232-236. ISBN 9781472586506

Gregson, Margaret, Nixon, Lawrence, Pollard, Andrew and Spedding, Patricia (2015) Readings for Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Education. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781472586506

Gregson, Margaret, Spedding, Patricia and Nixon, Lawrence (2015) 16.1 Helping good ideas to become good practice: Enhancing your professional practice through Joint Practice Development (JPD). In: Readings for reflective teaching in further, adult and vocational education. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 268-273. ISBN 9781472586506


Hillier, Yvonne and Gregson, Margaret (2015) Working Together: Research and Scholarly Activity in Further, Adult and Vocational Education. International Journal of Training Research, 13 (2). pp. 106-108. ISSN 1448-0220

Husband, Gary (2015) The impact of lecturers’ initial teacher training on continuing professional development needs for teaching and learning in post-compulsory education. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20 (2). pp. 227-244. ISSN 1359-6748

Husband, Gary (2015) The impact of teacher education on continuing professional development needs for teaching and learning in post compulsory education. Doctoral thesis, Bangor University.


Johnson, Neil and Lyddon, Paul (2015) Teaching grammatical voice to computer science majors: The case of less proficient English learners. English for Specific Purposes, 41 (1). ISSN 0889-4906

Johnson, Neil, Nelson, Mark, Lyddon, Paul and Selman, Alex (2015) Reimagining contemporary EFL curricula. JALT Conference Proceedings. pp. 102-118.


Lonbay, Sarah (2015) Exploring the Involvement of Older People in Adult Safeguarding: What Helps and What Hinders? In: 44th Annual BSG Conference 2015, July 1-3, 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne.


McKenna, Lynne (2015) Parental Engagement: A research Story. In: University of Sunderland, School of Education Research Seminar Series.


Nixon, Lawrence (2015) Curriculum. What is to be taught and learned? In: Reflective Teaching and Adult Learning in Further and Vocational Education and Community Learning. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 197-222. ISBN 978-1-98093-792-2

Nixon, Lawrence (2015) Learning. What can we understand student development? (Chapter 2). In: Reflective Teaching and Adult Learning in Further and Vocational Education and Community Learning. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 35-60. ISBN 978-1-98093-792-2

Nixon, Lawrence (2015) Pedagogy: How do we develop the art, craft and science of our teaching? In: Reflective Teaching and Adult Learning in Further and Vocational Education and Community Learning. bloomsbury, London, pp. 247-274. ISBN 978-1-98093-792-2

Nixon, Lawrence, Gregson, Margaret and Spedding, Patricia (2015) 2.5 Challenging the intuitive appeal of learning styles. In: Readings for Reflective Teaching In Further Adult and Vocational Education. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781472586506


Spedding, Patricia (2015) How are we implementing the curriculum? In: Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Educuation. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 223-245. ISBN 9781780938158

Spedding, Patricia (2015) How are we managing behaviour? In: Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Edcuation. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 147-170. ISBN 978-1-7809-3815-8

Spedding, Patricia (2015) Spaces How are we creating environments for learning? In: Reflective Teaching in Further, Adult and Vocational Edcuation. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 171-193. ISBN 978-1-7809-3815-8

Spedding, Patricia, Gregson, Margaret and Nixon, Lawrence (2015) 15.3 Tackling Prejudice Together: What are trainee teachers' experiences of prejudice in educational contexts? In: Readings for reflective teaching in further, adult and vocational education. Reflective Teaching . Bloomsbury, London, pp. 255-259. ISBN 9781472586506


Taras, Maddalena (2015) 90 minute seminar: Student self-assessment: censorship or succour? In: Curriculm, Teaching and Learning, National Institute of Education, 26.11.15, Raffles Institution.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Commissioned Book Review "Excellence in University Assessment: Learning from award-winning practice by David Carless. London Review of Education, 13 (3). pp. 59-61. ISSN 1474-8479

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Commissioned: Student self-assessment: what we have learned and what are the challenges. RELIEVE, 21 (1). ME8. ISSN 1134-4032

Taras, Maddalena (2015) FA or AfL? That is the question. In: Education and Early Childhood Studies, 21st January 2015, Liverpool John Moores University. (Unpublished)

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Improving assessment practices through the clarification of theory: Awarded Best Paper in Education. In: International Conference on Theory and Practice, 5-6th December 2015, Adelaide.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Innovations in student-centred assessment. Project Report. Higher Education Academy, Advance HE.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Invited Speaker: Assessment Theories: Summative and Formative Assessment. In: Assessment for Primary Education Conference, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Invited article: Student self assessment: what have we learned and what are the challenges. RELIEVE, 21 (1). ISSN 1134-4032

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Invited speaker: Sectarian divides and challenges in assessment. In: Assessment in HE Conference, 24.6.15, Birmingham.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Invited: Assessment at the heart of learning: students' learning supported through self-assessment. In: Learning and Teaching Conference, 22.4.15, University of Stirling.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Invited: The future of school inspection in England. In: Westminster Education Forum, 10 Feb 2015, Sixty One Whitehall, London.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Learning to assess for assessing to learn. In: Seminar for Faculty, 21sr January 2015, Liverpool John MNoores University. (Unpublished)

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Situating power potentials and dynamics of learners and tutors within self-assessment models. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 40 (6). pp. 846-863. ISSN 0309-877X

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Student inclusion in assessment and tutor assessment literacies. In: Queensland University of Education, 14.12.15, Brisbane.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) University Lecturers' understandings and beliefs of assessment, feedback and learner involvement: implications for supporting tutors' assessment literacy and professional development. In: ECER, 8-11th September 2015, Budapest.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Using assessment and learning theories to support "Assessment for Learning" practices. In: International Conference on Theory and Practice, 5-6th December 2015, Adelaide.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) Using assessment to help learning. In: Association of National Teaching Fellows 10th Annual Symposium, 30-31 March 2015, Birmingham.

Taras, Maddalena (2015) The future of school inspection in England. In: Westminster Education Forum, 10 Feb 2015, Sixty One Whitehall, London.


Wooff, David (2015) Bringing the Virtual World to the Real World; Use of Augmented Reality (AR) to Enhance the Learning Experience. In: 2015 SOLSTICE eLearning Conference Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Effective Practices, 4th-5th June 2015, Edge Hill University.

Wooff, David (2015) Edge Hill University Professional Practice Handbook (AY2015.16). Manual. Faculty of Education, Edge Hill University, Lancashire.

Wooff, David (2015) How Do I... Effectively use Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in the classroom? In: National Eduction Show, 19th-21st March 2015, Birmingham NEC.

Wooff, David (2015) What Constitutes Effective use of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)? In: 2015 SOLSTICE eLearning Conference Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Effective Practices, 4th-5th June 2015, Edge Hill University.

Wooff, David, Bell, D, McLain, M and Martin, M (2015) Pupil's perceptions of Design & Technology education in England and Wales: Emergent Findings. PATT29 Conference Proceedings . Aix University, Marseille, France, pp. 457-465.

Wooff, David and McLain, M (2015) Educational use of QR Codes. In: 2015 SOLSTICE eLearning Conference Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Effective Practices, 4th-5th June 2015, Edge Hill University.

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