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The Portal Podcast: Linking Research and Practice for Social Work. Series one, episode three: A conversation with Donna

Lonbay, Sarah and Deacon, Lesley (2022) The Portal Podcast: Linking Research and Practice for Social Work. Series one, episode three: A conversation with Donna. [Audio]

Item Type: Audio


When working in frontline practice having the time for, and access to, current research can be difficult. Join Dr Sarah Lonbay and Dr Lesley Deacon as they interview researchers about how their work can be used to inform and develop social work practice. The show is for anyone who is interested in social work and for anyone who wants to keep up to date with the latest research and use this to inform their practice. The Portal Podcast explores the work of a different social sciences researcher in each episode and aims to support people to access, understand, and make use of research.

In this episode, Sarah and Lesley speak with Dr. Donna Peacock about her paper, co-authored with Dr. Faye Cosgrove, titled “Supporting ‘vulnerable’ detainees through a student volunteering service” (you can find this paper and Donna's other published work with the University of Sunderland's research repository, SURE). Donna is an Associate Head of School and Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Sunderland.

Donna’s paper (and this podcast episode) focuses on the Northumbria Local Appropriate Adult Scheme which was created as a partnership between the University of Sunderland, Northumbria Police, and the Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office. Police codes of practice require the police to provide an Appropriate Adult to support anyone identified as a ‘vulnerable adult’ and in this podcast episode we explore this provision with Donna. We had a fascinating conversation with Donna about the scheme, the construction of vulnerability, power dynamics, and what it means to be an ‘Appropriate Adult’. Lots to take away from this conversation for social workers!

In this conversation, Donna also spoke about Dr. Laura Farrugia’s work. Laura is a Senior Lecturer and the Programme Leader for BSc Forensic Psychology and you can also view her published work via SURE.

The music is called “Together We’re Stronger” by All Music Seven (All7 Studios). Production and editing by PaperGhosts.

The Portal Podcast is funded by the University of Sunderland.

[img] Audio (MP3) (Audio for S1, E3.)
Episode 3 – Donna Peacock.mp3 - Published Version

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Episode 3 - Donna Peacock.pdf - Published Version

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Depositing User: Sarah Lonbay


Item ID: 15541
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Users with ORCIDS

ORCID for Sarah Lonbay: ORCID iD
ORCID for Lesley Deacon: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2022 19:57
Last Modified: 18 May 2023 09:36