Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Afzal, Sidra and Khalid, Ruhi (2023) Indigenizing the Postnatal Blues in Pakistani Context: A Psychometric Study. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 20 (02). pp. 14-24.
Baglee, David, Scott, Helen, Potts, Rita and O'Brien, Roger (2020) An Investigation of Acceptance and E-Readiness for the Application of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Technologies to Maintenance Training in the Manufacturing Industry. International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 13 (1). pp. 39-58. ISSN 1753-1047
Banks, J, Walter, F. M., Hall, Nicola, Mills, K., Hamilton, W. and Turner, K. M. (2014) Decision making and referral from primary care for possible lung and colorectal cancer: a qualitative study of patients' experiences. British Journal of General Practice, 64 (629). e775-e782. ISSN 0960-1643
Bennet, Francis, Hodgetts, Sophie, Close, Andrew, Frye, Mark, Grunze, Heinz, Keck, Paul, Kupka, Ralph, McElroy, Susan, Nolen, Willem, Post, Robert, Scharer, Lars, Suppes, Trisha and Sharma, Aditya (2019) Predictors of Psychosocial Outcome of Bipolar Disorder: data from the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders. ISSN 2194-7511
Bignell, S and Parson, Vanessa (2010) Best Practices guide for PBL and Second Life. In: The fifth biennial Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference organised by the Psychology Network, 30 Jun - 2 Jul 2010, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh , Scotland. (Unpublished)
Bignell, Simon and Parson, Vanessa (2010) Psychology learning and teaching in virtual worlds: The PREVIEW-Psyche project. In: PLAT2010 (Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference), 30 Jun - 2 Jul 2010, Edinburgh Napier University, UK. (Unpublished)
Bignell, Simon, Parson, Vanessa, Wood, Jon, Silber, Kevin, Reddy, Peter and Senior, Carl (2008) Second Life: another world in which to teach and learn. In: Higher Education Academy - PLAT2008: Psychology Learning and Teaching Conference, 1 - 3 Jul 2008, University of Bath, Bath, England. (Unpublished)
Birt, Linda, Hall, Nicola, Emery, Jon, Banks, Jon, Mills, Katie, Johnson, Margaret, Hamilton, Willie and Walter, Fiona M (2014) Responding to symptoms suggestive of lung cancer: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 1 (1). e000067. ISSN 2052-4439
Blinkhorn, Victoria, Lyons, Minna and Almond, Louise (2018) Criminal Minds: Narcissism Predicts Offending Behavior in a Non-Forensic Sample. Deviant Behavior, 40 (3). pp. 353-360. ISSN 0163-9625
Blinkhorn, Victoria, Lyons, Minna and Almond, Louise (2016) Drop the bad attitude! Narcissism predicts acceptance of violent behaviour. Personality and Individual Differences, 98 (2016). pp. 157-161. ISSN 0191-8869
Blinkhorn, Victoria, Lyons, Minna and Almond, Louise (2015) The ultimate femme fatale? Narcissism predicts serious and aggressive sexually coercive behaviour in females. Personality and Individual Differences, 87. pp. 219-223. ISSN 0191-8869
Boldizsar, D, Soos, Istvan, Whyte, Ian and Hamar, Pal (2016) An Investigation into the Relationship Between Pre-Competition Mood States, Age, Gender and a National Ranking in Artistic Gymnastics. Journal of Human Kinetics, 50 (2). pp. 235-243. ISSN 1640-5544
Brierley-Jones, Lyn, Crawley, Rosalind, Ayers, S and Lomax, S (2013) Stillbirth and Stigma: the spoiling and repair of multiple social identities. In: BSA 45th Medical Sociology Annual Conference, Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th September 2013, University of York, UK.
Butler, Kevin, Chenoweth, M, El-Boraie, A, Giratallah, H, Kowalczyk, W, Heishman, S, Tyndale, RF and Le Foll, B (2021) Impact of CYP2A6 Activity on Nicotine Reinforcement and Cue Reactivity in Daily Smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 23 (10). pp. 1735-1743. ISSN 1469-994X
Butler, Kevin, Forget, B, Heishman, S and Le Foll, B (2021) Significant association of nicotine reinforcement and cue reactivity: a translational study in humans and rats. Behavioural Pharmacology, 32 (2&3). pp. 212-219. ISSN 0955-8810
Butler, Kevin and Le Foll, B (2020) Novel therapeutic and drug development strategies for tobacco use disorder: endocannabinoid modulation. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 15 (9). pp. 1065-1080. ISSN 1746-045X
Collum, Rachel (2021) Stuck inside a hall of mirrors: facets of mum guilt on the SCBU. Infant, 17 (6). pp. 257-260. ISSN 1745-1205
Collum, Rachel, Hodgson, Ailie, Thompson, Sue and Campbell, Claire (2024) Confidence, not competence: Reframing Roles to Embed FICare. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 30 (1). pp. 88-91. ISSN 1355-1841
Cormack, Sophie (2014) The future of pedagogical action research in psychology. Psychology Teaching Review, 20 (2). pp. 95-109. ISSN 0965-948X
Coulthard, K, Patel, D, Brizzolara, Clare, Morriss, R and Watson, S (2013) A feasibility study of expert patient and community mental health team led bipolar psychoeducation groups: implementing an evidence based practice. BMC Psychiatry. ISSN 1471-244X
Crawley, Rosalind (2010) Closure of autobiographical memories: the effects of written recounting from first or third person visual perspective. Memory, 18 (8). pp. 900-17. ISSN 0965-8211
Crawley, Rosalind, Grant, S and Hinshaw, K (2008) Cognitive Changes in Pregnancy: Mild Decline or Societal Stereotype? Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22 (8). pp. 1142-1162. ISSN 0888-4080
Crawley, Rosalind, Lomax, S and Ayers, S (2013) Recovering from stillbirth: the effects of making and sharing memories on maternal mental health. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 31 (2). pp. 195-207. ISSN 0264-6838
Cunningham, Liz (2012) Developing a Cambodian psychology. In: Community Psychology and the Socio-economics of Mental Distress. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 124-140. ISBN 9780230275416
Cunningham, Liz (2011) Promuovere la partecipazione: esperienza in una comunita Squatter in Phnom Penh. Psicologia di Comunita, VII (2). pp. 69-79. ISSN 1827-5249
Davinson, Nicola, Briggs, D and Aziz, P (2010) Security survival task: comparing users and experts perceptions of risk. In: 1st International Crime Conference, 2010, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Davinson, Nicola and Sillence, E (2014) Using the health belief model to explore users' perceptions of `being safe and secure' in the world of technology mediated financial transactions. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 72 (2). pp. 154-168. ISSN 1071-5819
Davinson, Nicola and Sillence, Elizabeth (2010) It won't happen to me: Promoting secure behaviour among internet users. Computers in Human Behavior, 26 (6). pp. 1739-1747. ISSN 0747-5632
Delicato, Louise, Finn, J, Morris, J and Smith, B (2014) Increased sensitivity to happy compared with fearful faces in a temporal two-interval forced-choice paradigm. Perception, 43 (S1). p. 75. ISSN 0301 0066
Delicato, Louise and Mason, R (2015) Happiness is in the mouth of the beholder and fear in the eyes. Journal of Vision, 15 (1378). ISSN 1534 7362
Delicato, Louise and Qian, N (2003) Is depth perception of stereo plaids predicted by intersection of constraints, vector average or second-order features? Journal of Vision, 3 (9). p. 97. ISSN 1534-7362
Delicato, Louise, Routledge, J and Williams, D (2015) Motion makes fearful expressions more detectable. Perception, 44 (S1). p. 18. ISSN 0301-0066
Dent, Elizabeth, Davinson, Nicola and Wilkie, Stephanie (2021) The impact of gastrointestinal conditions on psychosocial factors associated with the biopsychosocial model of health: A scoping review. Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing, 14 (2). pp. 626-644. ISSN 1758-0854
Derrington, Andrew, M, Allen, Harriet, A and Delicato, Louise (2004) Visual Mechanisms of Motion Perception and Analysis. Annual Review of Psychology, 55. pp. 181-205. ISSN 0066-4308
Donovan, Gemma, Hall, Nicola, Ling, Jonathan, Smith, Felicity and Wilkes, Scott (2022) Influencing medication taking behaviors using automated two‐way digital communication: A narrative synthesis systematic review informed by the Behavior Change Wheel. British Journal of Health Psychology. ISSN 1359-107X
Drews, Etta (2010) Happy faces, disgusted faces, neutral faces - does it make a difference? Processing of facial expression in Parkinson's disease. In: Scottish Neuropsychological Network Annual Conference, 2010, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Unpublished)
Drews, Etta (2009) Prospective memory in adults with developmental dyslexia. In: British Psychological Society Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference, 1-3 September 2009, University of Hertfordshire. (Unpublished)
Drews, Etta (2007) Prospective memory in junior school children: evidence from a virtual day. In: Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section, 2007, Plymouth. (Unpublished)
Dunne, Stephen, Close, Helen, Richards, Nicola, Ellison, Amanda and Lane, Alison R. (2020) Maximizing Telerehabilitation for Patients With Visual Loss After Stroke: Interview and Focus Group Study With Stroke Survivors, Carers, and Occupational Therapists. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22 (10). ISSN 1438-8871
Dunne, Stephen, Ellison, Amanda and Smith, Daniel, T. (2015) Rewards have a transient and task-specific effect on saccade latency. Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (1080). ISSN 1664-1078
Dunnett, Jo, Kilinc, Stephanie and van Wersch, Anna (2018) Theory based intervention on shared family meals frequency and improved dietary consumption within a disadvantaged social class. In: Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2018., 5-7th September 2018, The Hilton Gateshead Tyne and Wear. (Unpublished)
Ellis, Philip and Van Leeuwen, Lieselotte (2009) Confronting the transition: improving quality of life for the elderly with an interactive multisensory environment - a case study. In: HCI International 2009: 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 19-24 Jul 2009, San Diego, USA. (Unpublished)
Ennaceur, Abdelkader (2018) Chapter 1 - Object Novelty Recognition Memory. In: Handbook of Object Novelty Recognition. Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, 27 . Academic Press, pp. 1-22. ISBN 9780128120125
Ennaceur, Abdelkader (1994) Effects of amphetamine and medial septal lesions on acquisition and retention of radial maze learning in rats. Brain Research, 636 (2). pp. 277-285. ISSN 0006-8993
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Aggleton, John P. (1998) Analysis of the automated delayed nonmatching-to-position task: The effects of changing contiguity between stimulus, response and reinforcement, and of providing a salient spatial cue within the apparatus. Neurosci. Res. Comm., 22 (1). pp. 21-29. ISSN 1520-6769
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Aggleton, John P. (1994) Spontaneous recognition of object configurations in rats: effects of fornix lesions. Experimental Brain Research, 100 (1). pp. 85-92. ISSN 0014-4819
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Aggleton, John P. (1998) An attempt to overcome the problem of motor mediation by rats in the delayed non matching-to-position task. Neuroscience Research Communications, 22 (3). pp. 153-162. ISSN 1520-6769
Ennaceur, Abdelkader, Aggleton, John P. and Fray, Paul (1997) Delayed non matching to sample in a novel automated visual memory apparatus using mixed retention intervals. Neuroscience Research Communications, 20 (2). pp. 103-111. ISSN 1520-6769
Ennaceur, Abdelkader, Cavoy, Albert, Costa, Jean-Claude and Delacour, Jean P. (1989) A new one-trial test for neurobiological studies of memory in rats. II: Effects of piracetam and pramiracetam. Behav Brain Res., 33 (2). pp. 197-207. ISSN 0166-4328
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Chazot, Paul (2016) Preclinical animal anxiety research – flaws and prejudices. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 2 (4). ISSN 2052-1707
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Delacour, Jean P. (1987) Effect of combined or separate administration of piracetam and choline on learning and memory in the rat. Psychopharmacology, 92 (1). pp. 58-67. ISSN 0033-3158
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Hussain, Muhammed Dilwar (2015) Effects of chronic fluoxetine treatment on anxious behaviour of BALB/c mice in a 3-dimensional maze. Stress. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1025-3890
Ennaceur, Abdelkader and Meliani, Kamel (1992) A new one-trial test for neurobiological studies of memory in rats. III. Spatial vs. non-spatial working memory. Behav Brain Res., 51 (1). pp. 83-92. ISSN 0166-4328
Ennaceur, Abdelkader, Neave, Nick and Aggleton, John P. (1997) Spontaneous object recognition and object location memory in rats: the effects of lesions in the cingulate cortices, the medial prefrontal cortex, the cingulum bundle and the fornix. Experimental Brain Research, 113 (3). pp. 509-519. ISSN 0014-4819
Farrelly, Daniel (2013) Altruism as an indicator of good parenting quality in long term relationships: Further investigations using the Mate Preferences towards Altruistic Traits scale. The Journal of Social Psychology, 153 (4). pp. 395-398. ISSN 0022-4545
Farrelly, Daniel (2008) Are social contracts and precaution rule reasoning abilities due to separately evolved modules? Evidence from face recognition tasks. In: The European Human Behaviour and Evolution Conference, 2-4 April 2008, University of Montpellier, France. (Unpublished)
Farrelly, Daniel (2011) Cooperation as a signal of genetic or phenotypic quality in female mate choice? Evidence from preferences across the menstrual cycle. British Journal of Psychology, 102 (3). pp. 406-430. ISSN 0007-1269
Farrelly, Daniel (2009) Signals of altruism in mate choice - good genes or good parent? In: The European Human Behaviour and Evolution Conference, 6-8 Apr 2009, St Andrews, Scotland. (Unpublished)
Farrelly, Daniel and Nettle, Daniel (2007) Marriage affects competitive performance in male tennis players. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 5 (1-4). pp. 141-148. ISSN 1789-2082
Farrelly, Daniel, Owens, Rebecca, Elliott, Hannah, Walden, Hannah and Wetherell, Mark (2013) Competitors who choose to be red have higher testosterone levels. Psychological Science, 24 (10). ISSN 0956-7976
Farrelly, Daniel and Turnbull, Nichola (2008) The role of reasoning domain on face recognition: Detecting violations of social contract and hazard management rules. Evolutionary Psychology, 6 (3). pp. 523-537. ISSN 1474-7049
Farrugia, Laura (2021) Identifying Vulnerability in Police Custody: Making Sense of Information Provided to Custody Officers. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 80 (102169). ISSN 1752-928X
Farrugia, Laura, Gabbert, F, Milne, R and Cherryman, J (2016) Police officers' perceptions and experiences with mentally disordered suspects. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 49 (A). pp. 138-146. ISSN 0160-2527
Farrugia, Laura and Gabbert, Fiona (2019) The ‘appropriate adult’: what they do and what they should do in police interviews with mentally disordered suspects. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 29 (3). pp. 134-141. ISSN 0957-9664
Ferguson, Ashton, Martin, David and Pearson, Amy (2024) “It has shown me how much I am capable of”: An Exploration of Autistic Burnout Experiences in Motherhood. Autism in Adulthood. ISSN 2573-9581
Fletcher, Abbey, Dunne, Stephen and Butler, Joe (2022) A Brief History of Eye Movement Research. In: Eye Tracking. Neuromethods, 183 (1). Humana, New York, NY of Springer Protocols., New York, pp. 15-29. ISBN 1940-6045
Foley, Suzanne, Crawley, Rosalind, Wilkie, Stephanie and Ayers, Susan (2014) The birth memories and recall questionnaire (BirthMARQ): development and evaluation. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14. ISSN 1471-2393
Forster, Samantha and Pearson, Amy (2019) “Bullies tend to be obvious”: Autistic Adults Perceptions of Friendship and the Concept of ‘Mate Crime’. Disability and Society.
Graham, Yitka, Jones, Robyn, Rees, Jon, McBride, Sam and Owens, Rebecca (2024) Como abordamos las cuestiones de genero para maximar la perdida de peso? In: Sociedad Argentina de Cirugia de la Obesidad, Enfermedad Metabolica y otras Relacionadas con la Obesidad (SACO) 7th Congreso Argention, 20-22 Mar 2024, Hotel Costa Galana, Mar Del Plata, Argentina. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, McBride, Sam, Rees, Jon and Owens, Rebecca (2024) Gender different approaches to metabolic and bariatric surgery. In: International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders 12th European Chapter Congress, 01-03 May 2024, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, McBride, Sam, Rees, Jon and Owens, Rebecca (2024) Psicología masculina y MBS: ¿por qué es diferente para los hombres? In: Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia de la Obesidad y de las Enfermedades Metabolicas (SECO) XXV Congreso Nacional, 22-24 May 2024, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos, Oviedo, Asturias, Espana. (Unpublished)
Hakkim, Saira and Kabir, Russell (2021) Pornography and it’s correlation with sexual health: Commentary. Indian Journal of Health, Sexuality & Culture, 7 (2). pp. 53-56.
Hakkim, Saira, Parsa, Ali Davod, Arafat, Yasir, Mahmud, Ilias, Sathian, Brijesh, Sivasubramanian, Madhini and Kabir, Russell (2022) Pornography—Is It Good for Sexual Health? A Systematic Review. Journal of Psychosexual Health, 4. pp. 111-122. ISSN 2631-8318
Hall, Nicola, Birt, L, Banks, J, Emery, J, Mills, K, Johnson, M, Rubin, G P, Hamilton, W and Walter, F M (2015) Symptom appraisal and healthcare-seeking for symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 5 (10). e008448. ISSN 2044-6055
Hall, Nicola, Birt, L, Rees, C, Walter, F, Elliot, S, Ritchie, M, Weller, D and Rubin, G (2016) Concerns, perceived need and competing priorities: A qualitative exploration of decision-making and non-participation in a population-based flexible sigmoidoscopy screening programme to prevent colorectal cancer. BMJ Open, 6 (11). ISSN 2044-6055
Hall, Nicola, Rubin, Greg P, Dobson, Christina, Weller, David, Wardle, Jane, Ritchie, Mary and Rees, Colin J (2013) Attitudes and beliefs of non-participants in a population-based screening programme for colorectal cancer. Health Expectations, 18 (5). pp. 1645-1657. ISSN 1369 6513
Hani, Melanie (2012) Film/Art Work: Gender Renaissance: Analysing the impact of animation, the production process and film (Good Hearts Model 2011) in tackling issues surrounding and relating to having a parent who is transgender. [Film/Video] (Unpublished)
Hani, Melanie J (2012) 'Circles' A video: Protecting and safeguarding children through the use of the The Good Heart Model in the treatment of reducing reoffence of high risk sex offenders. [Film/Video] (Submitted)
Hani, Melanie J (2012) Increasing resilience in children who have a parent in prison through the use of the Good Heart Model. In: Children with a Parent in Prison Conference; Impact, Issues, Practice and Policy, 2nd April 2012, The Sherwell Centre, Plymouth University. (Unpublished)
Hani, Melanie J (2011) Making Animation Work-Animation beyond Telly. In: 8th London International Animation Festival, 26 Aug-4 Sept 2011, The Barbican London. (Unpublished)
Hani, Melanie J and Redpath, Kevin (2012) 'Circles UK' Documentary. [Film/Video]
Hausmann, Markus, Hodgetts, Sophie and Eerola, Tuomas (2016) Music-induced changes in functional cerebral asymmetries. Brain and Cognition, 104. pp. 58-71. ISSN 0278-2626
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Using Anecdote Circles as a method of evaluating the perceived impact of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® on international postgraduate nursing students’ capacity for narrative storytelling; a Case Study of Anecdote Circle Design. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage.
Heather, Nick, Smailes, David and Cassidy, Paul (2008) Development of a Readiness Ruler for use with alcohol brief interventions. Drug and alcohol dependence, 98 (3). pp. 235-40. ISSN 0376-8716
Heintz, Sonja, Ruch, Willibald, Aykan, Simge, Brdar, Ingrid, Brzozowska, Dorota, Carretero-Dios, Hugo, Chen, Hsueh-Chih, Chłopicki, Władysław, Choi, Incheol, Dionigi, Alberto, Ďurka, Robert, Ford, Thomas, Güsewell, Angelika, Isler, Robert, Ivanova, Alyona, Laineste, Liisi, Lajčiaková, Petra, Lau, Chloe, Lee, Minha, Măda, Stanca, Martin-Krumm, Charles, Mendiburo-Seguel, Andrés, Migiwa, Ifu, Mustafi, Nailya, Oshio, Atsushi, Platt, Tracey, Proyer, René T., Quiroga-Garza, Angélica, Ramis, Tamil Selvan, Săftoiu, Răzvan, Saklofske, Donald H., Shcherbakova, Olga V., Slezackova, Alena, Stalikas, Anastasios, Stokenberga, Ieva, Torres-Marín, Jorge and Wong, Peter S.O. (2019) Benevolent and corrective humor, life satisfaction, and broad humor dimensions: Extending the nomological network of the BenCor across 25 countries. Journal of Happiness Studies.. ISSN 1389-4978
Herrero, Jose L, Gieselmann, Mark A, Delicato, Louise, Gotthardt, Sascha, Thiele, Alexander and Chalk, Matthew (2010) Attention Reduces Stimulus-Driven Gamma Frequency Oscillations and Spike Field Coherence in V1. Neuron, 66 (1). pp. 114-125. ISSN 0896-6273
Herrero, Jose L, Roberts, Mark, Delicato, Louise, Gieselmann, Mark A, Dayan, P and Thiele, Alexander (2008) Acetylcholine contributes through muscarinic receptors to attentional modulation in V1. Nature, 454 (7208). pp. 1110-1114. ISSN 0028-0836
Hodgetts, Sophie, Gallagher, Peter, Stow, Daniel, Ferrier, Nicol and O'Brien, John (2016) The impact and measurement of social dysfunction in latelife depression: an evaluation of current methods with a focus on wearable technology. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 32 (3). pp. 247-255. ISSN 0885-6230
Hodgetts, Sophie, Hausmann, Markus and Weis, Susanne (2015) High estradiol levels improve false memory rates and meta-memory in highly schizotypal women. Psychiatry Research, 229 (3). pp. 708-714. ISSN 0165-1781
Hodgetts, Sophie, Weis, Susanne and Hausmann, Markus (2017) Estradiol-related variations in top-down and bottom-up processes of cerebral lateralisation. Neuropsychology, 31 (3). pp. 319-327. ISSN 0894-4105
Humphries, Lynne and McDonald, Sharon (2011) Emotion faces: the design and evaluation of a game for preschool children. In: CHI 2011: annual conference on Human factors in computing systems 2011, 7-12 May 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Ilyas, Uzma, Maqsood, Rimsha, Ahsan, Humna and Afzal, Sidra (2023) Binge-Watching as Behavioral Addiction: A Systematic Review. Binge-Watching as Behavioral Addiction: A Systematic Review, 2 (2). pp. 211-65. ISSN 2959-1600
Irons, Alastair (2009) Psychology of Cybercrime. In: 3rd International Conference on Cybercrime forensics education and training; CFET 2009, 1-2 Sep 2009, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury UK. (Unpublished)
Johansen, M, Whyte, Ian, Davis, Paul and Leyland, Sandra (2017) Attitudes and Beliefs about taking Steroid and Image Enhancing Drugs (SIEDs): A systematic review of studies with gym users. In: Association for Applied Sports Psychology Student Conference 2017, 20-21st May 2017, University of Winchester.
Johnson, Penelope (2014) Fulfilling Lives: Positive Psychology for Parents. In: BPS 4th International Coaching Conference - Special Group in Coaching Psychology (SGCP), 11-12 Dec 2014, Holiday Inn London, Bloomsbury, UK. (Unpublished)
Khan, Faraz, Ahmed, Bouridane, Richard, Jiang, Tiancheng, Xia, Paul, Chazot and Abdel, Ennaceur (2019) Computer-Aided Automated Detection of Gene-Controlled Social Actions of Drosophila. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Knight, Helen, Mowat, Sarah and Hesse, Constanze (2020) Fearing the wurst: Robust approach bias towards non-vegetarian food images in a sample of young female vegetarian eaters. Appetite (104617). ISSN 0195-6663
Knight, Helen, Smith, Daniel, Knight, David and Ellison, Amanda (2016) Altering attentional control settings causes persistent biases of visual attention. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69 (1). pp. 129-149. ISSN 1747-0218
Leyland, Sandra, Board, Lisa and Currie, Alan (2019) Initial data from the EIS survey presented by associate Prof A Currie and the EIS Expert Mental Health Panel. In: UK Paralympic Performacne Conference, 12-13th March 2019, Manchester. (Unpublished)
Ling, Jonathan and Allbutt, John (2008) The relationship between the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire and the egoistic form of social desirable responding tested using the over-claiming technique. In: XXIX International Congress of Psychology, 20-25 Jul 2008, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Lockwood, Alex (2016) The Pig in Thin Air: An Identification. {Bio}graphies . Lantern Books, New York, New York. ISBN 9781590565353
Lonbay, Sarah, Pearson, Amy, Hamilton, Emma, Higgins, Pat, Foulkes, Emma and Glascott, Michelle (2021) Trauma informed participatory research: Reflections on co-producing a research proposal. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 14 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1836-3393
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2020) Drugs and School Exclusion: Sharing research findings. In: Department of Health and Social Care Independent Review of Drugs, October 7 2020, Online.
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2019) NHS SEND Workstream: Linking health and education data on children with SEND in Sunderland: a 'proof of concept' project. In: NHS SEND Workstream, November 18 2019, Council for Disabled Children, Hackney, UK.
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2021) Research findings School exclusions, mental health and autism. In: National Working Group: Safeguarding Disabled Children, 30 June 2021, Online.
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2020) Riding the rollercoaster of school exclusion coupled with drug misuse: The lived experience of caregivers. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 25 (3-4). pp. 244-263. ISSN 1741-2692
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2021) School exclusion, substance misuse and use of weapons: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with children. Support for Learning, 36 (2). ISSN 0268-2141
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2021) School exclusion: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of interviews with parents of children with autism in the UK. In: BERA conference 2021, 8- 10 Sep 2021, Online. (Unpublished)
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2020) Sharing research findings: School exclusions and mental health. In: Sharing research findings: School exclusions and mental health, 30 Nov 2020, Online, Department for Education.
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2023) #pullupachair: Recognising and responding to adversities to prevent exclusion from school: Early Years Foundation Stage and primary school. University of Sunderland, University of Sunderland Website.
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2023) #pullupachair: The importance of belonging, relationships and connections to prevent exclusion from school: Secondary school settings. University of Sunderland, University of Sunderland Website.
Martin-Denham, Sarah (2020) The use of theographs to understand the journeys of children excluded from school. In: Centre for Research in Education: Seminar Series, November 10 2020, Online.
Martin-Denham, Sarah and Scott, Nathan (2024) Evaluating the experiences of children, young people, and families participating in a RootED intervention to reduce school exclusions. Project Report. University of Sunderland, Sunderland.
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