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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.


Hutchinson, James, Glover, Mike and Glover, Anna (2023) Imaging. imaging, 06 Oct - 06 November 2023, Mestský Dom Kultúry, M. R. Štefánika 875/200, 093 01 Vranov nad Topľou.

Item Type: Show/Exhibition


The Exhibition 'Imaging' featured several Films and 3 prints by James Hutchinson investigating the possibilities and limitations of AI. These works expand and explore existing and developing process, working with Galleries and programmers to explore the potentials of this medium through innovation of thought and excellence of practice. For 'Imaging' Hutchinson's highlight was the specially remade 40 min moving image work ‘AI Artist’ which was presented in 2023 alongside, AI Title & AI Celebrity’ which Hutchinson exhibited as part of The Group show ‘Imaging’ in the Slovak Rep with Mike and Anna Glover. Hutchinson's AI works were developed through a series of presentations where the work evolved including the exhibition AI/AI, The Sunderland pavilion of the wrong Biennale & the exhibition S/Lab AI Priestman Gallery in 2022.

James Hutchinson lives in Sunderland & works as a Multimedia
Artist. He is currently the Lead Teacher for the MA Fine art,
Pathway for the MA Visual Practice Programme.
He is BA Fine Art Programme Leader & a second supervisor of PHD's at The University of Sunderland. James has exhibited in many galleries in the UK, Europe and the U.S.
Recent works have been shown in Berlin-Germany,
Timișoara - Romania, Paris-France and Texas -USA.

James Hutchinson žije v Sunderlande a pracuje ako

multimédiálny Umelec.

V súčasnosti je vedúcim Učiteľom Magisterského štúdia pre Výtvarné Umenie a Príprava pre MA Program Výtvarnej Praxe.

Je vedúcim študijného programu BA Výtvarného Umenia a druhým vedúcim supervízorom pre PhD na Universite v Sunderlande.

James vystavoval v mnohých galériách vo Veľkej Británii, Európe a USA. Súčasné práce boli vystavované v Berlíne v Nemecku,

v Temešore v Rumunsku,

v Paríži vo Francúzsku a v Texase v USA.

About James Hutchinson

About Anna Glover

Anna Glover is a multidisciplinary visual artist;

born in Czechoslovakia, currently residing and working in the UK.

Life is fragile and Art is miraculous.

Imagination allows us to leave behind the current world and events and moves us into the sphere of play, dreaming and the whimsical.

We live in a time of evolutionary anomaly in which traditions and their meanings are disappearing. Understanding of everyday human values play an important role in the creation of Anna’s work.

Her collection includes three-dimensional abstract landscape paintings, sculptural art objects and installations.

Anna exhibits mostly in the UK, but her works are in collections worldwide.

Anna Glover je multidisciplinárna výtvarná umelkyňa .

Narodila v Československu, v súčasnosti žije a pracuje vo Veľkej Británii.

Život je krehký a umenie je zázračné.

Predstavivosť nám umožňuje zanechať súčasný svet, jeho udalosti a posúva nás do sféry hry, snívania a rozmarov.

Žijeme v dobe evolučnej anomálie, v ktorej sa vytrácajú tradície a ich významy. Pochopenie každodenných ľudských hodnôt zohráva dôležitú úlohu pri tvorbe Anninho diela.

Jej zbierka zahŕňa trojrozmerné abstraktné krajinomaľby, sochárske umelecké predmety a inštalácie.

Anna vystavuje väčšinou vo Veľkej Británii, ale jej diela sa nachadzajú

v zbierkach po celom svete.

About Mike Glover

Mike Glover is an artist and musician based in Sunderland, England, UK.

He creates conceptually based art films, sound, animation, performance and installation art.

Mike explores a myriad of significant and conceptual themes within various Conspiracy Theories.

This subject matter offers more questions than answers; satiating his appetite for pleasant lies, half-truths, and reassuring falsehoods.

He is currently a PhD student researching the subject: "Superconspiracy theory - clarification and interpretation through art"


the University of Sunderland in the UK.

Mike Glover je umelec a hudobník žijúci v Sunderlande v Anglicku vo Veľkej Británii.

Tvorí konceptuálne založené umelecké filmy, zvuky, animácie, performančné a inštalačné umenie.

Mike skúma nespočetné množstvo významných a koncepčných tém

v rámci rôznych konšpiračných teórií.

Táto téma ponúka viac otázok ako odpovedí; uspokojuje jeho žiadzu pre príjemné klamstvá, polopravdy a upokojujúce nepravdy.

V súčasnosti je doktorandtom (PhD Umenie) a skúma tému: 'Super-konšpiračná teória - objasnenia a interpretácie prostredníctvom umenia' na

Univerzite v Sunderlande vo Veľkej Británii.


Image (JPEG) (installation shot group exhibition Imaging Slovakia)
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.

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Image (JPEG) (AI Title installation shot)
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.

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Image (JPEG) (Celebrity AI installation shot)
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.

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Depositing User: James Hutchinson


Item ID: 18297
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Users with ORCIDS

ORCID for James Hutchinson: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date Deposited: 27 Sep 2024 11:42
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2024 11:42


Author: James Hutchinson ORCID iD
Author: Mike Glover
Author: Anna Glover
Artist: James Hutchinson
Artist: Mike Glover
Artist: Anna Glover

University Divisions

Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries > School of Art and Design


Fine Art > Curating
Photography > Digital Imaging
Fine Art > Digital Media
Fine Art > Drawing
Photography > Video Art

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