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Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.

I Remember You! Interaction with Memory for an Empathic Virtual Robotic Tutor

Hastie, Helen, Lim, Mei Yii, Janarthanam, Srini, Deshmukh, Amol, Aylett, Ruth, Foster, Mary Ellen and Hall, Lynne (2016) I Remember You! Interaction with Memory for an Empathic Virtual Robotic Tutor. In: AAMAS 2016, 9-13 May 2016, Singapore.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)


We present a study that investigates the effect of incorporating memory in the interaction for a virtual robotic tutor in terms of helping children achieve a pedagogical goal and the perceived likeability and empathy of the tutor. The domain is a virtual robotic tutor who is guiding and helping learners through a mobile Treasure Hunt exercise that tests their map reading skills. The contribution described in this paper is the discovery that incorporating `memory' through utterances that recall events from previous interactions significantly increases the learner's ability to perform a pedagogical task. However, the virtual tutor with memory was perceived as less likeable and the instructions given as harder to follow than with a virtual tutor without memory. In addition, there was a significant drop in perceived empathy. This work has a large potential influence in the field of interaction design for agents as one cannot blindly add in human-like features, such as, memory that improve task performance without considering the potential detrimental effects to the perceived empathy and likeability.

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Depositing User: Paula Normington


Item ID: 5985
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ORCID for Lynne Hall: ORCID iD

Catalogue record

Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2016 16:02
Last Modified: 18 Dec 2019 15:38


Author: Lynne Hall ORCID iD
Author: Helen Hastie
Author: Mei Yii Lim
Author: Srini Janarthanam
Author: Amol Deshmukh
Author: Ruth Aylett
Author: Mary Ellen Foster

University Divisions

Faculty of Technology
Faculty of Technology > School of Computer Science
Faculty of Technology > FOT Executive


Computing > Human-Computer Interaction
Education > Learning Technology

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