Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Ramazan, Ferdos, Graham, Yitka and Hayes, Catherine (2024) Communities of practice: an alternative approach to bridging the theory-practice gap in radiography? Radiography. ISSN 1078-8174 (In Press)
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Nursing Student Perceptions of Summative Assessment Feedback Using LEGO Serious Play'. Higher Education Skills and Work Based learning. ISSN 2042-3896
Connor, Jenny, Graham, Yitka, McGarry, Kenneth, Hayes, Catherine, Mehrotra, Pallavi and Cox, Julie (2023) Improving the quality and safety of radiology reporting: a prospective audit of discrepancies amongst consultant radiologists. iRadiology, 1 (1). pp. 103-108. ISSN 2834-2879
Cox, Julie, Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2023) Patient-reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) in Radiology: Embracing the Metrics of Change. Clinical Radiology. ISSN 1365-229X
Graham, Yitka, Fox, Ann, Mahawar, Kamal, Parrott, Julie, Khalil, Fadi and Hayes, Catherine (2023) Developing a long-term follow up service for bariatric surgical patients in the community: patient and professional perspectives. Obesity Science and Practice. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2055-2238
Graham, Yitka, Mahawar, Kamal, Singhal, Rishi, Madhok, Brijesh, Yang, Wah, Riera, Manel, Martinez Duartez, Pedro, Pouwels, Sjaak, Sharma, Mitesh and Hayes, Catherine (2022) Bariatric Surgeons' experiences of working in the first year of the pandemic. Obesity Science and Practice. pp. 1-8. ISSN 2055-2238
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2022) Using Lego® Serious Play® Methodology in Supporting Nigerian Nursing Students' Sociocultural Transitions to UK Higher Education: A Phenomenological Research Study'. Nurse Education Today, 119. ISSN 0260-6917
Hayes, Catherine, Fox, Ann, Scott-Thomas, Jeanette and Graham, Yitka (2022) The vital role of healthcare assistants in pressure ulcer prevention: learning from research in practice. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 16 (8). pp. 370-378. ISSN 1753-1586
Graham, Yitka, Plouviez, Arabella, Clelland, Alison, Fox, Ann, Fowler, Ger, Sargeant, John and Hayes, Catherine (2022) ‘Applied Social Prescribing Practice: A Focused Arts Based Participatory Action Research Study of Military Veteran Transition Back to Civilian Life’. Journal of Participatory Methods. (In Press)
Massey, L, Siddiqui, MR, Shirazi, S, Hayes, Catherine, Graham, Yitka and Vig, Stella (2022) The Perceived Impact of Equality and Equity in Medical Education by Junior Doctors in the UK. Postgraduate Medical Journal. ISSN 1469-0756 (In Press)
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Cox, Julie, Mahawar, Kamal, Fox, Ann and Yemm, Heather (2022) A systematic review of obesity as a barrier to accessing cancer screening services. Obesity Science and Practice. ISSN 2055-2238
Osuchukwu, Vivian Chinonso, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2022) 'Treatment Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients in Oyo and Lagos state Nigeria: A Qualitative Study'. Journal of Public Health in Developing Countries. ISSN 2059-5409 (In Press)
Graham, Yitka, Limmer, Matt, Jackson, Michelle, Ridgway, Dawn, Evans, Barry and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Exploring front line ambulance staff perspectives of the hospital transfer pathway. Journal of Social Care. (In Press)
Corrie, Ian, Cunliffe, Ed and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Acknowledging Emotive Response and Epistemic Positionality: Disruptive Transformative Pedagogy Amidst a Global Pandemic. Journal of Transformative Education. ISSN 1541-3446
Graham, Yitka, Keith, Sarah, Freeman, Maria and Hayes, Catherine (2021) A Hybrid Adaptation of the RE-AIM Framework in Data Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of a Multi-Agency Patient Care Transfer Pathway. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2021) Adapting the RE-AIM Framework to Evaluate the Impact of a Multi-Disciplinary Patient Care Transfer Pathway. International Journal of Patient Centred Healthcare, 10 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2641-6255
Priddle, Helen, Pickup, Sarah and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Occupational health issues experienced by UK embryologists: informing improvements in clinical reproductive science practice. Human Fertility. ISSN 1464-7273
Pickup, Sarah, Paton, Kevin, Hayes, Catherine and Morrison, Ben (2020) A day in the life of frontline manufacturing personnel: A diary-based safety study. Health and Safety Science, 132. ISSN 0925-7535
Graham, Yitka, McArdle, Mark, Cobham, Nichola, Farram, Kat and Hayes, Catherine (2020) The Prince's Trust Health and Social Care Partnership. Care Talk, Dec 20.
Manning, Carol, Graham, Yitka, Freeman, Maria and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Risks and Predicting Factors of Suicidal Ideation across Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 9 (4). ISSN 2049-5919
Graham, Yitka, Mahawar, Kamal, Riera, Manel, Islam, Omar, Bhasker, Aparna Ghovil, Wilson, Michael, Tahrani, Abd, Moize, Violeta, Leal, Angela and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Emotional resilience and bariatric surgical teams: a priority in the pandemic. Obesity Surgery. ISSN 0960-8923
Graham, Yitka, Wilson, Ruth, Hayes, Catherine, Lyndsey, Stephenson, Wanless, Anne and Baker, Lisa (2020) The role of learning disability nurses in providing end-of-life care. Nursing Times, 116 (12). pp. 18-20. ISSN 0954-7762
Graham, Yitka, McArdle, Mark, Scott, Jeanette, Barrigan, Marie, Richardson, Angela and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Stopping the clock and pressing reset: acknowledging and investing in the knowledge and skills of the care home workforce. Care Talk. p. 9.
Hayes, Catherine, Corrie, Ian and Graham, Yitka (2020) Paramedic emotional labour during COVID-19. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 12 (8). ISSN 2041-9457
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, P. M., Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2020) A critical synthesis of the role of the pharmacist in oral healthcare and management of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. BDJ Open, 6 (1). p. 13. ISSN 2056-807X
Graham, Yitka, Fox, Ann, Scott, Jeanette, Johnson, Melanie and Hayes, Catherine (2020) How a pandemic affects the mental health of the nursing workforce. Nursing Times, 116 (8). pp. 20-22. ISSN 0954-7762
Bosun-Arije, Stella Foluke, Graham, Yitka, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Organisational factors influencing non-pharmacological management of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in public hospitals across Lagos, Nigeria: A qualitative study of nurses’ perspectives. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. ISSN 0168-8227
Mahawar, Kamal, Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2020) Ascertaining areas for long-term follow-up of bariatric surgical patients for primary care. Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care. ISSN 2168-023X
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2020) HCA Roles in Covid 19: The Emotional Cost of Sacrifice. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 14 (5). ISSN 1753-1586
Graham, Yitka, Earl-Sinha, Charlotte, Parkin, Lindsay, Callejas-Diaz, Lindes, Fox, Ann, Tierney, Callum, Mahawar, Kamal and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Evaluating a potential role for community pharmacists in post-bariatric patient nutritional support. Clinical Obesity. ISSN 1758-8111
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Reflecting on Scholarship amidst an International Pandemic: The Month that Changed Perspectives on the World. International Federation of National Teaching Fellows. pp. 3-4.
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2020) Epilepsy in pregnancy: an emergency care context. Journal of Paramedic Practice. ISSN 1759-1376
Hayes, Catherine, Cox, Chris, Parkin, Lindsay, Scott-Thomas, Jeanette and Graham, Yitka (2020) Heart Failure in Practice - Enhancing Knowledge for Nursing and Residential Healthcare. Nursing and Residential Care, 22 (4). pp. 2-8. ISSN 1465-9301
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, Philip M, Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2020) ‘We do not seem to engage with dentists’: a qualitative study of primary healthcare staff and patients in the North East of England on the role of pharmacists in oral healthcare. BMJ Open, 10 (2). e032261. ISSN 2044-6055
Graham, Yitka, Gerrard, David, Laight, Samantha, Brown, Rebecca, Keith, Sarah and Hayes, Catherine (2020) More than medication: Evaluating the role of the pharmacist independent prescriber in a community team for learning disabilities and behaviour deemed to be challenging. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. ISSN 1354-4187
Maines, Jacqueline, Graham, Yitka and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Improving pressure ulcer risk identification: a pilot project by ambulance staff. Journal of Paramedic Practice. ISSN 1759-1376
Odigiri, Maxwell, Watson, Derek, Hayes, Catherine and Tekelas, Fanos (2020) Factors Affecting Academic Job Performance in Nigerian Universities; A Case Study of Delta State University & Igbinedion University Okada. The Market: International Journal of Business, 1 (1). pp. 42-56. ISSN 2547-9202
Graham, Yitka, Keith, Sarah, Freeman, Maria, Haggerty, Ken, Dimmock, Kathryn and Hayes, Catherine (2019) Optimising working practices in nursing and residential care settings: an evaluation of a hospital transfer pathway. Nursing and Residential Care, 22 (1). pp. 22-30. ISSN 2052-2932
Hayes, Catherine, Bell, Kate and Graham, Yitka (2019) Alcohol use of UK military personnel during active service and on return to civilian life: veterans’ experiences. Mental Health Practice. ISSN 1465-8720
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) Social interactivity as Driver and Digital Technology as Vehicle: Facilitating Affective Domain Learning for Undergraduates. Higher Education, Skills and Work Based Learning, AOP (AOP). ISSN 2042-3896
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) Understanding the Building of Professional Identities with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method Using Situational Mapping and Analysis. Higher Education, Skills and Workbased Learning. ISSN 2042-3896
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, Philip M, Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2019) Prevention of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. The Pharmaceutical Journal, 303 (7928).
Graham, Yitka, Keith, Sarah, Freeman, Maria, Haggerty, Ken, Dimmock, Kathryn and Hayes, Catherine (2019) Red Bag scheme evaluation—hospital transfer pathways and their relevance to Healthcare Assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 13 (8). ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine, Keith, Sarah and Graham, Yitka (2019) The relevance of the clinical management of hypothyroidism for HCA practice. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 13 (7). pp. 318-321. ISSN 2052-4420
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) The perceived impact of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) across a new pre-registration nursing curriculum. Cylchgrawn Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu ac Addysgu mewn Addysg Uwch /Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (2). pp. 119-129. ISSN 2396-7285
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, Philip M, Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2019) General dental practitioners’ perceptions of, and attitudes towards, improving patient safety through a multidisciplinary approach to the prevention of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ): a qualitative study in the North East of England. BMJ Open, 9. ISSN 2044-6055
Bosun-Arije, Foluke Stella, Ling, Jonathan, Graham, Yitka and Hayes, Catherine (2019) A Systematic Review of Factors Influencing Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Management in Nigerian Public Hospitals. International Journal of African Nursing Sciences. ISSN 2214-1391
Hayes, Catherine, Scott -Thomas, Jeanette, Mains, Jacqueline, Barrigan, Marie and Graham, Yitka (2019) Falls: nine things to consider before dialling 999. Nursing and Residential Care, 21 (6). pp. 2-7. ISSN 1465-9301
Graham, Yitka, Lisa, Wilde, Melanie, Johnson, Ann, Fox, Jeanette, Scott and Hayes, Catherine (2019) Why we need to define nurses' roles in bariatric patient care. Nursing Times, 115 (6). pp. 34-35. ISSN 0954-7762
Hayes, Catherine, Bussey, Sonia and Graham, Yitka (2019) Illuminating Undergraduate Experiential and Situated Learning in Podiatry Clinical Placement Provision at a UK School of Podiatric Medicine. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning Journal. ISSN 2042-3896
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2019) A Participatory Action Research Study on the Impact of Peer Assisted Student Support (PASS) and Supplemental Instruction (SI) by International PhD Students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 14. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1759-667X
Nwasaki, Candidus, Hayes, Catherine, Roberts, Amy and Fulton, John (2019) A pilot qualitative study of dementia perceptions and experiences of Nigerian migrant caregivers. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 10. pp. 167-174. ISSN 2214-1391
Hayes, Catherine, Hogg, Robert, Hinshaw, Kim and Graham, Yitka (2019) Evaluating the Potential Contribution of Interdisciplinary Obstetrics Skills/Drills Emergency Training as a Quality Improvement Initiative: self-reported levels of pre and post- test confidence levels. British Journal of Midwifery, 27 (3). ISSN 0969-4900
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, Philip, Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2019) Perceptions and attitudes of patients towards medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ): a qualitative study in England. BMJ Open, 2018 (02437). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2044-6055
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2019) Pedagogies of Praxis for Real World Critical Reflection; Professional Doctorate Reflexivity. Work Based Learning e-Journal International, 83 (1). ISSN 2044-7868
Bellini, Maria Irene, Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Zakeri, Roxanna, Parks, Rowan and Papalois, Vasilios (2019) A woman’s place is in theatre: women’s perceptions and experiences of working in surgery from the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Women in Surgery working group. BMJ Open, 9 (1). ISSN 2044-6055
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Mehrotra, Pallavi, Spratt, Jonathan, Siddle, Kathryn and Cox, Julie (2018) Clinicans' perceptions of the quality of outsourced radiology and actions taken around perceived imaging errors in practice. European Radiology. pp. 1-6. ISSN 0938-7994
Hayes, Catherine, Alcorn, Lisa and Graham, Yitka (2018) Raising awareness of autistic spectrum disorders for healthcare assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 12 (11). pp. 550-555. ISSN 1753-1586
Graham, Yitka, callejas-diaz, Lindes, Parkin, Lindsay, Mahawar, Kamal, Small, Peter and Hayes, Catherine (2018) Exploring the patient-reported impact of the pharmacist on pre-bariatric surgical assessment. Obesity Surgery. pp. 1-12. ISSN 0960-8923
Hayes, Catherine, Alcorn, Lisa and Graham, Yitka (2018) Considering autistic spectrum disorders in the context of clinical nurse prescribing. Nurse Prescribing, 16 (11). ISSN 1479-9189
Gordon, Isabel, Ling, Jonathan, Robinson, L, Hayes, Catherine and Crosland, Ann (2018) Talking about depression during interactions with GPs: a qualitative study exploring older people’s accounts of their depression narratives. BMC Family Practice, 19 (173). ISSN 1471-2296
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Building psychological resilience in the paramedic. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 10 (4). pp. 2-7. ISSN 2041-9457
Hayes, Catherine, Fox, Ann, Scott -Thomas, Jeanette and Graham, Yitka (2018) ‘The Relevance of Tacit Knowledge to Healthcare Assistant Practice’. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 12 (2). pp. 84-90. ISSN 1753-1586
Scott-Thomas, Jeanette, Hayes, Catherine, Ling, Jonathan, Fox, Ann, Boutflower, Ralph and Graham, Yitka (2017) A practical guide to systematic wound assessment to meet the 2017-19 CQUIN target. Journal of Community Nursing, 31 (5). pp. 30-34. ISSN 0140-0908
Scott-Thomas, Jeanette, Graham, Yitka, Ling, Jonathan, Barrigan, Marie and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Norms of Staff Responses to Falls in Residential Care Homes. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 9 (11). pp. 476-482. ISSN 2041-9457
Boatemah, Grace and Hayes, Catherine (2017) `Window on the World’: Buruli Ulcer in the Ga West Municipality, Ghana. Podiatry Now.
Scott-Thomas, Jeanette, Graham, Yitka, Ling, Jonathan, Brannigan, Marie and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Falls in the residential independent care sector—ambiguity in guidelines and policies for healthcare assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 11 (9). pp. 434-440. ISSN 1753-1586
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, Philip M, Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2017) Attitudes and perceptions of GPs and community pharmacists towards their role in the prevention of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: a qualitative study in the North East of England. BMJ Open. ISSN 2044-6055
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) Evolution for a Revolution… the Potential Future Value of Digital Technology across UK Prosthetics and Orthotics Undergraduate Curricula. BAPOconnect.
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Small, Peter, Mahawar, Kamal and Ling, Jonathan (2017) Patient experiences of adjusting to life in the first two years after bariatric surgery: a qualitative study. Clinical Obesity, 7 (5). pp. 323-335. ISSN 1758-8111
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Introducing Dialogic Feedback to HCA Education – Reflection in Action’. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 11 (6). pp. 296-299. ISSN 1753-1586
Thompson, Kareem Olegosun, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2017) The Experiences of Primary Care-givers on caring for a Child with Poliomyelitis in Kano State, Northern Nigeria. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. ISSN 2150-6000 (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Beyond Metric Evaluation in Formative Assessment; a Case Study of Dialogic Feedback Loop Integration in a Work Based Interdisciplinary Doctorate Curriculum’. Higher Education Pedagogies. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Flexible Pedagogies; Evaluating the Design and Impact of a Theoretical Framework for Inclusive Knowledge Co-Construction with Interdisciplinary Student Partners. Higher Education Pedagogies. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) Future of digital technology in paramedic practice:blue light of discernment in responsive care for patients? Journal of Paramedic Practice, 9 (6). pp. 240-242. ISSN 2041-9457
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) iCare: the Role and Potential Value of Digital Technology in HCA Curricula - an Educational Debate? British Journal of Health Care Assistants, 11 (5). pp. 252-255. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Bosun-Arije, S (2017) ‘Raising Awareness of Sickle Cell Disease in Healthcare Assistant Practice; Nigerian Perspectives’. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 11 (7). pp. 326-331. ISSN 1753-1586
Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Evaluating Retrospective Experiential Learning as Process in Scholarship on a Work Based Professional Doctorate. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (11). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) A Participatory Action Research Project of Peer Assisted Student Support and Supplemental Instruction with International Postgraduate Students. Teaching in Higher Education. ISSN 1356-2517 (Submitted)
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Mahawar, Kamal, Small, Peter, Attala, Anita, Seymour, Keith, Woodcock, Sean and Ling, Jonathan (2017) Ascertaining the place of social media and technology for bariatric patient support: what do allied health practitioners think? Obesity Surgery. ISSN 0960-8923 (Print) 1708-0428 (Online)
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Mahawar, Kamal, Small, Peter, Seymour, Keith, Woodcock, Sean and Ling, Jonathan (2017) Ascertaining the place of social media and technology for bariatric patient support: what do allied health professionals think? British Journal of Surgery, 104 (S2). p. 9. ISSN 0007-1323
Oyedayo, Mary Oyekunle, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2016) What is the Most Effective Treatment for the Management of Dental Anxiety among Adults? A Systematic Review of Interventions. Journal of Community and Public Health Nursing, 2 (4). ISSN 2471-9846
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Devlin, Siobhan, Westwood, Diane, Garfield, Iain, Beardmore, Phil, Archer, David, Collins, Michael and Bingle, Lewis (2016) Perception of academic learning environments and perceived impact on articulation of employability; a mixed methods study. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (10). ISSN 1759-667X
Nwankwo, Ugonma and Hayes, Catherine (2016) Practise on plastic: the impact of high fidelity simulation on learning and teaching. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (9). ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Approaches to Continuing Professional Development: putting theory into practice. British Journal of Nursing, 25 (15). p. 860. ISSN 0966-0461
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) Peer Assisted Student Support (PASS) and Supplemental Instruction (SI) Programme with International Postgraduate PhD and MSc Healthcare Students; A Pilot Case Study. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. (Submitted)
Mobeen, Junaid, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) McDonaldisation: does it affect you as an HCA or AP? British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (6). pp. 281-283. ISSN 1753-1586
Fahmi, S. and Hayes, Catherine (2016) Raising HCAs' awareness of the healthcare provision needs of people living with hearing loss. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (4). pp. 167-171. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Building care and compassion - introducing Lego Serious Play to HCA education. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (3). pp. 127-133. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2015) Meaning Making through Transformative Learning for HCA Education. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. ISSN 1753-1586
McShea, Lynzee, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2015) Paid support workers for adults with learning disabilities; their current knowledge of hearing loss and future training needs. Journal Of Applied Research In Intellectual Disabilities. pp. 167-264. ISSN 1468-3148
Hayes, Catherine (2015) Challenging Stereotyping and Misconceptions about International HCA Education. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 9 (6). pp. 15-18. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Westwood, Diane (2015) Social Constructionism in Transformative Learning: Using the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method with Postgraduate Nursing Students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine (2015) An overview of heart failure for HCA practice. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 9 (5). pp. 226-232. ISSN 1753-1586
Graham, Yitka, Crosland, Ann, Ling, Jonathan, Wilkes, Scott, Hayes, Catherine and Small, PK (2015) An exploration of patient experiences of adjustment after bariatric surgery: a PhD research study. British Journal of Surgery, 102 (s4). p. 6. ISSN 0007-1323
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2015) Autoethnography as a method of facilitating critical reflexivity for professional doctorate students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 8 (3). pp. 1-15. ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine, Garfield, Iain and Beardmore, Phil (2015) Housing a Modernisation Agenda: Ensuring Authentic Academic Learning Environments for Healthcare Assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 9 (2). pp. 84-92. ISSN 1753-1586
Owlabi, M, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2015) Illuminating the experiences of mothers of children with Down Syndrome in Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research. ISSN 1365-2788 (Submitted)
Graham, Yitka, Small, P.K., Hayes, Catherine, Wilkes, Scott and Ling, Jonathan (2015) Risk Interpretation: Patient reported adjustments in the first two years after bariatric surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 11 (6). S151-S152.
Hayes, Catherine (2015) The Use of Visual Metaphor as Social Object; Driving Processes in Autoethnography as an Alternative Lens for Reflective Practice. Council of Deans, Best Practice in Innovation Online Publications.
Mobeen, J, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2015) What can Pharmacy Learn from McDonaldisation without Creating a Generation of McPharmacists? Canadian Journal of Pharmacy Practice. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2014) IPE: Interprofessional Education for HCAs. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 8 (12). pp. 606-611. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Explaining approaches in pedagogic practice for healthcare assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 8 (8). pp. 398-405. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Davies, Mark (2014) A phenomenological evaluation of a hybrid model of problem based learning for multidisciplinary healthcare. International Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 7. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine (2014) How sociological perspectives on ageing can aid reflection by HCAs. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 8 (5). pp. 238-244. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Disparity in Women’s Health and Wellbeing. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 3 (3). pp. 121-125. ISSN 2049-5919
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2014) Framing Interpretive Phenomenological Approaches in Mental Health Educational Research. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 3 (2). pp. 76-80. ISSN 2049-5919
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Ambulation in older people - mobility explained. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 8 (3). pp. 124-129. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Multiple personality disorder: an introduction for HCAs. British Journal of healthcare Assistants, 8 (1). pp. 29-33. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2014) Auto ethnography as a method of facilitating critical reflexivity for professional doctorate students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (8). ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Looking to the future of HCA education in the UK. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 8 (11). pp. 559-565. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Collins, M (2013) Organisational Contexts of Communication in Healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 07 (11). pp. 555-557. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Collins, Michael (2013) Significance of clinical history taking in healthcare provision. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 7 (10). pp. 494-499.
Hayes, Catherine and Collins, M (2013) Significance of clinical history taking in healthcare provision. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 07 (10). pp. 494-499.
Hayes, Catherine (2013) Dispelling myths about ageing for healthcare assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 7 (7). pp. 328-334. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2013) Mentorship in Action for Healthcare Assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 7 (6). pp. 252-255. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2013) Portfolio development for healthcare assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 7 (3). pp. 138-141. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Batey, G (2013) Understanding intellectual disability. British Journal of Nursing, 22 (7). pp. 16-18. ISSN 0966-0461
Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2012) Situational analysis–framing approaches to interpretive inquiry in healthcare research. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 19 (12). ISSN 1741-1645
Hayes, Catherine (2012) What is polypharmacy? An overview for HCAs. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6 (12). ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Batey, G (2012) Interprofessional Awareness of Learning Disabilities for Healthcare Assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6 (9). pp. 453-455. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2012) Essentials of Stroke for Health Care Assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6 (4). pp. 170-175. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2012) Cerebral palsy: challenges of a unique caseload for HCAs. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6 (3). pp. 116-121. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2012) The Therapeutic Alliance in Healthcare Assistant Practice. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6 (2). pp. 78-83. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2012) Building capacity for mental health. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 1 (1). pp. 1-5.
Hayes, Catherine (2012) Gestational Diabetes mellitus: Why Awareness is Paramount in Primary Care. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 6 (1). pp. 28-31. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2012) Mental Health Problems in Military Personnel. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 1 (2). pp. 102-107. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2011) The Here and Now of Pancreatic Cancer. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 9 (10). pp. 28-33. ISSN 1479-5248
Hayes, Catherine and Bussey, Sonia (2011) Podiatric medicine unravelled. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 5 (12). 596 -599. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine (2010) Cerebral palsy: classification, diagnosis and challenges of care. British Journal of Nursing, 19 (6). pp. 368-373. ISSN 0966-0461
Hayes, Catherine (2009) Deconstructing the 'ivory tower': building strategic curricula for health. British Journal of Nursing, 18 (17). pp. 1068-1074. ISSN 0966-0461
Hayes, Catherine and Brizzolara, Clare (2009) Making rhetoric a reality: effective capacity building in mental health care provision. British Journal of Nursing, 18 (16). pp. 990-994. ISSN 0966-0461
Hayes, Catherine (2009) Interprofessional capacity building in diabetic foot management. British Journal of Nursing, 18 (13). pp. 804-810. ISSN 0966-0461
Hayes, Catherine (2009) Long Term Prognostic Factors in the Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes mellitus. British Journal of Nursing, 18 (9). pp. 523-526. ISSN 0966-0461
Hayes, Catherine (2009) Understanding stroke. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 15 (5). pp. 13-19. ISSN 1358-0574
Hayes, Catherine (2007) Downs Syndrome: Caring Holistically in Primary Care. British Journal of Community Nursing, 12 (9). pp. 404-410. ISSN 1462-4753
Hayes, Catherine (2006) Pancreatic Cancer: An Overview for Allied Health Care Practitioners. Gastrointestinal Nursing, 4 (8). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1479-5248
Hayes, Catherine (2005) Phenomenology - Understanding and Illuminating the Effects of Podiatric Curriculum Development within Diabetology. British Journal of Podiatry, 8 (2). pp. 60-66. ISSN 1460-7328
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Fiction as Reflective Praxis for Affective Domain Learning in Medicine and Healthcare Education. In: Utilizing Emotional Experience for Best Learning Design Practices. IGI Global, pp. 253-288. ISBN 9798369326633
Oseji, Florence and Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Challenges and Implications of Living with Diabetic Retinopathy'. In: Public Health in SubSaharan Africa. Routledge, UK, p. 211. ISBN 9781032171135 (In Press)
Aniugbo, Benjamin and Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Childhood Diarrhoea and Health Seeking Behaviour'. In: Public Health in SubSaharan Africa. Routledge, UK, p. 211. ISBN 9781032171135 (In Press)
Thompson, Kareem Olegosun, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Vaccine-preventable diseases: Exploring the perspectives of the Nomadic Fulani Tribe'. In: Public Health in SubSaharan Africa. Routledge, UK, p. 211. ISBN 9781032171135 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Contemporary Perspectives on the Future of 21st Century Health Professions Pedagogy: Next Generation Approaches in Modernising Education'. In: Instructional Approaches for Health Professions Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9798369343340 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Fiction as Reflective Praxis for Affective Domain Learning in Medicine and Healthcare Education: A Case Study from Pedagogic Practice'. In: Utilising Emotional Experience for Best Learning Design Practices. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9798369326633 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Twenty-First Century Immersion Technologies in Health Professions Pedagogy. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Sixth Edition. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 1-19. ISBN 1668473666
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Meaning Making and Adaptive Change to Crisis: The Power of Transformative Learning Praxis in Higher Education'. In: Challenges and Transitions in Education in Times of Crisis. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, p. 211. ISBN 9798369315071 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) ‘A New Paradigmatic Sufficiency: Pedagogical Principles of Extended Reality’. In: Embracing Technological Advancements for Lifelong Learning. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 38-58. ISBN ISBN13: 9798369314104 | ISBN10: N/A | EISBN13: 9798369314111
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Cognition: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Western Truth and Reality. In: Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 23-39. ISBN 9798369312650
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Extending the Strategic Reach and Impact of Healthcare Professional CPD: Constructively Aligned and Theoretically Underpinned. In: The Lifelong Learning Journey of Health Professionals: Continuing Evaluation and Professional Development. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781668467565
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Tales of the Unexpected: Post-Crisis Transformational Leadership. In: ‘Rebuilding Higher Education Systems Impacted by Crises: Navigating Traumatic Events, Disasters, and More’. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, p. 211. ISBN 9798369319260 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) The Transformative Impact of Women in Equity and Equality: Fighting Battles and Winning the War. In: Transformative Roles of Women in Public and Private Sectors. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Building Democratisation and Agency: The Adoption of Ethical AI Practice in Pedagogy. In: Enhancing Higher Education and Research with OpenAI Access. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Complications of Aging and Senescence in Clinical Medicine: Principles of Anatomical and Physiological Decline. In: Difficulties and Challenges in Geriatric Health Management. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369306758 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Highlighting the Potential Transferability of Pedagogic Praxis: PASS and SI for Community College Settings. In: Practitioner Research in College Based Education. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Steering Transformative Workforce Leadership in Times of Crisis: The Case for Doctoral Education. In: Cases on Economic Crisis Impact on Multinational Corporations. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369315446 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Highlighting the Potential Transferability of Pedagogic Praxis: PASS and SI for Community College Settings'. In: Practitioner Research in College Based Education. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Next Generation Learning Technologies: Ethical Implications for Classroom Pedagogies'. In: Reshaping Learning with Next Generation Educational Technologies. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369313107 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) For Better or For Worse? Ethical Implications of Generative AI. In: Exploring the Ethical Implications of Generative AI. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'A New Paradigmatic Sufficiency: Pedagogical Principles of Extended Reality'. In: Embracing Technological Advancements in Lifelong Learning. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Cognition: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Western Truth and Reality'. In: Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Organisational Frameworks and Methodological Properties: Transformative Workforce Leadership in Times of Crisis'. In: Cases on Economic Crisis Impact on Multinational Corporations. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Post-Pandemic Agents and Culture Vultures: Women in Higher Education'. In: A Cross Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369301029 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Picturing the Future by Framing the Past: Approaches to Contemporary CPD'. In: Preparing Students for the Future Educational Paradigm. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Health and Wellbeing'. In: Applications of Virtual and Augmented Reality for Health and Wellbeing. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Complexities of Aging and Senescence in Clinical Medicine: Principles of Anatomical and Physiological Decline'. In: Difficulties and Challenges in Geriatric Health Management. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Hermeneutical Injustice via Interpretive Harm: Epistemologies of Change for Structural Oppression in Africa'. In: Democratization of Africa and its Impact on The Global Economy. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369304778 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Phenomenology within Qualitative Research Design: Philosophy and Methodology. In: Design and Validation of Research Tools and Methodologies. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369311356 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Social Sustainability via Critical Reflexivity: Strategic Gamification in Higher Education'. In: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future: Innovative Strategies and Best Practices. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Instructional Design at the Front Line: A Comparative Pedagogical Case Study Using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis'. In: Narrative Inquiries of Pedagogical Shifts and Critical Mindsets Among Educators. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369310786 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Philosophy, Theory and Praxis: Gamification, Pedagogy in Global Higher Education'. In: Practices and Implementation of HE in Higher Education. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'The Western Gaze and African Feminism: Twin Peaks in the Global Higher Education Workforce'. In: A Cross Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Perspective Transformation, Dialogic Feedback and Epistemic Knowledge'. In: Transforming Education for Personalised Learning. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'The Strategic Address of Marginalization in HE: Pedagogical Approaches to the Integration of LSP'. In: Implications of Marginalization and Critical Race Theory on Social Justice. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781668436158
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'The Strategic Address of Marginalisation in Higher Education: Pedagogical Approaches to the Integration of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® for International Postgraduate Students'. In: "Implications of Marginalization and Critical Race Theory on Social Justice". IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Hyperbole or Hypothetical? Ethics for AI in the Future of Applied Pedagogy. In: Creative Artificial Intelligence Tools and Ethical Implications in Teaching. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Toxic Femininity in Higher Education: Academia's Sting in the Tail - Queen Bee'. In: Stabilizing and Empowering Women in Higher Education: Redesigning, Recovering and Rebuilding. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781668485972
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Women and Crisis Management in Higher Education: Lessons in Leadership from a Global Pandemic. In: Promoting Crisis Management and Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Educational Leadership. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Westernising African Feminist Epistemology: Doxastic Injustice or Hermeneutical Ignorance? In: Empowering Women and Pushing the Feminist Agenda in Africa. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Surviving the Hive in Global Crisis? The Queen Bee Phenomenon in Higher Education. In: Addressing the Queen Bee Syndrome in Academia: Searching for Sisterhood in the Professoriate. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Ambulatory Wellbeing: Perspectives on Senescence in Gerontology. In: Global Perspectives on Health Asssessments for an Aging Population. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Integrating Perspective Transformation into Formative Assessment and Feedback for Postgraduate Students Justification and Implementation in Doctoral Pedagogy. In: Formative Assessment a Digital Environments: Disciplinary Case Studies in Higher Education. Routledge, London, UK. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Praxes of Transformational Creativity:Artificial Intelligence as Pedagogical Change Agent. In: Developments in Artificial Intelligence Creativity and Innovation. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Progressive Pedagogy for Extended Reality: Shaping and Facilitating the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In: Fostering Science Teaching and Learning for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Change Agency in Global Higher Education Operationalising Inclusion and Diversity through Strategic Curriculum Development. In: The Role of Educators as Agents and Conveyors for Positive Change in Global Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Phenomenology as Philosophy and Methodology: Husserl and Heidegger for the Uninitiated. In: Phenomenological Studies in Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) 21st Century Immersion Technologies Paradigmatic Shifts with Extended Reality in Health Professions Pedagogy and Scholarship. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (VIth Edition). IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Promoting Cultural Competence, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Higher Education with Ludic Pedagogies: The Establishment of Authentic Meaning Making. In: Handbook of Research on Race, Culture and Student Achievement. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Unleashed, Harnessed and Empowered: The Potential of Women in the Change Management and Leadership of Crisis. In: Change Management in Unprecedented Times. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Driving Agentic Empowerment with Metatheory: Global Transformation or Global Tokenism in Higher Education? In: Handbook of Research on Solutions for Equity and Social Justice in Education. IGI Global, USA, USA. ISBN 9781799896784 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Capturing the Meaning Making of Emotional Labour with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. In: LEGO® for university learning: Hands-on learning through making. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2022) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education and Strategic Management in Crises: Harnessing Agency with Praxis. In: International Transformative Learning Conference Platform - Round Table. UNSPECIFIED, Michigan, USA.
Hayes, Catherine (2022) ‘SEVEN CLOAKS ON CAMPUS: AN AUTOETHNOGRAPHIC ACCOUNT OF THE CAREER TRAJECTORY OF A FEMALE PROFESSOR IN UK HIGHER EDUCATION'. In: Women in Higher Education and the Journey to Mid-Career: Challenges and Opportunities. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2022) 'Understanding Female Mid-Career Professional Trajectories in Higher Education: The Triad of Pedagogy, Research and Knowledge Exchange'. In: Women in Higher Education and the Journey to Mid-Career: Challenges and Opportunities. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) “Twin Contributors to the Physiology of Ambulatory Wellbeing and Falls Prevention in Ageing Populations”. In: 'Research Anthology on Supporting Healthy Aging in a Digital Society'. IGI Global Research Anthology . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN ISBN13: 9781668452950
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Methodology and Method in Case Study Research: Framing Research Design in Practice. In: Conceptual Analyses of Curriculum Inquiry Methodologies. IGI Global, USA, pp. 138-154. ISBN 9781799888482
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2022) Prophylaxis in Action: #MeToo for Women of Medical and Surgical Disciplines. In: Research Anthology on Feminist Studies and Gender Perceptions. IGI Global, USA.
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Case Study as Methodology and Method: Framing Case Study Research in Practice. In: Methodological Innovations in Research and Academic Writing. IGI Global Publications, Pennslyvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) A Pedagogical Paradigm Shift: Prospective Epistemologies of Extended Reality in Health Professions Education. In: Emerging Advancements for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781799883715
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Multi-morbidity, Ageing and Frailty: Processes of Senescence and the Pathologies of Progressive Functional Decline in Ambulation. In: Cases on Multi-morbidity and its Impact on Elderly Patients. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Mahawar, Kamal, Tahrani, Abd, landiribar, Jose Maria and martinez, Pedro (2021) Social aspects of bariatric surgery. In: Obesity, Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, 2nd edition. Springer Nature, London. ISBN 9783030605957 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Integration of a Dialogic Feedback Loop in a Work Based Professional Doctorate Programme: A research case study from pedagogic practice (2nd Edition). In: Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback: Key Guides for Effective Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781138610552
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Twin Contributors to the Physiology of Ambulatory Wellbeing and Falls Prevention in Ageing Populations: Functional Senescence and Abnormal Pathological Change. In: Integrated Care and Fall Prevention in Active and Healthy Aging. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799844112
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Epistemologies of Internationalisation: Framing Cultural Positionality for Higher Education. In: Borderlands: The Internationalisation of Higher Education Teaching Practices. Springer, London. (In Press)
Corrie, Ian and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Tripartite Innovation as a Bridge to Transformation: 'UK Military Medical Services and University Credit Transfer Systems'. In: Higher Education Credit Transfer Systems. Open University Press, UK. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Supporting and Facilitating Pedagogical Creativity with Gamification: Democracy, Agency and Choice. In: Pedagogical Creativity, Culture, Performance, and Challenges of Remote Learning. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799882893 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2021) Phenomenology: Conceptually Framing Phenomenological Research, Design and Methodology. In: Conceptual Analyses of Curriculum Inquiry Methodologies. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799888482 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine, Corrie, Ian, Graham, Yitka, Crane-Kramer, Gillian M. M. and Rowland, Toby Lloyd (2021) Characteristic and Agentic Qualities of Women Leaders Amidst Global Crises. In: Women and Leadership in Higher Education During Global Crises. IGI Global, pp. 15-35. ISBN 9781799864912
Hayes, Catherine, Corrie, Ian and Rowland, Toby Lloyd (2021) Driving Insights via Processes of Socioemotional Being and Becoming: Military and Business Epistemology. In: Effective Strategies for Communicating Insights in Business. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799839644
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2021) Interdisciplinary Professional Doctoral Education: Translational Research for Allied Health Professionals. In: Improving Allied Health Professions Education with Clinical Training and Interdisciplinary Translational Research. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781799895787 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Facilitating Metacognition and Reflective Praxis for Higher Education: Activating Scholarly Disposition. In: Developing Students’ Scholarly Dispositions in Higher Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Moore, Adrian (2021) Driving the Capture of Faculty Pedagogical Activity Excellence via a Systematic Methodological Approach: A Case Study of RE-AIM Hybrid Adaptation in a UK Higher Education Institution. In: SAGE Research Methods Case Studies. Sage Publications, USA. ISBN 9781529757255
Hayes, Catherine and Smith, Peter (2020) Defining and Framing Epistemology. In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine and Todd, Claire Richenda (2020) Illustrating the Transcendence of Disciplinarity. In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Positionality, Knowledge and Truth: So Where Lies Reality? In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine and Capper, Stephen (2020) Reality, Insight and Interpretation with Mathematics. In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2020) Learner Centred Pedagogy Framing Authentic Identity and Positionality in Higher Education. In: Optimising Higher Education Learning through Activities and Assessments. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799840374
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Ludic Approaches to Teaching and Learning: Facilitating the Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education. In: The Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania USA. ISBN 9781799835196
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Ludic Approaches to Teaching and Learning. In: The Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education. IGI Global, pp. 85-103. ISBN 9781799835196
Hayes, Catherine, Corrie, Ian and Rowland, Toby Lloyd (2020) Driving Insights via Processes of Socioemotional Being and Becoming. In: Effective Strategies for Communicating Insights in Business. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799839644
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2020) An Insight Into Utilising LEGO® Serious Play® to Explore International Student Transitions into a UK Higher Education Institution. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage Publications.
Sturrock, Andrew and Hayes, Catherine (2020) The Challenge of implementing a Grounded Theory approach in a Qualitative Study of GPs and Pharmacists in the Prevention of Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ). In: UNSPECIFIED SAGE Publications, USA.
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2020) Designing a Benchmarking Tool for Testing Post-test Confidence Levels in Emergency Obstetrics Training. In: SAGE RESEARCH METHODS CASES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE. SAGE, USA.
Sturrock, Andrew and Hayes, Catherine (2020) Designing and Implementing a Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Community Pharmacy Based Oral Health Intervention. In: Sage Research Methods. Sage. ISBN 9781529717594
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2020) An Insight into Utilising LEGO® Serious Play® to explore International Student Transitions into a United Kingdom, Higher Education Institution. In: SAGE Research Methods Case Series. SAGE, USA. ISBN 9781529710625
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2020) An Insight into the Hybrid Adaptation of the RE-AIM Framework in the Evaluation of a Multi-Agency Care Transfer Pathway - the 'Red Bag'. In: Sage Research Methods Case Studies. Sage, USA.
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) Prophyalis in Action: #MeToo for Women of Medical and Surgical Disciplines. In: Gender Equity in the Medical Professions. IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 270-279. ISBN 9781522595991
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) Prophylaxis in Action #MeToo for Women of Medical and Surgical Disciplines. In: Gender Equity in the Medical Profession. IGI Global Publications, USA.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) 'LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® with Nursing students'. In: LEGO® for university learning: Inspiring academic practice in higher education. Zenodo, UK, pp. 31-33.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) 'LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® with Nursing Students'. In: 'LEGO® for 'University Learning: Inspiring Academic Practice in Higher Education'. Creative Commons, pp. 21-22.
Concannon, Michael and Hayes, Catherine (2019) Ethical Praxis for Podiatric Medicine and Research. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M and K Publications, Keswick, Cumbria. ISBN 9781905539321 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2019) 'Proposing an Eight Stage Model of Academic Curriculum Development via Knowledge Co-Construction with Students' in Karisa Krčmár 'The Inclusivity Gap'. In: The Inclusivity Gap. Inspired by Learning,, UK, pp. 202-214. ISBN 9781909876101
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2019) 'Proposing an Eight Stage Model of Academic Curriculum Development via Knowledge Co-Construction with Students' in Karisa Krčmár 'The Inclusivity Gap'. In: The Inclusivity Gap. Inspired by Learning,, UK, pp. 202-214. ISBN 9781909876101
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2019) Beyond Tokenism; Bridging the Inclusivity Gap via Co-Created Curricula. In: The Inclusivity Gap. ISBN 9781909876101
Hayes, Catherine (2018) ‘Using Fictional Characters to Challenge Ageist Assumptions and Negative Stereotyping in Affective Domain Learning’. In: In Jarvis C & Gouthro P Imagining Professional Lives: Using Fiction, Film and Television in Professional Education. Palgrave, Macmillan, London. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) 'Building Pedagogic Practice; Using Lego Serious Play in Postgraduate Nurse Education'. In: Christina Nerantzi Compilation - Stories of Lego Serious Play. UNSPECIFIED. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Graham, Yitka and Fulton, John (2018) Introducing Anecdote Circles as an alternative Method to Focus Groups in the Pedagogic Impact Evaluation of a new Digital Nurse Navigator System. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage.
Charlton, Helen and Hayes, Catherine (2018) A Research Methods Case of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis – Using Consensus Workshops and Focus Groups in an Idiographic Methodology. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. Open University, Sage Publications.
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Using Anecdote Circles as a method of evaluating the perceived impact of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® on international postgraduate nursing students’ capacity for narrative storytelling; a Case Study of Anecdote Circle Design. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage.
Hayes, Catherine, Hinshaw, Kim and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Reconceptualising Medical Curriculum Design in Strategic Clinical Leadership Training for 21st Century Physicians. In: Preparing Physicians to Lead in the Twenty First Century. IGI Global, USA.
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Clinical Gerontology. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539321
Collins, M. and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Clinical History Taking. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539321
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Clinical Podiatric Gerontology. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M & K Publishing. ISBN 9781905539321
Barbaro-Brown, J, Baird, S, Hayes, Catherine, Skinner, C and Fawcett, J (2017) Diabetes Mellitus. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M & K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539321
Carling, Karen, Hayes, Catherine and King, Kathryn (2017) Health Promotion for Podiatric Medicine. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539321
Hayes, Catherine and Barbaro-Brown, J. (2017) The Hepatic System. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539321
Bingle, Lewis, Hayes, Catherine and Miller, E. (2017) Infection Control and Microbiology. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing. ISBN 9781905539321
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Case Study Design. In: Methodologies for Practice Development. Sage Publications. ISBN 9781473991606
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Using Autoethnography as a Mechanism for Critical Introspection on Learning Journey Metaphors. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2.
Hayes, Catherine and Bussey, S. (2015) Managing Work/Life Balance in Academic Study. In: Studying Postgraduate Healthcare. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539994
Hayes, Catherine (2015) Work Based Learning in Postgraduate Healthcare Curricula. In: Studying Postgraduate Healthcare: A pre reader. M & K Publishing, pp. 39-50. ISBN 9781905539994
Brizzolara, Clare and Hayes, Catherine (2015) Understanding Complex Mental Illness. In: Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing, UK.
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Evaluating the Lived Experiences of Students on a Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme: Reflecting on a Research Methodology. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. Open University Press. ISBN 9781473950559
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Evaluating the Lived Experiences of Students on a Taught Postgraduate Master's Degree Programme. In: Evaluating the Lived Experiences of Students on a Taught Postgraduate Master's Degree Programme. Sage. ISBN 9781473950559
Hayes, Catherine (2013) Strategic Curricula for Podiatric Medicine. In: Professional Practice for Podiatric Medicine. M & K Publishing, UK, pp. 81-97. ISBN 1905539827
Hayes, Catherine (2012) Skills for Mentorship. In: Mentorship. M & K Publishing.
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Considering the Epistemological Tools of Higher Education. Other. British Educational Research Association, Research Matters Blog. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Meaning Making – Providing transformational education through metaphor construction. Project Report. Council of Deans of Health.
Hayes, Catherine (2016) ‘The Use of Visual Metaphor as Social Object; Driving Processes in Autoethnography as an Alternative Lens for Reflective Practice’. Project Report. Council of Deans of Health.
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Women in Academia : Being an Academic and Being Me'. In: University of Sunderland in London 'Women in Academia' Network Launch, 13-15 Mar 2024, University of Sunderland, London Campus, Marsh Wall, South Quay. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) ‘Perspective Transformation for Postgraduates: A Case Study from Taught Doctoral Pedagogy’. In: 8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates, March 30th -March 31st 2023, York Racecourse.
Hayes, Catherine, Barkas, Linda Anne, Fulton, John and Gilligan, Kim (2022) Autobiography versus Autoethnography as Praxis Based Methodologies. In: 8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates, March 30th - 31st 2023, York Racecourse.
Hayes, Catherine (2022) 'Publishing: An Insiders Guide to Getting Started'. In: Postgraduate Research Annual Conference 2022, Thursday 15th September 2022, University of Sunderland, Reg Vardy Campus, Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) 'Focus Groups as Methods of Inquiry'. In: 'Graduate Research School - Research Design and Methodology Seminar Series - Focus Groups as Methods of Inquiry', Tuesday May 10th 2022, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland, City Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Questionnaires as an Instrument of Data Collection in the Research of Emergency Obstetrics Education and Training. In: Graduate Research School - 'Research Design and Methodology Seminar Series - Questionnaires', 24 May 2022, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland, City Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Same Storm - Different Boats. In: University of Sunderland - Wellbeing Conference, 'Gender & Mental Health', 17 Nov 2021, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2021) Debating Applied Transformation via Translational Research: Evidencing Impact in Practice-Based Research. In: 2022 International Transformative Learning Conference: 'Telling, Evaluating and Deepening Our Story', 6-9 Apr 2022, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Integration of Dialogic Assessment in a Multi-disciplinary Professional Doctorate; Transformative Learning in Practice. In: Higher Education Advance Assessment Torchbearer, 04 Jul 2021, Higher Education Advance Global Torchbearer Event 2021.
Dale, Michelle, Pickup, Sarah and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Spousal Perspectives on Reintegration into Civilian Life after UK Military Service. In: 2021 British Psychological Society (Social Psychology Section) Annual Conference, 25 - 27 August 2021, British Psychological Society Online. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Researcher Positionality and Qualitative Research in Health Services Research. In: Newcastle University Health and Medical Postgraduate Lecture Series, 10 Jun 2021, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne (Online). (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) The PhD/MPhil Viva voce Examination. In: Graduate Research School - PhD Survival Skills, 14 Jun 2021, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Celebrating Women Pioneers of Podiatric Medicine. In: International Women's Day 2021, Monday 8th March 2021, University of Sunderland, City Campus.
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Perspectives on Praxis: New Horizons for Business Research. In: Business School Research Series, 14 April 2021, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Priddle, Helen, Pickup, Sarah and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Self Reported Occupational Health Issues of UK Embryologists and Implications for Clinical Reproductive Science Practice. In: Fertility Online 2021 Conference, Wednesday 6th January - Sunday 10th January 2021, Online due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Research: Business Open as Unusual. In: Department of Health and Social Care, Science, Research and Evidence Directorate Meeting, Monday January 18th 2021, Science, Research and Evidence Directorate Department of Health & Social Care 39 Victoria Street (7th Floor), SW1H 0EU. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Defining and Operationalising Research: 'Case Study as Methodology and Method'. In: Graduate Research School (Research Methodologies Series), Wednesday 21st October 2020, Graduate Research School, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Recognising Researcher Positionality and Epistemic Bias. In: Helen McCardle Nursing and Care Research Institute: CPD Workshop, Friday December 4th 2020, University of Sunderland, UK.
Hayes, Catherine (2020) New Horizons in Research:Business Open as Unusual. In: Health and Society Knowledge Exchange (HASKE), Centre for Research in Health & Society (CRiHS): Institute of Health Lecture Series, 1st October 2020, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus. (Unpublished)
Osuchukwu, Vivian Chinonso, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2020) A Systematic Review of the Impact of Sociocultural Factors on Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Management. In: eSymposia Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy, 17-19 August 2020, Colarado, USA (held virtually due to COVID-19 Pandemic).
Osuchukwu, Vivian Chinonso, Anyanwu, Philip, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2020) 'A systematic review of the impact of sociocultural factors on breast cancer diagnosis and management in West Africa'. In: Keystone Symposia Conference on Advances in Cancer Immunotherapy (EK1), 17th - 20th August 2020, Virtual Keystone Symposia. (Unpublished)
Osuchukwu, Vivian Chinonso, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2020) 'Treatment experiences of breast cancer patients in Nigeria: the impact of sociocultural factors as mediators of breast cancer treatment and outcomes'. In: University of Sunderland Research Conference, June 20th 2020, University of Sunderland, St Peter's Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) Perspectives on Positionality - Embedding 'Self' and Personhood in Qualitative Research Praxis. In: London Campus, Professorial Lecture Series, 26th February 2020, London Campus, University of Sunderland, Marsh Wall, London. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) The Value of Authenticity in Higher Education Career Progression. In: Academic Career Progression Event - HE Advance, 3rd December 2019, HE Advance Central Headquarters, York. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) The Power and the Privilege of Transformative Learning. In: Inaugural Professorial Lecture Series, Monday November 18th 2019 at 6pm, Prospect Building, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, Callejas-Diaz, Lindes, Parkin, Lindsay, Earl-Sinha, Charlotte, Mahawar, Kamal, Small, Peter and Hayes, Catherine (2019) VITAMINS: exploring a role for community pharmacists in nutritional supplementation following bariatric surgery. In: 24th World Congress International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)/XXI Congress de Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia para la Obesidad (SECO), September 3 - 7th 2019, Palacio Municipal de Congresos, Madrid, Spain.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) ‘Authenticity as Vehicle and Truth as Driver: Being a Pedestrian on the Road of Positional Stance’. In: Three Rivers Learning and Teaching Conference 2019: ‘Embedding Student and Staff Well-being in the Curriculum’, 10th September 2019, Durham University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) Beyond disciplinarity: Insights into the development of teaching Ontology, Epistemology and Philosophy on an interdisciplinary professional doctorate pathway. In: Higher Education Advance Annual Conference, 2-4 July 2022, Northumbria University, Newcastle.
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Petrie, Kevin (2019) Beyond Disciplinarity: Insights into the Development of Teaching Ontology, Epistemology and Philosophy on an Interdisciplinary Professional Doctorate Pathway. In: Advance HE’s Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2019,Teaching in the spotlight: Innovation for teaching excellence, 2nd - 4th July 2019, Northumbria University.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) Dialogue and Debate: ‘Pedagogies of Praxis for Real World Critical Reflection; Professional Doctorate Reflexivity’. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hayes, Catherine, Hinshaw, Kim, Hogg, Robert and Graham, Yitka (2019) ‘High Fidelity Simulation in Interdisciplinary Obstetrics Skills and Drills Emergency Training with ‘Sim Mom’: Evaluating the Impact of Pedagogic Intervention on Staff Confidence Levels’. In: North East Simulation Network Annual Conference, Thursday, March 21st 2019, Northumbria University.
Hayes, Catherine, Hinshaw, Kim, Hogg, Robert and Graham, Yitka (2019) High Fidelity Simulation in Interdisciplinary Obstetrics Skills and Drills Emergency Training with ‘Sim Mom’: Evaluating the Impact of Pedagogic Intervention on Staff Confidence Levels’. In: North East Simulation Network Event, Thursday 21st March 2019, Northumbria University. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, Earl-Sinha, Charlotte, Parkin, Lindsay, Callejas-Diaz, Lindes, Mahawar, Kamal, Small, Peter, de-Alwis, Nimantha and Hayes, Catherine (2019) Evaluating a potential role for Community Pharmacists in post-bariatric nutrient support (VITAMINS). In: BOMSS Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, January 23 - 25th 2019, Belfast.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) 'Building Resilience with Lego Serious Play: Facilitating Self Awareness and Reflexivity'. In: Transition, Persistence and Resilience: Academic Advising for Success, UKAT Annual Conference 2019, Wednesday 10 April - Friday 12 April 2019, Plymouth University.
Wilde, Lisa, Sekhar, Arun, Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2018) Evaluating attendees perceptions of attending a bariatric patient support group. In: British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society 9th Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, January 23-35th 2019, Belfast.
Kozmenko, Valeriy, De La Torre-Montero, Julio, Jackson, Cassandra, Schelpfeffer, Shane E, Bye, Emma, Simanton, Edward, Gonzalez-Chorda, Victor M, Arribas, Juan, Panta, Raju, Roshi, Enver, Ervin, Toci and Hayes, Catherine (2018) Assessment of readiness for interprofessional education among various healthcare professions in Europe and North America. In: 2nd European Conference of Health Education and Research 2019, 9-10 Jan 2019, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland.. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) 'Building Resilience with Lego Serious Play: Facilitating Self Awareness and Reflexivity'. In: UKAT Annual Conference 2019: Transition, Persistence and Resilience: Academic Advising for Success, 11th and 12th April, 2019, Plymouth University. (Submitted)
Sturrock, Andrew, Preshaw, Philip, Hayes, Catherine and Wilkes, Scott (2018) Multidisciplinary prevention of Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. In: Pharmacy Together, 02 Nov 2018, Novotel, London. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Beyond Disciplinarity in Strategic Pedagogical Research - Who Do We Think We Are? In: 2nd Faculty of Education Research Day, 22 May 2018, LIVERPOOL HOPE UNIVERSITY. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, Fox, Ann, Richardson, Angela, Couzens, Amy and Hayes, Catherine (2018) Ascertaining pressure ulcer prevention practices in residential care homes. In: Tissue Viability Society Conference, 25-26 Apr 2018, Newcastle upon Tyne. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Keynote Address 'Beyond Disciplinarity in Strategic Pedagogical Research - Who Do We Think We Are?'. In: Liverpool Hope University Annual Research Conference, 22 May 2018, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) ‘Co-Constructing Social Knowledge and Driving Digital Interactivity - the University of Sunderland Nurse Navigator System’. In: Student Success Stories Conference, Friday March 9th, 2018, Hope Street Exchange, City Campus, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, Joseph, Foluke Bosun, Stella, Ijeheito, Chinyere, Thompson, Kareem, Onuorah, Obi and Anyanwu, Philip (2018) ‘Postgraduate Peer Assisted Student Support / Supplemental Instruction in Action – Evaluating a Pilot Educational Intervention with Doctoral Students’. In: Student Success Stories Conference, Friday March 9th 2018, Hope Street Exchange, City Campus, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow, For She's a Jolly Good Fellow - A Pragmatic Insight into how to Articulate "Jolly Good". In: University of Cumbria HEA Celebration Conference Event, 18th April 2018, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus, UK.. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) ‘Addressing the Need to Modernise Professional Identity for Pharmacy Clinical Education; Focusing on Strategic Pedagogic Design’. In: NHS Health Education England, North East Quality Conference, 14 Mar 2018, The Durham Centre, Belmont, Durham. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) ‘Podiatric Medicine and Surgery: Situated Learning in Simulation with Social Constructivism’. In: NHS Health Education England, North East Quality Conference, 14 Mar 2018, The Durham Centre, Belmont, Durham. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire Richenda, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2018) Beyond Disciplinarity in Knowledge Construction for Creative Arts and Allied Health Signature Pedagogies. In: Student Success Stories Conference, Friday March 9th, 2018, Hope Street Exchange, City Campus, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Putting the 'logical' into Epistemological Stance. In: An Introduction to Professional Doctorate Study, 2 - 3 Feb 2018, Liverpool Hope University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2018) 'Proposing an Eight Stage Model of Academic Curriculum Development via Knowledge Co-Construction with Students'. In: RAISE 2018 Annual Conference 'Working better together: collaborations in student engagement', 5 – 7 Sep 2018, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) ‘Underpinning Patient Safety with Strategic Approaches to Health Sciences Pedagogy: Perceptions of Experiential and Situated Learning Environments’. In: NHS Health Education England, North East Quality Conference, 14 Mar 2018, The Durham Centre, Belmont, Durham. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Wall of Scholarship:'Beyond Disciplinarity in International Teaching Excellence - the Impact of Transformative Learning in Action'. In: The Impact of Teaching Excellence - Association of National Teaching Fellows and Higher Education Academy Excellence Awards Symposium, 20-21 Mar 2018, Studio, Manchester. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Smith, Peter and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Ways of Knowing for Professional Doctorate Education; Reconnecting and Reframing Perspectives in Ontology and Epistemology’. In: BERA Annual Conference 2018, 11-13 Sep 2018, Northumbria University. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Irons, Alastair and Capper, Stephen (2017) 'Partnership in Professional Doctoral Reflexivity - Action Research as a Driver in the Co-Construction of Knowledge'. In: Change Agent Network Conference, 2018, 19 - 20 Apr 2018, University of Winchester, UK. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) 'Beauty and the Beast; Process and Output in the TEF and the REF'. In: University of Cumbria, Teaching and Learning Annual Conference, Tenth Anniversary Visiting Professor Inaugural Professorial Lecture Keynote, 16 Jan 2018, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Doctoral Master Class Event 'Pragmatic Reflexivity; The Art of Applied Epistemic Cognition'. In: Doctoral Professorial Master Class, University of Cumbria, 17 Jan 2018, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) Evaluating Interactivity Design in the Context of Technology Enhanced Learning; an Overarching Case Study Methodology integrating Anecdote Circles and Surveys as Methods of Inquiry for Nursing Curricula. In: Partners in Practice: Nurses Working Together Through Change RCN Education Forum Conference and Exhibition 2018, 20-21 Mar 2018, Newcastle Civic Centre, Barras Bridge, Newcastle Upon Tyne.
Scott-Thomas, Jeanette, Graham, Yitka, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Is Residential Care Provision Falling Down? The Need for Interprofessional Capacity Building between Nursing and Paramedic Practice’. In: NET 2018 Conference, 4th - 6th September 2018, Churchill College, Cambridge. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, Ling, Jonathan, Fox, Ann and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Social Media and Technology in the Nursing and Allied Healthcare Professions; Logging on to the Educational Implications for Workforce Development. In: NET 2018 Conference, 4th-6th September 2018, Churchill College, Cambridge. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola (2017) Globalisation in Postgraduate International Education: Illuminating a Kaleidoscope of Knowledge Acquisition, Skills Transfer and Global Societal Learning Gain’. In: HEA Annual Conference 2018: Teaching in the spotlight: Learning from Global Communities, 3rd-5th July 2018, Aston University, Birmingham, UK. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Facilitating Professional Doctorate Reflexivity in Transformative Learning for Nursing and Allied Health Care Professions Education; Pedagogies of Praxis for a Changing Academic Landscape’. In: 7th International Nurse Education Conference, 'Research, Scholarship and Evaluation; Ensuring Nursing Leadership in Education, Practice and Health Care, 6-9 May 2018, Banff, Alberta, Canada. (Submitted)
Bosun-Arije, S, Ling, Jonathan, Graham, Yitka and Hayes, Catherine (2017) A Unique and Conceptual Model Informing the Management of Type II Diabetes mellitus for Clinical Practice in Nigeria. In: The International Diabetes Federation Conference, 4-8 Dec 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2017) ‘Contextualising and Framing Reflexivity for Professional Doctorate Education; Pedagogies of Praxis for a Changing Academic Landscape’. In: 6th International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 'Professional Doctorates in a Changing Landscape'., 22-23 Mar 2018, Friends House, London. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Rennie, Colin and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Heads or Tails? A Situational Analysis of Two Signature Pedagogies;an Epistemological Stance for Student Engagement. In: RAISE 2017 Annual Conference – 'Perspectives on student engagement; looking forward…thinking back', 6-8 Sep 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Answering Back! Encouraging Proactive Dialogue in the Context of an Interdisciplinary Professional Doctorate Pathway’. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference:BERA 2017, 4 - 7 Sep 2017, University of Sussex, Brighton. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Visual Metaphors and Autoethnography in Reflective Practice. In: Visual Resources Conference, 20 Jun 2017, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Petrie, Kevin, Todd, Claire Richenda, Livingstone, Andrew, Capper, Stephen, Bussey, Sonia and Rennie, Colin (2017) The Artistry of becoming a Scientist in Podiatric Medicine; Transcending and re-connecting Disciplinary Boundaries in Art and Science. In: : Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists Annual Conference, 16-18 Nov 2017, ACC Liverpool. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Real World Critical Reflection and Reflexivity; How Effective Professional Doctorate Teaching Contributes to Individual Learning Trajectories in Workplace Learning’. In: The UALL Work and Learning Network Annual Conference 2017 - 'Leading the Way: Shaping Practice in the Workplace and the Academy', 23 June 2017, Middlesex University, London. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) Driving Socio-cultural Learning in Practice via the Integration of Social Constructivist Approaches to Pedagogic Practice with Nigerian Students; Internationalising Nursing Curricula. In: 2nd Trent Institute for Learning and Teaching - NTU Global, Internationalising the Curriculum Conference, 14 Jul 2017, Nottingham Trent University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Articulating Trajectories of Learning with Visual Metaphors; Using Autoethnography as a Methodology in Practice’. In: Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Co-Constructing Social Knowledge and Driving Digital Interactivity for the University’s new BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing Practice programme – the Nurse Navigator System’. In: Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Transdisciplinarity in Knowledge Building – Welcome to the University of Sunderland’s Faculties of Arts and Creative Industries and Health Sciences and Wellbeing. In: SU Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Mind the Gap…What Gap? Co Constructing Knowledge in Somaesthetics and Kinesiology to Transcend Boundaries between Creative Arts and Science. In: JISC 5th Annual Change Agents’ Network Conference, 20-21 Apr 2017, Exeter University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) ‘Using Digital Technology and Interactivity Design to Drive Interactive Networks and the Co-Construction of Social Knowledge; the Nurse Navigator System’. In: 5th Annual JISC Change Agents’ Network Conference, 20th - 21st Apr 2017, Exeter University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, Joseph Seyi, Bosun, S, Thompson, Kareem, Ihejieto, Chinyere, Onuorah, Obi and Anyanwu, Philip (2017) ‘A Postgraduate Pilot Study of Peer Assisted Student Support / Supplemental Instruction between Public Health and Nursing PhD and MSc Students’. In: Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Storey, Valerie Anne (2017) ‘The Work Based Professional Doctorate Programme; a Case Study of Dialogical Feedback Loop Integration’. In: Third International Conference on Doctoral Education, 21 Mar - 23 Mar 2017, University of Central Florida, USA. (Unpublished)
Bosun-Arije, S, Hayes, Catherine, Ling, Jonathan and Graham, Yitka (2017) Global insights into the clinical management of Type II Diabetes mellitus; a context specific view from Nigeria on drivers and barriers to clinical nursing management. In: Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2017, 8 -10 Mar 2017, Manchester Central, Manchester. (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, Hayes, Catherine, Mahawar, Kamal, Small, Peter, Attala, Anita, Seymour, Keith, Woodcock, Sean and Ling, Jonathan (2017) Ascertaining the place of social media and technology for bariatric patient support: What do allied health professionals think? In: The BOMSS Annual Scientific Meeting 2017, 25-27 Jan 2017, Alton Towers Hotel, Staffordshire, UK.
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Livingstone, Andrew (2016) 'An Epistemological Renaissance for Learning Gain; Applying the Transcendence of Disciplinarity to Practice Based Art and Applied Science'. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference (2017): Generation TEF: Teaching in the spotlight, 4 - 6 Jul 2017, Manchester Conference Centre. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2016) ‘Facilitating the Articulation of Personal and Professional Development with Metaphors: Harnessing Culture and Celebrating Difference in Postgraduate International Student Support’. In: UKAT 2017 Annual Conference, 5 - 7 Apr 2017, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2016) 'Celebrating Difference in Postgraduate International Student Support'. In: NACADA International Conference The Future of Academic Advising: 'Connecting and Consolidating Students' Experiences and Education', 10-13 Jul 2017, Sheffield University, UK. (Unpublished)
Ihejieto, Chinyere, Fulton, John, Hayes, Catherine and Deacon, Lesley (2016) Child Labour, Child Education and Poverty in Nigeria; Conducting Research with Children. In: Young Persons Advisory Group North East, 1 Dec 2016, Great North Museum:Hancock, Newcastle Upon Tyne. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2016) ‘Embedding Existing Learning Technologies in Pedagogic Design; A Mixed-Methods Impact Evaluation of a Student Navigator System’. In: Three Rivers Learning and TEaching Conference: 'Transformations, Transitions & Territories', 17 Mar 2017, Teesside University. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Using the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method to Facilitate Transformative Learning with International Postgraduate Nursing Students. In: NET 2016 Conference, 6-8 Sep 2016, Churchill College, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, J. S., Ihejieto, Chinyere, Thompson, K., Anyanwu, Philip, Bosun-Arije, S. and Onuorah, O. (2016) Evaluating a Reciprocal International Educational Community of Practice in Applied Public Health Education. In: Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) Conference, 8-9 Sep 2016, Loughborough, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, J.S., Ihejieto, Chinyere, Thompson, K., Anyanwu, Philip, Bosun-Arije, S. and Onuorah, O. (2016) Evaluating a Reciprocal International Educational Community of Practice in Applied Public Health Education. In: Researching, Advancing & Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE), 9-10 Sep 2016, Loughborough, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Driscoll, Helen and Knowles, Michael (2016) Roll Up Roll Up: Showcasing Excellence and Sharing Best Practice in Programme Delivery across the Faculty of Applied Sciences. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr, University of Sunderland, UK.. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) Sink or Swim- Autoethnography for Applied Critical Reflection? In: Fifth International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 15-16 Mar 2016, Titanic Centre, Belfast.
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) 'Proposing Autoethnography as a Methodological Approach for Critical Reflexivity by Professional Doctorate Students'. In: Fifth International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 15-16 Mar 2016, Titanic Centre, Belfast. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Across the Barricades; Adapting Assessment and Feedback Strategies within and between Signature Pedagogies. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, J.S., Bosun-Arije, S., Thompson, K., Onuorah, O., Anyanwu, Philip and Ihejieto, Chinyere (2016) Framing Reciprocity - A Collaborative Learning Project between PhD and MSc Students. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Aniugbo, B., Egbete, E., Ehimhen, V., Eyiuche, C., Onwukwe, M. and Orji, L. (2016) Mediating Reflections on Transformative Learning through the Creation of Social Objects and Musicality. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Kinghorne, S. and Walker, T. (2016) Show me the Way; Introducing the New Nurse Navigator System. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Spooner, E., Corrie, I., Ducat, C., Giles, A., Kay, C., Smith, A., Carr, A. and Hopps, T. (2016) Using Dialogic Feedback Loops with Professional Doctorate Students to Enhance Formative Assessment and Learning. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Devlin, Siobhan, Hayes, Catherine and Westwood, Diane (2016) Using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY to Facilitate Student Identity and Belonging in Higher Education. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Devlin, Siobhan, Hayes, Catherine and Westwood, Diane (2015) Helping students find their inner graduate using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY. In: Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 3 Jul 2015, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2015) Sink or Swim - Autoethnography for Applied Critical Reflection? In: Fifth International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 15-16 Mar, Belfast, UK. (Submitted)
Graham, Yitka, Crosland, Ann, Ling, Jonathan, Wilkes, Scott, Hayes, Catherine and Small, P. K. (2015) An exploration of patient experiences of adjustment after bariatric surgery. In: British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-24 Jan 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Concannon, M (2015) The Articulating Personhood Project; Working Collaboratively in Interprofessional Education and Pedagogic Design. In: Annual Collaborative Conference, City Hospitals Sunderland and the University of Sunderland, 1 Jul 2015, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Scott, L, Hayes, Catherine and Sibanda, B (2015) Embedding Patient Carer and Public Involvement in Healthcare Curricula; Evaluating the Perceptions of Students and Patients and their Families and Carers. In: 8th Annual NE Universities (3 Rivers Consortium), Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 27 Mar 2015, University of Sunderland Prospect Building - Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St. Peters. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Collins, Michael, Duffy, Victoria and Brown, Kate (2015) Embedding Patient Safety across the Pharmacy Clinical Skills Curriculum; Modernising Professional Identity via Strategic Pedagogic Design. In: Health Education North East, Faculty of Patient Safety Event, 13 May 2015, Ramside Hall Hotel, Durham. (Unpublished)
Westwood, Diane, Devlin, Siobhan and Hayes, Catherine (2015) Finding your Inner Graduate through Metaphor and Storymaking. In: Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Graduate Engagement (RAISE), 10-11 Sep 2015, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Garfield, Iain and Beardmore, Phil (2015) Housing a Modernisation Agenda: Ensuring Authentic Academic Learning Environments for Healthcare Assistants. In: 8th Annual NE Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 27 Mar 2015, University of Sunderland Prospect Building - Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St. Peters. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2015) Introducing Autoethnography as a Methodology for Focused Introspection by Professional Doctorate Students. In: th Annual NE Universities (3 Rivers Consortium, Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 27 Mar 2015, University of Sunderland Prospect Building - Sir Tom Cowie Campus at St. Peters. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Abia, A, Amabuo, E, Amenaghawan, S, Attah, O, Bohr, S, Jagannathan, S, Lasisi, M, Madunezim, S, Mildren, N, Nwankwo, U, Nwauzor, K, Ofurum, L, Okelola, A, Sandhu, Harjinder and Ugbana, A (2015) Meaning Making in Learning-Journeys - The Metaphor Project (A Collaborative Staff/Student Partnership Project with Postgraduate International Nursing Students). In: Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 3 July 2015, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Collins, Michael (2015) Situating Cognition and Augmenting Reality via the Integration of High Fidelity Simulation Resources across UK Undergraduate Pharmacy Curricula. In: Health Education North East, Faculty of Patient Safety Event, 13 May 2015, Ramside Hall Hotel, Durham. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2015) Situating Healthcare Simulation in Social Constructivist Approaches to Learning and Teaching in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. In: Health Education North East, Faculty of Patient Safety Event, 13 May 2015, Ramside Hall Hotel, Durham. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Davies, Mark (2015) A phenomenological evaluation of a hybrid model of problem based learning for multidisciplinary healthcare. In: 8th Annual NE Universities (3 Rivers Consortium) Regional Learning and Teaching Conference, 27 Mar 2015, University of Sunderland.
Nwakasi, C and Hayes, Catherine (2014) Poverty, Health Inequalities and their Mounting Challenges for Older Adults in Low and Middle Income Countries. In: International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology, 8-10 Jul 2014, Chicago, North Shore, Illinois, USA. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2014) Social Constructivism; The Building Blocks of Pedagogic Practice in Higher Education. In: Learning Matters Lunch Series, 24 Nov 2014, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Gordon, Isabel, Crosland, Ann, Robinson, L and Hayes, Catherine (2011) Depression in older people seen in primary care: an exploration of older people's and GPs views of depression. In: UNSPECIFIED, York, UK. (Unpublished)
Fulton, John, Hayes, Catherine, Ling, Jonathan and Anyanwu, Philip Emeka (2024) 'Public Health in SubSaharan Africa'. Routledge, UK. ISBN 9781032171135 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Livingstone, Andrew, Todd, Claire, Capper, Stephen and Smith, Peter (2020) Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine and Barbaro-Brown, J (2017) Textbook of Podiatric Medicine. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539321
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2015) Studying Postgraduate Healthcare. M&K Publishing, UK. ISBN 9781905539994
Hayes, Catherine (2013) Professional Practice for Podiatric Medicine. M & K Publishing, UK, pp. 81-97. ISBN 9781905539826
Hayes, Catherine (2019) University of Sunderland - Inaugural Professorial Lecture - Professor Catherine Hayes. [Film/Video] (Unpublished)
Graham, Yitka, McArdle, Mark, Richardson, Angela, Barrigan, Marie and Hayes, Catherine (2020) More than just a job for the here and now: careers and care homes [Online Article]. Care Talk.
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Showcasing Science Series - Horizons of Emotional Labour in Medical and Healthcare Provision: Business Open as Unusual. UK Science Council, Chartered Science Council Website.
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Professor Catherine Hayes - Book Review and Special Feature of Role in Higher Education. International Federation of National Teaching Fellows Newsletter, London, UK.
Osuchukwu, Vivian, Ling, Jonathan and Hayes, Catherine (2020) A systematic review of the impact of sociocultural factors on breast cancer diagnosis and management. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Hayes, Catherine (2019) UK Science Council; Chartered Scientist Case Study [Professor Catherine Hayes]. UK Science Council.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) Who we are...Professor Catherine Hayes. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Glasgow).
Abia, A, Hayes, Catherine and Adelani, Tijani (2017) The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series:'A Systematic Review of the Short and Long Term Effectiveness of Family-Based Interventions in Reducing Childhood Obesity among Children aged 2-18 Years old Living In the UK.'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Oseji, F and Hayes, Catherine (2017) Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series 'Illuminating Perspectives in the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy: A Phenomenological Study in a Community General Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Amaechi, Augustina C, Hayes, Catherine and Summerfield, Paul The Health Sciences Dissemination Series:Issues in Global Maternal Health - Trends in the Management of Pre-eclampsia; a Systematic Review of the Literature’. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Obuna, Blessing, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Dissemination Series: 'Factors Influencing Levels of Alcohol Misuse in UK Adolescents; A Systematic Literature Review'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Nwasaki, Candidus, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Dissemination Series:'International Perspectives in Dementia: Sociocultural Factors Impacting on the Perceptions of Nigerian Healthcare Assistants Employed in the United Kingdom'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Onwukwe, Michael, Paget, Timothy, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series: 'Age Distribution of Schistosomiasis and other Gastrointestinal Related Parasitic Infections Amongst Children aged 0-15 Years in Oguta Imo State, Nigeria; a Retrospective Study of Prevalence Rates (2012-2015)’. UNSPECIFIED.
Nwauzor, Kelechi and Hayes, Catherine The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series: 'An Investigation of Socio-Cultural Factors influencing the use of Family Planning Services Among Women (15-49) years of age in Port Harcourt, Nigeria'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Bohr, Stella, Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Bhugra, Praveen The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series: 'Effectiveness and Safety of Probiotics in the Treatment of Clostridium Difficile Infection in the U.K. And Other European Countries: A Systematic Review’. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Obuna, Blessing, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series: 'Factors Influencing Levels of Alcohol Misuse in U.K. adolescents;a systematic review'. UNSPECIFIED.
Mobeen, Junaid, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series: ’McDonaldisation – Creating a Generation of McPharmacists in the in the Workplace?’. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Owalabi, Mitota, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series:'A Global Perspective on the Motherhood of Down syndrome Children; Experience in Lagos State Nigeria'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Orekie, Florence C, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Health Sciences Dissemination Series:'Patient Perceptions of Living with a Clinical Diagnosis of Type II Diabetes mellitus in UKpo Community, Anambra State, Nigeria'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Aniugbo, B, Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and King, Kathryn The Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series: ‘Age Distribution of Schistosomiasis and other Gastrointestinal Related Parasitic Infections Amongst Children aged 0-15 Years in Oguta Imo State, Nigeria; a Retrospective Study of Prevalence Rates (2012-2015)’. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Eyiuche, Chiamaka, Hayes, Catherine, Summerfield, Paul and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series:'A Study of the Knowledge and Practical use of Oral Rehydration Therapies in the Treatment of Childhood Diarrhoea by Mothers aged 18-50years in Ikirike, Enugu State, Nigeria. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Onwukwe, Michael I, Paget, Timothy, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine The Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series:'Age Distribution of Schistosomiasis and other Gastrointestinal Related Parasitic Infections Amongst Children aged 0-15 years in Oguta Imo State, Nigeria; a Retrospective Study of Prevalence Rates'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Orji, Lilian Chika, Hayes, Catherine, Graham, Yitka and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series:'Clinicians Perceptions of the Socio-cultural and Socioeconomic Factors Impacting on Contraceptive Service Uptake of Women aged (15-49) in Federal Teaching Hospital, Gombe State, Nigeria'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Oseji, Florence, Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John The Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series:'Illuminating Perspectives in the Development of Diabetic Retinopathy:A Phenomenological Study in a Community General Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria'. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Nchekwube, Chidimma, Paget, Timothy, Fulton, John and Hayes, Catherine The Postgraduate Public Health Dissertation Dissemination Series:The Distribution of Mosquito Larvae and Pupae on a University Campus in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria; a Comparative Investigation. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)