Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Adiguzel, Zafer, Salamzadeh, Yashar and Sonmez-Cakir, Fatma (2022) Examining The Effects of Authentic Leadership on Information, Identity, Commitment and Job Performance. Sosyoekonomi, 30 (53). pp. 173-194. ISSN 1305-5577
Alo, Obinna (2023) The role of ambidextrous leadership in developing team-level ambidexterity: Exploring the supporting roles of reflective conversations and ambidextrous HRM. Africa Journal of Management, 9 (1). pp. 70-96. ISSN 2332-2381
Alo, Obinna, Ali, Imran, Zahoor, Nadia, Arslan, Ahmad and Golgeci, Ismail (2023) Impression management and leadership in failing or failed business-to-business firms during and post-COVID-19: Empirical insights from Africa. Industrial Marketing Management, 113 (2023). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1873-2062
Alo, Obinna and Arslan, Ahmad (2022) International entrepreneurship by African firms: a discussion on constraints and capabilities. International Journal of Export Marketing, 4 (4). pp. 432-451. ISSN 2059-0903
Alo, Obinna, Cooper, Cary, Arslan, Ahmad and Tarba, Shlomo (2022) Exploring the impacts of transformational supervision on supermarket store managers’ creativity: evidence from Nigeria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION, 52 (2).
Alo, Obinna, Leckenby, Julie and Arslan, Ahmad (2022) Leadership dynamics in primary healthcare delivery: A case of rural GP practice in Northeast England. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS), 11 (1). pp. 1-28. ISSN 2304-1366
Ben-Hamed, Usama, Seddighi, Hamid and Thomas, Keith (2011) Economic returns of using brewery's spent grain in animal feed. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (74). pp. 701-705. ISSN 2010-376x
Chin, Phaik Nie, Jayapalan, Punitha and Salamzadeh, Yashar (2022) Public Perception and Adaptation Towards Climate Change Policy in Malaysia. JOURNAL OF TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT, 7 (29). pp. 40-51.
Dean, Andrew Kristoffer (2021) The pseudoscientist ‘priest’: religiously selling nanotechnology. Journal of Marketing Management, 37 (15-16). pp. 1550-1572. ISSN 0267-257X
Hall, Lynne, Irons, Alastair, MacIntyre, John, Sellers, Charles and Smith, Peter (2010) Sunderland Software City: An Innovative Approach to Knowledge Exchange in the North East of England. Journal of Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 15 (3). pp. 317-327. ISSN 1359-6748
Hambler, Andrew (2011) Establishing Sincerity in Religion and Belief. A question of consistency.
Hambler, Andrew (2010) A no win situation for public officials with faith convictions. Ecclesiastical Law Journal.
Hambler, Andrew (2010) A private matter? Evolving approaches to the freedom to manifest religious convictions in the workplace. Religion and Human Rights. pp. 111-133.
Jagadisen, Mira Sharvina A/P, Salamzadeh, Yashar, Sharafi Farzad, Fatemeh, Salamzadeh, Aidin and Palalic, Ramo (2022) Digital leadership and organizational capabilities in manufacturing industry: A study in Malaysian context. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 10 (1). pp. 195-211. ISSN 2303-4521
Khan, Rizwan Ullah, Richardson, Christopher and Salamzadeh, Yashar (2022) Spurring competitiveness, social and economic performance of family-owned SMEs through social entrepreneurship; a multi-analytical SEM & ANN perspective. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 184. pp. 1-13.
Khan, Rizwan Ullah, Salamzadeh, Yashar, Abbasi, Munir A., Amin, Ali and Sahar, Noor E. (2022) Strategic Orientation and Sustainable Competitive Performance of Family Firms: Evidence of an Emerging Economy. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 32 (2). pp. 67-82. ISSN 2380-1751
Khan, Rizwan Ullah, Salamzadeh, Yashar, Iqbal, Qaisar and Yang, Shaohua (2020) The Impact of Customer Relationship Management and Company Reputation on Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 21 (1). pp. 1-26.
Koutrou, Niki, Bistaraki, Angeliki and Ikramullah, Anees (2024) The walks often give me a reason to get up and get out in the morning rather than hiding. Towards sustainable Community-health enhancing interventions. Sport in Society. London. ISSN 1743-0437
Koutrou, Niki and Kohe, Geoffery (2024) Sustainability, the Athens Marathon and Greece’s sport event sector: Lessons of resilience, social innovation and the urban commons. Sport in Society. ISSN 1743-0437
Livings, Ben (2010) Film as a legal pedagogical tool. Film as a legal pedagogical tool.
Livings, Ben (2011) Violence without motive: Cultural Contingency and conceptions of Mens Rea. Evil and the state.
Livings, Ben (2010) A right to kill? in King, S et al (eds). Morality and Power: Global perspectives on violence and the state.
Mathew, Sony and Seddighi, Hamid (2022) The formation of a firm's core competence and its development: an analysis with a special reference to North East England firms. European Journal of Management Studies, 27 (3). pp. 267-290. ISSN 2183-4172
Mearns, Lesley (2011) Pragmatic Critical Realism: Could this Methodological Approach Expand our Understanding of Employment Relations? WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 38 (4). pp. 359-367. ISSN 1051-9815
Megheirkouni, Majd, Koutrou, Niki and Dashper, Katherine (2024) “I Like the Olympics, but I’m here not just for the Olympics”: Sex tourism, destination image and the dark side of mega-event tourism in Rio De Janeiro. Event Management. ISSN 1525-9951
Middleton, Ben (2008) Control order hearings: compliance with Article 6 ECHR. The Journal of Criminal Law, 73 (1). pp. 21-25. ISSN 0022-0183
Middleton, Ben (2009) Failure to disclose and assisting a terrorist. The Journal of Criminal Law, 73 (2). pp. 132-136. ISSN 0022-0183
Middleton, Ben (2008) Jury directions: interpreting s.57 and s.58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The Journal of Criminal Law, 72 (5). pp. 349-353. ISSN 0022-0183
Middleton, Ben (2009) Revocation of Control Orders under the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005. The Journal of Criminal Law, 73 (4). pp. 291-294. ISSN 0022-0183
Middleton, Ben (2009) Secret Control Order Hearings: a Qualified Victory for the Right to a Fair Trial. The Journal of Criminal Law, 73 (5). pp. 389-393. ISSN 0022-0183
Middleton, Ben (2009) Sections 57 and 58 of the Terrorism Act 2000: interpretation update. The Journal of Criminal Law, 73 (3). pp. 203-206. ISSN 0022-0183
Middleton, Ben (2008) Terrorism-related documents: defining the ambit of s.58 of the Terrorism Act 2000. The Journal of Criminal Law, 72 (2). pp. 102-105. ISSN 0022-0183
Munna, Afzal, Tholibon, Duratul Ain, Cantafio, Giuseppe Umberto and Ulil, Nasiruddin (2023) Changes of Public Sector Human Resource Management (HRM) Trend in pre and post COVID-19 technological revolution. International Journal of Educational Administration, Management, and Leadership, 4 (2). pp. 65-78. ISSN 2774-6143
Murphy, Denis, Gilligan, Kim and Watson, Derek (2021) From the community handywomen to frontline heroes: Charting a century of Irish nursing and midwifery regulation. Journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Ireland, 69 (3). pp. 19-43. ISSN 2449-9471
Murphy, Denis and Watson, Derek (2022) Governance, Board Membership Identity and Socialised Induction: A narrative on enabling an effective boardroom experience. The Market International Journal of Business, 3 (3). pp. 4-15. ISSN 2547-9202
Newman, Christopher and Middleton, Ben (2010) Any Excuse for Certainty: English Perspectives on Defence of 'Reasonable Excuse'. The Journal of Criminal Law, 74 (5). pp. 472-486. ISSN 0022-0183
Newman, Christopher and Rackow, Peter (2011) Criminalising Symbols : An Anglo-German Comparison. The Journal of Criminal Law, 75. ISSN 0022-0183
Olorunfemi, Doyin (2024) Diary studies in research: More than a research method. International Journal of Market Research, 66 (4). pp. 410-427. ISSN 1470-7853
Peiris, Manesha (2024) Unveiling Entrepreneurial Identities: Perspectives from Women Entrepreneurs in the Global South. Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business, 10 (1). pp. 47-80. ISSN 2385-7137 (In Press)
Pritchard, Oliver (2016) Leading organisational change through a shared values culture. SCONUL Focus, 66. pp. 46-48. ISSN 1745-5790
Pritchard, Oliver (2013) Reshaping library management in changing times. Sconul Focus, 58. ISSN 1745-5782
Reed, Alan (2009) Alcohol Dependency Syndrome and the Ambit of Diminished Responsibilty. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 173. pp. 247-249.
Reed, Alan (2009) Culpable Homicide and Drug Administration. Journal of Criminal Law, 73 (3). ISSN 0022-0183
Reed, Alan (2008) Fraud Vitiating Consent Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003: New Developments. Justice of the Peace, 172. pp. 825-826.
Reed, Alan (2010) Joint Enterprise and Inculpation for Murder. The Journal of Criminal Law, 74 (3). pp. 200-205. ISSN 0022-0183
Reed, Alan (2008) Opitmal Rule-Selection Principles in Anglo-American Contractual Jurisdiction. Touro International Law Review, 11 (1). pp. 23-96. ISSN 1085-2522
Reed, Alan (2009) Reform of Joint Enterprise Principles for Murder. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 173. pp. 135-136.
Reed, Alan (2011) The Rome I Regulation and Reapproachment of Anglo American Choice of Law in Contract: A Heralded Triumph of Pragmatism over Theory. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law. pp. 11-100.
Reed, Alan (2009) The Rome II Regulation and Choice of Law for Non-Contractual Obligations: Something Old, Something Borrowed, Something New. Solicitors Journal, 153 (1). ISSN 0038-1047
Reed, Alan (2010) Spousal Homicide and Foresight of Harm. Journal of Criminal Law, 74 (3). pp. 196-200. ISSN 0022-0183
Reed, Alan (2009) Supervening Fault and Gross Negligence Manslaughter. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 173.
Robson, Kenneth, MacIntyre, John and Trimble, Robert (2013) Measuring the alignment of Maintenance and Manufacturing Strategies – The development of a new model and diagnostic tool. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 19 (4). ISSN 1355-2511
Rodriguez, J and Mearns, Lesley (2012) Employee Relations: Special Issue on Employment Relations Migration and Geographical Mobility (eds). Employee Relations, 34 (6). ISSN 0142-5455
Rodriguez, J K and Mearns, Lesley (2012) Problematising the Interplay Between Employment Relations, Migration and Mobility. Employment Relations Journal, 34 (6). pp. 580-593. ISSN 0142-5455
Salamzadeh, Yashar, Sangosanya, Taofeek Adeyemi, Salamzadeh, Aidin and Braga, Vitor (2022) Entrepreneurial universities and social capital: The moderating role of entrepreneurial intention in the Malaysian context☆. The International Journal of Management Education, 20 (1).
Sanders, Gail and Taylor, Rosemarye (2014) The Professional Doctorate. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, 4 (2). ISSN 2042-3896
Upadhyay, Arvind (2012) Corporate Restructuring in a Turbulent Economy. Journal of Investor Relations, X1 (2). pp. 31-35. ISSN 2038-1441
Upadhyay, Arvind (2012) Innovative Supplier Selection: Key Success Factors. The International Journal of Innovations in Business, 1 (5). pp. 336-344. ISSN 2050-6228 & 2050-621X
Upadhyay, Arvind (2012) Sustainability: Overview and Concepts. The International Journal of Innovations in Business, 1 (4). pp. 268-273. ISSN 2050-6228 & 2050-621X
Watson, Derek (2021) Covid-19 and Its Cultural Impact on Home Working. Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology, 5 (2). pp. 426-427. ISSN 2576-9200
Watson, Derek, Yuan, Zhai and Jessica, Lichy (2023) A Perfect Storm, Brexit, COVID-19 and Increased Cases of Food Contamination. A Case Study of how British Food Manufactures Foster Safe Food cultures. The Market: International Journal of Business, 5 (24). (In Press)
Abdul Rahim, Noor Fareen, Sarkawi, Mohd. Nizam, Jaaffar, Abdul Rahman, Shamsuddin, Jauriyah, Salamzadeh, Yashar and Mohamed Abdelhay, Sameh (2022) Future of Jobs in IR4.0 Era: The Essential Technologies and Skills of the Future Jobs. In: Handbook of Research on Building Greener Economics and Adopting Digital Tools in the Era of Climate Change. IGI Global, pp. 306-323. ISBN 9781668446102
Ashford, Chris (2009) Tearoom Trade. In: Encyclopedia of Gender and Society. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. ISBN 9781412909167
Ashvini, Geetha, Salamzadeh, Yashar and Abdul Rahim, Noor Fareen (2023) Which E-Leadership Skills Are Needed to Deploy Digital Strategies? A Study on Multinational Companies in Northern Malaysia. In: Multidimensional and Strategic Outlook in Digital Business Transformation. Springer, pp. 217-230. ISBN 978-3-031-23431-6
Charlton, Helen and Hayes, Catherine (2018) A Research Methods Case of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis – Using Consensus Workshops and Focus Groups in an Idiographic Methodology. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. Open University, Sage Publications.
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Perspective Transformation, Dialogic Feedback and Epistemic Knowledge'. In: Transforming Education for Personalised Learning. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Praxes of Transformational Creativity:Artificial Intelligence as Pedagogical Change Agent. In: Developments in Artificial Intelligence Creativity and Innovation. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Surviving the Hive in Global Crisis? The Queen Bee Phenomenon in Higher Education. In: Addressing the Queen Bee Syndrome in Academia: Searching for Sisterhood in the Professoriate. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine, Corrie, Ian and Rowland, Toby Lloyd (2021) Driving Insights via Processes of Socioemotional Being and Becoming: Military and Business Epistemology. In: Effective Strategies for Communicating Insights in Business. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799839644
Koutrou, Niki and Fox, Lyndsey (2024) Volunteers' perceptions on grassroots' sport integrity towards environmental sustainability. Learning from the PlayGreen project. In: Integrity and Sustainability in Sport: Business, Environmental and Social Goals. Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management . Routledge, pp. 66-86. ISBN 9781032591346
Mearns, Lesley (2014) 'Constructive Performance Management'. In: Developing Skills for Business Leadership. CIPD. ISBN 9781843983163
Mearns, Lesley (1999) Employment Legislative 'Reforms' Since 1979 and their Impact on British Workplace Relations. In: International Harassment Network Annual Conference Proceedings: Dealing with Harassment and Bullying at Work. Merchant and Co. ISBN 978-0953256129
Mearns, Lesley (2014) 'Negotiation and the management of interpersonal relationships within the workplace'. In: Developing Skills for Business Leadership. CIPD. ISBN 9781843983163
Mearns, Lesley (2010) Trust and Inspirational Leadership: The Keys to Successful Organisational Change. In: Marketing and Management Sciences: Proceedings of the International Conference on ICMMS 2008. Imperial College Press. ISBN 978-1848165090
Newman, Christopher (2008) A Chilling Consensus: Political Protest in the UK and the War on Terror. In: Intelligence, Security and Policing Post-9/11: The UK's Response to the 'War on Terror'. Palgrave Macmillan, UK. ISBN 9780230551916
Okeke, Augustine, Janfeshar Nobari, Juila, Morovat, Mahtab (Matti) and Salamzadeh, Yashar (2025) Responsible Consumption and Production. In: International Encyclopedia of Business Management. Elsevier. ISBN 9780443137013 (In Press)
Peiris, Manesha (2024) An intersectional study of women’s practice of entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka. In: ELGAR HANDBOOKS ON INEQUALITY: RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON INEQUALITIES AND WORK. Edward Elgar Publishing, United Kingdom, pp. 404-418. ISBN 978 1 80088 659 9 (In Press)
Reed, Alan (2009) Criminal Law. In: All England Annual Review 2008. Butterworth, pp. 133-149. ISBN 9781405742276
Reed, Alan (2008) Criminal Law. In: All England Annual Review 2007. Butterworth, pp. 128-144. ISBN 9781405728287
Reed, Alan and Bohlander, Michael (2011) Anglo American Perspectives on Partial Defences: Something Old, Something Borrowed, and Something New. In: Loss of Control and Diminished Responsibility. Ashgate, pp. 183-206.
Sahidi, Bilan and Nadda, Vipin (2024) Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development. In: Governance Strategies for Effective Sustainable Development. IGI Global, pp. 51-64. ISBN 9798369330111
Salamzadeh, Aidin and Salamzadeh, Yashar (2022) Chapter 6: The Context for Business in Azerbaijan. In: Understanding Contexts of Business in Western Asia: Land of Bazaars and High-Tech Booms. New Teaching Resources for Management in a Globalised World . World Scientific, pp. 117-139. ISBN 978-981-122-969-5
Salamzadeh, Aidin, Tajpour, Mehdi, Hosseini, Elahe and Salamzadeh, Yashar (2022) Geotourism and Destination Brand Selection: Does Social Media Matter? In: Economics and Management of Geotourism. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 105-124.
Salamzadeh, Yashar (2022) EMERGING TRENDS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES IN DIGITAL ERA. In: Digital Transformation: A Human-Centric Approach. Efe Akademi Yayınları, Turkey, pp. 59-68. ISBN 978-625-8065-97-8
Salamzadeh, Yashar, Seah, Li Lih and Ai Ping, Teoh (2023) Do E-Competences Lead to Digital Transformation? Mediating Role of Digital Leadership: A Study in Malaysian Manufacturing Industry. In: Strengthening Sustainable Digitalization of Asian Economy and Society. IGI Global, p. 211. ISBN 9798369319420
maruthuvellu, Sree Gayithri, Salamzadeh, Yashar and Richardson, Christopher (2022) Digital Leadership Competencies in the Malaysian Context: A Study in Manager Levels. In: Handbook of Research on Developing Circular, Digital, and Green Economies in Asia. IGI Global, pp. 13-41.
Cooper, Sharp (2005) Performance Measurement in UK textile & clothing manufacturing SMEs: Regaining the initiative. In: Stimulating Manufacturing Excellence in Small and Medium Enterprises, SMESME 2005, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland.
Cooper, Sharp (2006) SUPPLY CHAIN COMPLEXITY: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE RAPID DECLINE OF THE UK’s TEXTILE AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY. In: 13th Annual EutOMA Conference: "Moving Up the Value Chain", 18-21 Jun 2006, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Cooper, Sharp, Watson, Derek and Worrall, Rob (2016) Managing Supply Chain Networks: A Framework for Achieving Superior Performance through Leadership Capabilities Development in Supply Chain Node. In: PMA International Conference 2016 - Performance Measurement and Management: New Theories for New Practices, 26 - 29 Jun 2016, Edinburgh, Scotland. UK.
Davis, Heather, Bolden, Richard, Sanders, Gail and Gentle, Paul (2014) Developing collective leadership in Higher Education: Reflexivity, resistance,resilience, and responsibility. In: Developing Leadership Capacity Conference, 7-9 Jul 2014, University of Lancaster.
Johnstone, Laura and Sanders, Gail (2014) Is payment by results an appropriate way to fund the National Troubled Families Initiative? A critical debate in professional practice. In: British Academy of Management annual conference, 9-11 Sep 2014, Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (Unpublished)
Kerridge, Simon, Hochman, Mark and Denny, Lita (2008) Mentoring: or 'how was it for you?'. In: INORMS 2008: 2nd Congress of International Network of the Research Management Societies, 16-19 Jun 2008, Liverpool, UK. (Unpublished)
Mearns, Lesley (2013) Employment Relations, Migration and Geographical Mobility. In: 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2013), 10 - 12 Sep 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool. (Unpublished)
Mearns, Lesley (2013) Impact on Employability and Career Development of Being Married to a Member of the British Army Personnel: A Female Perspective. In: 27th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM 2013), 10 - 12 Sep 2013, Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool. (Unpublished)
Mehrabi, Hanan and Salamzadeh, Yashar (2023) Critical Success Factors of Global Virtual Teams (GVTs): A Review of Information Technology (IT) Industry in the United Kingdom. In: British Academy of Management Conference 2023, September 2023, University of Sussex Business School, Brighton. (Submitted)
Origho, Oghenetega, Osseo-Asare, Augustus E., Bhate, Seema and Ifeanyi, Michael E. (2015) Service quality improvement capabilities impacting Firms’ competitiveness in the Nigerian Financial Industry – from customers’ perspective. In: Academy of International Business (AIB) US-W Conference, 22-25 October 2015, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. (Unpublished)
Rafferty, Victoria (2021) Learning from Experience: ruminating on how students' experiences of placement might be effectively captured to help develop the curriculum. In: Faculty of Business, Law and Tourism Research conference 2021, 7-8 Sep 2021, University of Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Ridley, Ian (2016) The role of project management during the concept design phase with particular reference to marine projects. In: SNAME WES Symposium, 14 Oct 2016, ABS Europe Ltd, London, E1 7HR. (Unpublished)
Sanders, Gail (2015) Myths, Legends and the Tale of the Tokoloshe: Resistance and resilience in leaders' learning. In: Association of Leadership Educators annual conference, 12-15 Jul 2015, Washington DC. (Unpublished)
Sanders, Gail and McShea, Lynzee (2014) Development of NHS professionals for the 21st Century: Identification of core professional norms, values and behaviours through storytelling. In: British Academy of Management annual conference, 9-11 Sep 2014, Belfast Waterfront, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Watson, Derek and Zhai, Yuan (2024) Digital Manipulation by Enterprise Leaders: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China and the UK. In: 7th ANNUAL CMI ACADEMIC CONFERENCE: Achieving transformation for the greater good: Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Sustainability, Cyprus Business School, Nicosia Cyprus, 14 Sep 2024, Cyprus Business School, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished)
Alhassan, Yahaya and Nwagbara, Uzoechi (2021) Microfinance and Sustainable Development in Africa. IGI Global Publishing. ISBN 9781799874997
Newman, Christopher (2010) Public Order Dissent and Low-Level Behaviour: A Cross Camparative Study. UNSPECIFIED.
Reed, Alan and Fitzpatrick, Ben (2009) Criminal Law. Sweet and Maxwell, London. ISBN 9781847037404
Salamzadeh, Yashar (2022) Digital Transformation: A Human-Centric Approach. Efe Akademi Yayınları, Turkey. ISBN 9786258065985
Armstrong, Paul-Alan Songs of Praxis: Reflexive Space for Authentic Teacher Voice Identification, development and transformation. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Ejeh, Patrick Ogholuwarami (2017) An Investigation into Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Nigerian Public Sector through Knowledge Management. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Green-McLennon, Garcia (2024) Leveraging Human Capital for Organizational Competitiveness: A multi-case analysis of successful Jamaican Companies. Doctoral thesis, The University of Sunderland.
Khalifa, Faical Ben (2023) Navigating Organizational Change in Higher Education: A Case Study of Change Processes, Strategies and their Cultural Implications. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Lawson, Ronald (2017) Transformative Reflection and Reflexivity in Work-based Education. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Mitchell, Lisa (2011) An Evaluation of the Transferability of Manufacturing-Derived Lean Improvement Tools and Techniques to the Local Government Sector. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.