Sunderland Repository records the research produced by the University of Sunderland including practice-based research and theses.
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Abdul-Rahman, Seham Sassi (2011) An Investigation into the English Academic Writing Strategies Employed by Students of HE in the NE of England with Particular Reference to their Nationalities and Gender. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2020) An Insight Into Utilising LEGO® Serious Play® to Explore International Student Transitions into a UK Higher Education Institution. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage Publications.
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2020) An Insight into Utilising LEGO® Serious Play® to explore International Student Transitions into a United Kingdom, Higher Education Institution. In: SAGE Research Methods Case Series. SAGE, USA. ISBN 9781529710625
Ajibade, Benjamin Olusola and Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Nursing Student Perceptions of Summative Assessment Feedback Using LEGO Serious Play'. Higher Education Skills and Work Based learning. ISSN 2042-3896
Albin-Clark, J, Latto, L, Hawxwell, L and Ovington, J A (2022) Becoming Baglady: Collective Storytelling with Posthuman and Feminist New Materialism theories. In: ARCE 2022 'Transitions and Transformations: Educational Research in Rapidly Changing Contexts', 14.07.22 - 15.07.22, Edge Hill University.
Alhassan, Yahaya, McChristie, Sonya and Paul, Geoff (2023) The Effect of Covid-19 Lockdown on Learning and Teaching: Evidence from a Survey of Academics and Students. In: Promoting Crisis Management and Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Educational Leadership. IGI Global Publishing, Pennsylvania. ISBN 9781668483329 (In Press)
Anderson, Steven, Leyland, Sandra and Graham, Sarah (2017) Transforming assessment: Using a rubric approach effectively to support learning. In: Three Rivers Conference, March 2017, University of Northumbria.
Andrew, Paul and Smith, Peter (2008) Meaningful consultation and involvement: how do you achieve it? In: Association of University Administrators (AUA) Conference, 31 Mar-2 Apr 2008, University of York, UK. (Unpublished)
Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2018) Scholar Practitioner, Reflexive Professionals, the ART of Autobiographical Professional Development. International Journal of Online Graduate Education, 1 (1). pp. 1-14.
Atkinson, Michael and Bregazzi, Rich (2022) Planning for classroom teaching. South Sudan Medical Journal, 15 (4). pp. 152-155. ISSN 2309-4605
Atkinson, Stephanie (2011) Performance/ability differences between those trained as Design and Technology teachers on Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) Initial Teacher Training (ITT) programmes. In: Perspectives on Learning in Design and Technology Education (PATT 25: CRIPT8), 1st - 5th July 2011, GOldsmith's College, London.
Atkinson, Stephanie (2019) Technology Teacher Education in England. In: Encyclopedia of Teacher Education. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9789811311796
Atkinson, Stephanie and Sandwith, Angela (2012) A Passion for Designing. In: PATT26 - Technology Education in the 21st Century, 26-30 June 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.
Ball, Les and Nelson, David (2010) A Disciplinary Commons for Database Teaching. In: TLAD'10: 8th Higher Education Academy Workshop on Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases, 28 Jun 2010, Dundee, UK. (Unpublished)
Barkas, Linda Anne (2011) 'Engaging engineering students in writing - a road less travelled?'. In: 8th ALDinHE Conference "Engaging Students - Engaging Learning, 18-20 Apr 2011, Queen's University Belfast. (Unpublished)
Barkas, Linda Anne (2011) The Paradox of Skills. Widening Participation, Academic Literacy & Students' Skills Centres. Sense, Rotterdam. ISBN 978-94-6091-398-3
Barkas, Linda Anne (2011) ‘Teaching’ or ‘support’? The poisoned chalice of the role of Students’ Skills Centres. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 35 (2). pp. 265-286. ISSN 0309-877X
Barkas, Linda Anne, Scott, Jonathan, Poppitt, Nicola and Smith, Paul (2017) Tinker, tailor, policy-maker: can the UK government's teaching excellence framework deliver its objectives? Journal of Further and Higher Education. ISSN 0309-877X
Bell, D and Wooff, David (2010) Facilitating the change: Teaching as a Masters level profession. (Round Table Presentation). In: First TEAN Conference; The Importance of Education, 21st May 2010, Glasgow Caledonian University. (Unpublished)
Bell, D, Wooff, David and Hughes, C (2011) The development, implementation and evaluation of an academic research scaffold to support trainee teachers in classroom based research. PATT25 Conference Proceedings . Goldsmith's University, London, England, pp. 457-465. ISBN 978-1-906897-10-9
Bell, D. and Wooff, David (2013) Increasing student attainment and engagement through the use of technology to enhance learning. In: SOLSTICE & CLT 2013 Learning & Teaching in Higher Education: Effective Practices, 5th-6th June 2013, Edge Hill University.
Bell, D. and Wooff, David (2013) QR Codes. In: Enhancing Learning through Technology in Lifelong Learning: Fresh Ideas: Innovative Strategies. Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 100-103. ISBN 9780335246403
Bell, D. and Wooff, David (2012) TELing All: The Student Experience. In: SOLSTICE & CLTR 2012 Enhancing Learning, Teaching and Student Success, 13th-14th June 2012, Edge Hill University.
Bell, D. and Wooff, David (2012) Technology Enhanced Learning: Application, Adaption and Advancement. In: The Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Conference; Ways of Knowing; Ways of Learning, 28th-29th May 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Liverpool.
Bell, D. and Wooff, David (2013) The implementation of technological enhanced learning: Increasing engagement and improving attainment. In: Compendium of effective practice in higher education. Higher Education Academy, York, pp. 164-167. ISBN 9781854494474
Bell, Deborah (2021) The Challenges and Benefits of Insider Research within a Professional Doctoral Study. In: BERA 2021, 13-16 Sep 2021, Online. (Unpublished)
Bell, Deborah (2023) A Comparison of Insider Research experiences and Insider Research Literature. In: INTED 2023, 6-8 March 2023, Valencia, Spain. (Unpublished)
Bell, Deborah (2019) A review of the working relationship between academic and administrative staff at the University of Sunderland with particular reference to communities of practice. In: Edulearn 2019, 1-3 Jul 2019, Palma, Majorca. (Unpublished)
Bell, Deborah and Ross, Dionne (2023) Distance not Distant - Supporting and Caring for Independent Distance Learning Trainee Teachers. In: CRE Research Seminar, 22/3/23, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Bell, Deborah and Ross, Dionne (2022) Distance not Distant: Experience of Support Mechanisms for Independent Distance Learning Students. In: Edulearn 2022, July 2022, Palma. (Unpublished)
Bell, Jemma, Elliott, Ian, Griffiths, Alison, Hidson, Elizabeth, Ross, Dionne, Sheard, Simon and Wynn, Vikki (2021) IIDL Team Newsletter February 2021. University of Sunderland, Sunderland.
Benstead, Helen (2021) Primary ITT trainees' perceptions of and perspectives on the role of TAs. Support for Learning, 36 (4). ISSN 0268-2141 (In Press)
Besar, Mohd Nasri Awang Feedback in Work-Place Assessment: Lecturers’ Intentions and Final Year Medical Students’ Interpretations. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Bickle, Ed, Bishopp-Martin, Silvina, Canton, Ursula, Chin, Paul, Johnson, Ian, Kantcheva, Ralitsa, Nodder, Jane, Rafferty, Victoria, Sum, Kiu and Welton, Karen (2021) Emerging from the third space chrysalis: Experiences in a non-hierarchical, collaborative research community of practice. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18 (7). pp. 135-158.
Blacklock, Paul (2024) FES Conference 2024 roundtable talk. A case study of flexible study routes completed by students in the School of Education, University of Sunderland investigating factors that support student retention�. Focus of sense of belonging. In: Faculty of Education and Society Conference 2024, 10 Jun 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Blacklock, Paul (2024) A case study of distance education programmes administered through the University of Sunderland, investigating retention and students’ sense of belonging. In: Graduate School Conference, University of Sunderland 2024, 09 Oct 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Blacklock, Paul and Hughes, Mark (2023) A Response To Drop-out Rates. In: FES Conference 2023, 12 Jun 23, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland.
Blacklock, Paul and Ross, Dionne (2023) Distance not Distant – Supporting and Caring for Independent Distance Learning Trainee Teachers. In: Student Representation Conference, 07 Jun 2023, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland.
Bleasby, Cally, Simpson, Diane, Regan, Kristy, Watson, Phil and Scorer, Jamie (2023) Peer-powered Support: Exploring the Impact and Potential of Peer-mentoring in Social Work Education. In: European Conference for Social Work Research (2024), 17-19 Apr 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Bloxham, Sue and West, Amanda (2007) Learning to write in higher education: students' perceptions of an intervention in developing understanding of assessment criteria. Teaching in Higher Education, 12 (1). pp. 77-89. ISSN 1356-2517
Bloxham, Sue and West, Amanda (2004) Understanding the rules of the game: marking peer assessment as a medium for developing students' conceptions of assessment. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29 (6). pp. 721-733. ISSN 0260-2938
Bond, Alistair P, Butts, Thomas and Tierney, Claire M (2023) Spot(ters) the difference: Bringing traditional anatomical examinations online. Clinical anatomy. ISSN 1098-2353
Bradley, Eddie, Anderson, Steven and Eagle, Laurence (2018) Student perceptions on the use of a marking rubric to provide feed forward to level 5 Sport students. In: 3Rivers Conference, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)
Bradley, Eddie, Anderson, Steven and Eagle, Laurence A. (2020) Use of a marking rubric and self-assessment to provide feedforward to level 5 undergraduate Sport students: student perceptions, performance and marking efficiency. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 18. ISSN 1759-667X
Bradley, Eddie, Board, Lisa, Archer, David and Morgans, Mikeala (2022) Evaluation of entrustable professional activities and competency assessment in sport and exercise sciences in higher education: Student perceptions of the impact on learning. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education.. ISSN 1473-8376
Bradley, Eddie, Chandler, Charlotte and Smith, Mark (2024) Entrustable professional activities for competency development in the sport and exercise sciences. BASES The Sport and Exercise Scientist Magazine, 79. pp. 30-33.
Bradley, Eddie and Eagle, Laurence (2019) Student perceptions on the use of a marking rubric to provide feed forward to level 5 Sport students. In: Solstice and CLT Conference, Edge Hill University. (Unpublished)
Brewis, Georgina, Hellawell, Sarah and Laqua, Daniel (2020) Rebuilding the Universities after the Great War: Ex-Service Students, Scholarships and the Reconstruction of Student Life in England. History, 105 (364). pp. 82-106. ISSN 1468-229X
Broadhead, Samantha Jane (2016) 'I always wanted to be creative': Post-Access to HE Art and Design Students, Phronesis and Democratic Education. Doctoral thesis, University of Sunderland.
Brown, A, Smith, Peter and Kuit, Judith (2013) The use of a social enterprise construct for widening participation, learning and training for employment. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 14 (3). pp. 202-215. ISSN 1466-6529
Buckley, Charles and Husband, Gary (2020) Lecturer Identities and Perceptions of CPD for Supporting Learning and Teaching in FE and HE in the UK. International Journal of Management and Applied Research, 7 (4). ISSN 2056-757X
Buglass, Andrew and Jenkins, Hayley (2020) Going digital: introducing ePortfolio to promote digital literacy in ITE. In: Enhancing Graduate Employability: a case study compendium. Advance HE, pp. 64-72. ISBN 9781916359307
Cantafio, Giuseppe Umberto (2024) An exploration of teaching diverse students in a higher education institution in the UK: A case study of a University in London. Equity in Education & Society. ISSN 2752-6461
Cantafio, Giuseppe Umberto, Nadda, Vipin and Koutrou, Niki (2022) Proceedings of Teaching and Learning Symposium 2022. Coming out of a Pandemic: Lesson Learnt, Innovative Teaching & Learning Insights. IJEMID International Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management, Innovation, and Development, London. (Unpublished)
Carter, Chris and McMahon, Susan (2023) ‘Walls & Bridges’ Negotiating the gap: A co-produced approach within undergraduate healthcare education. Mind the Gap: Integrative approaches to help people manage long-term conditions. In: Minding the Gap Conference, 25th October 2023, Hardwick Hall Hotel. (Unpublished)
Carter, Chris, Tyer, Rob and Whitfield, Ivan (2023) Teaching MSK Anatomy: A movement-based perspective. In: The Institue of Anatomical Sciences Autumn Scientific Meeting, 31st August 2023, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)
Catherine, Hayes (2023) 'The Predictive and the Inferential: Contexts of Unknown Future Workforce Leadership'. In: Pursuing Equity and Success for Marginalised Educational Leaders. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369310090 (In Press)
Cendon, Eva and Husband, Gary (2023) OPENNESS, FLEXIBILITY AND THE ROLE OF AI IN UNIVERSITY-INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIPS. European Journal of University Lifelong Learning, 7 (1). pp. 57-59. ISSN ISSN 2789-4029
Chappell, Keith, Billingsley, Berry and Simpson, Sherralyn (2024) The Future of Knowledge: The Role of Epistemic Insight in Interdisciplinary Learning. Bloomsbury, London, UK. ISBN 9781350383906
Charlton, Helen and Hayes, Catherine (2018) A Research Methods Case of Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis – Using Consensus Workshops and Focus Groups in an Idiographic Methodology. In: SAGE Research Methods Cases. Open University, Sage Publications.
Chesterton, Paul and Chesterton, Jennifer (2023) The Paediatric Physiotherapy curricula landscape: a survey of United Kingdom entry-level programs. Physiotherapy Research International, 28 (4). ISSN 1471-2865
Christie-de Jong, Floor, Valentine, Ruth, Moss, John, Veasuvalingam, Bhavani, Daniel, Oscar, Trevor, Miranda and Clapp, Alison (2019) An educational experience supported and enhanced by technology; a mixed methods exploration of Newcastle University’s students’ and staff’s perspectives. In: The changing landscape of Higher Education, April 2019, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)
Clapp, Alison, Christie-de Jong, Floor, Moss, John, Veasuvalingam, Bhavani, Trevor, Miranda, Daniel, Oscar, Kennedy, David and Valentine, Ruth (2019) An educational experience supported and enhanced by technology: a mixed methods exploration of students’ and staff’s perspectives. In: Association for Learning Technology Annual Conference, 3-5 September, Edinburgh.
Clayton, John, Crozier, Gill and Reay, Diane (2009) The socio-cultural and learning experiences of working class students in higher education. In: Improving Learning by Widening Participation in Higher Education. Routledge, London, pp. 62-74. ISBN 9780415495417
Connelly, Sarah, Hayter, Sacha, Naisby, Lauren and Davidson, Keeley (2024) Digging deep: Unpacking student success stories in relation to working across collaborative partnerships. In: UoS Inclusive Learning Festival, 17th Sep 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Cook, Freda and Lambton, Anne (2019) 'Appyness': A creative tool for pedagogical engagement. In: University of Sunderland Resarch Conference, June 2019, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Cooper, Bridget (2006) The Significance of Emotion and Empathy in Learning with MC3. In: Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1204-1205. ISBN 0-7695-2632-2
Cooper, Bridget (2014) Valuing the human – ways forward for learning, teaching and educational leadership. In: Sunderland Univeristy Learning Enhancement Conference, 7 Jul 2014, University of Sunderland.
Cooper, Bridget, Charlton, M A, Soosay, M, Dean, L, Ashgar, A, Aslett-Bentley, A, Clegg, S L, Connell, J, Laight, J, Mayfield, W and Nolan, J (2008) Crossing Boundaries - Collaboration in Action. Society for Research into Higher Education Conference, Liverpool Dec 9-11. In: Crossing Boundaries - Collaboration in Action. Society for Research into Higher Education Conference, Liverpool Dec 9-11.
Cooper, Bridget and Clyde, Helen (2014) An inspector palls: the problematic impact of OFSTED on learning and affect in teacher education and implications for policy. In: BERA Annual Conference, 23rd -25th Sep 2014, Insitute of Education, London.
Cooper, Bridget, Dean, L, Charlton, M.A. and Soosay, M (2010) Learning about interdisciplinary research through a collaborative enquiry into practice in Higher Education (Education Action research). Learning about interdisciplinary research through a collaborative enquiry into practice in Higher Education (Education Action research).
Cooper, Sharp (2005) Performance Measurement in UK textile & clothing manufacturing SMEs: Regaining the initiative. In: Stimulating Manufacturing Excellence in Small and Medium Enterprises, SMESME 2005, 2005, Glasgow, Scotland.
Corrie, Ian, Cunliffe, Ed and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Acknowledging Emotive Response and Epistemic Positionality: Disruptive Transformative Pedagogy Amidst a Global Pandemic. Journal of Transformative Education. ISSN 1541-3446
Corrie, Ian and Hayes, Catherine (2021) Tripartite Innovation as a Bridge to Transformation: 'UK Military Medical Services and University Credit Transfer Systems'. In: Higher Education Credit Transfer Systems. Open University Press, UK. (In Press)
Curtis, Beth and Husband, Gary (2024) The play’s the thing: reflections on the use of playwriting as creative practice within an education studies PhD. Education Sciences. ISSN 2227-7102 (In Press)
D'Souza, R, Mathew, M, Nishra, N, Devi, P, Jiandani, M, Stephens, J, Abdellbasset, W K and Gilmour, T (2021) Physiotherapy Ethical Guidelines Based on UNESCO’s Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights. UNESCO.
Dagg, Lynne, Walker-Gleaves, Caroline, Walker-gleaves, Alan and Grey, John (2005) Learning Databases through teaching: Towards a re-alignment of pedagogy for student teachers. In: 3rd Workshop on the Teaching, Learning & Assessment of Databases (TLAD05), 2005, University of Sunderland.
Dawson, Maria (2016) A Graduate's Pursuit of Happiness. In: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN16), 4-6 Jul 2016, Barcelona, Spain.
Dawson, Maria and Cook, Freda (2013) Student Support in Education: You get out what you put in. In: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 18 - 19 Nov 2013, Seville, Spain.
Donovan, Gemma and Armstrong, Catherine (2015) Pharmacy Placements in General Practice. In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 2015, 13 - 14 Sep 2015, International Convention Centre, Birmingham.
Donovan, Gemma, Brown, Andrew, Von Hatten, Emily, Armstrong, Catherine and Hardisty, Jessica (2019) Introducing pharmacy students to the structure and function of general practice through undergraduate placements. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. ISSN 1877-1297
Doucet, Delphine (2023) Authority of knowledge: historians on Wikipedia in Higher Education. In: LILAC, 19-21 April 2023, UNiversity of Cambridge. (Unpublished)
Doyle, Lauren (2022) Doyle, L. (2022) Speculative Workshop Considering 'The Digital World vs. Virtual Teaching: Understanding the Adjustment to Agile Working/Teaching in 'Post-Covid' Education'. In: University of Sunderland, Faculty of Education and Society Annual Staff Student-Focused Conference, 14th June, 2022, Online.
Dresser, Paul (2017) PREVENT(ing) Radicalisation in Educational Settings. In: A Presentation for University of Sunderland PGCE Students, 20 Sep 2017, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Dresser, Paul (2018) The UK PREVENT Programme - Talk Delivered to PGCE Trainees, University of Sunderland. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Duckworth, Vikki, Smith, Rob and Husband, Gary (2018) Adult Education, transformation and social justice. Education and Training, 60 (6). pp. 502-504. ISSN 0040-0912
Duffy, Kate (2023) “Am I on the right lines?”: Fostering a shared understanding of feedback to support student’s self-assessment. IMPact Journal: Student as Producer RAISE Conference Edition, 6 (3). ISSN 2516-7561
Duffy, Kate (2011) Changing moral attitudes of female educators in Further Education and Work-based learning. In: International Conference on Moral Education Cultivating Morality: Human Beings, Nature and the World, 24 - 28 Oct 2011, Nanjing, China.
Duffy, Kate (2023) Cultivating a Moral Imagination for Future Teacher Educators: The Dilemma of Teacher Assessment. In: Philosophy of Education of Australasia, 6th - 9th December 2023, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished)
Duffy, Kate (2013) Evaluating the use of a Teacher’s Diary to illuminate the moral dimensions of a teacher educator’s everyday work. In: Association for Moral Education Annual Meeting 2013, 24 - 27 Oct 2013, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Duffy, Kate (2022) Fostering independence and autonomy in student self and peer assessment. In: RAISE Annual Conference 2022, September 5-7, Lincoln. (Unpublished)
Duffy, Kate (2022) A Pedagogy of vulnerability for relational practice. In: Relation Centred Education Network, 15 June 2022, Online - University of Sacramento. (Submitted)
Duffy, Kate (2023) (Re)imagining the classroom culture to enable authentic student self-assessment in Higher Education. In: Assessment in HE conference (Hosted in Manchester 22-23 June 2023, 22nd - 23 June 2023, Manchester, UK. (Submitted)
Duffy, Kate (2013) Supporting Part Time Students Through Transition from Further Education to Higher Education: Fostering Conditions for a Caring Community. In: Edulearn13, 1 - 3 Jul 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
Duffy, Kate (2024) A pedagogy of vulnerability: The dynamic of relational practice in Higher Education. In: Relation Centred Education Network, 15-17 Jun 2024, Queen Maud University, Norway. (Unpublished)
Duffy, Kate, Hidson, Elizabeth and Deacon, Lesley (2024) Enhancing Research Culture for Practitioner Researchers: Agile Research Teams (ARTs). In: UKRI PSF/PRI Event - Sharing Learning and Success, 17 Jul 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Duffy, Kate and Ross, Dionne (2016) RECOGNISING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN OUR LEARNING AUTOBIOGRAPHIES. In: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4-6 Jul 2016, Barcelona.
Durey, Matthew and Connelly, Sarah (2024) Disciplines divided: an exploration of the condition of taught UK social science. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Durey, Matthew, J. (2024) The Uncomfortable View from the Ivory Tower. In: The Uncomfortable Ideas Group Launch Event, 13 Jun 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Elkington, Sam (2023) The Three Rivers Conference 'Innovations in Learning'. Special Interest Group for Retention & Engagement Panel Member. In: The Three Rivers Conference 'Innovations in Learning'., 27 Jun 2023, Online. (Unpublished)
Elkington, Sam, Bruce, Megan, Croft, Emma, Hampton, Libby, Hidson, Elizabeth, Johnson, Eugenie, Lopez-Casal, Elisa, Milian, Litka, Parkin, Emily, Tidy, Helen, Watchman Smith, Nicola, Welsh, Andrew, Williamson, Stephen and Winlow, Cass (2023) A community-based approach to advancing thinking and practice in student engagement: some reflections. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Gloucester.
Elliott, Ian, Hidson, Elizabeth, Sheard, Simon, Bell, Jemma, Griffiths, Alison and Wynn, Vikki (2021) Video-Enhanced Dialogic Assessment on the Assessment-Only Route to UK Qualified Teacher Status. [Film/Video]
Eng‐Tat, Ang, Liu, Pai, R, Jitesh, M, Chandrika, R.L, Satish, Lian, Wen Quan Derrick, Huppertz, Berthold, Khamuani, Munesh and Minarcik, John R. (2023) The challenges of histology education. Clinical Anatomy, 36 (2). pp. 308-314. ISSN 0897-3806
Ferrazza, Alessandro and Donmanige, Thamosha Tharindi (2024) Enhancing Student Engagement: Technology Acceptance in Higher Education during COVID-19. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 19 (07). pp. 104-125. ISSN 1868-8799
Finn, G and Sawdon, Marina (2010) Factors influencing students’ ability to self and peer assess performance. In: AMEE International Meeting, 4-8th Sept 2010, Glasgow, UK.
Finn, G and Sawdon, Marina (2010) The impact of feedback and personality type upon students’ ability to self-assess skills attributes and aptitudes. In: ASME Annual Scientific Meeting, July 21-23rd 2010, Cambridge, UK.
Finn, GM and Sawdon, Marina (2010) The impact of feedback and personality upon students’ ability to self assess skills attributes and aptitudes. In: . AMEE Ottawa Conference on the Assessment of Competence in Medicine and the Healthcare Professions, 5-10th May 2010, Miami, Florida, USA.
Finn, GM, Sawdon, Marina and Griksaitis, M (2012) The additive effect of teaching undergraduate cardiac anatomy using cadavers and ultrasound echocardiography. European Journal of Anatomy, 16. pp. 199-205. ISSN 1136-4890
Foster, Monika (2018) Aiding active learning through a pre-arrival resource for international students. In: Transition: in, through and out of higher education. Routledge. ISBN 9781138682184
Foster, Monika (2011) Engaging students in enhanced academic transitions – a case of online study skills resource SPICE. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 3.. ISSN 1759-667X
Foster, Monika (2011) Engaging students in enhanced academic transitions, Working with Cultural Diversity in Higher Education. SEDA Specials, 28 . SEDA. ISBN 9781902435503
Foster, Monika (2016) Perspectives on: International Student Mobility. Chartered ABS Perspectives On series.
Foster, Monika (2014) Student destination choices in higher education: Exploring attitudes of Brazilian students to study in the United Kingdom. Journal of Research in International Education.
Foster, Monika and Anderson, l (2015) Editorial: Exploring Internationalisation of the Curriculum to Enhance the Student Experience,. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice. ISSN 2051-9788
Foster, Monika, Carver, M and Mulroy, T (2019) The efficient outsider: Academic and social integration of direct entry students from HE colleges into universities. Studies in Higher Education. ISSN 0307-5079 (Submitted)
Foster, Monika and Carver, Mark (2018) Explicit and implicit internationalisation: Exploring perspectives on internationalisation in a business school with a revised Internationalisation of the Curriculum Toolkit. Journal of Management Education. ISSN 1472-8117
Fulton, John, Kuit, Judith, Sanders, Gail and Smith, Peter (2013) The Professional Doctorate. Palgrave Research Skills . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137024190
Gambles, Ellen-Alyssa, Anderson, Steven and Brown, Alexandra (2025) Privilege and power in the PE teacher stereotype – a critical exploration of ableist constructs within PE Initial Teacher Training. In: 50th Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference, 08-10 Jul 2025, York St John University, York, UK. (Unpublished)
Gambles, Ellen-Alyssa, Brown, Alexandra and Anderson, Steven (2024) Case Study 9: Students as Co-Creators in Facilitating Strategies to Enhance Competence in Teaching Primary PE. In: Handbook of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Sport: Student Engagement and Critical Pedagogies Edition. National Teaching Repository, pp. 41-45.
Gibby, Caroline (2018) Constructing the role of the law teacher in the changing context of higher education policy and practice. Doctoral thesis, NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY.
Graham, Catherine (2023) Blended Learning: Innovation in the delivery of healthcare education. In: NETworking & Innovation in Healthcare Education Conference, 05-06 Dec 2023, Liverpool Conference Centre. (Unpublished)
Graham, Catherine (2023) Innovation in the delivery of educational or professional development. In: The Royal College of Nursing Education Forum National Conference and Exhibition 2023, 23 - 25 Apr 2023, Birmingham Conference and Events Centre. (Unpublished)
Graham, Catherine and Mattocks, Edel (2024) “Phenomenological research exploring the lived experiences of students on the Blended Learning Nursing Programme at a University in the Northeast of England”. In: Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing Postgraduate Research Conference, 26 Jun 2023, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Gregson, Daniel (2024) Arts-based Educational Research in Action in Vocational Education. In: Vocational Education and Training Transformations for Digital, Sustainable and Socially Fair Future . Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training, Kaunas , 25 . – 26 . May 2023. VETNET, pp. 173-178.
Gregson, Daniel (2023) The Didactives of the Image: Toward a Wider Conception of Language in Educational Research. In: Association for Research in Post Compulsory Education Conference, 15-17 July 2022, Oxford.
Gregson, Daniel and Gregson, Margaret (2023) Arts Based Educational Research (ABER): adventures in pedagogic practice and teacher education for a more equitable world. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Gregson, Daniel, Gregson, Margaret and Spedding, Patricia (2019) Top-down and Inside Out: breaking boundaries between research, theory and practice. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 20 (3). pp. 36-52. ISSN 1913-8067
Gregson, Margaret (2024) If it was Going to Work, it Would Have Worked by Now. In: Vocational Education and Training Transformations for Digital, Sustainable and Socially Fair Future. Proceedings of the 5th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training, Kaunas, 25. –26. May. VETNET, pp. 179-185. ISBN 9798390503386
Gregson, Margaret and Gregson, Daniel (2024) DEEPER THAN REASON: WHY PRACTICAL AND PRODUCTIVE FORMS OF KNOWLEDGE NEED TO BE RESTORED TO VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. International Journal of Higher Education Pedagogies (IJHEP), 5 (1). ISSN 2669-2333
Gregson, Margaret and Gregson, Daniel (2023) On the Same Side: reimagining educational evaluation and improvement for a more equitable world. Comparative International Education Society Conference 2023.
Gregson, Margaret and Gregson, Daniel (2023) On the Same Side: reimagining educational evaluation and improvement for a more equitable world. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Gregson, Margaret, Nixon, Lawrence and Kearney, Sheila (2013) Joint Practice Development: new research policy and practice partnerships in action in the FE and Skills Sector. In: British Education Research Association Conference, 3 - 5 Sep 2013, Falmer, University of Sussex.
Gregson, Margaret and Todd, Brian (2019) Realizing Standards of Practice in VET. In: Handbook of Vocational Education and Training for the Changing World of Work. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 1471-1493. ISBN 9783319945316
Griffiths, Alison and Wynn, Vikki (2020) Developing an effective assessment model for the practical element of a teacher training programme delivered via distance learning that promotes reflective practice in trainees. In: 2nd Annual Faculty of Education and Society Research Institute Staff Research Conference, 14 June 2020, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Guilding, Clare, Pye, Rachel E., Butler, Stephanie, Atkinson, Michael and Field, Eimear (2021) Answering questions in a co-created formative exam question bank improves summative exam performance, while students perceive benefits from answering, authoring and peer-discussion: A mixed methods analysis of PeerWise. Pharmacology Research & Perspectives, 9 (4). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2052-1707
Hall, Lynne (2018) Academic engagement with SMEs: Challenges for Fusion. In: Creative Fuse Conference, 10-11 July 2018, Newcastle.
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Hall, Lynne, Irons, Alastair, MacIntyre, John, Sellers, Charles and Smith, Peter (2010) Sunderland Software City: An Innovative Approach to Knowledge Exchange in the North East of England. Journal of Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 15 (3). pp. 317-327. ISSN 1359-6748
Hall, Magz, Berry, Richard, McDonald, Katy and Coleman, Josephine (2024) Podcasting and Radio Pedagogy: Rewinding Two Decades of teaching. In: Podcasting & Education: Concepts, Communities & Case Studies. Routledge. ISBN 9781032033556 (Submitted)
Hassan, Abeer, Bamurange, Yvonne, Foster, Monika and James, Kieran (2019) The Journey and Experience of International students: An insight from a UK University. Journal of Economic Science, 2 (2). p. 55. ISSN 2630-5240
Hayes, Catherine (2022) 21st Century Immersion Technologies Paradigmatic Shifts with Extended Reality in Health Professions Pedagogy and Scholarship. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (VIth Edition). IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Across the Barricades; Adapting Assessment and Feedback Strategies within and between Signature Pedagogies. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Articulating Trajectories of Learning with Visual Metaphors; Using Autoethnography as a Methodology in Practice’. In: Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) ‘Authenticity as Vehicle and Truth as Driver: Being a Pedestrian on the Road of Positional Stance’. In: Three Rivers Learning and Teaching Conference 2019: ‘Embedding Student and Staff Well-being in the Curriculum’, 10th September 2019, Durham University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) 'Beauty and the Beast; Process and Output in the TEF and the REF'. In: University of Cumbria, Teaching and Learning Annual Conference, Tenth Anniversary Visiting Professor Inaugural Professorial Lecture Keynote, 16 Jan 2018, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Beyond Metric Evaluation in Formative Assessment; a Case Study of Dialogic Feedback Loop Integration in a Work Based Interdisciplinary Doctorate Curriculum’. Higher Education Pedagogies. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) Beyond disciplinarity: Insights into the development of teaching Ontology, Epistemology and Philosophy on an interdisciplinary professional doctorate pathway. In: Higher Education Advance Annual Conference, 2-4 July 2022, Northumbria University, Newcastle.
Hayes, Catherine (2018) 'Building Resilience with Lego Serious Play: Facilitating Self Awareness and Reflexivity'. In: UKAT Annual Conference 2019: Transition, Persistence and Resilience: Academic Advising for Success, 11th and 12th April, 2019, Plymouth University. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Capturing the Meaning Making of Emotional Labour with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. In: LEGO® for university learning: Hands-on learning through making. UNSPECIFIED. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Case Study Design. In: Methodologies for Practice Development. Sage Publications. ISBN 9781473991606
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Case Study as Methodology and Method: Framing Case Study Research in Practice. In: Methodological Innovations in Research and Academic Writing. IGI Global Publications, Pennslyvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Change Agency in Global Higher Education Operationalising Inclusion and Diversity through Strategic Curriculum Development. In: The Role of Educators as Agents and Conveyors for Positive Change in Global Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Cognition: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Western Truth and Reality. In: Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 23-39. ISBN 9798369312650
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Cognition: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Western Truth and Reality'. In: Principles and Clinical Interventions in Social Cognition. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Considering the Epistemological Tools of Higher Education. Other. British Educational Research Association, Research Matters Blog. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Contemporary Perspectives on the Future of 21st Century Health Professions Pedagogy: Next Generation Approaches in Modernising Education'. In: Instructional Approaches for Health Professions Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9798369343340 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2019) Dialogue and Debate: ‘Pedagogies of Praxis for Real World Critical Reflection; Professional Doctorate Reflexivity’. In: UNSPECIFIED.
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Doctoral Master Class Event 'Pragmatic Reflexivity; The Art of Applied Epistemic Cognition'. In: Doctoral Professorial Master Class, University of Cumbria, 17 Jan 2018, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Driving Agentic Empowerment with Metatheory: Global Transformation or Global Tokenism in Higher Education? In: Handbook of Research on Solutions for Equity and Social Justice in Education. IGI Global, USA, USA. ISBN 9781799896784 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Epistemologies of Internationalisation: Framing Cultural Positionality for Higher Education. In: Borderlands: The Internationalisation of Higher Education Teaching Practices. Springer, London. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Extending the Strategic Reach and Impact of Healthcare Professional CPD: Constructively Aligned and Theoretically Underpinned. In: The Lifelong Learning Journey of Health Professionals: Continuing Evaluation and Professional Development. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781668467565
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Fiction as Reflective Praxis for Affective Domain Learning in Medicine and Healthcare Education: A Case Study from Pedagogic Practice'. In: Utilising Emotional Experience for Best Learning Design Practices. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9798369326633 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Flexible Pedagogies; Evaluating the Design and Impact of a Theoretical Framework for Inclusive Knowledge Co-Construction with Interdisciplinary Student Partners. Higher Education Pedagogies. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow, For She's a Jolly Good Fellow - A Pragmatic Insight into how to Articulate "Jolly Good". In: University of Cumbria HEA Celebration Conference Event, 18th April 2018, University of Cumbria, Lancaster Campus, UK.. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Hermeneutical Injustice via Interpretive Harm: Epistemologies of Change for Structural Oppression in Africa'. In: Democratization of Africa and its Impact on The Global Economy. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369304778 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Hermeneutical Injustice via Interpretive Harm: Epistemologies of Change for Structural Oppression in Africa'. In: Democratisation of Africa and Its Impact on the Global Economy. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 18-31. ISBN 9798369304778
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Instructional Design at the Front Line: A Comparative Pedagogical Case Study Using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis'. In: Narrative Inquiries of Pedagogical Shifts and Critical Mindsets Among Educators. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369310786 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Integrating Perspective Transformation into Formative Assessment and Feedback for Postgraduate Students Justification and Implementation in Doctoral Pedagogy. In: Formative Assessment a Digital Environments: Disciplinary Case Studies in Higher Education. Routledge, London, UK. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Integration of a Dialogic Feedback Loop in a Work Based Professional Doctorate Programme: A research case study from pedagogic practice (2nd Edition). In: Enhancing Learning through Formative Assessment and Feedback: Key Guides for Effective Teaching in Higher Education. Routledge, United Kingdom. ISBN 9781138610552
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Ludic Approaches to Teaching and Learning: Facilitating the Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education. In: The Emotional Self at Work in Higher Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania USA. ISBN 9781799835196
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Meaning Making and Adaptive Change to Crisis: The Power of Transformative Learning Praxis in Higher Education'. In: Challenges and Transitions in Education in Times of Crisis. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, p. 211. ISBN 9798369315071 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2016) Meaning Making – Providing transformational education through metaphor construction. Project Report. Council of Deans of Health.
Hayes, Catherine (2024) ‘A New Paradigmatic Sufficiency: Pedagogical Principles of Extended Reality’. In: Embracing Technological Advancements for Lifelong Learning. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 38-58. ISBN ISBN13: 9798369314104 | ISBN10: N/A | EISBN13: 9798369314111
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Next Generation Learning Technologies: Ethical Implications for Classroom Pedagogies'. In: Reshaping Learning with Next Generation Educational Technologies. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369313107 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2021) A Pedagogical Paradigm Shift: Prospective Epistemologies of Extended Reality in Health Professions Education. In: Emerging Advancements for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781799883715
Hayes, Catherine (2022) ‘Perspective Transformation for Postgraduates: A Case Study from Taught Doctoral Pedagogy’. In: 8th International Conference on Professional & Practice Based Doctorates, March 30th -March 31st 2023, York Racecourse.
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Phenomenology as Philosophy and Methodology: Husserl and Heidegger for the Uninitiated. In: Phenomenological Studies in Education. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Phenomenology within Qualitative Research Design: Philosophy and Methodology. In: Design and Validation of Research Tools and Methodologies. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369311356 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Philosophy, Theory and Praxis: Gamification, Pedagogy in Global Higher Education'. In: Practices and Implementation of HE in Higher Education. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Picturing the Future by Framing the Past: Approaches to Contemporary CPD'. In: Preparing Students for the Future Educational Paradigm. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Positionality, Knowledge and Truth: So Where Lies Reality? In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Post-Pandemic Agents and Culture Vultures: Women in Higher Education'. In: A Cross Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369301029 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Praxes of Transformational Creativity:Artificial Intelligence as Pedagogical Change Agent. In: Developments in Artificial Intelligence Creativity and Innovation. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2020) Professor Catherine Hayes - Book Review and Special Feature of Role in Higher Education. International Federation of National Teaching Fellows Newsletter, London, UK.
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Progressive Pedagogy for Extended Reality: Shaping and Facilitating the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In: Fostering Science Teaching and Learning for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Promoting Cultural Competence, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Higher Education with Ludic Pedagogies: The Establishment of Authentic Meaning Making. In: Handbook of Research on Race, Culture and Student Achievement. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Putting the 'logical' into Epistemological Stance. In: An Introduction to Professional Doctorate Study, 2 - 3 Feb 2018, Liverpool Hope University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) ‘Real World Critical Reflection and Reflexivity; How Effective Professional Doctorate Teaching Contributes to Individual Learning Trajectories in Workplace Learning’. In: The UALL Work and Learning Network Annual Conference 2017 - 'Leading the Way: Shaping Practice in the Workplace and the Academy', 23 June 2017, Middlesex University, London. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Social Sustainability via Critical Reflexivity: Strategic Gamification in Higher Education'. In: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future: Innovative Strategies and Best Practices. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Steering Transformative Workforce Leadership in Times of Crisis: The Case for Doctoral Education. In: Cases on Economic Crisis Impact on Multinational Corporations. Premier Reference Source . IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9798369315446 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'The Strategic Address of Marginalization in HE: Pedagogical Approaches to the Integration of LSP'. In: Implications of Marginalization and Critical Race Theory on Social Justice. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781668436158
Hayes, Catherine (2021) Supporting and Facilitating Pedagogical Creativity with Gamification: Democracy, Agency and Choice. In: Pedagogical Creativity, Culture, Performance, and Challenges of Remote Learning. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799882893 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2022) Surviving the Hive in Global Crisis? The Queen Bee Phenomenon in Higher Education. In: Addressing the Queen Bee Syndrome in Academia: Searching for Sisterhood in the Professoriate. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'Toxic Femininity in Higher Education: Academia's Sting in the Tail - Queen Bee'. In: Stabilizing and Empowering Women in Higher Education: Redesigning, Recovering and Rebuilding. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781668485972
Hayes, Catherine (2024) Twenty-First Century Immersion Technologies in Health Professions Pedagogy. In: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Sixth Edition. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, pp. 1-19. ISBN 1668473666
Hayes, Catherine (2016) ‘The Use of Visual Metaphor as Social Object; Driving Processes in Autoethnography as an Alternative Lens for Reflective Practice’. Project Report. Council of Deans of Health.
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Using Anecdote Circles as a method of evaluating the perceived impact of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® on international postgraduate nursing students’ capacity for narrative storytelling; a Case Study of Anecdote Circle Design. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage.
Hayes, Catherine (2019) The Value of Authenticity in Higher Education Career Progression. In: Academic Career Progression Event - HE Advance, 3rd December 2019, HE Advance Central Headquarters, York. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2017) Visual Metaphors and Autoethnography in Reflective Practice. In: Visual Resources Conference, 20 Jun 2017, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine (2018) Wall of Scholarship:'Beyond Disciplinarity in International Teaching Excellence - the Impact of Transformative Learning in Action'. In: The Impact of Teaching Excellence - Association of National Teaching Fellows and Higher Education Academy Excellence Awards Symposium, 20-21 Mar 2018, Studio, Manchester. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) 'The Western Gaze and African Feminism: Twin Peaks in the Global Higher Education Workforce'. In: A Cross Cultural Examination of Women in Higher Education. IGI Global, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2023) Westernising African Feminist Epistemology: Doxastic Injustice or Hermeneutical Ignorance? In: Empowering Women and Pushing the Feminist Agenda in Africa. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine (2024) 'Women in Academia : Being an Academic and Being Me'. In: University of Sunderland in London 'Women in Academia' Network Launch, 13-15 Mar 2024, University of Sunderland, London Campus, Marsh Wall, South Quay. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Aniugbo, B., Egbete, E., Ehimhen, V., Eyiuche, C., Onwukwe, M. and Orji, L. (2016) Mediating Reflections on Transformative Learning through the Creation of Social Objects and Musicality. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Bussey, Sonia and Graham, Yitka (2019) Illuminating Undergraduate Experiential and Situated Learning in Podiatry Clinical Placement Provision at a UK School of Podiatric Medicine. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning Journal. ISSN 2042-3896
Hayes, Catherine and Capper, Stephen (2020) Reality, Insight and Interpretation with Mathematics. In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2022) Interdisciplinary Doctoral Education and Strategic Management in Crises: Harnessing Agency with Praxis. In: International Transformative Learning Conference Platform - Round Table. UNSPECIFIED, Michigan, USA.
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2021) Interdisciplinary Professional Doctoral Education: Translational Research for Allied Health Professionals. In: Improving Allied Health Professions Education with Clinical Training and Interdisciplinary Translational Research. IGI Global, USA. ISBN 9781799895787 (In Press)
Hayes, Catherine and Corrie, Ian (2020) Learner Centred Pedagogy Framing Authentic Identity and Positionality in Higher Education. In: Optimising Higher Education Learning through Activities and Assessments. IGI Global, Pennsylvania, USA. ISBN 9781799840374
Hayes, Catherine, Fox, Ann, Scott -Thomas, Jeanette and Graham, Yitka (2018) ‘The Relevance of Tacit Knowledge to Healthcare Assistant Practice’. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 12 (2). pp. 84-90. ISSN 1753-1586
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Answering Back! Encouraging Proactive Dialogue in the Context of an Interdisciplinary Professional Doctorate Pathway’. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference:BERA 2017, 4 - 7 Sep 2017, University of Sussex, Brighton. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Facilitating Professional Doctorate Reflexivity in Transformative Learning for Nursing and Allied Health Care Professions Education; Pedagogies of Praxis for a Changing Academic Landscape’. In: 7th International Nurse Education Conference, 'Research, Scholarship and Evaluation; Ensuring Nursing Leadership in Education, Practice and Health Care, 6-9 May 2018, Banff, Alberta, Canada. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2017) A Participatory Action Research Project of Peer Assisted Student Support and Supplemental Instruction with International Postgraduate Students. Teaching in Higher Education. ISSN 1356-2517 (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2019) A Participatory Action Research Study on the Impact of Peer Assisted Student Support (PASS) and Supplemental Instruction (SI) by International PhD Students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 14. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2019) Pedagogies of Praxis for Real World Critical Reflection; Professional Doctorate Reflexivity. Work Based Learning e-Journal International, 83 (1). ISSN 2044-7868
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) Peer Assisted Student Support (PASS) and Supplemental Instruction (SI) Programme with International Postgraduate PhD and MSc Healthcare Students; A Pilot Case Study. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) 'Proposing Autoethnography as a Methodological Approach for Critical Reflexivity by Professional Doctorate Students'. In: Fifth International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 15-16 Mar 2016, Titanic Centre, Belfast. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Fulton, John (2016) Sink or Swim- Autoethnography for Applied Critical Reflection? In: Fifth International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 15-16 Mar 2016, Titanic Centre, Belfast.
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2016) 'Celebrating Difference in Postgraduate International Student Support'. In: NACADA International Conference The Future of Academic Advising: 'Connecting and Consolidating Students' Experiences and Education', 10-13 Jul 2017, Sheffield University, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2017) ‘Contextualising and Framing Reflexivity for Professional Doctorate Education; Pedagogies of Praxis for a Changing Academic Landscape’. In: 6th International Conference on Professional Doctorates, 'Professional Doctorates in a Changing Landscape'., 22-23 Mar 2018, Friends House, London. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Armstrong, Paul-Alan (2016) ‘Facilitating the Articulation of Personal and Professional Development with Metaphors: Harnessing Culture and Celebrating Difference in Postgraduate International Student Support’. In: UKAT 2017 Annual Conference, 5 - 7 Apr 2017, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Devlin, Siobhan, Westwood, Diane, Garfield, Iain, Beardmore, Phil, Archer, David, Collins, Michael and Bingle, Lewis (2016) Perception of academic learning environments and perceived impact on articulation of employability; a mixed methods study. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (10). ISSN 1759-667X
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Irons, Alastair and Capper, Stephen (2017) 'Partnership in Professional Doctoral Reflexivity - Action Research as a Driver in the Co-Construction of Knowledge'. In: Change Agent Network Conference, 2018, 19 - 20 Apr 2018, University of Winchester, UK. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Livingstone, Andrew, Todd, Claire, Capper, Stephen and Smith, Peter (2020) Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John, Rennie, Colin and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Heads or Tails? A Situational Analysis of Two Signature Pedagogies;an Epistemological Stance for Student Engagement. In: RAISE 2017 Annual Conference – 'Perspectives on student engagement; looking forward…thinking back', 6-8 Sep 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Fulton, John and Storey, Valerie Anne (2017) ‘The Work Based Professional Doctorate Programme; a Case Study of Dialogical Feedback Loop Integration’. In: Third International Conference on Doctoral Education, 21 Mar - 23 Mar 2017, University of Central Florida, USA. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2019) Beyond Tokenism; Bridging the Inclusivity Gap via Co-Created Curricula. In: The Inclusivity Gap. ISBN 9781909876101
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2018) 'Proposing an Eight Stage Model of Academic Curriculum Development via Knowledge Co-Construction with Students'. In: RAISE 2018 Annual Conference 'Working better together: collaborations in student engagement', 5 – 7 Sep 2018, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2019) 'Proposing an Eight Stage Model of Academic Curriculum Development via Knowledge Co-Construction with Students' in Karisa Krčmár 'The Inclusivity Gap'. In: The Inclusivity Gap. Inspired by Learning,, UK, pp. 202-214. ISBN 9781909876101
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Sarah (2019) 'Proposing an Eight Stage Model of Academic Curriculum Development via Knowledge Co-Construction with Students' in Karisa Krčmár 'The Inclusivity Gap'. In: The Inclusivity Gap. Inspired by Learning,, UK, pp. 202-214. ISBN 9781909876101
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) Driving Socio-cultural Learning in Practice via the Integration of Social Constructivist Approaches to Pedagogic Practice with Nigerian Students; Internationalising Nursing Curricula. In: 2nd Trent Institute for Learning and Teaching - NTU Global, Internationalising the Curriculum Conference, 14 Jul 2017, Nottingham Trent University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2016) ‘Embedding Existing Learning Technologies in Pedagogic Design; A Mixed-Methods Impact Evaluation of a Student Navigator System’. In: Three Rivers Learning and TEaching Conference: 'Transformations, Transitions & Territories', 17 Mar 2017, Teesside University. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) Understanding the Building of Professional Identities with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method Using Situational Mapping and Analysis. Higher Education, Skills and Workbased Learning. ISSN 2042-3896
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2017) ‘Using Digital Technology and Interactivity Design to Drive Interactive Networks and the Co-Construction of Social Knowledge; the Nurse Navigator System’. In: 5th Annual JISC Change Agents’ Network Conference, 20th - 21st Apr 2017, Exeter University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Graham, Yitka (2019) The perceived impact of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) across a new pre-registration nursing curriculum. Cylchgrawn Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu ac Addysgu mewn Addysg Uwch /Wales Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1 (2). pp. 119-129. ISSN 2396-7285
Hayes, Catherine, Graham, Yitka and Fulton, John (2018) Introducing Anecdote Circles as an alternative Method to Focus Groups in the Pedagogic Impact Evaluation of a new Digital Nurse Navigator System. In: Sage Research Methods Cases. Sage.
Hayes, Catherine, Hinshaw, Kim, Hogg, Robert and Graham, Yitka (2019) ‘High Fidelity Simulation in Interdisciplinary Obstetrics Skills and Drills Emergency Training with ‘Sim Mom’: Evaluating the Impact of Pedagogic Intervention on Staff Confidence Levels’. In: North East Simulation Network Annual Conference, Thursday, March 21st 2019, Northumbria University.
Hayes, Catherine, Kinghorne, S. and Walker, T. (2016) Show me the Way; Introducing the New Nurse Navigator System. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Moore, Adrian (2021) Driving the Capture of Faculty Pedagogical Activity Excellence via a Systematic Methodological Approach: A Case Study of RE-AIM Hybrid Adaptation in a UK Higher Education Institution. In: SAGE Research Methods Case Studies. Sage Publications, USA. ISBN 9781529757255
Hayes, Catherine and Smith, Peter (2020) Defining and Framing Epistemology. In: Beyond Disciplinarity: Historical Evolutions of Research Epistemology. Routledge, London UK. ISBN 9781138090934
Hayes, Catherine, Smith, Peter and Fulton, John (2017) ‘Ways of Knowing for Professional Doctorate Education; Reconnecting and Reframing Perspectives in Ontology and Epistemology’. In: BERA Annual Conference 2018, 11-13 Sep 2018, Northumbria University. (Submitted)
Hayes, Catherine, Spooner, E., Corrie, I., Ducat, C., Giles, A., Kay, C., Smith, A., Carr, A. and Hopps, T. (2016) Using Dialogic Feedback Loops with Professional Doctorate Students to Enhance Formative Assessment and Learning. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, J.S., Bosun-Arije, S., Thompson, K., Onuorah, O., Anyanwu, Philip and Ihejieto, Chinyere (2016) Framing Reciprocity - A Collaborative Learning Project between PhD and MSc Students. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr 2016, Sunderland, UK. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Sunday, Joseph Seyi, Bosun, S, Thompson, Kareem, Ihejieto, Chinyere, Onuorah, Obi and Anyanwu, Philip (2017) ‘A Postgraduate Pilot Study of Peer Assisted Student Support / Supplemental Instruction between Public Health and Nursing PhD and MSc Students’. In: Student Led Celebration of Teaching and Learning Conference, 24 Mar 2017, National Glass Centre, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine, Todd, Claire, Livingstone, Andrew and Petrie, Kevin (2017) Mind the Gap…What Gap? Co Constructing Knowledge in Somaesthetics and Kinesiology to Transcend Boundaries between Creative Arts and Science. In: JISC 5th Annual Change Agents’ Network Conference, 20-21 Apr 2017, Exeter University. (Unpublished)
Hayes, Catherine and Westwood, Diane (2015) Social Constructionism in Transformative Learning: Using the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method with Postgraduate Nursing Students. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. ISSN 1759-667X
Henry, E J (2023) Explorations of the behavioural determinants that impact undergraduate student engagement with placement experiences. In: CASS Public Lecture (22nd May 2024) University of Sunderland, 22 May 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hepworth, Michael and Johnson, Neil (2022) Ghosts in the Machine? Exploratory Practice on a distance learning development project. In: Professional Development Through Teacher Research: Stories from Language Teacher Educators. Multilingual Matters, Bristol, UK, pp. 31-50. ISBN 9781788927710
Hidson, Elizabeth (2023) An Analysis of the Reporting of Ethical Considerations in School-Based Research Undertaken by Trainee Teachers of International Initial Teacher Training Programmes. In: Faculty of Education and Society Fifth Annual Staff Research Conference: Economic and Social Inclusion, 12th June 2023, University of Sunderland. (Submitted)
Hidson, Elizabeth (2023) Carving an academic career - stages, lessons, dilemmas. In: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Education Research Network (CIERN) Seminar, 19/01/2023, Online. (Unpublished)
Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) Developing a Research Culture with Trainee Teachers on International Initial Teacher Training Programmes. Exchanges: The Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 11 (3). p. 211. ISSN 2053-9665 (In Press)
Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) Developing an inclusive research culture with trainee teachers: the Sunderland Reflective Action in Education project (SunRAE). In: USCIL Inclusive Learning Festival, 17 Sep 2024, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)
Hidson, Elizabeth (2023) E-Tools for Academics. In: TPEA 35th Annual Conference, 03-04 Jul 2023, The Bedford Swan Hotel, Bedford, UK. (Unpublished)
Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) From tiny acorns: Co-produced research between Chinese and UK practitioners. British Educational Research Association, London.
Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) From tiny acorns: a co-produced research project between Chinese teacher researchers and UK-based international initial teacher training academics. [Film/Video]
Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) Insights from PGCE trainees' EdTech and Computing classroom action research. In: Advancing Education Journal. NAACE. ISBN 978-1-7397517-5-3 (In Press)
Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) Lesson observation: Public, personal and political. In: Ninth UoS ITT Final Year and Postgraduate Education Research Conference, 12 September 2024, University of Sunderland.
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Hidson, Elizabeth (2024) Participants’ perceptions of video-enhanced dialogic assessment as reflective practice in international teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education. ISSN 0261-9768
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